Exploiting next generation sequencing technologies to understand pathogenicity and resistance in Fusarium oxysporum

Lead Research Organisation: National Institute of Agricultural Botany
Department Name: Centre for Research


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Planned Impact

Onions are grown in virtually every country in the world and have a production value of US$ 24,698M. However, considerable yield losses occur due because of Fusarium basal rot caused by F. oxysporum f.sp. (forma speciales) cepae (FOC), and in the UK this is equivalent to economic losses of approx £11M per annum. The major aim of this proposed research is to provide information, tools and resources which will lead to more effective and sustainable control of this disease. Primarily this will be through the development of genetic resources and markers to enable the breeding of FOC-resistant onions. However, we will also identify genetic markers to distinguish FOC from non-pathogenic F. oxysporum isolates or other f.spp. affecting different crops which will ultimately lead to tests for detection and quantification the pathogen. This integrated approach to basal rot control will therefore benefit a wide range of stakeholders and also addresses the BBSRC strategic priority area of sustainable crop production, particularly with respect to reducing chemical usage and waste.

Commercial beneficiaries of the research will include plant breeders, seed producers and growers. The primary and immediate beneficiary will be Nickerson-Zwaan (NiZ) who is the industry partner in the project as they will have access to unique onion lines which they will utilise to develop elite FOC resistant cultivars. Their involvement and investment ensures that there is a direct route for delivery of the research through their existing global product development and marketing infrastructure. This process will be accelerated by the information, tools and resources generated in the project which include the identification of FOC resistance loci and associated genetic markers in onion, the production of new onion populations segregating for FOC resistance and pre-breeding onion lines. Although NiZ will have access to these resources first, these will also be made publicly available for the benefit of other onion breeders. Onion mapping populations, genome data and availability of other genetic resources in particular should facilitate breeding for other traits such as resistance to other disease and pests and daylength response. Markers for pathogenicity in Fusarium will also be an immediate output and could be informative for identifying effector-based resistance in other crops affected by F. oxysporum which will again benefit breeding companies.

Growers will benefit from the research as in due course they will have access to Fusarium resistant onion cultivars not previously available. This will give them a more sustainable and attractive option for basal rot management as chemical control of the disease is difficult, inefficient, becoming more undesirable and subject to loss of products through legislation. Hence there will be reduced losses and wastage due to bulb rotting in field or store with concomitant increased economic returns. The markers for Fusarium pathogenicity will also provide a platform for developing diagnostic and quantitative tests for the pathogen in soil, onion seed, sets and bulbs. This will also benefit growers and crop consultants as they will be able to determine the health of their planting material and select appropriate pathogen-free fields for onion growing. They will also be able to assess whether bulbs at harvest are FOC-free and hence make decisions about their storage capability.

The research towards developing onion lines resistant to onion basal rot and detection tests for FOC in this proposed research therefore represents two different approaches in developing a more sustainable integrated strategy to reduce Fusarium basal rot losses. The public will benefit by having access to high quality onions grown with reduced pesticide inputs. The research will also result in the generation of a wealth of data associated with onion and Fusarium genetics and eill hence benefit researchers and academics working in these areas.
Description The soilborne fungus Fusarium oxysporum is a species complex that includes both pathogenic and non-pathogenic isolates. The many pathogenic forms of the fungus (known as formae speciales - f.spp.) are each adapted to particular host plants and cause some of the most devastating diseases of crop plants throughout the world. F. oxysporum f.sp. cepae (FOC) is the form that affects onion and is a major constraint to production globally with estimated losses in the UK of at least £11M per annum. FOC causes a basal rot which is most damaging as bulbs mature in the field or post-harvest in store. FOC also produces long-lived spores, which makes control extremely difficult, especially as traditional management strategies such as soil sterilisation/pasteurisation, fungicide drenches or seed treatments are often uneconomic or inefficient, can have negative impacts on the environment and are under threat or already banned through legislation. Plant resistance to basal rot in onion is therefore highly desirable, but so far successful onion cultivars have not been produced. One of the main aims of this HAPI project was to identify genetic markers associated with Fusarium basal rot resistance for use in breeding programmes using onion lines selected from a unique onion diversity set created at Warwick. A further aim was to identify the genetic basis for FOC pathogenicity which could allow the pathogen to be distinguished from other f. spp. or non-pathogenic F. oxysporum. High level resistance to FOC was confirmed in several onion lines using both seedling and mature onion plant tests. Onion populations segregating for resistance were also genotyped using more than 400 KASP markers and subsequent analysis has identified several associated quantitative trait loci and molecular markers. With refinement, these will be invaluable for use in breeding programmes to speed up selection of resistant onion lines. Our industrial partner Hazera Seeds is continuing to produce new double haploid onion populations segregating for resistance to help refine and improve the genetic analysis as well as pre-breeding material as a first step to producing an elite FOC-resistant onion cultivar. A set of 32 F. oxysporum isolates from onion were also extensively characterised through sequencing of housekeeping and putative effector genes as well as pathogenicity tests on onion seedlings and bulbs. For the first time we showed a clear association between the presence of seven of the fourteen known 'Secreted in Xylem' (SIX) genes (first described in F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici affecting tomato) and pathogenicity on onion. Non-pathogenic isolates did not contain any SIX genes. A subset of the FOC isolates was genome sequenced and analysis has shown that pathogenicity genes are clustered on lineage specific regions and several other putative effectors have also been identified. Furthermore, using an agar based system for inoculation of onion seedlings, we demonstrated that the SIX and other putative effector genes are all expressed 'in planta'. The development of molecular markers associated with FOC resistance and pre-breeding material in this project will facilitate the future development of new onion cultivars with resistance to basal rot disease. Furthermore, the presence / absence of SIX genes in FOC, and their unique sequence compared to other F. oxysporum f.spp. has allowed a specific PCR-based diagnostic to be developed for FOC through further AHDB funding in a related project. This allows FOC to be distinguished from non-pathogenic F. oxysporum and other f.spp. for the first time and will enable quantification of the pathogen on onion seeds, sets, bulbs or in soil. This approach is also being developed for other F. oxysporum f.spp affecting narcissus and column stocks. These developments have been of great interest to the industry and have been communicated through presentations and trade press articles. A paper describing the significance of SIX genes in FOC pathogenicity has been published as well as a further paper on FOC genome analysis.
Exploitation Route The FOC PCR diagnostic can potentially be used to assess pathogen levels in onion seeds, sets or bulbs and soil. This will help growers assess disease risk and be better able to manage basal rot. Similar diagnostic approaches based on pathogenicity gene targets may also be appropriate for other F. oxysporum f.spp. The identification of molecular markers appropriate for onion could be used by breeders to speed up the selection of new improved lines with FOC resistance.

Update- this has been taken forward in AHDB/BBSRC funded work for this exact objective.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description Further development is currently being pursued through an AHDB project. In this project we built upon the knowledge from this HAPI programme of which key effectors tag Fusarium oxysporum fsp. cepae in soils. This allowed (for the first time ) an NGS based diagnostic of FOC that tags effectors at the same time as tagging many other microbes in the soil and charting their relative abundance. This lays the foundation for modelling approaches to predict Fusarium diseases in real-world situations. 2019- This has been taken forward in a BBSRC/ AHDB pilot project.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Impact Types Economic

Description Developed application with AHDB
Amount £309,921 (GBP)
Funding ID POBOF 452 
Organisation Agricultural and Horticulture Development Board 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2017 
End 11/2018
Description Apple canker workshop at Yangling A&F University 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Attendance and contribution at a workshop associated with BBSRC China Partnering funding on apple canker research. This allowed presentation on Apple canker research at NIAB EMR, involvement in discussions on European and Asian apple cankers and also highlighting genomic research performed across other projects at NIAB EMR associated with development of molecular diagnostics. Genomic work performed on apple canker at NIAB EMR led to discussions on joint publications between groups. Discussion on Fusarium and how we have developed molecular diagnostics from that work led to discussion on further research projects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Food secutiry for vulnerable populations: the fungal threat 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Oral presentation and group discussion under the Researcher Links scheme. This was a joint meeting funded by the British Council and FAPESP in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil on 11-14 September 2018. The workshop was coordinated by Simon Avery (Univ. Nottingham) and Gustavo Goldman (Univ. Sao Paulo), and had contributions from other experienced researchers. My presentation covered work on Fusarium, Phytophthora, Verticillium and Alternaria at NIAB EMR, raising the profile of the institute and of the funded genomic research that we have been performing. This led to discussions on future research projects and possible new joint-funded grants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Invited to talk to lab groups - University of Cambridge 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited to talk at Uni of Cambridge Plant Sciences Dept group meeting on work related to nanopore sequencing. 25 minute talk "Applying sequencing technologies to gain insight into the entire community of organisms associated with Fusarium disease complexes".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Practical Course on Plant Pathogen Diagnostics: From Symptoms to Sequence 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Hosting of a workshop on pathogen diagnostics and identification for researchers, agronomists, farm managers and all members of public interested in plant diseases.
This workshop covered:
Theoretical and practical demonstrations of core plant pathogen diagnostics skills
Diseases on annual and perennial crops
The latest developments in molecular detection and classification of pathogens
High throughput detection and imaging tools for large scale environmental monitoring

In addition to organisation and running of the workshop, a presentation was given highlighting how BBSRC funded research using next generation sequencing is influencing Fusarium identification, diagnostics and control.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL http://www.emr.ac.uk/events/practical-plant-pathogen-diagnostics/
Description Presentation at AHDB CFC open evening 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Presentation at the Cut Flower Centre's (CFC) open evening, highlighting challenges faced by industry and research being done to address these problems. We gave one of the four presentations of the evening describing the use of genomic approaches to develop new diagnostic tests for Fusarium diseases. This gave business representatives and professional practitioners greater understanding of how funding basic science can lead to applied benefits to production. Trade media documented the event leading to coverage in trade magazines and impact on a wider audience beyond the ~100 delegates in the audience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL https://horticulture.ahdb.org.uk/event/cut-flower-centre-open-evening-2018
Description Talk - AAB Thinking Differently about Soil-Borne Disease Management 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Association of Applied Biology day conference Thinking Differently about Soil-borne disease Management - 15 minute talk "Using Sequencing Technologies to Identify Fusarium oxysporum to ff. spp. level within the associated microbiome"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description The Third International Horticulture Research Conference (Nanjing, China) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The Third International Horticulture Research Conference brought together international researchers conducting basic research on horticultural crops, to showcase the latest research findings. Andrew Armitage presented a poster at the conference titled "Lineage specific regions in the onion basal rot pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae" winning runner up poster prize.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.hortres-conference.org/uploadfiles/The%20Third%20International%20Horticulture%20Research%...