The role of NompC (=TRPN1) for mechanotransducer gating and adaptation in the Drosophila ear

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Ear Institute


At the heart of all sensation lies a common process: The opening or closing (called the gating) of dedicated ion channels in the membranes of sensory cells. These so-called sensory transducer channels convert external stimulus energy- such as the mechanical energy contained in a sound wave- into an electrical current that flows through the sensory cell's membrane. In the case of the classical mechanical senses, i.e. the senses of touch, hearing and balance, these mechano-transducer channels are deemed to be gated in the most direct way possible, namely by the stimulus forces themselves. This direct mode of activation implies that the transducers must somehow be mechanically coupled to specialized stimulus receiver structures, such as our ear drums or the antennal sound receivers of fruit flies, for example. Somewhat ironically, however, the astonishing simplicity of their mode of activation appears to have greatly complicated the molecular identification of true mechano-transducer channels to this day. Recently, it was demonstrated that mechano-transduction in the sensory cells of the fruit-fly (Drosophila) ear, relies on mechano-transducer channels that operate according to the same biophysical principles as those in the inner ears of vertebrates. Fortunately, in Drosophila, the function of these transducer channels can be assessed in vivo, in the ears of intact flies. Given the enormous genetic tractability of the fruit fly, along with the availability of a multitude of mechano-sensory mutants, the Drosophila ear therefore constitutes an ideal system in which to probe the specific roles of identified proteins in the process of mechano-sensation, particularly their contributions to mechano-transduction. This proposal will initiate the molecular dissection of mechano-transducer function in the Drosophila ear by specifically assessing the role of an ion channel called NompC. The NompC channel, which reportedly serves mechanosensory functions in the ears of both vertebrates and invertebrates, is presently the best candidate for a true, auditory mechano-transducer channel. A common feature of mechano-transducers in the ears of both fruit flies and vertebrates seems to be their ability to adapt to a maintained stimulus: in vertebrate hair cells this adaptation is mediated by specialized adaptation motors which act to release tension from those elements that couple forces to the transducer channels, thus allowing for the channels to close despite the presence of the stimulus. Most remarkably, the adaptation of transducer channels in the Drosophila ear appears to operate in the same way as in vertebrates. Several lines of evidence have suggested an involvement of NompC in the process of mechano-transduction or mechano-transducer adaptation in Drosophila but more direct evidence remains outstanding. By using biophysical, transgenetic and modelling approaches, I will investigate the specific contribution of NompC to mechano-transduction and/or adaptation in the Drosophila ear. Despite the fact that the NompC channel, though present in the ears of non-mammalian vertebrates, seems to be absent from the ears of mammals, the study proposed here will also provide for a better understanding of our own ears' workings. Studies in non-mammalian vertebrates, such as turtles and frogs have provided much insight into fundamental mechanisms of auditory function that also apply in mammals, This study in the fruit fly is likewise expected to make a significant contribution to our molecular understanding of how ears translate the mechanical forces provided by sound into electrical signals which can be processed further on in the brain.

Technical Summary

The major goal of this proposal is to investigate the role of the TRP channel NompC (equivalent to TRPN1) for the direct mechanical gating, and subsequent mechanical adaptation, of mechano-transducer channels (METs) in the Drosophila ear. Evidence suggests that, like the METs in vertebrate hair cells, the Drosophila transducers in hearing are formed by spring-operated, mechanically-adapting ion channels. By analyzing mechanical correlates of their gating, the function of these transducers can be probed non-invasively in the sound receivers of intact flies. NompC reportedly serves mechano-sensory function in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Previous studies in Drosophila demonstrated its involvement in (i) bristle touch sensitivity, (ii) sound-evoked CAP responses and (iii) auditory feedback amplification. All these findings are consistent with a role of NompC as a true, force-sensing mechano-transducer channel but whether NompC actually forms such a channel (or an essential component thereof) is still unknown. To this end, this study will quantify the specific contribution of NompC in mechano-transduction in the Drosophila ear by comparing the auditory systems of NompC mutant and control flies. Measurements will include (1) extracellular recording of CAP responses from the antennal nerve and (2) Laser Doppler vibrometric analyses of mechanical correlates of transducer gating and adaptation as well as (3) measurement of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs). In a parallel approach to NompC function, I will (4) record mechanically-evoked currents from tactile bristles of NompC mutants and controls and (5) probe their stimulus-receiving hair shafts for mechanical correlates of transducer gating.
Description In every field of research there are problems that have defied a solution long enough to be considered the field's Holy Grail. In hearing research, this could for example be the question about the molecular nature of the auditory transducer channels (in no animal an auditory transducer channel has been identified). Sensory transducer channels are the ion channels that start the process of sensation; they convert external stimulus energies (such as provided by sound) into electrical events in the membrane of a sensory cell. For many sensory modalities, these transducers have been molecularly identified. For the sense of hearing, however, we still do not know them; neither in vertebrates nor invertebrates (the two groups of animals within which hearing organs have evolved).

(i) This project made considerable progress for our understanding of auditory transduction using the fruit fly ear as a model system. The ears of fruit flies, just as our own ears, operate with transducers that are directly mechanically opened by the pull of a molecular spring (the so called gating spring). Our results have now linked this particular mode of transducer gating to an identified ion channel, by the name of NompC (=TRPN1); our findings suggest that NompC either acts as the flies' auditory transducer channel proper or as part of its gating spring. NompC is the first ion channel that could be directly linked to the mechanical gating of an auditory transducer channel. It appears that, at least in flies, we are now much closer to the discovery of an auditory transducer channel and the molecular understanding of auditory transduction.

(ii) In addition to this, the project devised new tools for the analysis of mechanotransducer channels in Drosophila and for the general study of mechanotransduction in other animal models. During the project, novel electrophysiological preparations (patch-clamp analysis and new pharmacological tools) were devised which will be of great and long-term value for future studies as it allows for a more detailed study of the biophysical operation of a model mechanosensory organ.

(iii) As an unexpected outcome, this project was also able to provide pioneering data on the roles of of mechanotransducer modules for the evolution of animal communication, especially their contributions to the co-tuning of senders and receivers in acoustic communication systems, which has been shown to contribute to establishing species-specific acoustic communication channels. This outcome has already led to a large multi-national research project (HFSP) and will lead to a deeper understanding of both acoustic communication systems and animal evolution.

(iv) Finally, and equally unexpected, the project was able to help shed light on the sensory bases of non-photic entrainment of circadian clocks. Circadian clocks are endogenous oscillators that help all living organisms to match their physiological states to the diurnally changing patterns of their environments. Circadian clocks can be set (entrained) by photic and non-photic stimuli (such as temperature). Hardly anything was known about the sensory bases of non-photic entrainment. This project helped to identify mechanosensory chordotonal organs as essential components of the temperature-dependent entrainment pathway and thereby has opened a new chapter in circadian biology, which is expected to lead to further research grants in the short term and to novel approaches for the treatment of clock-related human diseases in the long term.
(v) The results and experimental explorations kick-started by this project are still active years after formal project end. The collaboration with Maurice Kernan (New York) has, e.g. led just recently to its latest finding: Different versions of the NompC ion channel (so called isoforms) have different properties and are expressed in different mechanosensory cells, thereby conferring specific submodal identities to these cells, some more responsive to fast, dynamic stimuli (as associated with sound, for example), others more sensitive to slower, more static stimuli (as associated with wind and gravity, for example). This finding was explored in greater depth in follow-up project but originated by the pioneering work of this project.
Exploitation Route The molecular and biophysical study (and eventually understanding) of mechanotransducer modules can be expected to contribute significantly to both human and animal welfare. Just two examples shall be given:

(i) Human welfare will directly profit from the tools for pharmacological analyses developed during this research project (the corresponding publication is about to be submitted): The comparative analysis of agonists (activators) and antagonists (blockers) of insect mechanotransducer channe
Sectors Education



Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Collaboration with Dr Chun-Hong Chen International Partnering Award (Taiwan Partnering Award: Mosquito Research - From Sensory Biology to Vector Control) 
Organisation National Health Research Institutes (NHRI) Taiwan
Country Taiwan, Province of China 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Together with Dr Chun-Hong Chen we will conduct joint UK/Taiwan workshops with international leaders in the field of mosquito sensory and circadian biology. We will also start proof-of principle experiments with novel mosquito mutants and we will conduct skill/knowledge transfer workshops between our labs. We hold the expertise in mosquito auditory and circadian biology.
Collaborator Contribution Together with Dr Chun-Hong Chen we will conduct joint UK/Taiwan workshops with international leaders in the field of mosquito sensory and circadian biology. We will also start proof-of principle experiments with novel mosquito mutants and we will conduct skill/knowledge transfer workshops between our labs. Dr Chen's lab holds the expertise in mosquito mutagenesis.
Impact none yet (still to start)
Start Year 2017
Description H3 symposium / Physiological Society / Sensory Transduction in Insects / 8th December 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact This symposium was conceived by Dr Ben Warren and Prof Joerg Albert. It was motivated by work which bridged sensory modalities and highlighted the common principles of operation of superficially very different sensory neurons. The main aim is to bring together researchers studying sensory transduction in different modalities to promote new interactions, and new insights, in insect sensory biology. The whole day meeting continued until long after the last talks with vivid discussions about the interactions, differences and similarities between the senses and how those could be exploited scientifically. The Physiological Society funding made it possible to assemble a stellar line up of internationally renowned speakers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Public seminar 23/11/2017: What one can hear when listening to the ear of a fly University of Leicester (Sponsor: The Physiological Society) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Lecture to University of Leicester staff and students led to multiple new engagements and also fostered an ongoing interaction and collaboration with Drs Kyriacou and Matheson. Abstract: All sensation starts with the elementary act of sensory transduction. For the sense of hearing this involves ion channels that are directly (mechanically) gated by the forces of sound. Multiple properties of the entire auditory systems arise from, and have evolved around, these transducer channels; investigating their function, and the constraints that govern their operation, thus can reveal fundamental properties of sound sensation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Royal Society Theo Murphy International Scientific Meeting: From sender to receiver: physics and sensory ecology of hearing in insects and vertebrates, 4th / 5th December 2017, Kavli Royal Society Centre, Chicheley Hall, Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire, MK16 9JJ 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The meeting was a prestigious Royal Society Theo Murphy international scientific meeting organised by Dr Andrei Kozlov and Dr Joerg Albert. It assembled colleagues and scientists from across the globe and from various fields (visual/auditory + insect/vertebrate) to hold a 2-day scientific exchange, which challenged and tried to change, some of the currently held views in order to establish a novel, more interdisciplinary approach to sensory biology. As judged by the following collaborations and the feedback from the audience, the meeting was a great success!
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description collaborative, cross-project visit at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) of Munich 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact During a 4-day visit at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Prof Albert explored the collaborative potential across three ongoing (or recently ceased) grants:
Award References: BB/L02084X/1 + BB/M008533/1 + BB/R021007/1 + ERC-consolidator grant Clock mechanics (648709), S34, BB/R000549/1, 1206383, 1336457

The visit included a central seminar with the LMU's neurolunch series and meetings with various group leaders and internationally leading PIs in animal evolution, neuroscience and health (e.g. Prof Benedikt Grothe, Prof Axel Borst, Prof Nicolas Gompel, Prof Peter Becker, Prof Till Roenneberg and Prof Martha Merrow). The aim of this visit was to present the recent data of the involved projects just prior to submission for publication and to explore how the overlaps between the different projects can be harvested by new collabrations with experts in the respective fields. Examples include the exploitation of circadian clock function and auditory homeostasis (Profs Becker, Grothe and Merrow), or the evolution of sensory modality and submodality (Profs Borst + Gompel). The short-term goal will be to apply for larger national (e.g. Wellcome Trust collaborative awards) or international (e.g. European Research Council) follow-up grants! The LMU is a centre of German academic excellence, which is of strategic interest for UCL.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018