Investigating the role of the U2 and U6 snRNAs in exon ligation during pre-mRNA splicing

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Life Sciences


The DNA of a cell is copied into a pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) that the cell uses as a template for protein production. All the information contained in DNA is not required for making proteins, therefore, unwanted information must be removed before a protein is made. The unwanted information is removed, or 'spliced', from pre-mRNA by a process similar to the editing of unwanted frames from a film. This 'splicing' of the pre-mRNA is very important because it must occur accurately in order for functional proteins to be produced. A mistake by even one nucleotide could have disastrous effects on the final protein produced. The process of 'splicing' is carried out by a large RNA/protein complex called the spliceosome. The spliceosome interacts with the pre-mRNA to identify and 'splice' out the unwanted regions. An increasing amount of evidence points to the RNA components of the spliceosome as being critical for the actual cutting process of splicing. The work that will be undertaken during the tenure of this research grant will address how the RNA components of the spliceosome interact with each other and the pre-mRNA to identify then 'splice' out the unwanted regions. This is basic research that will contribute to our knowledge of a critical cellular process.

Technical Summary

Transcription in eukaryotic cells produces pre-messenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs) that contain intron regions that are removed by the process of pre-mRNA splicing. Accuracy of splicing is critical for production of functional mRNAs and subsequent synthesis of proteins that define and control cell behaviour. The splicing of intron sequences from pre-mRNA and ligation of coding exon sequences is carried out by the spliceosome, a large RNA/protein complex. It is almost certain that splicing is catalysed by the snRNA components of the spliceosome, therefore, it is important to determine how the snRNAs function in splicing. The correct alignment of the exon ends for ligation is a critical step in splicing. During splicing the exon ends are aligned precisely with U5 snRNA loop 1 for ligation. It is unclear how the many different exons are each aligned precisely with U5 loop 1 for ligation during the second step of splicing. This proposal will investigate, by cross-linking and analysis of U2 and U6 snRNA mutants, how the U2 and U6 snRNAs direct the exons to U5 loop 1 for ligation during splicing. The correct assembly of the snRNAs with the pre-mRNA is also important for splicing. This proposal will investigate by cross-linking analysis a novel interaction of the U2 snRNA with the 5' exon of the pre-mRNA. Investigating this novel interaction will provide important information on how the snRNAs assemble with the pre-mRNA to carry out splicing. Overall, this proposal will provide insight into how the spliceosome can bring together different exon sequences to produce functional mRNA following intron removal and will further our knowledge of the RNA interactions required for pre-mRNA splicing.


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Description The DNA of a cell is copied into a pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) that the cell uses as a template for protein production. All the information contained in DNA is not required for making proteins, therefore, unwanted information must be removed before a protein is made. The unwanted information is removed, or spliced, from pre-mRNA by a two step process similar to the editing of unwanted frames from a film. One end of the region to be removed is first cut then the other end is cut while the two remaining pieces are spliced together. This splicing of the pre-mRNA is very important because it must occur accurately in order for functional proteins to be produced. A mistake by even one nucleotide could have disastrous effects on the final protein produced.

The process of splicing is carried out by a large RNA/protein complex called the spliceosome. The spliceosome interacts with the pre-mRNA to identify and splice out the unwanted regions. An increasing amount of evidence points to the RNA components of the spliceosome as being critical for the actual cutting process of splicing. The work that was undertaken during the tenure of this research grant addressed how the RNA components of the spliceosome interact with each other and the pre-mRNA to identify, then "splice" out, the unwanted regions.

We have developed collections of mutations in the U5, U2 and U6 snRNAs that have been key for investigating the function of these RNAs in splicing. Mutations in the U5 snRNA were analysed for their effects on all the intron containing genes in yeast by using a special technique called microarray analysis. The U5 mutations were found to influence the splicing of only specific subsets of pre-mRNAs. This was unexpected as U5 is known to be essential for the splicing of all pre-mRNAs. This work has shown for the first time that mutation of a core snRNA of the spliceosome can exibit premRNA specific splicing. This work opens the door for investigating the influence of mutations in the other RNAs of the spliceosome. This work has revealed how one RNA of the spliceosome can contribute to the regulation of splicing.

A number of mutations we have produced in the U2 and U6 snRNAs have been analyzed for their effects on pre-mRNA
splicing. As the U2 and U6 snRNAs are thought to contribute to the active site of the spliceosome analysis of their effects
on splicing when mutated will provide valuable information on their individual contibutions to the active site. We have now
defined the influence of these mutations on splicing and have shown that certain mutations influence the first step of splicing and others influence the second step. This is important information for defining the role of the U2 and U6 snRNAs in the catalysis of splicing. The next step is to determine the mechanisms by which these mutations perturb each step of splicing and this will allow us to figure out the exact mechanisms of splicing.

Finally we have used a technique called crosslinking to investigate how the RNAs are oriented during pre-mRNA splicing. Crosslinking is a method where you can see whether certain RNAs are very close to each other and therefore interact
during splicing. This provides spatial information for constructing models of how the spliceosome looks inside. We have found that the U1, U2 and U5 snRNAs interact near the site in the mRNA which is cut first but only on the side that will
remain in the pre-mRNA. The most interesting thing we found was the fact that the U2 snRNA interacted here. This was not know before. Now by knowing all these interactions we were able to produce a model of the RNA interactions required
right before the first step of splicing.

Overall this is basic research that has contributed to our knowledge of a critical cellular process.
Exploitation Route The research in this proposal is basic research. The knowledge obtained through this research will provide the fundamental theories and concepts underlying cell function and gene expression specifically. We can impart this new knowledge to our student beneficiaries through the numerous engagement activities we undertake. In addition, the fundamental theories and concepts we discover will provide information for more disease-oriented investigations by other researchers. Our research into the regulation of RNA splicing in yeast may also benefit commercial private sector researchers who are trying to use yeast as a system to produce protein and RNA products from yeast.
Sectors Education



including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Impact not realised yet. Potential impact for the education, healthcare, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology and Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology.
Sector Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Description Biological Sciences Review 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Sparked student interest in RNA

Increased interest in science.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2009
Description Prestbury Primary School 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Talk and activities sparked questions and discussion about Genetics by students. For example, one studetn wanted to know if you mixed hukand DAN with wolf DNA would get a wolverine!

Students gained a better understanding of Genetics.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity Pre-2006,2008,2011