14TSB_ATC_IR Developing resource-use efficient strawberries for substrate production

Lead Research Organisation: National Institute of Agricultural Botany
Department Name: Centre for Research


The aim of the project is to improve the sustainability and efficiency of UK strawberry production by using innovative technologies to develop improved cultivars and systems for soil-less culture. Strawberries account for around 60% of total berry production. The strawberry market is worth c. £450 million based on retail sales, and UK production exceeded 108,000 tonnes in 2012. With annual growth of 10-15% p.a., production in the UK has shown the largest increase in Europe with a rise of 156% in the last ten years. New and improved cultivars and innovative technologies has enabled growers to extend the season of production to at least eight months of the year. This increase has led to a significant reduction in reliance of imported fruit; home production marketed as a percentage of total supply was 66% in 2012 compared to 53% in 2002. However with fresh strawberry imports worth c. £122.8 million, there is still scope to improve self-sufficiency of the UK industry. To do so UK growers will need to adopt new products and embrace new methods to further improve the efficiency of production and season extension. Following the withdrawal of the soil sterilant methyl bromide in 2009, the incidence of soil-borne diseases such as crown rot and Verticillium wilt has increased considerably. Chloropicrin has been adopted as a substitute product, but since this also faces an uncertain future, alternative strategies are being sought. Instead of planting directly in the soil, many growers are now utilising substrate bags to alleviate the risks posed by soil-borne pathogens. Soil-less culture has been growing steadily in recent years and currently around 40% of strawberries produced in the UK are grown using this system. In the last five years peat-based products have been replaced by coir, an arguably more sustainable alternative growing medium. In an effort to advance the sustainable intensification of strawberry production, a commercial-led breeding programme will be intrinsic to the future of the industry. Currently most breeding programmes focus on cultivars for soil production but if the adoption of soil-less systems continues to rise, there is a necessity to promote economic sustainability by developing new cultivars that are adapted to substrate production. By improving efficiency, yield and fruit quality through a new generation of innovative technologies it is envisaged that the whole UK soft fruit industry, from grower to consumer will benefit.

Technical Summary


Planned Impact

The production of more resilient varieties for UK production is key to the continued success of this sector of UK horticulture. By maintaining, or even increasing the degree of self-sufficiency in sustainably grown produce the UK rural economy will be supported. The knock-on health benefits of a more affordable fresh diet will also lead to indirect benefits to the UK.

Through the development of a belowground imaging system, the R&D capability of UK breeding companies and their ability to translate basic science into practical tools will be enhanced. The opportunity to robustly capture complex trait variation has long been a key challenge in plant breeding and accurate measurement techniques will enhance the output from the two breeding companies in this proposal. Globally, these UK breeders will be in a strong position to capture a large existing market, of which many varieties are currently non-UK bred. This increase in royalty share (of a £1.7 billion market), which will be of key benefit to two UK commercial breeding companies, will allow UK competitive advantage to be maximized. A fuller economic analysis is presented in the TSB case for support and associated appendices.

The application of genomics approaches to plant breeding is also of key importance if the massive advances in genotyping and genomic technologies is to be realized in a commercial setting. This project will lead the way in showcasing the translation of basic research into practice and through impact generating activities with the largest soft fruit grower cooperative, effective knowledge exchange between end users and academic researchers will be possible.

Project findings will be communicated through high-impact peer-reviewed papers, communications through the horticultural trade press and by conferences and other outreach activities. Within the consortium, key emphasis has been placed on alerting growers and end users of improved varieties to the economic benefits of more sustainable growing practices.

Through the exploitation plan there is the opportunity for multiple future interactions with other research and industry partners which will further cement the UK's international position in larger research collaborations. Enhancement of UK capability in research through extended links across the supply chain is of key importance, as it allows effective KE between industry and academics in this important area. It also brings international expertise directly to UK companies, allowing development of national capabilities, where currently these are lacking.


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Description There were six areas of this grant in which scientific innovation has been made.

Significant progress has been made on:

1. Root QTL traits - this work has culminated in a publication (in press)
2. AMF colonisation QTL - this work has culminated in a publication (in press)

Collectively this work highlighted that AMF colonisation, root architecture and low P response were under independent genetic control and that segregating variation in biparental mapping populations was insufficient for extracting large economic benefits from the variation characterised. It is concluded that while there is abundant variation in these traits, further work is needed to identify how to combine these into varieties that deliver significant economic benefits under current market conditions.

3. Fruit quality QTL - this work is being written up.
4. Genomic selection for fruit quality- this work is being written up.
5. 3D imaging of fruit
6. Hyperspectral imaging of fruit quality traits

The impact of this work is high as QTL / predictions which effectively boost efficiency and productivity have been identified along with methods to rapidly characterise multiple traits. This leads both to further technical questions across the disciplines of statistical genomics, plant development and the application of AI/robotics methods to plant phenotyping.
Exploitation Route Is being directly applied by industry partners into breeding programme. Has led to large expansion in international commercial activity, delivering IP income streams back to UK businesses.

In the research sphere our findings will be taken forward in multiple ways by multiple national and international groups to improve understanding of belowground traits, fruit development, the application of complex phenotyping/ AI- led approaches to crops etc.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description Markers are being used in the breeding programme and the programme is moving to genomic selection rather than marker-assisted breeding. Industry funded breeding programmes have had the ability to leverage research findings and scale, based on unique technology offers and a faster route to market. Much of these details are commercial-in-confidence, but projections are for six figure royalty returns within the next 5 years, with potential to grow to 7-figure returns in the next 5-10 years.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Impact Types Economic

Description Protecting European Berry Resources 
Organisation French National Institute of Agricultural Research
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Idea generation, germplasm contribution, enhancing novel phenotypic strategies and proposal proof reading
Collaborator Contribution A total of 26 partners across Europe contributed to collaboration Idea generation, germplasm contribution, enhancing genotyping strategies and proposal writting for H2020 bid
Impact Exchange of knowledge towards current status of berry research across the EU
Start Year 2018
Description Protecting European Berry Resources 
Organisation James Hutton Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Idea generation, germplasm contribution, enhancing novel phenotypic strategies and proposal proof reading
Collaborator Contribution A total of 26 partners across Europe contributed to collaboration Idea generation, germplasm contribution, enhancing genotyping strategies and proposal writting for H2020 bid
Impact Exchange of knowledge towards current status of berry research across the EU
Start Year 2018
Description Protecting European Berry Resources 
Organisation Polytechnic University of Marche
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Idea generation, germplasm contribution, enhancing novel phenotypic strategies and proposal proof reading
Collaborator Contribution A total of 26 partners across Europe contributed to collaboration Idea generation, germplasm contribution, enhancing genotyping strategies and proposal writting for H2020 bid
Impact Exchange of knowledge towards current status of berry research across the EU
Start Year 2018
Title Genomic prediction for day neutrality 
Description This innovation has led to genomic prediction ability for day neutrality at a high level of accuracy. This was underpinned by a number of linked developments in genome sequencing, GWAS population development, phenotyping and statistical genetics. 
IP Reference  
Protection Protection not required
Year Protection Granted
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact Day neutrality is a key trait for breeding, which was resolved through analysis of the octoploid genome. This is now being used in rapid combining of resistance and quality traits in breeding programmes, delivering enhanced varieties to market.
Title Molecular markers/ genomic prediction for low-input, fruit uniformity and other quality traits 
Description Molecular markers for key fruit quality traits, along with low input (low P and AMF conlonisation ) were developed as a result of the synthesis of work from multiple projects. 
IP Reference  
Protection Protection not required
Year Protection Granted
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact These markers are used in genomic selection pipelines for delivery of enhanced varieties of strawberry to the market, with improvements in fruit quality.
Title Crosslink genetic mapping software program 
Description Crosslink is a software program able to create genetic maps from genotype data collected from the progeny of a cross between two individuals. The program is suitable for use with an "outcross" where the two parents do not need to be genetically inbred, and there is applicable to a wide range of plants where inbreeding cannot be used. The program is designed to scale efficiently to handle the large number of genetic markers typically being generated by modern and emerging genotyping technologies. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2016 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact This tool has allowed us to automate the creation of genetic maps using a larger number of markers, and across multiple mapping families, which would otherwise have been extremely time consuming. Researchers at IBERS, Aberystwyth University, and Earlham Institute have also begun using the tool. Our maps will be used as the basis for constructing the cultivated strawberry genome sequence. 
URL https://github.com/eastmallingresearch/crosslink
Description 8th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Attended the eigth International Rosaceae Genomics Conference, presented a poster about progress creating genetic maps and software tools for studying disease resistance in strawberry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL https://colloque.inra.fr/rgc8/
Description Food security for vulnerable populations: the fungal threat 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Brazilian and UK researchers met to discuss the fungal threat on global food production. Researchers formed collaborations across a range of complimentary research areas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
URL https://www.britishcouncil.org.br/events/researcher-links-workshop-food-security
Description Plant and Animal Genomes PAG XXVII conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Scientific communication of project results through poster presentation. This activity generated conversations with others studying similar systems and stimulated discussion towards the next steps for future work.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
URL https://www.intlpag.org/2019/
Description The Third International Horticulture Research Conference (Nanjing, China) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact I presented a post about my work at the conference.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.hortres-conference.org/uploadfiles/The%20Third%20International%20Horticulture%20Research%...