The Ccr4-Not Complex: Bifunctional roles in Repression of Steroid Receptor-Mediated Transcription and mRNA Decay?

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Pharmacy


Cells can respond to environmental factors such as hormones by changing the instructions that are used. These instructions, or genes, are contained in the heritable material, the DNA. When genes are actively expressed, mRNA copies are produced by transcription in some, but not all cells. At a given time, only a sub-set of genes is expressed by a highly regulated and complex process that requires thousands of different protein factors. The precise number of factors involved in transcription is unknown, and the mechanism by which they work is often unclear. Because different cells contain different transcription factors, a characteristic pattern of genes is expressed for each cell type in the human body. Equally important to the activation of transcription, is the switching off of genes. This can be achieved in different manners. For example, factors can bind to DNA and repress transcription. Alternatively, factors can inactivate gene expression by destroying the mRNA copies of genes. The Ccr4-Not factor can potentially influence gene expression in both ways: by repressing transcription and by destruction of mRNA. Recently, we showed that this factor can interact with estrogen receptor. Estrogen receptor is a transcription factor that mediates the cellular effects of the steroid hormone estrogen. Binding of the hormone to estrogen receptor causes a structural change of the receptor which leads to activation of the receptor. As a result, the expression of several hundreds of genes is altered. Some genes are switched on and are actively transcribed in response to the hormone, such as several genes that promote cell division. Other genes are switched off in response and become repressed, including genes that inhibit cell division. The proposed work will investigate how Ccr4-Not will influence cellular gene expression in response to estrogen. It will do so by specifically engineer cells that lack subunits of Ccr4-Not. Using DNA microarray technology, the expression of >30,000 genes, the majority of human genes, will be determined in a single experiment. The resulting large data sets obtained using normal cells and cells lacking functional Ccr4-Not will be compared using bioinformatics. This will allow to define how important Ccr4-Not is in the cellular response to estrogen. In addition, the proposed work will determine to what extent Ccr4-Not uses its capacities to inhibit transcription and destroy mRNA to influence gene expression in response to estrogens. This will be done in cell lines that lack either the transcriptional repression function, or the mRNA destruction function of Ccr4-Not. Finally, because it is known that estrogens can stimulate cell proliferation, it will assess how Ccr4-Not can have an effect on cell division. The results will increase our basic understanding of the molecular machinery in cells. Furthermore, they may be of interest to the pharmaceutical industry, because there are several drugs that can bind to estrogen receptor and influence its activity in different ways as compared to the natural hormone estrogen. These drugs are successfully used for the treatment of osteoporosis, severe post-menopausal symptoms and cancer, but concerns about efficacy and safety remain. A better understanding of the workings of estrogen receptor may eventually result in the development of safer drugs.

Technical Summary

Estrogen receptor alpha (ER) is a nuclear receptor (NR) that mediates the cellular effects of estrogens as a ligand-regulated transcription factor. Mechanisms by which ER activates gene transcription are relatively well understood. While it is known that NRs can associate with transcriptional repressors in the absence of ligand, it is becoming increasingly clear that these factors also associate in a ligand-dependent manner with negative cofactors. The significance of this remains elusive and the mechanisms by which these corepressors function are poorly understood. Recently, we identified the human Ccr4-Not complex as a ligand-dependent repressor of ER. The Ccr4-Not complex is a conserved regulator of transcription and cytoplasmic mRNA decay. The proposed work will focus on functional interactions between ER and the Ccr4-Not complex. Using human MCF7 cells, a well-characterised ER-expressing cell line that requires the hormone estradiol for efficient proliferation, knockdown cell lines for several Ccr4-Not subunits will be generated. These cells will be used to assess the influence of Ccr4-Not components on: estradiol-dependent gene expression; the assembly of protein-DNA complexes and the presence of chromatin modifications on estradiol target genes; the assembly of protein-RNA complexes on ER-induced transcripts; and estradiol-dependent cellular proliferation. This work will result in an understanding as to whether the Ccr4-Not complex is generally required for gene expression by ER, or for a particular sub-set of genes. In addition, it will dissect the functions of the Ccr4-Not complex in transcription and RNA decay. Also, it will provide insight into the mechanisms by which the complex acts as a ligand-dependent repressor of estrogen-mediated gene expression. Finally, the study will demonstrate the requirement for Ccr4-Not in cell proliferation. The findings will comprehensively describe the role of the Ccr4-Not complex as a repressor of estrogen signalling.
Description 1. We uncovered biological roles for several subunits of the Ccr4-Not complex: the CNOT1 and CNOT3 non-catalytic subunits, as well as the Caf1a and Caf1b deadenylase subunits are required for efficient cell proliferation. Moreover, the Ccr4a and Ccr4b deadenylase subunits are additionally required for cell survival and the prevention of cellular senescence.

2. We established that the highly similar Caf1a and Caf1b RNAse subunits have essentially identical gene targets. Similarly, the Ccr4a and Ccr4b paralogues have identical gene targets. These findings are contrary to speculative suggestions in the literature regarding unique properties of the paralogues in gene regulation. Both Caf1a/Caf1b and Ccr4a/Ccr4b mostly regulate gene expression via mRNA decay and not via transcription.

3. The Caf1a/Caf1b and Ccr4a/Ccr4b deadenylase subunits regulate distinct gene sets. This is surprising, because it was assumed that these deadenylase subunits cooperate in gene regulation via mRNA degradation.
Exploitation Route Overall, the main objectives were met. However, the emphasis shifted from a focus on transcriptional mechanisms in the beginning of the project to mechanisms of mRNA decay.

We generated resources as proposed. In addition, antibodies against Ccr4-Not components are under characterisation (objective 1).
We established that the catalytic subunits of the Ccr4-Not complex are not generally required for the regulation of estrogen-mediated transcription, but are important for proper expression of certain estrogen-regulated genes via post-transcriptional regulation of mRNA levels (2,4).
We characterised the role of the deadenylase enzymes, as well as of two non-catalytic subunits, in cell proliferation using cell cycle profiling (5).

We were unsuccessful in determining how components of the Ccr4-Not complex regulate transcription initiation events (objective 3). Using siRNA knockdown, we noted that Caf1a and Caf1b make a temporal, quantitative contribution to estrogen-dependent repression of three genes: CCNG2, BLNK and SMAD6. However, we failed to obtain reproducible chromatin-immunoprecipitation data in knockdown cells to further investigate the underlying mechanism. We now believe that the deadenylase subunits predominantly regulate gene expression through mRNA decay.

In addition to the work stated in the objectives, we established the relationship between the Caf1a and Caf1b paralogues and the highly similar Ccr4a and Ccr4b proteins, respectively. Furthermore, we identified unique roles for the Ccr4a/Ccr4b enzymes in cell survival and the prevention of cell death. These findings provide important novel conceptual advances in understanding the role of the Ccr4-Not molecular machine in mRNA degradation.
Sectors Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The most tangible impact is the distribution of tools to a number of academic laboratories (>12) across the UK, Europe, USA, and China. To date, we have not been able to identify tangible impact beyond academia.
Description MRC: Deadenylase enzymes as potential novel drug targets in osteoporosis, bone disease, and repair
Amount £434,710 (GBP)
Funding ID G1100205 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2011 
End 03/2014
Description Studentship
Amount £76,000 (GBP)
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2008 
End 09/2012
Title Cell line with inducible knockdown of human CNOT1. 
Description Cell line MCF7 (human oestrogen receptor positive breast carcinoma) with inducible knockdown of human CNOT1. 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2007 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This cell line allows to study the role of CNOT1 on cell proliferation. 
Title Cell line with inducible knockdown of human CNOT3. 
Description Cell line MCF7 (human oestrogen receptor positive breast carcinoma) with inducible knockdown of human CNOT3. 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2007 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This cell line allows to study the role of CNOT3 on cell proliferation. 
Title Eukaryotic expression vector containing Flag or HA-tagged human BTG2 cDNA 
Description Eukaryotic expression vector containing epitope-tagged (Flag or HA) human BTG2 cDNA (wild type sequence) 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - in vitro 
Year Produced 2010 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This plasmid facilitates the study of BTG2 in mammalian cells. 
Title Eukaryotic expression vector containing Flag or HA-tagged human CNOT6 cDNA 
Description Eukaryotic expression vector containing epitope-tagged (Flag or HA) human CNOT6 cDNA (wild type sequence, or mutant encoding enzymatically inactive protein) 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - in vitro 
Year Produced 2011 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This plasmid facilitates the study of the CNOT6 gene in mammalian cells. 
Title Eukaryotic expression vector containing Flag or HA-tagged human CNOT6L cDNA 
Description Eukaryotic expression vector containing epitope-tagged (Flag or HA) human CNOT6L cDNA (wild type sequence, or mutant encoding enzymatically inactive protein) 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - in vitro 
Year Produced 2011 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This plasmid facilitates the study of the CNOT6L gene in mammalian cells. 
Title Eukaryotic expression vector containing Flag or HA-tagged human CNOT7 cDNA 
Description Eukaryotic expression vector containing epitope-tagged (Flag or HA) human CNOT7 cDNA (wild type sequence, or mutant encoding enzymatically inactive protein) 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - in vitro 
Year Produced 2009 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This plasmid facilitates the study of the CNOT7 gene in mammalian cells. 
Title Eukaryotic expression vector containing Flag or HA-tagged human CNOT8 cDNA 
Description Eukaryotic expression vector containing epitope-tagged (Flag or HA) human CNOT8 cDNA (wild type sequence, or mutant encoding enzymatically inactive protein) 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - in vitro 
Year Produced 2010 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This plasmid facilitates the study of the CNOT8 gene in mammalian cells. 
Title Eukaryotic expression vector containing Flag or HA-tagged human TOB1 cDNA 
Description Eukaryotic expression vector containing epitope-tagged (Flag or HA) human TOB1 cDNA (wild type sequence) 
Type Of Material Model of mechanisms or symptoms - in vitro 
Year Produced 2012 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact This plasmid facilitates the study of the TOB1 gene in mammalian cells. 
Title Polyclonal antibodies recognising the CNOT7 and/or CNOT8 protein 
Description Polyclonal antibodies recognising human CNOT7 and/or CNOT8. Affinity-purified antibodies recognising human CNOT7. Affinity-purified antibodies recognising human CNOT8. 
Type Of Material Antibody 
Year Produced 2012 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact These antibodies facilitate the study of the CNOT7 and CNOT8 proteins in mammals (human, mouse). 
Title Polyclonal antibodies recognising the human CNOT6 and/or CNOT6L protein 
Description Polyclonal antibodies recognising human CNOT6 and/or CNOT6L. Affinity-purified antibodies recognising human CNOT6. Affinity-purified antibodies recognising human CNOT6L. 
Type Of Material Antibody 
Year Produced 2012 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact These antibodies facilitate the study of the CNOT6 and CNOT6L proteins in mammals (human, mouse). 
Title Experiment E-MEXP-2218 
Description Microarray data submitted to the public repository ArrayExpress (EMBL-EBI, Hinxton). 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact No data available to date; accessible via publicly accessible repository. 
Title Experiment E-MEXP-2926 
Description Microarray data submitted to the public repository ArrayExpress, EMBL-EBI, Hinxton. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact No data available to date; accessible via publicly accessible repository. 
Description Collaboration Cambridge 
Organisation University of Cambridge
Department Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Antibodies generated in the course of the grant were shared as unique reagents.The design and interpretation of some experiments was discussed.
Collaborator Contribution The bulk of the contribution was provided by the partner who showed a non-proteolytic role for ubiquitin in the regulation of eukaryotic mRNA degradation.
Impact Publication: Cano F, Rapiteanu R, Winkler GS & Lehner PJ (2015) A non-proteolytic role for ubiquitin in deadenylation of MHC-I mRNA by the RNA-binding E3-ligase MEX-3C. Nature Communications 6, 8670
Start Year 2011
Description Collaboration NCI 
Organisation National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Department National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Antibodies and DNA expression plasmids that were generated in the course of the grant were shared to investigate the involvement of the CNOT7 ribonuclease in breast cancer metastasis. Contributions to experimental design were made. Following this collaboration, which validated the CNOT7 nuclease as a potential drug target for the prevention of breast cancer metastasis, follow-up funding was sought from two cancer charities (Breast Cancer Now, Worldwide Cancer Research; unsuccessful).
Collaborator Contribution The bulk of the work was carried out by the partners. A mouse model was used to study the involvement of the CNOT7 ribonuclease in breast cancer metastasis. CNOT7 was genetically validated as a potential target to reduce the metastatic potential of breast cancer cells. Following this collaboration, which validated the CNOT7 nuclease as a potential drug target for the prevention of breast cancer metastasis, follow-up funding was sought from two cancer charities. The applications were supported by a letter-of-support from the collaborator, who has access to NCI core facilities for PK/PD development in model organisms.
Impact Publication Faraji F, Hu Y, Yang HH, Lee MP, Winkler GS, Hafner M, et al. (2016) Post-transcriptional Control of Tumor Cell Autonomous Metastatic Potential by CCR4-NOT Deadenylase CNOT7. PLoS Genet 12(1): e1005820. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005820
Start Year 2011
Description International collaboration (France) 
Organisation Institute of Molecular Genetics of Montpellier (Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier, IGMM)
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We generate microarray data (Affymetrix platform) of cells treated with siRNA.
Collaborator Contribution This collaboration enabled us to acquire expertise required for the analysis of microarray data obtained using Affymetrix technology. The initial analysis provided by the collaborators used licensed software (Genespring) that was only available to us otherwise on an hourly rate.
Impact Large scale data sets deposited in ArrayExpress (accession E-MEXP-2218; E-MEXP-2926).
Start Year 2008