SysMO: Systems Biology of Clostridium acetobutylicum - a possible answer to dwindling crude oil reserves.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Mathematical Sciences


The genus Clostridium are an ancient grouping of bacteria which evolved before the earth had an oxygen atmosphere. To them oxygen in the air we breathe is a poison, and they are therefore called 'anaerobes'. They are also characterised by an ability to produce a spore resting stage that enables them to survive exposure to the air. These spores are also resistant to many other physical and chemical agents. Some species cause devastating diseases. Some species cause devastating diseases, such as the superbug Clostridium difficile. On the other hand, most clostridia are entirely benign, and their ability to produce a wide range of diverse chemicals from plant material is being pursued by industry as an alternative to generating these chemicals from crude oil. Principle amongst these is C. acetobutylicum, an organism with a longstanding history in the commercial production of solvents, most notably 'butanol'. Butanol is an alcohol, which, like its counterpart ethanol may be used as a replacement for petrol as a fuel. Currently, the use of ethanol as a petrol additive is widespread in the developed world. The development of alternatives to petroleum as fuels is essential if we are to reduce our reliance on finite crude oil resources. However, butanol has many properties that make it far superior to ethanol. It has a higher energy content than ethanol, and its low vapour pressure and its tolerance to water contamination in petrol blends facilitate its use in existing petrol supply and distribution channels. Moreover, butanol can be blended into petrol at higher concentrations than existing biofuels, without the need to make expensive modifications to car engines. It also gives better fuel economy than petrol-ethanol blends. Despite their importance, our understanding of the biology of the Clostridium cell has lagged behind the data available for more recently evolved bacteria which 'breathe' oxygen. With the dawn of a new century the situation has changed. The complete genetic blueprint (genome sequence) of seven different Clostridium species has now been determined. The first was that of Clostridium acetobutylicum, a reflection of its commercial importance. It is the intention of this project to undertake an extensive analysis of the biological processes that take place when this Clostridium grows. In particular, we wish to understand the key events that occur during the transition between normal cell growth and the onset of both butanol production and spore formation. Our intention is to build a mathematical model of these processes such that the process may be recreated as a computer programme that mirrors the living cell. These aims will be progressed through a combination of disciplines (genetics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, biochemistry, chemical engineering and mathematical modelling) deployed by a consortium of eleven European scientists, from three member states (Germany, the Netherlands and the UK). The current research programme will contribute to this broader effort by developing multiscale mathematical models for the various complex biological processes involved. The ability to predict more effectively the behavioural and metabolic response of clostridia will enable the more effective exploitation of C. acetobutylicum in the commercial production of butanol and as an anti-cancer delivery vehicle. It will also lead to a greater understanding of the biology of pathogenic species and, ultimately, to the development of more effective medical countermeasures.

Technical Summary

The current research forms part of a SysMO project on the systems biology of Clostridium acetobutylicum and is focussed on the development of multiscale mathematical models for key processes involved, namely: (1) intercellular signalling and quorum sensing; (2) the regulatory networks associated with solventogenesis and sporulation; (3) the effects of redox state and glycosylation on solventogenesis; (4) stress response during transition. The main focus will be on the development and analysis of deterministic (primarily ordinary-differential-equation) models describing the above processes; stochastic effects will also be considered where appropriate. These new models will be the subject of extensive numerical simulations, together with parametrisation using, and verification against, experimental data (including that from partner teams). They will also be subject to sensitivity analyses and studies using asymptotic and dynamical-systems approaches in order to enhance their predictive capacity and to maximise the intuition they provide into the complex hierarchies of network interactions that are possible.
Description Clostridium acetobutylicum is an anaerobic bacterium that is closely related to certain bacteria which cause devastating diseases, such as the superbug Clostridium difficile, but itself is entirely benign. Academic and industrial interest in C. acetobutylicum stems from its ability to produce a range of useful chemicals, notably the solvents butanol and ethanol which may be used as replacements for petrol. The development of alternatives to petroleum as fuels is essential if we are to reduce our reliance on finite crude oil resources.

Butanol has many properties that make it far superior to ethanol: it has a higher energy content and its low vapour pressure and tolerance to water contamination in petrol blends facilitate its use in existing petrol supply and distribution channels. Moreover, butanol can be blended into petrol at higher concentrations than existing biofuels without the need to make expensive modifications to car engines.

COSMIC (Clostridium acetobutylicum systems microbiology) was a multidisciplinary international collaborative project seeking to clarify the mechanisms governing solvent production by C. acetobutylicum and related processes, most notably sporulation (a type of cell division resulting in a spore cell which is highly resistant to extreme environmental conditions) and quorum sensing (QS; a cell signalling system enabling a population of bacteria to detect its density). Such work furthers our understanding and should increase the efficiency of future industrial exploitation of the bacteria.

Despite its importance, our understanding of the biology of the Clostridium cell has lagged behind the data available for aerobic bacteria. We have developed mathematical models of the metabolic process of solvent production, incorporating gene regulation in order to make predictions upon potential genetic engineering strategies for enhancing butanol production. Our experimental partners have provided data to enable parametrisation and validation of the models and they are now set to investigate these strategies under the auspices of SysMO2. In order for butanol production to be exploited on an industrial scale, however, all relevant cell processes must be understood as fully as possible, sporulation being of particular significance. Experimental work within COSMIC has uncovered a link between sporulation and QS. Our mathematical modelling of C. acetobutylicum indicates that QS enables the cells to detect their population density efficiently but only to induce the appropriate response in a small number of cells. This model-based hypothesis fits neatly with the biology: a sporulation response is required from only a portion of cells within a population. In addition, we have studied another spore-forming bacterium, Bacillus subtilis, and the related QS system in Staphylococcus aureus; in the former we identified a link between QS and the timing of sporulation: when a cell in a large population has damaged DNA, sporulation will occur under nutrient limitation but its onset is delayed in order for the cell to repair its DNA before the spore is formed.

Solid and ongoing collaborations were formed with the partner groups of COSMIC: models were developed alongside partners at the Universities of Rostock and Stuttgart, using data of all experimental groups (at the Universities of Goettingen, Nottingham, Rostock, Ulm and Wageningen). Furthermore, the close proximity of the Nottingham laboratory facilitated engagement with the experimental work, providing invaluable information for model formulation. The ability to predict behavioural and metabolic responses of clostridial bacteria should enable the more effective exploitation of C. acetobutylicum in the commercial production of butanol. It is hoped that it will also lead to a greater understanding of the biology of pathogenic clostridia and, ultimately, to the development of more effective medical countermeasures.
Exploitation Route Metabolic processes and cell-cell-communciation mechanisms are of wide importance. The models developed and analysed could therefore be of interest to many engaged in the application of systems-biology or systems-medicine approaches.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The programme was one of fundamental systems biology and the main uptake of the results has been in the academic research community (including within the SysMO COSMIC consortium). The cross-disciplinary collaborations developed in the course of the research have led to a significant number of follow-on research programmes, contributing in particular to the BBSRC/EPSRC-funded Synthetic Biology Research Centre recently established at the University of Nottingham.
First Year Of Impact 2009
Sector Education