Towards predictive biology: using stress responses in a bacterial pathogen to link molecular state to phenotype

Lead Research Organisation: University of Liverpool
Department Name: Institute of Integrative Biology


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Technical Summary

Predicting phenotype from genotype is a long-term goal in biology, and we will use a systems biology approach to do this in a pathogenic strain of E. coli. This proposal will identify key networks needed for E. coli to survive the stresses which it encounters in the gut. Our approach has been validated by our work on acid stress, which found new aspects of this process in E. coli. The unique, powerful feature of this proposal is the use of network-inference strategies on a combination of both gene expression and gene fitness measurements. It addresses several key BBSRC strategic priorities including Animal Health, Healthy and Safe Food, and Systems Approaches to the Biosciences. We will use TraDIS which involves the use of a very high-density transposon library. Such libraries can be used to estimate relative fitness of all the mutants, following exposure to different growth regimes, using HTS to find the level of each mutant before and after growth. This provides a measure of the fitness index for each gene under each condition, which, combined with expression data, will enable the modelling of networks based on functional associations. We will use different stresses, relevant to gut passage, on a library provided by our industrial collaborators, and then use inference to identify critical networks responsive to these stresses. Modules, gene hubs and other topological features will be identified in the model. Mutations in key pathways will be constructed and analysed further. Data from these studies will be used to refine the networks and to enable predictions of phenotype based on gene expression data. Predictions will be tested, and the models iteratively made more robust, by analysis of single gene knockouts and by experiments in an artificial gut system. This approach will be generalisable to any pathogen, and to industrial micro-organisms and organisms produced using synthetic biology methods.

Planned Impact

Our ultimate goal is a truly predictive biology, where the fitness of an organism in a particular environment can be accurately predicted from a detailed knowledge of its molecular state. The ability to do this is relevant to many areas of BBSRC funded research.

The current proposal will move us towards this goal by developing novel computational models, reflecting the structure of the underlying biological networks, and predictive of the phenotypic responses to a range of stresses relevant to the survival of a food-borne pathogen. These models will simulate molecular adaptation and predict fitness in different environments both in the laboratory and in an artificial gut model. All predictions will be experimentally tested.

The methods developed will be highly generalisable, for example to bacteria growing in an industrial fermentation. Our models will allow considerable advances in the understanding of bacterial adaptation to stress, particularly by identifying regulatory circuits that allow survival in different stress conditions. The ability to predictively link pathways, fitness, and phenotype will also be essential in the application of synthetic biology, for example in the construction of organisms with improved ability to perform in unstable conditions.

Our model organism will be E. coli. A known pathogenic strain (UO399, an important multi-drug resistant isolate) will be used, so that the data are representative of a pathogen and not a laboratory-adapted strain. We will use proven computational methods to infer the regulatory networks that enable E. coli to respond to a variety of stresses, including some that it normally encounters in the mammalian gut. The data used for this analysis will be generated under a range of physiologically relevant stress conditions, using approaches based on high throughput sequencing, and will consist of measures of relative fitness for all non-essential genes and gene expression data. This will enable the identification of key regulatory networks and pathways underlying stress survival. The expression profiles that result will be analysed so that specific phenotypic outcomes become predictable from expression data. The hypotheses generated by these models will be tested in the laboratory using a combination of genetics and molecular methods. In addition, the relevance of the system in a complex scenario will be tested by using a validated artificial gut model.

These objectives are relevant to BBSRC strategic priorities in Animal Health, Healthy and Safe Food, and (in particular) Synthetic Biology and Systems Approaches to the Biosciences.

The specific experimental objectives are as follows.

1) Determination of a gene fitness index for each non-essential gene, and acquisition of expression data, for all the genes of UO399. This will be done under a range of conditions representative of stresses that are encountered during passage through the mammalian gut. Stresses will be applied under both aerobic and anaerobic growth conditions.

2) Inference of networks that are critical for survival of individual or combined stresses, by combining models generated from the gene fitness measures and gene expression data, plus integration of data which is already available, and prediction of key genes and pathways in each stress.

3) Testing of predictions from inferred network models, by generation of specific mutants and measurement of fitness by competition experiments under laboratory conditions.

4) Use of the models to make and test predictions about gene fitness in an artificial gut model, based on gene expression data obtained in that model.

5) Testing the extent to which the models and predictions can be generalised across different E. coli strains.

Objectives (2) to (5) will be met through an iterative process of data generation, modelling, prediction, and testing.
Description The Liverpool team has generated a very large dataset of RNAseq and traDIS data under wide range of different stress conditions for the uropathogenic strain of E coli ST131 (Sequencing done in the Centre for Genome Research at the IIB in Liverpool). These include altered pH, different organic acids, bile salts, osmotic stress, oxidative stress, altered carbon sources, all done under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. This is, at the best of our knowledge the largest compendium of traDIS dataset for E coli.
We have then built a network model of the transcriptomics and fitness data and then shown that the early transcriptional response to stress is predictive of later fitness. Interestingly these models have led to the identification of several putative targets that the Birmingham group (associated grant) are now still testing. Unfortunately, the Birmingham team has encountered considerable difficulties in generating the mutant strains and, because of this the progression of the project has been slowed down.
However, the Liverpool team has refined the computational models and focussed on the analysis of the transcriptional response in relation to fitness. More precisely, we have asked whether, genes that are modulated in the first 15 minutes of the exposure to the stressor are indeed contributing to survival. We have addressed this important question by directly comparing gene expression with the traDIS fitness data.
Interestingly, we have discovered that E. coli ST131 transcriptional response to the stressor can be subdivided in a pro-survival response and an anti-survival response that we can associate to biological pathways that lead to an adverse survival outcome. We have published these findings in a recent paper in 'Gene' (see outputs) where myself and Dr Lund are joint senior and corresponding authors. We are are currently preparing another publication focussing more on the computational biology aspect of the approach. Moreover, the collaboration with Auspherix has gone to fruition and a paper describing the mechanism of response of an E coli strain to an organic gold compound has been produced. The approach uses traDIS in combination with transcriptomics to understand mechanisms of resistance. Interestingly we found a clear but surprising link between resistance to organo-gold compounds and mechanisms of acid resistance identified by the primary work done in this grant. More specifically, the two-component system OmpR seem to be driving the response to acid response and also being responsible for survival to organo-gold compound exposure. The manuscript is currently under review by the original Auspherix investors.
Exploitation Route Our findings represent an important step forward. We expect that academic groups will take on some of the candidates we have identified and investigate their role in stress response both in E coli and other strains at a more detailed level. While we do not expect expect Auspherix to use some of our identified targets for the identification of antibacterial agents (the company has been dissolved) we are confident that other companies will find useful our findings.
Sectors Environment


Description So far the computational approach that we have developed has been used as a know-how to develop the basis for an industry project that we are discussing with Auspherix, a UK company based in the Stevenage science park. The project has been very succesfull since we have been able to identify a potential mechanism of action and also identify potential mechanisms of resistance. However, unfortunately, it has been impossible to develop this further within the company since the investors decided to close the company. The outputs however remain interesting from an academic perspective and we are confident that we will be able to identify potential industry collaborators to take this forward.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment,Healthcare,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Description Auspherix 
Organisation Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The methodology developed in this project (reverse engineering of bacterial regulatory networks in relation to stress) has allowed Auspherix to identify the potential Mechanism of Action of one of their leading compounds. This is an organo-gold compound with powerful antibacterial properties but with an unknown mechanism of action. We developed an expression profiling dataset representing a dose and time response to the Auspherix antibiotic and use a dynamical modelling technique to identify the hierarchy of events linked to the killing effect of the antibiotic. Our results suggests that the earliest detected transcriptional changes were involving a series of genes involved in oxidative stress response. This is consistent with the observation that bacterial E coli mutants in genes involved in this process show higher sensitivity to the antibiotic than their wild type counterparts.
Collaborator Contribution Auspherix commissioned research to our spin off company Omic Analytics (see specific section of this report). The contribution from Auspherix was in a form of a research contract with the company. This
Impact The collaboration finished in November 2018. The outcome is now at the stage of a working model of the antibiotic mechanism of action. Further research using traDIS methods with different concentrations of the compound has been performed by our Liverpool collaborators (Pete Lund). Work was done by BBSRC-funded student whose project arose directly from the initial BBSRC award. We are now finalising a publication which we expect will be submitted together with the main paper describing the result of the research done within this grant.
Start Year 2017
Description Collaboration with University of Liverpool 
Organisation University of Liverpool
Department Institute of Integrative Biology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provision of experimental samples
Collaborator Contribution Generation of sequence reads for both RNAseq and traDIS, analysis of reads
Impact Collaboration between us (experimental biologists), University of Liverpool sequencing service (high throughput RNA and DNA sequencing), and bioinformatics team (Institute of Integrative Biology).
Start Year 2014
Company Name Omic Analytics Limited 
Year Established 2014 
Impact The company has developed software supporting Mass Spectrometry instrumentation. This is currently licensed to the world leading company Waters ( and supports their instrumentation. The company provides contract research support to several other companies. The know-how developed in the associated grants has allowed the company to deliver research contracts in the area of Systems Biology.