FLIP: Developing biorenewables based feedstock and clean chemistry technologies for the pharmaceutical industry

Lead Research Organisation: University of York
Department Name: Biology


Plants have evolved to produce a vast array of complex chemical structures to fight off attacks from herbivores and pathogens and to protect themselves from often hostile environments. These chemical structures also provide plants with medicinal properties that human civilisation has relied on for millennia. We now know the identity of the chemicals responsible for a number of these medicinal properties. The pharmaceutical industry has used these chemical structures to develop drugs either directly from the plant derived chemicals or by chemically synthesising related structures that mimic the plant chemical. The use of plants as a sustainable source of high value chemicals for industry has been recognised by the UK government as a key area for growth in the next decade. This interchange programme will establish much closer interactions between GlaxoSmithKline, a global pharmaceutical company headquartered in the UK, and the University of York, which has a critical mass of researchers in plant biochemistry, novel crop development, green chemistry and industrial biotechnology. Specific objectives include the identification of new plant derived feedstocks for high value chemicals, evaluation of technology platforms that use biocatalysis and fermentation based processes to modify chemical structures and lower input, more sustainable platforms for extraction and processing of chemicals from various plant feedstocks. The interchange also aims to train academic staff and students in the practices used by industry to select targets and projects for development and to increase awareness of how industry-academic partnerships can operate to mutual gain, allowing both the need of academia to publish and the need of industry to protect intellectual property to be met. Knowledge and technology will also move from academia to industry through the interchanger and also by direct engagement with key opinion formers from the company in an organised workshop, and follow up visits to industry by academics. Ultimate success of the interchange will be measured through the increased uptake of high value chemicals from plants by the pharmaceutical sector and overall contribution to the Government vision of the UK becoming a top 3 producer of high value chemicals from plants by 2025.

Technical Summary

This interchange will enable a pharmaceutical industry expert in natural product chemistry to become engaged in a number of biorenewables based activities at the University of York. The interchange is designed to build bridges between the pharmaceutical industry and the research and technology base at the University of York across a number of BBSRC funded and other projects that should lead to better translation of research into the pharmaceutical sector and improved awareness and response to industry needs by academia.
More specifically, the interchanger will:
1) evaluate and utilise new bioinformatics, metabolomic and molecular breeding tools for natural product discovery and development (with the Centre for Novel Agricultural Products).
2) evaluate synthetic biology and fermentation based approaches for delivery of biorenewable based feedstocks to the pharmaceutical industry (with the Centre for Novel Agricultural Products).
3) evaluate and optimise extraction and processing of the alkaloid class of natural products using state of the art pilot scale facilities (in the Biorenewables Development Centre).
4) explore and develop clean chemical technologies and their potential to decrease the environmental footprint of pharmaceutical production (with the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence).
5) develop activities that will ensure productive interactions, raise awareness of industry requirements within academia and the potential for biorenewables based feedstocks and clean chemical technologies within the pharmaceutical industry.

Planned Impact

Who will benefit from this research?
This interchange will benefit individual staff and research students in the University of York who are focussed on biorenewables based activities and industrial biotechnology.
The interchange will also benefit the pharmaceutical industry in general and GSK in particular.
The interchange will also benefit the development of the industrial biotechnology sector and consequently growth and development of the UK economy.
The interchange will also benefit the environment and society through the development of more environmentally friendly production systems for pharmaceuticals.

How will they benefit from this research?
Staff and students in the academic sector will benefit through exposure to the operating practices within industry that lead to targets and projects being selected for development. This will lead to an improved understanding of how to approach and work with industry or to compete for positions in industry. The interchange also aims through a workshop to increase awareness of the structure of industry academia partnerships and how these can best function while meeting the requirements of both academia and industry.

The interchanger, Tim Bowser, will benefit in terms of training through access to new technology and knowledge related to natural product feedstocks, extraction and processing and the opportunity to perform novel research that could lead to step change increases when scaled up by industry. Where appropriate, the outputs from the research will be evaluated at scale and translated directly by GSK to the benefit of the company and the host institution. GSK management will also benefit through increased awareness of the potential of plant derived natural products and more sustainable extraction and processing technologies. This is a key aim of objective 5, which is focussed on knowledge exchange between the sectors.

The Department of Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) has identified Industrial Biotechnology as having significant growth potential for the benefit of the UK economy over the next 15 years. In the BIS roadmap for Industrial Biotechnology the need to develop centres of excellence to support specific aims such as using plant biomass as a source of high value chemicals for the pharmaceutical sector has been identified. This interchange programme contributes significantly to these aims by providing a mechanism to establish industry led programmes in such a centre. The success of this interchange will therefore facilitate the development of industrial biotechnology to the benefit of the UK economy and the economic competitiveness of the UK in this important growth area.

More sustainable and environmentally friendly production of pharmaceuticals will have an obvious benefit to our environment and will also make the industry itself more competitive and sustainable.


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Description • Industrial Biotechnology based manufacturing process for a commercial Opiate alkaloid by biotransformation.

Plant derived gene sequences were cloned and optimised for use in microorganisms and tested against an array of potentially commercially important opiates. These opiates are presently obtained by extraction and subject to vagaries of increasing climatic risk or manufactured by chemistry routes using environmentally sensitive reagents. Multiple hosts were evaluated, mutant enzyme evolution explored and one application optimised then taken for scale-up evaluation to reduce reagent cost and increase concentration. A successful manufacturing route has been identified and is presently being scaled for commercial implementation in 2015-16.

• New supply chain process for production of Noscapine.

Knowledge of available extraction technology was combined with laboratory experimentation to establish feedstock pre-treatment options, extractant (solvent) selection and examine downstream purification routes. Lab experimentation design was based on industrial knowledge combined with academic input. Pilot trials were conducted and critical initial feedstock pre-treatment options were evaluated at York's Biorenewables Development Centre (BDC) then tested at scale at the industrial site. An empirical scale model was used and a plant trial conducted with several issues identified (high salt loadings and lower than forecast yields). Additional laboratory trials led to a successful plant trial and then to the first commercial scale production after 14 months development.

• Industry / Academic Bi-directional Knowledge Transfer.

A more rigorous extraction scale-up methodology was concurrently developed and this tool will be made available for future natural product scale-up work for high value chemicals from plants via both the BDC and the High Value Chemicals from Plants network (a BBSRC NIBB). New academic-industry collaborations were established including one on diterpeniods as platform molecules. Visits and seminar presentations were used to facilitate the knowledge transfer.

• New options for sustainable manufacture of Opiates.

Using input from the Green Chemistry Centre (University of York) a panel of bio-based solvents were identified including emerging materials and matched against an array of potential industrial applications. New collaborative programmes were established in order to evaluate these in specialist industrial applications.
Exploitation Route Industry / Academia bi-directional knowledge transfer will be made available to others through established networks from the University of York, Biorenewables Development Centre and the High Value Chemicals from Plants NIBB. This will include (1) biomass extraction scale-up model and review information (2) metabolite ranking aggregation bioinformatics.

The establishment of new industry-academic collaborations (e.g. diterpenoids), industry-industry collaborations (e.g. GSK and Circa) and academic- academic collaborations (e.g University of York Green Chemistry Centre and University of Melbourne) will further facilitate knowledge transfer and develop new pathways to impact.

By direct use of findings by GSK, for example the new manufacturing supply chain for the pharmaceutical noscapine and the industry first biotransformation of opiate alkaloids.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

URL https://hvcfp.net/events/novel-compounds-from-plants-establishing-sustainable-supply-chains-2/
Description The project was a 0.5 FTE FLIP placement for 18 months (GSK and University of York). There were five targeted objectives and an overall objective around knowledge exchange and skills development. The key outcomes and findings are listed below. OBJECTIVE 1 - To evaluate and utilise new metabolomics and molecular breeding tools for natural product discovery and development. A new tool termed as a metabolite ranking aggregation system (MRAS) has been refined as a breeding tool specifically for use on line selection in medicinal poppy plant breeding. This bioinformatics tool uses deep metabolite profiles from LC-MS coupled to a ranking system for 'manufacturability' and allows for selection of desired phenotypes that reduce manufacturing cost. The tool is now being used by GSK for line selections and it is evident that some historical industrial problems arising from minor metabolites can be prevented by use of MRAS. The deep profiling data has also been used to expand the knowledge of poppy alkaloid biosynthesis, which is being used to support the exploration of new pharmaceutical products from poppies. The MRAS methodology is the property of the University of York and is used in Professor Ian Graham's other value added secondary metabolite projects. OBJECTIVE 2 - To evaluate synthetic biology and fermentation based approaches from delivery of biorenewable based feedstocks to the pharmaceutical industry. The FLIP placement has successfully facilitated a link between GSK's emerging interests in industrial biotechnology and the functional genetic knowledge developed at the University of York. A specific outcome has been the successful development of a biotransformation for a major opiate alkaloid, the first step towards a new industry approach for the manufacture of a range of medicinal opiate based products. Over the 18 months of the FLIP placement this work has moved from concept to a full whole-cell based biotransformation manufacturing process presently undergoing scale-up evaluation at GSK's manufacturing site at Worthing in the UK. The rapid success of this work has led GSK to review options to invest further in University collaboration on the development of additional biotransformations for opiate alkaloids. In parallel the intellectual property that has arisen from a BBSRC Industrial Partnership Award (IPA) project between GSK and the University of York led by Professor Ian Graham will facilitate the opportunity to develop this field further. The FLIP placement has facilitated a new relationship between GSK's newly formed Synthetic Biology team at Stevenage and the University of York, and resulted in GSK joining other industrial partners in support of a successful IB Catalyst application around diterpenoid platform molecules. OBJECTIVE 3 - To evaluate and optimise extraction and processing of the alkaloid class of natural products using pilot facilities at the Biorenewables Development Centre (BDC). The FLIP placement has facilitated and accelerated the development of a relationship with a Belgium based natural product extraction company and, following some initial test work at the BDC, a totally new full scale efficient manufacturing process has been developed for the production of the alkaloid noscapine from a novel poppy developed directly as part of an existing research and development relationship between GSK and the University of York (Winzer et al, Science, 2012). Within 18 months this project has moved from concept to having just completed commercial manufacture of tonne quantities of high purity noscapine, thereby establishing an entire new supply chain in a rapid timeframe. A review paper has been prepared on the industrial scale-up of natural product extraction. The scale-up methodology and approach is being evaluated in conjunction with staff from the BDC, and will be available as a tool for use by the BDC and also the High Value Chemicals from Plants Network (a BBSRC NIBB). OBJECTIVE 4 - To explore and develop clean chemical technologies and their potential to decrease the environmental footprint of pharmaceutical production through interactions with the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence. The FLIP placement has established an expanded relationship between GSK and the Green Chemistry Centre. A short project on the economics of bio-based solvent alternatives has input directly to a desktop review prepared during the FLIP placement on options for 'green' solvent replacement alternatives for opiates manufacture, including both extractive solvents, purification processes and value-addition manufacture. The output of this review has fed directly into a GSK project on value added opiates that has now reached pilot scale tests at Stevenage (UK) and Cork (Ireland), and also into other existing international based research and development collaborations with Australian Universities (University of Melbourne for liquid-liquid extraction technology, and Monash University for opiate semi-synthetic processes). Some additional work has been proposed around the potential use of poppy waste for development of biorenewable applications. A new industry relationship has been developed between GSK and Circa (a company involved with University of York Green Chemistry in the development of new biobased solvents) and GSK have agreed to evaluate Circa solvents in a number of applications. An industrial perspective presentation was given by Tim Bowser (the FLIP fellow) at one of a series of Green Chemistry industry facing seminars. OBJECTIVE 5 - Develop activities that will ensure productive interactions, raise awareness of industry requirements within academia and the potential for biorenewables based feedstocks and clean chemical technologies within pharmaceutical industry. Multiple industry interactions have been facilitated including visits by or to other pharmaceutical companies (Ajinomoto Omnichem, Sun Pharma, Mallinckrodt Inc, Johnson Mathey, Croda) as well as other academic visitors (University of Melbourne, Deakin University, Monash University). During his placement the FLIP fellow became a member of the management board of the Professor Ian Graham led High Value Chemicals from Plants (HVCfP) Network (a BBSRC NIBB), which enabled additional industry interactions and promotion of the potential for biorenewables and cleaner manufacturing technology. GENERAL OBJECTIVES - Aim to embed commercial/business expertise within scientific/academic research programmes and for the FLIP to provide for personal development and exposure to new and emerging science and technology. Knowledge transfer and skills development has been bi-directional. The direct development of new knowledge on the industrial biotechnology, green manufacturing and genomics has positioned the FLIP incumbent for new roles in GSK (or industry broadly) in these key strategic areas and enabled rapid adoption of new technology. Knowledge transfer from academia to industry has occurred for metabolite profiling, bioinformatics and sustainable manufacture. Industry to academic knowledge transfer has occurred in areas of natural production extraction scale-up models, pilot equipment selection, economics methodology, as well as direct working with staff and students in York's Biology and Chemistry Departments. New collaborations have been established, including GSK's support for a diterpenoids project in the IB space, work on metabolite biosynthesis between University of York and Monash University's Medicinal Chemistry unit, and between University of Melbourne (Chemical Engineering) and Green Chemistry at York, as well as between GSK and Circa in relation to bio-based solvents. Other collaborations are still being explored. GSK's Head of Academic Liaison took up a position on the University of York Biology Department's External Advisory Group. The (former) FLIP fellow was a member of the management board of the BBSRC funded High Value Chemicals from Plants Network in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy (NIBB) from 2014 - 2019, and from 2019 acts as a High Value Biorenewables NIBB management board member.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Economic

Description Report produced by BBSRC on our poppy work used as contributing section to 2017 BBSRC Impact Report
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Citation in other policy documents
Description Contribution to the BBSRC 2017 Impact Report 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact After discussions with a BBSRC Policy and Strategy Officer, a short report on our work was produced, which has been used as a contributing section to the 2017 BBSRC Impact Report 'Harnessing the power of biology'. The section of the report on our work is titled 'New poppy variety benefits pharmaceutical industry', and is on page 19.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL https://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/news/policy/2018/harnessing-the-power-of-biology-impact-report-2017/
Description Our poppy research was used as a BBSRC impact case study 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact A BBSRC impact case study was prepared together with a BBSRC Policy and Strategy Officer, and in consultation with our commercial partner, and was published on the BBSRC website on 27 September 2018. See:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018
Description Recognition in industry response to BIS 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Press release, reporting GSK submission of a paper to BIS that mentions the FLIP placement and wider research at York.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
URL http://www.york.ac.uk/biology/news-events/other/yorkresearchcollaborationwithgsk/
Description THYME Entrepreneurship Workshop - Mentoring the aspiring biobased business leaders of tomorrow 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Ian Graham mentored the aspiring biobased business leaders of tomorrow using experience gained in conducting world class research with impact. This presentation was part of the BioVale THYME project: https://www.biovale.org/about-us/biovale-projects/thyme/
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Talk given at 1st HVCfP workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The FLIP Fellow gave a presentation on the development of a sustainable supply chain for natural products, titled 'Improved Plants as Production Systems'.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Talk on biomass extraction scale up and technology 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact An invited talk on 'Large Scale Biomass Extraction' was given by the former FLIP Fellow at a BBSRC funded High Value Chemicals from Plants Network workshop held in Leeds. The talk covered his FLIP work on the industrial scale up model for biomass extraction and industry perspective on the status of the technology for this work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015