Investigating the early steps in the assembly of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosynthesis

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Life Sciences


The photosystem two (PSII) protein complex is widely considered to be one of the most remarkable and important molecular machines on Earth. It performs the incredibly difficult task of extracting electrons from highly stable water molecules to allow plants, algae and cyanobacteria to grow. PSII also produces the oxygen that we breathe. PSII drives the very demanding water-splitting reaction by capturing solar energy and using it to drive the oxidation of water molecules bound to a highly conserved metal cluster, made up of 1 calcium ion and 4 manganese ions, buried within the PSII complex. The oxygen that is liberated is then fed back into the atmosphere. Dramatic progress has been made in understanding the 3-dimensional structure of the complex so that we now know to a high degree of precision where each atom in the complex is located. We know that active PSII is composed of about 20 individual proteins, bound together in a lipid membrane, and that it contains a large number of specialised pigment molecules to harvest the solar energy, as well as small organic molecules to transport electrons through the complex. Unfortunately PSII is not a perfect machine; it sometimes breaks down, especially when the sunlight is very bright, and has to be repaired. To do this the damaged PSII complex is partially disassembled into a smaller complex, and the damaged protein is replaced by a newly made version. Without this special repair mechanism PSII would be quickly inactivated in the light and plant growth and oxygen evolution would be inhibited. The purpose of our research is to understand how PSII functions to split water, how PSII is assembled from its component parts and how it is repaired efficiently. Understanding these processes might allow us in the future to enhance photosynthesis in crop plants so that we can increase growth to help satisfy the ever increasing demand for more food and more biomass. This knowledge might also have applications in the design of new, sustainable herbicides or the design of new man-made catalysts that might act as 'artificial leaves' to provide renewable fuels from solar energy. Together with our collaborators, we have previously shown that PSII is assembled in a stepwise manner from smaller sub-complexes or modules and that these assembly intermediates also bind 'accessory factors' not found in the final active PSII complex. Whilst progress has been made in characterising the larger assembly intermediates, less is known about the early steps in PSII assembly. We propose to find out more about what is happening at this stage of PSII assembly. To do this we will employ a wide range of different experimental techniques and will work with collaborators around the world to maximise the return on the investment in time and money. By using a combination of genetic engineering and protein purification, we will isolate different types of early PSII assembly intermediate: some very early on in assembly when pigment molecules are first inserted into the protein as well as a minimal type of PSII complex, the PSII RC, that assembles later on in the pathway. By analysing the composition of these complexes we hope to identify new proteins that are required for assembly and repair of PSII. We have already identified two accessory proteins, termed Ycf48 and Ycf39, which bind to the PSII RC found in a cyanobacterium. We will employ a combination of mutagenesis, biochemistry and structural biology to find out more about their roles in PSII assembly, their 3D structure and how they interact with PSII. In addition we will use a special type of microscopy to detect the location of the PSII RC in live cyanobacterial cells to see where about this complex is found which will give us clues as to the site of assembly within the cell. Overall our research will provide important new information on how the oxygen-evolving complex of photosynthesis is assembled.

Technical Summary

The oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII) complex is assembled via a set of distinct intermediates, some of which bind conserved 'accessory' proteins of unknown function. In this application we wish to clarify the subunit composition and activity of the so-called PSII reaction centre assembly intermediate (PSII RC) which binds the lumenal Ycf48 accessory factor. In background work to this proposal we have solved the structure of Ycf48 bound to a synthetic D1 C-terminal peptide by X-ray crystallography to 2.1Å. Objective 1 of the application will test the physiological relevance of this interaction using a site-directed mutagenesis approach in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Objective 2 describes the use of His-tagging technology to isolate the PSII RC for detailed spectroscopic characterization. Mass spectrometry will be used to determine the subunit composition and to identify additional 'accessory' proteins. In background work to this proposal we have discovered that Ycf39 (slr0399), a member of the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase superfamily, is also a component of the PSII RC. We will overexpress Ycf39 and its two close homologues (Slr0317 and Sll1218) in E. coli for structural studies and to test for NAD(P)H binding. Mutagenesis experiments will test for overlap of function between these homologues with regard PSII assembly and function. Objective 4 describes the use of confocal fluorescence microscopy to identify GFP-tagged PSII RC in live cells as a means of detecting the sites of PSII assembly in the cell. The precursor D1 subunit is inserted into the membrane via SynYidC (Slr1471). Other factors involved at this early stage of D1 insertion are unknown. Objective 5 describes a biochemical approach to identify these factors: flag-tagged or His-tagged derivatives of SynYidC will be isolated under conditions where the newly synthesised protein is jammed in the insertion apparatus and co-purifying proteins identified by mass spectrometry.

Planned Impact

Understanding the details of the assembly of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosynthesis might in the long-term lead to the development of microalgae and plants with more robust and more efficient photosynthesis. In the agricultural sector, beneficiaries could include: companies involved in modifying or selecting plants to maintain and or improve crop yields under stress conditions either imposed by the changing environment or to exploit less fertile land; farmers who wish to develop new practices for similar reasons; governments and policy-makers interested in developing novel strategies to achieve food security; and the public who will benefit from food security. In the bioenergy sector, beneficiaries include: companies wishing to develop alternatives to fossil fuels; governments and policy makers who are interested in new routes to energy security and for new energy sources for developing countries; the military who are looking for alternative fuels for specific and niche uses; environmentalists who need to focus on rational long-term alternatives to fossil fuels. In the environmental and ecological sector, beneficiaries include those wishing to understand and mitigate loss of photosynthetic species or productivity in a changing environment. These include governments and policy makers, the tourism sector (coral reef bleaching) and fisheries (the loss of photosynthetic microbes at the start of the food chain).

Our research will also investigate at a fundamental level how proteins are inserted into the cyanobacterial thylakoid membrane and then assembled into multi-subunit complexes. Ultimately this knowledge will benefit those in the biotechnology sector who wish to develop cyanobacteria and other related photosynthetic organisms as solar biorefineries for the sustainable production of green chemicals and high-value products.

In the education sector, in museums and in the media, there will be benefits from publicising new advances in one of the most fundamental biological processes and one that has been taught at secondary school and so readily familiar to the general public.

Staff hired for the project will obtain training in cutting edge research in a world-leading research centre containing several world leading experts in Photosynthesis including Bill Rutherford, Jim Barber and Jasper van Thor as well as Peter Nixon and James Murray, with expertise ranging from femtosecond spectroscopy to biofuel production through metabolic engineering of photosynthetic microbes. They will have the benefit of the excellent intellectual environment of a leading university with a tradition of close ties with engineers and industry.


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publication icon
Bec Ková M (2017) Structure of Psb29/Thf1 and its association with the FtsH protease complex involved in photosystem II repair in cyanobacteria. in Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences

Description The photosystem two (PSII) complex located in the thylakoid membrane plays a vital role in plant growth and replenishing oxygen in the atmosphere. How this multisubunit enzyme is assembled from its component parts is unclear. Research funded through this award has allowed us to characterise for the first time an early assembly complex of PSII from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis 6803. We have discovered that a pigment protein complex composed of Ycf39 and small subunits related to light-harvesting subunits of chloroplasts is associated with the PSII assembly complex. Our work indicates that this new pigment complex plays a role in delivering chlorophyll to PSII during early stages of assembly.

Objective 1: Based on the crystal structure for Ycf48 we identified close to the putative D1 C-terminal peptide-binding site a patch of positively charged residues (the 'Arg patch') that we hypothesised to be important for binding to PSII. We have established a mutagenesis system for Ycf48 in Synechocystis 6803 and have made two quadruple mutants in which all four Arg residues were mutated to either Ala or to Glu residues. Both mutated proteins were expressed at WT levels in S. 6803 as determined by immunoblotting. The phenotype of the Glu mutant is identical to that of the ycf48 deletion mutant suggesting loss of function. In addition, blue-native PAGE revealed that binding of mutated Ycf48 to PSII complexes was severely impaired in the Glu quadruple mutant and NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography have confirmed that the E. coli-expressed mutated protein was able to fold like WT Ycf48. Overall our data indicate a role for one or more of the Arg residues in the Arg patch in binding to PSII. This mutagenesis work together with the X-ray structure of Ycf48 from Thermosynechococcus elongatus and Cyanidioschyzon merolae was published in PNAS in 2018. A double mutant (Ycf48-Y165F/A157L) has also been constructed to test the physiological role of the putative D1 C-terminal peptide-binding site. The mutant behaves like WT and so the physiological importance of this binding site will be tested in more drastic follow-up mutations.

Objective 2: The identification of the Ycf39-HLIP complex and its interaction with the PSII reaction centre assembly complex (PSII RC) was published during the course of this work. We have now made a strain of Synechocystis 6803 that expresses an N-terminal His-tagged derivative of D2 in a delta CP47 background. His-tagged PSII RCs have been isolated from this strain and preliminary biophysical studies in collaboration with Josef Komenda and colleagues indicate that the PSII RCs are able to carry our charge separation akin to that observed in D1/D2/Cyt b559 complexes obtained by detergent fragmentation of larger PSII core complexes. More detailed analyses are currently being performed to characterise the PSII RC and in particular whether plastoquinone and Mn are bound. During the course of these investigations we identified a new component of the PSII RC termed RubA which contains a rubredoxin-like domain consisting of a iron ion ligated by four Cys residues. Our studies have revealed that RubA binds to the D1 assembly module and is needed for assembly of the PSII RC even in the dark. A RubA-Ycf48 fusion is functional in Synechocystis suggesting that these two proteins might have once been a single protein. This work was published in Plant Cell in 2019.

Objective 3: We have constructed the deletion strain of Ycf39 and its phenotype was reported in the recent publication published in Plant Cell. We have expressed Ycf39 in E. coli fused to a variety of affinity tags but as yet the Ycf39 is produced in an insoluble form. Likewise His-tagged derivatives of the two close homologues of Ycf39 (Slr0317 and Sll1218) are also expressed mainly as insoluble products. Current work is being directed to refolding of solubilised inclusion bodies. Unlike ycf39, null mutants of the two homologues could not be generated indicating that they are required for viability. Experiments are planned to place these genes under the control of a repressible promoter.

Objective 4: A GFP-tagged derivative of Ycf39 has just been constructed in Synechocystis 6803. Confocal microscopy will be performed after immunoblotting experiments have confirmed that the Ycf39-GFP fusion accumulates and that the mutant behaves like WT. If successful, a delta CP47 derivative will be made which accumulates higher levels of PSII RCs.

Objective 5: Progress towards this objective has been helped considerably by the donation of a Flag-tagged derivative of SynYidC by my collaborator Roman Sobotka. Preliminary pull-downs done by Roman indicate that YidC is associated with a number of proteins including Ycf48. This date was recently published in PNAS. The materials and methods are now in place to perform pull-downs in the presence of chloramphenicol.
Exploitation Route Might help produce crop plants that are more resistant to light stress
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description Annual debate at the Linnean Society of London, Central London, on 'Plant Biology and the Future' 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Gave short presentation about my research with emphasis on the potential impact for society in terms of breeding better crops and developing solar biorefineries for biotechnology applications. Member of panel that debated the future of plant science.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Co-organised a Royal Society Discussion Meeting entitled 'Enhancing photosynthesis in crop plants: targets for improvement' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Two-day discussion meeting containing lectures from experts in photosynthesis and crop breeding. Helped publicise to industry and the general public/media the fundamental work being done by researchers studying photosynthesis and its potential impact.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Green Great Britain Week, Imperial Lates 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Exhibit on the 'solar bio-battery', a printed biophotovoltaic cell consisting of cyanobacteria grown on an electrode which converts sunlight into an electric current
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Imperial College London Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Members of the research group gave a hands-on demonstration on photosynthesis and algae at the Imperial College Science festival
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Marin Sawa's exhibitions and presentations 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Peter Nixon acts as one of the PhD supervisors of Marin Sawa, a PhD candidate/designer at Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, London, whose thesis is entitled 'Interweaving algal biotechnology with sustainable urban living'. Their collaborative work has focused on integrating plants and algae into urban living with focus on digitally printed health food supplements and digitally printed biophotovoltaic cells. These novel applications of photosynthesis have helped raise awareness of current photosynthesis research in connection with ecological crises and sustainability issues. In the past her work has been exhibited in museums and galleries to a general international audience at the 'ALIVE' EDF Foundation exhibition in Paris in April-September 2013 and the Biodesign' exhibition at The New Institute in Rotterdam in September-December 2013, and more recently in September 2015 at the 'Anthropocene' exhibition at the Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, one of the largest science museums in Europe. Future work on genetic engineering/synthetic biology and algal biotechnology is scheduled to take part at biotechnology-focused events at the Copernicus Science Centre in 2016, and at the National History Museum, Sweden. Public presentations informing non-scientists about the molecular workings of photosynthesis were given at the Mediamatic, Bioindustry programme in Amsterdam in March 2014, at the symposium 'Syn de bio' at the Bartlett School of Architecture in London in June 2014, and also at the the Przemiany Festival, Copernicus Science Centre in September 2015, with a future presentation planned for the 2016 edition of the Biofabricate conference at the Microsoft Times Square headquarter, New York City.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016
Description Science museum 2015 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Marin Sawa, a member of the Nixon research group, contributed to a hands-on presentation on Space Algae as part of the Science Museum's Principia Launch event held on December 16th 2015 to highlight Tim Peake's mission to the International Space Station
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015