Physical aspects of evolutionary transitions to multicellularity

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics


A very profound and interesting issue in the evolution of complex life forms is the manner by which the transition from unicellular organisms to multicellular ones occurred. There at least two fundamental issues in this most basic transition. What are the advantages of increasing size? and: What are the driving forces behind cell specialization? These questions must be viewed in the context of the most basic feature of life: the continuous exchange with the environment of nutrients and wastes. Given that the simplest unicellular organisms and their multicellular successors inhabit an aqueous environment, it is clear that the physics of buoyancy, diffusion, and mixing should play an important role in these considerations. In the conventional biological view appopriate to small organisms such as individual bacteria which swim slowly, diffusion is much faster than advection by fluid motions. Such is generally not the case for larger organisms, which create fluid flows around themselves by the action of multitudes of flagella. These flows increase in speed with increasing organism size, to the point that they outpace diffusion. Using modern techniques from fluid mechanics, we have recently established that the Volvocalean green algae, a lineage of photosynthetic organisms that serves as a model for research on evolutionary transitions to multicellularity, covers a very broad range of the balance between diffusion and stiring, from diffusion-dominated at the single cell level, to stirring-dominated for colonies composed of thousands of cells. This lineage affords the possibility of deconstructing laws in motility and metabolism that may help explain the evolutionary driving forces which led to multicellularity. These flows are driven by the coordinated action of thousands of flagella on the surface of these colonies, and imply metabolic dynamics fundamentally different than those limited by passive diffusion. Our recent work suggests that such flows can play a crucial role in the colony metabolism, and would have conferred an evolutionary advantage to larger organisms. The developments outlined above have allowed us to establish a working hypothesis which links motility, mixing, and multicellularity. The next step is the full exploration of this hypothesis. Using the volvocine green algae as a model lineage, we have four main goals. (i) We will implement an experimental method by which the link between metabolic activity and fluid flow can be tested. This will be accomplished with optical methods that probe the amount of photosynthesis occurring in these algae, both in the presence and absence of fluid flow from flagellar beating. These flows will be created in microscopic channels created with methods in the field of 'microfluidics.' (ii) We will develop a method to study the manner in which multiple flagella becomes synchronized on these organsisms. This will involve the use of high-speed imaging to visualize flagellar coordination during swimming and phototaxis, as a probe of the hydrodynamic synchronization of molecular motors which underlies the collective fluid flows. A key issue is the dependence of synchronization dynamics on inter-somatic cell spacing, a range of which can be studied using diverse members of the volvocine algae at various points in their life cycles. (iii) Further develop mathematical models of flagella-driven flows and their implications for scaling laws in locomotion, metabolite exchange, and thus evolutionary transitions to multicellularity. (iv) Develop theoretical models for the dynamics by which these algae steer toward the light by modulating their flagellar beating.

Technical Summary

This research addresses a fundamental problem in evolutionary biology: the transition from single cell organisms to multicellular ones. A model lineage, the Volvocalean green algae, will be studied to determine the scaling laws in motility and metabolism that may help explain the driving forces which led to multicellularity. These organisms range from unicellulular, totipotent Chlamydomonas to multicellular Volvox species with thousands of cells and exhibiting germ-soma differentiation. Prior studies have established that the collective flagellar beating of the larger species generates such high fluid flows that advective molecular transport strongly dominates diffusive transport, while the unicellular members are in the regime of low Peclet number. This led to a hypothesis that flagella-driven fluid flows confer an advantage in nutrient uptake rate to larger organisms and thereby provide an evolutionary driving force toward larger species. Our detailed investigation of this hypothesis will involve experimental studies and aspects of mathematical biology. We will utilize fluid dynamical and cell biological methods to study scaling laws for swimming and metabolism across a range of species, and develop mathematical methods to understand this and the associated metabolite exchange dynamics at high Peclet number. The interrelated issues of flagellar synchronization, rotational motions, and phototaxis will be studied by high-speed digital video microscopy and particle imaging velocimetry, and analyzed theoretically, with the goal of understanding how many thousands of flagella can produce the coordinated motions necessary for life processes. Co-funded by EPSRC.


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Drescher K (2010) Fidelity of adaptive phototaxis. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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Drescher K (2010) Direct measurement of the flow field around swimming microorganisms. in Physical review letters

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Drescher K (2009) How to track protists in three dimensions. in The Review of scientific instruments

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Drescher K (2009) Dancing volvox: hydrodynamic bound states of swimming algae. in Physical review letters

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Goldstein RE (2015) Green Algae as Model Organisms for Biological Fluid Dynamics. in Annual review of fluid mechanics

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Goldstein RE (2009) Noise and synchronization in pairs of beating eukaryotic flagella. in Physical review letters

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Helliwell KE (2011) Insights into the evolution of vitamin B12 auxotrophy from sequenced algal genomes. in Molecular biology and evolution

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Kantsler V (2013) Ciliary contact interactions dominate surface scattering of swimming eukaryotes. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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Rushkin I (2010) Fluid velocity fluctuations in a suspension of swimming protists. in Physical review letters

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Solari CA (2011) Flagellar phenotypic plasticity in volvocalean algae correlates with Péclet number. in Journal of the Royal Society, Interface

Description We have discovered several key phenomena and mechanisms that underlie the workings of multicellular organisms, suggesting scenarios by which they may have evolved from simpler unicellular ancestors. This includes understanding how the hairlike appendages known as flagella coordinate to produce locomotion, how the organisms steer toward the light, and various aspects of their swimming dynamics.

In detail, we have developed a class of organisms, the volvocine green algae, as models for biological fluid dynamics. Using a combination of high-speed imaging, micromanipulation, and mathematical theory we have enabled the development of quantitative descriptions of a broad range of dynamic phenomena, and opened up new areas in biological physics and biology. We have also forged new collaborations between ourselves (physicists and mathematicians) and biologists such as plant scientists.
Exploitation Route The most promising direction is in healthcare, where the properties of human cilia play a very important role throughout the body. These cilia are nearly identical to the flagella of the organisms we study, and the insights we have gained into flagellar dynamics may help understand and address human health and disease.
Sectors Healthcare

Description Our findings on physical and biological aspects of evolutionary transitions to multicellularity are having societal impact through the way in which they are consistently inspiring a new generation of students to be interested in biological physics. Students are drawn to take classes on biological physics, choose subject majors, and strive for careers in this area on the basis of the compelling questions being asked and the results of our experimental and theoretical studies.
First Year Of Impact 2009
Sector Education
Impact Types Societal

Description Senior Investigator Award
Amount £1,343,684 (GBP)
Funding ID 097855 
Organisation Wellcome Trust 
Department Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2013 
End 12/2017
Description MMP (2009) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact vigorous discussion afterwards with young students and their parents

many students have since expressed an interest in studying biological physics at cambridge
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2009
Description Year12 (Churchill) 2009 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Very many students interested in the subject

many students expressed a strong interest in studying mathematics and its applications to the life sciences
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2009
Description Year12 (Churchill) 2010 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact students learned of the enormous breadth of research in mathematics

many students expressed an interest in further study of mathematics applied to the life sciences
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010