Characterisation of tomato short RNAs involved in fruit development

Lead Research Organisation: University of East Anglia
Department Name: Biological Sciences


Most of the RNA molecules in cells are involved in protein production (ribosomal, transfer or messenger RNAs), however there are RNA molecules with other functions. A very recently discovered class of non-coding RNAs have been called microRNAs (miRNAs) because they are very short (19-24 nucleotides). These miRNAs can recognise specific mRNAs because they have partially complementary sequences to them. As a result of this interaction between miRNAs and mRNAs, the expression of the targeted mRNAs is significantly reduced. Most plant miRNAs regulate the production of transcription factors required for normal development of plants. Many miRNAs have been identified in arabidopsis and rice and several miRNAs found in one species were absent from the other suggesting that there are miRNAs which are present only in a certain group of plants. We hypothesized that miRNAs could regulate the development of different plant characteristics that are missing from arabidopsis and rice. If this was true, novel miRNAs regulating valuable plant traits could be discovered in other species. We tested this hypothesis on fleshy fruit development because of its agronomic importance. Tomato is the model plant for fleshy fruit development and ripening; therefore we sequenced more than half a million short RNAs from tomato fruit and leaf. We have demonstrated that conserved miRNAs are present in fruit and that one of them targeted a known transcription factor required for fruit ripening. We also identified four novel miRNAs, which are absent from arabidopsis and other plant genomes and showed that one of them targeted a CTR family (genes that are involved in fruit ripening) member. In addition we identified novel candidates of another class of short RNA that are produced through a different biogenesis pathway than miRNAs. These are called ta-siRNAs and are produced in a phased manner from precursor non-coding RNAs. Our preliminary work demonstrated that the process of fleshy fruit development is regulated by miRNAs and we would like to establish the biological role of the two miRNAs we showed to target ripening genes through transgenic tomato plants that produce more miRNAs or target genes that are resistant to miRNA targeting. We also propose to validate and characterise the ta-siRNA candidates. Further deep sequencing work will establish the expression profile of short RNAs during fruit development and ripening and also identify short RNAs that are regulated by known transcription factors involved in fruit development. Finally, we developed a novel technique to generate a library of mRNAs that are cleaved by short RNAs and we will apply this protocol for tomato fruit tissue. This tool will help target prediction and will have a big impact for crop research. Most crop species' genome is not known and this tool will enable researchers to investigate short RNA targets in these species. Understanding this layer of regulation in fruit development and ripening may lead to the improvement of key characteristics of fleshy fruits.

Technical Summary

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNAs, 19-24 nucleotides in length that regulate gene expression by targeting mRNAs. Although many plant miRNAs are phylogenetically conserved, several rice miRNAs are absent from the arabidopsis genome and a few arabidopsis miRNAs are not present in the rice genome. This observation suggests that non-conserved miRNAs could play a role in the development of plant traits, which are missing from arabidopsis and rice. To test whether sRNAs play a role in fleshy fruit development we have sequenced more than half a million sRNAs from tomato fruit. We have demonstrated that one of the conserved miRNAs targeted CNR, a gene required for fruit ripening. We also identified four novel tomato-specific miRNAs and showed that one of them targeted splice variants of CTR4. In addition we identified novel candidates of another class of sRNAs. These are the ta-siRNAs, which are produced in a phased manner from precursors. Our work demonstrated that the process of fleshy fruit development is regulated by miRNAs and we would like to establish the biological role of the two miRNAs we showed to target ripening genes through transgenic tomato plants that over-express miRNAs or target genes that are resistant to miRNAs. We also propose to validate ta-siRNAs using mutant tomato lines that are defective in this pathway and characterise these novel ta-siRNAs. Further high throughput sequencing will establish sRNA expression profile during fruit development and ripening. We will also identify sRNAs that are regulated by known transcription factors involved in fruit development. Finally, we developed a novel technique to generate a library of mRNAs that are cleaved by sRNAs and we will apply this protocol for tomato fruit tissue. It will be used to predict targets of sRNAs identified in the different stages of fruit development. This protocol will be useful to investigate sRNAs in other crop species, since it does not require any genome sequence information.


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Description All cells in a plant contain the same genetic material, however, cells that make up leaves, roots or flower are different from each other. They can be different, despite containing the same genetic material, because not all genes work all the time in all cells but only a subset of genes work at any time in every cell. Which genes work and which genes do not work, determine the characteristics of a cell and the tissue that is made of those cells. That is why it is very important how it is decided which gene works when and where.

When a gene works, it produces an intermediary RNA molecule which is used to produce the protein encoded by that gene. Since it is a multi-step process, it can be influenced at different stages. For example if the RNA is not produced, the gene doesn't work but that is not the only way to switch a gene off. For example some genes produce an RNA which is not used to make protein but that RNA can interfere with the stability of other RNAs, which are used to make proteins. Many of these so called non-coding RNAs (because they do not encode for a protein) are very small compared to protein coding RNAs. Our work focussed on the characterisation of these small non-coding RNAs during tomato fruit development. We measured the amount of all existing small RNAs at ten different time points starting with a flower bud and finishing with a fully ripened tomato fruit. We found hundreds of thousands of different small RNA molecules and most of them accumulated at different levels during fruit development. We selected 10 specific small RNAs and generated plants that produced more of these small RNAs. We also generated plants that produced less of these small RNAs. The characterisation of these plants is still ongoing but they are a very valuable resource to understand the role of these small RNAs.

During the project the complete genome sequence of tomato has been completed by other laboratories. The genome sequence can be imagined like letters in a book. The first draft of the genome sequence is similar to a book with letters but without capital letters, spaces, commas and full stops. Therefore the words and sentences cannot be read in such a book. Similarly, the first draft of the genome sequence is not useful because we cannot see the genes. Our task was to identify the small non-coding RNA producing genes in the genome sequence, while other groups identified the protein producing genes. Due to this work, we now have a "readable" book of the tomato genome, where genes and regulatory regions are labelled. This will be an invaluable resource for plant breeders in many years to come.

We are following up, through a self funded PhD studentship, one of the very interesting miRNAs that we discovered during this grant award. It is a microRNA gene that contains an intron, which is very rare. The splicing of the intron is necessary for the production of the mature miRNA. In addition, this miRNA gene is only conserved in the Solanacaea and a few related families. We are working on understanding the function of this miRNA.
Exploitation Route Individual microRNAs identified in this study can be followed up and functional studies can elucidate their role in fruit development
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink