Investigating natural and novel PKS-NRPS genes

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Biological Sciences


Many organisms produce secondary metabolites, which are compounds, often with complicated structures, that are not necessary for the normal growth and development of the organism that produces them. Polyketides (PKs) are a class of secondary metabolites that are produced by many bacteria and fungi. Some PKs are toxic and must be avoided, but others have useful pharmacological properties and are used in human and veterinary medicine and agriculture. These include various antibiotics used in combating infection, and the statins, which reduce cholesterol synthesis. This project seeks to shed light on the way in which PKs are made by filamentous fungi. Many genes, encoding many enzymes, contribute to specifying a particular PK structure. Foremost among these enzymes is the polyketide synthase (PKS), which assembles a basic carbon backbone, and this backbone is modified by the activities of other enzymes. This project concerns a particular class of PKS proteins, ones that have an integral non-ribosomal peptide synthase (NRPS) module, whose function it is to add a specific amino acid to the PK backbone. An ultimate objective of the work is to be able to manipulate the genes involved in PK synthesis in order to generate novel chemicals with desirable biological properties. To do this requires understanding of the various enzymes and functional domains within complex enzymes like PKSs and PKS-NRPSs. Such understanding can be obtained by looking at the activities of parts of the system in isolation and by mixing and matching components to see what results. Because PKS-NRPSs are very large multifunctional proteins it is very difficult to manipulate the genes that encode them. In preparation for this project we have developed a system that simplifies both the construction of large genes from gene fragments and the transfer of the final product into the plasmid vectors in which they are required for further analysis. The system also simplifies the construction (and transfer) of chimaeric genes containing DNA from different sources. This will enable us to investigate various aspects of the activities of PKS-NRPSs. First, we will be able to discover the function of NRPS modules from several genes / some of which are only known to exist from genome sequences. We will attach NRPS modules to a PKS that has had its own NRPS module removed and see what amino acid gets added to the PK backbone. Using the same mix-and-match approach, but on a finer scale, we will then dissect the NRPS modules to discover where the amino-acid specificity resides. We would hope to be able to progress from this experimental approach towards making predictions of amino-acid specificity from scrutiny of DNA sequences alone. Activity of the chimaeric genes in a host organism that does not have the tailoring enzymes will produce novel products that are not usually encountered in nature. We will produce additional novel compounds by putting the chimaeric genes directly into the gene cluster from which the original PKS-NRPS was isolated. All novel compounds have the potential for use in biological interventions directly or after rational modification. In another series of experiments we will compare pairs of very similar PKS-NRPSs to discover how differences in structure affect their function. One pair differs only in the presence or absence of a short protein segment that may confer an extra activity on the enzyme that has it. We will look for differences in structure of the products of expressing the gene that has the additional segment and the same gene with segment removed. Another pair is known to produce products that differ only in the length of the PK chain. By comparing what we predict to be very similar genes we expect to identify sequences responsible for 'programming' the number of cycles that the enzyme goes through (which determines chain length), and we will test this by converting the gene from a pentaketide producer to a hexaketide producer.

Technical Summary

Fungal polyketides (PKs) are important secondary metabolites, many of which have useful pharmacological properties that are exploited in human and veterinary medicine and agriculture. Their synthesis is encoded by gene clusters encoding a polyketide synthase (PKS), a large, multifunctional, iterative enzyme responsible for assembling the carbon backbone, and various tailoring enzymes that modify the initial PK product. Some PKS have integral non-ribosomal peptide synthase (NRPS) modules that add an amino acid to the PK backbone prior to tailoring. Understanding the mechanisms underpinning PK synthesis could lead to the rational design of new drugs by combinatorial genetics, but the huge size of PKS and PKS-NRPS genes has hampered progress. By combining homologous recombination in yeast and the Gateway system for gene transfer we have developed a system for the construction of very large native and chimaeric coding regions and their simple transfer to expression vectors. We will use this system to investigate mechanistic features of fungal PKS-NRPS proteins. To discover the amino-acid specificity of several NRPS modules we will delete the NRPS module from the fusA gene responsible for fusarin C biosynthesis and replace it with heterologous NRPS modules. Expression in heterologous hosts will produce novel, 'untailored' compounds, whereas recombination in situ in Fusarium venenatum will place the hybrid gene within the fusarin C gene cluster. To refine this work we will make domain swaps within the fusA NRPS to determine where specificity resides. To investigate chain length programming we will compare the PKS-NRPSs responsible for pentaketide tenellin and hexaketide bassianin production. By exchanging sequences within the tenA gene we aim to increase activity by one cycle resulting in bassianin production. To investigate protein flexibility we will compare the activities of the fusA gene with and without a sequence lacking from an otherwise identical PKS-NRPS.
Description Many organisms produce secondary metabolites, compounds, often with complicated structures, that are not required for normal growth and development of the organism. Polyketides (PKs) are a class of secondary metabolites that are produced by many bacteria and fungi. Some PKs are toxic and must be avoided, but others have useful pharmacological properties that are used in human and veterinary medicine and agriculture. These include some antibiotics used in combating infection, and statins, which reduce cholesterol synthesis. Our research seeks to shed light on the way in which PKs are made by fungi. Many enzymes are needed to produce a single PK; a polyketide synthase (PKS) assembles a basic carbon backbone, which is modified by "tailoring" enzymes. We focus mainly on a particular class of PKSs, ones that have an integral non-ribosomal peptide synthase (NRPS) module, which adds an amino acid to the PK backbone. Ultimately we wish to be able to manipulate the genes involved in PK synthesis in order to generate novel chemicals with desirable biological properties. To do this requires understanding of the various enzymes and functional domains within complex enzymes like PKSs and PKS-NRPSs. Such understanding can be obtained by studying parts of the system in isolation and by mixing and matching components to see what results. Because PKS-NRPSs are very large multifunctional proteins it is very difficult to manipulate the genes that encode them. In this project we refined a system that simplified both the construction of large genes from gene fragments and the transfer of the final product into the plasmid vectors in which they are required for further analysis. The system also simplified the construction (and transfer) of chimaeric genes containing DNA from different sources, enabling us to investigate various aspects of PKS-NRPS activity.
We first discovered that mis-programming occurred when the PKS-NRPS responsible for synthesising a particular pentaketide was expressed on its own in a foreign host, but correct products were made if it was co-expressed with one of its partner enzymes. We went on to co-express all four genes needed to make the final product (a first!), achieving a higher product yield than in nature and discovering two new important enzymatic activities. To discover what determined specific features of PK structures we isolated the equivalent four genes from a related fungus that made a longer, hexaketide, product. Mixing the PKS-NRPS from one pathway with the partner enzymes from the other confirmed that chain-length programming resides in the PKS-NRPS (another first!). Then, by exchanging the PKS and NRPS modules we established that the PKS module specified chain length. We refined this discovery by exchanging the first two enzymatic domains of the PKS without affecting the chain length of the product, so programming must reside between the middle and end of the PKS module. The work is ongoing, and deployment of technology developed in the project should reveal more precisely the 'location' of the programming elements.

We used the module-swapping approach to investigate the amino-acid specificity of NRPS modules. Exchanging one NRPS module for another specifying a different amino acid could yield new products, but at too low a concentration to analyse. Adding a fluorescent tag to the hybrid protein showed that it was being produced, so its low activity may have been due to misfolding, or the products were just unstable. We therefore also engineered NRPS swaps directly in the natural host genome so that any initial product made could be modified, and perhaps stabilised, by the activities of appropriate partner enzymes. Again novel products were observed only in too small quantities to analyse.

Overall the project substantially met its aims, bringing us closer to realising our long-term goal of manipulating entire novel biosynthetic pathways, and using fungi as versatile programmed chemical factories.
Exploitation Route We have discovered some fundamental mechanisms concerning the programming of polyketide synthesis, including the importance of coexpression of some of the genes from biosynthetic gene clusters. The results provide vital information to others wishing to adopt a heterologous gene expression approach to studying natural product biosynthesis. The possibility of combining functional units from a range of sources was demonstrated, but this work also revealed some of the limits to which a "mix and match" approach can be applied. The work necessitated the development of molecular biological tools for complex gene assembly and for the co-expression of several genes, and these are available for use by the research community.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Description The findings of this research have been extended in further RCUK-funded awards. In particular the domain-swap approach to study the programming of fungal type I iterative polyketide synthases (PKS) has led to the unexpected discovery that chain-length programming resides within the ketoreductase domain of the enzyme. Less surprising, but nevertheless important, was the demonstration that the methylation pattern of the product is governed by the C-methyltransferase domain of the PKS. These results are of particular relevance to attempts to produce novel compounds by rationally designed genetic modification.