Epigenetic management of stress and disease resistance in Atlantic salmon

Lead Research Organisation: Swansea University
Department Name: College of Science


World fish consumption is expected to reach c. 180 million tons by 2015, most of which will have to come from farmed fish, as the majority of wild fisheries are either stagnant or grossly over-exploited. To meet future global food demands, aquaculture is expected to intensify production, delivering fish that will have to thrive at high densities on less water, less food and less space. However, stress during intensification can compromise the capacity of organisms to respond to pathogens, making them more susceptible to infectious diseases, though the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood.

We will combine the expertise of salmon biologists, geneticists, bioinformaticians and parasitologists to determine how stress experienced during early life affects immune-competence and fitness of Atlantic salmon later in life, enabling them to cope with pathogens and respond to subsequent stressors. To achieve this we will manipulate stress during embryo development combining a brief cold shock and air exposure, and assess the relative roles of immune-related genes and epigenetic programming (DNA methylation) on subsequent resistance to Saprolegnia parasitica, a pervasive fish pathogen that costs the salmon farming industry tens of millions of pounds in losses every year and that can also cause considerable damage to wild salmon populations.

Ultimately, the aim of our research is to investigate how knowledge of the effects of early life conditions on the epigenome could be incorporated into programmes for stress management and disease resistance in fish farming, thereby facilitating aquaculture intensification while minimising impacts on wild stocks.

Technical Summary

To meet global food demands, aquaculture is expected to intensify fish production, but stress during intensification can also compromise animal health, particularly during early life when the teleost immune system is being formed. Many farmed fish are already highly inbred and further intensification will likely make them more susceptible to infectious diseases and pathogens more detrimental. Stress during intensification could change the expression of genes via epigenetic programming, but knowledge of fish epigenomes is very limited.

To address this knowledge gap, information is required on how stress experienced during early life can change the epigenome and subsequently affect the ability of fish to respond to pathogens. We will employ a BACI design to manipulate stress in Atlantic salmon during embryogenesis and assess its effects on subsequent gut health and fitness of three month old fry by carrying out a gut bacterial community profiling using targeted 16S rDNA sequencing followed by gut metagenomics. As a fitness indicator we will examine fluctuating asymmetry. We will then use the standardised ami-momi procedure to challenge fry with Saprolegnia parasitica, a pervasive fish pathogen, and monitor fry survival in relation to expression of immune-related genes through RNAseq, and patterns of DNA methylation in head kidney by Restricted Representation bisulphite sequencing (RRBS) on the same individuals. By following fish from fertilization to first feeding, we will be able to relate the effects of early stress to (1) health, (2) an indicator of fitness and (3) resistance to Saprolegnia, and examine these in relation to variation in the genome and the epigenome of different families.

This will be the first study to quantify the effects of stress during embryogenesis on gut health, developmental instability, and resistance to Saprolegnia infections in fish using an epigenomic approach.

Planned Impact

The work we propose has great potential for improving the economic competitiveness of the UK fish farming industry, by providing practical, evidence-based advice in relation to stress management and disease resistance of young fish. Results from our study will pave the way for incorporating knowledge of the epigenome into intensive fish farming, and should advance on the domestication of fishes, improving production while maintaining good welfare in the face of emerging threats posed by pathogens that may become more detrimental under predicted climate change scenarios.

An anticipated outcome of the research we propose will be development of guidelines and best-practice for the epigenetic management of stress and disease resistance in fish embryos. Better control of stress levels may result in reduced infection and higher productivity for the fish farmer, and potentially reduced costs in the supermarket for the consumer. Likewise, knowledge on the relative roles of genetic and non-genetic mechanisms underlying disease resistance will increase productivity and welfare. Our research will also have environmental benefits. By improving the extent of genetic and epigenetic adaptation in captivity, farmed fish are likely to become increasingly maladapted to survive in the wild. In turn, this will decrease the probability of escapees becoming established and may mitigate for some of the negative impacts of aquaculture on wild populations. Our research could also benefit conservation programs, where careful consideration of the effects of conditions during early life may in the naturalization of hatchery fish and aid in reintroduction programmes. Our research will also have significant animal-welfare benefits. Identifying epigenetic and genetic mechanisms underlying disease resistance could lead to the development of better fish breeding practices.

We envisage that research developed in this proposal will make a significant contribution to the development of more sustainable ways of feeding the planet. Some current practises of livestock production are unlikely to be sustainable in the future. The genetic depauperation of gene pools in aquaculture is an epidemiological "time-bomb", making stocks more susceptible to the outbreak of infectious disease. Indeed, as resistance breaking of crop pathogens has shown, farming of similar genotypes through monoculture is an increasingly unpredictable and precarious undertaking, rendering our society prone to potential food shortages in the future. We expect our research to be instrumental in developing breeding protocols of genetically diverse, and hence, more resistant populations, leading to a paradigm shift in the aquaculture industry. Because our proposed work spans across the life sciences, our results will also be of interest to workers studying the effects of early stress on diseases of livestock and humans , with clear medical benefits.

The societal impact of our proposed research is demonstrated by the explicit support of two industrial partners who are key players within the UK aquaculture industry: LandCatch Hendrix-Genetics, a global, multi-species provider of sustainable genetic solutions for the production of animal protein, including fish, and Marine Harvest, the largest producer of Atlantic salmon, and the second largest seafood company in the world. We also have the support of Sainsuburys' and are beginning a collaboration with LCG, an international life sciences measurement and testing company (www.lgcgroup.com/os), to develop innovative solutions for measuring fish stress with applications on fish farming.


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Tamsyn M Uren Webster, Deiene Rodriguez-Barreto, Sofia Consuegra, Carlos Garcia De Leaniz Cortisol-induced signatures of stress in the fish microbiome in Frontiers in Microbiology

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Tamsyn M Uren Webster, Sofia Consuegra, Carlos Garcia De Leaniz Early life stress causes persistent impacts on the microbiome of Atlantic salmon in Evolutionary Applications

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Uren Webster TM (2021) Early life stress causes persistent impacts on the microbiome of Atlantic salmon. in Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part D, Genomics & proteomics

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Uren Webster TM (2020) Cortisol-Related Signatures of Stress in the Fish Microbiome. in Frontiers in microbiology

Description Inter-population variation in the gut and skin microbiota of Atlantic salmon fry reflects an environmental and genetic influence
(In preparation to Molecular Ecology)

We characterised the gut and skin microbial communities of Atlantic salmon fry from a range of natural and hatchery-reared populations. We aimed to specifically investigate the degree of variation within and between populations, and investigate environmental and host-specific factors contributing to this. We sampled 0+ fry from four wild populations (Rivers Towy, Frome, Spey and Tweed), and three hatchery populations in Wales, Scotland and France. Samples of skin mucus and intestine were collected from 12 individual fish from each site. The V4 hypervariable region of the bacterial 16S gene was amplified in extracted DNA, and sequenced using an Illumina MiSeq. Bioinformatics analysis was performed using Mothur and the Silva reference databases. Microbial community diversity and richness was significantly higher in the wild fish than the hatchery fish , and there was also evidence of a distinct microbial community structure between populations, and between wild and hatchery fish (Figure 1). The degree of variation between individuals from each population was lower in hatchery fish, likely reflecting less variation in diet and environmental conditions. For the skin microbiome we found evidence of a strong influence of the surrounding water in shaping microbial composition, although microbial communities were independent. For the gut microbiome, it is likely that diet is a dominant factor influencing the very marked differences observed in gut community structure between hatchery and wild fish. We also found some evidence that host genetics play a role in shaping the gut microbiome, but not the skin microbiota.

Embryonic stress alters microbial community composition, immunity and pathogen response in Atlantic salmon.
(In preparation to The ISME Journal, estimated May 2017).

We investigated the impact of early-life stress on development of the gut and skin microbiome, together with immune status and response to a simulated infection in Atlantic salmon. The experimental stressors selected represented repeatable, aquaculture-relevant stress. The first stress consisted of a repeated cold shock, applied every day for seven days, during the latter stages of embryogenesis. For the second stress group, hatched larvae were maintained in troughs lacking the artificial grass substrate supplied to the control and cold-shocked groups throughout the duration of the experiment (four months).

There was no significant effect on fry survival or growth, or on microbial diversity in the gut or skin. However, there was a very marked difference on microbiota community structure between the cold-shocked fish and the controls for both the gut and the skin (Figure 2), specifically attributable to an increase in the relative abundance in Acinetobacter sp. and Aeromonas sp. We have also investigated the impact of this stress on the immune system using a simulated bacterial infection (24 h exposure to 20 µg/ml lipopolysaccharide (LPS)), and found some evidence of a modulated immune response to LPS stimulation in cold-shocked fish. We are currently investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects of stress on the immune system. Transcriptomic analysis (RNA-seq) conducted on the gills has identified a number of differentially regulated genes following exposure to cold shock and substrate stress, including those with a role in the immune system (including hepcidin and regulators of cytokine signalling). We are currently using RRBS to investigate epigenetic mechanisms involved in regulating these transcriptional differences.

Translocation between wild and hatchery environments reveals a prominent role of diet in shaping the gut microbiome.
To build upon the results from the part of this project (comparing the microbiome between wild and hatchery reared salmon), we conducted a reciprocal translocation experiment between wild and hatchery reared Atlantic salmon fry. 20 wild individuals and 20 hatchery-reared individuals were transferred to a hatchery environment (standard commercial diet), an enriched hatchery environment (supplemented diet) and a simulated natural environment for six weeks using a common garden design. We are currently conducting microbial community analysis for both the gut and the skin, comparing the effects of fish origin, diet and environmental conditions. We are using a before and after experimental comparison for each individual fish.

Profiling stress response in Atlantic salmon using cortisol and microbial community analysis.
Modern aquaculture practices frequently expose fish to a variety of acute stressors that have the potential to negatively affect fish performance. Short term crowding stress occurs commonly in aquaculture practices, having characteristics of acute as well as chronic stress, which can lead to long-term compromised immune systems which diminish the ability of fish to resist infections and can facilitate the emergence and spread of pathogenic diseases. Stress during intensive aquaculture practises could change the expression of genes via epigenetic regulation. It could also influence the microbiome in different ways with repercussions for physiological, hormonal and cellular function. Thus, stress related imbalance in the microbiome could be a precursor to disease, and thus of crucial practical importance in aquaculture.
We carried out an experiment in order to obtain information on how stress induced by frequent aquaculture practices can modulate Atlantic salmon gut health and fitness as well as their epigenome. To this aim we submit the fish to a confinement stress by lowering the level of water once a day for 1 hour during a two weeks period. Cortisol levels were significantly affected by crowding stress in both skin and faeces. Concentrations were consistent and significantly correlated between both samples. Among fish submitted to stress we can find high low responsive individuals. The effect of stress and cortisol levels on skin and gut microbial community will be assessed fairly soon. Samples are being processed at the moment for 16 S sequencing, and qPCR for targeted genes involved in epigenetic regulation.

To meet global food demands, aquaculture is expected to intensify fish production, but stress during intensification can also compromise animal health. In intensive systems, stocking densities are high, the fish are dependent on feed and water must be replenished at a high rate to maintain oxygen levels and remove waste. Modern aquaculture practices frequently expose fish to a variety of acute stressors that have the potential to negatively affect fish performance. Short term crowding stress occurs commonly in aquaculture practices, having characteristics of acute as well as chronic stress , which can lead to long-term compromised immune systems which diminish the ability of fish to resist infections and can facilitate the emergence and spread of pathogenic diseases (Portz et al . 2006). Stress during intensive aquaculture practises could change the expression of genes via epigenetic regulation, and could also influence the microbiome in different ways with repercussions for physiological, hormonal and cellular function (Boutin et al., 2013; Llewellyn et al., 2015). Thus, stress related imbalance in the microbiome could be a precursor to disease, and thus of crucial practical importance in aquaculture (Llewellyn et al., 2015).

We carried out an experiment in order to obtain information on how stress induced by frequent aquaculture practices can modulate Atlantic salmon gut health and fitness as well as their epigenome. To this aim we submit the fish to a confinement stress by lowering the level of water once a day for 1 hour during a two weeks period (It constitute a mild stressor associated to modern aquaculture practices at which fish are frequently exposed that may have an effect on fish performance). Fish had constant water supply and aeration in order to guarantee oxygen supply and animal welfare throughout the experiment. Stocking density was below the RSPCA welfare standards for farmed Atlantic salmon (15 g/l). 29 fish of aprox. 2.5 gr were allocated in 20 l square tanks (~5 g/l) in both, control and stressed group (x3). During crowding stress water level was lowered to 5 l, reaching a max. density of ~15g/l during the crowding period. Crowding stress does not involve handling or transportation, and is a phenomenon fish are frequently exposed under standard aquaculture practices. Fish were sacrificed by schedule 1 at the end of the experiment, to take gut and tissue samples as well as skin swabs and feaces.

Cortisol levels significanly affected by crowding stress in both skin and feaces. Concentrations were consistent and significantly correlated between both kind of samples. Amomg fish submitted to mild stressor we can find high a low renonsive individuals. The effect of stress and Cortisol levels on microbiome will be assessed fairly soon. Samples are being procesed for 16 S sequencing, and qPCR for targeted genes involved in epigenetic regulation.

Boutin, Sébastien, et al. "Network analysis highlights complex interactions between pathogen, host and commensal microbiota." PLoS One 8.12 (2013): e84772.
Llewellyn, Martin S., et al. "Teleost microbiomes: the state of the art in their characterization, manipulation and importance in aquaculture and fisheries." Roles and mechanisms of parasitism in aquatic microbial communities (2015): 109.
Portz, Donald E., Christa M. Woodley, and Joseph J. Cech Jr. "Stress-associated impacts of short-term holding on fishes." Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 16.2 (2006): 125-170.
RSPCA welfare standards for farmed Atlantic salmon - new freshwater stocking density standards (July 2010) ISBN 18983310 812
Exploitation Route More work is needed to elucidate the epigenetic signatures of early stress
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


URL http://fishbee.wixsite.com/fishbee/research
Description UK Aquaculture Initiative Network - Aquaculture Research Collaborative Hub - UK (ARCH-UK) 
Organisation University of Aberdeen
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We will be leading WG7 - Environmental Interactions, Climate change and Environment and Capacity
Collaborator Contribution As above
Impact none yet - just started
Start Year 2017
Description Article in the news 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Taking a new look into an old problem
by Ruby Gonzalez
January 16, 2017
Pilot data from a study on Atlantic salmon eggs and alevins indicate that stress experienced during embryogenesis may have fitness implications later in life.

The Effect of early stress on disease resistance of Atlantic salmon, a study spearheaded by Prof. Carlos Garcia de Leibniz, Prof. Sonia Consuegra and Dr. Tamsyn Uren-Webster at the Center for Sustainable Aquatic Research at Swansea University in Wales, examined how epigenetic mechanisms can help manage stress and disease resistance in Atlantic salmon.

The study, funded by Research Council UK, is the first one to apply epigenetics to disease management in fish farming.

The funding allowed Garcia de Leaniz and his team "to take a new look into an old problem." He said, "It has long been known that conditions experienced during development can have profound effects later in life, for example, by making animals more or less susceptible to parasites and diseases.

The problem is that we don't really know why or how, although we suspect that epigenetic changes may be involved."

He presented the study at Aquaculture Europe 2016 in Edinburgh, Scotland last September.

Thermal stress

"Aquaculture intensification is likely to be constrained by the capacity of species to cope with stress, particularly under predicted scenarios of climate change, because thermal stress has profound effects on fish reproduction and early development. Stress experienced at critical times during embryogenesis, at a time when the immune system is still developing, is likely to affect the ability of fish to cope with pathogens and respond to subsequent stressors later in life," Garcia de Leaniz cited in the abstract.

The team looked into the effects of early stress on fish health and fitness, and assessed the role of epigenetic programming and the expression of immune-related genes on subsequent resistance of Atlantic salmon to Saprolegnia parasitica, a pervasive pathogen of salmonids under aquaculture conditions in freshwater.

"Our general hypothesis was that stress during early life would impair the health and fitness of Atlantic salmon, and subsequently compromise their ability to resist infections by altering the expression of immune-related genes through changes in the epigenome," he cited.

As part of the study, Atlantic salmon eggs were temperature-shocked during embryogenesis and monitored over four to five months.

"The salmon eggs were incubated at 9°C but were then briefly cold-shocked and exposed to air over a week," he told Hatchery International (HI).

Impact of embryo stress

Asked about the ideal temperature range for Atlantic salmon eggs during embryogenesis, Tamsyn Uren-Webster said, "Temperature varies considerably throughout the geographical range of Atlantic salmon, and the thermal tolerance of different populations may also vary. Faster development occurs at higher temperatures, eight to 10°C, while larger alevin size is typically achieved at lower temperatures, two to 4°C. Several studies have reported that survival decreases above 12°C."

The study showed that alevins derived from temperature-shocked eggs had significantly lower body mass
Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR) Garcia de Leaniz
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://hatcheryinternational.com/research/taking-a-new-look-into-an-old-problem/#sthash.OeNvAG49.dpu...
Description Conference ( Environmental and (eco)toxicological Omics and Epigenetics: Science, Technology and Regulatory Application) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation at SETAC (Ghent) 2016. Environmental and (eco)toxicological Omics and Epigenetics: Science, Technology and Regulatory Application

Investigating the impacts of stress on the microbiome, immune status and disease resistance of Atlantic salmon
Tamsyn Uren Webster*1, Tom Humphrey1, Sam Sheppard1, Sam Martin2, Pieter van West2, Cock van Oosterhout3, Pablo Orozco-terWengel4, Joanne Cable4, Sofia Consuegra1, Carlos Garcia de Leaniz1
1. College of Science, Swansea University, SA2 8PP, UK
2 Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, AB24 2TZ, UK
3 School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, NR4 7TJ, UK
4 School of Biosciences, Cardiff University CF10 3XQ, UK
Email: T.M.UrenWebster@swansea.ac.uk
There is a strong association between the gut microbiome and the immune system. Environmental stressors are known to disrupt microbial community composition, subsequently affecting health status and susceptibility to disease. Knowledge of the microbiome, and how it may be affected by stress could therefore be valuable for understanding susceptibility to infection, and for disease management. However, for fish, relatively little is known about the natural, healthy state of the microbiome in the gut or skin, and how this is associated with immune status and disease susceptibility. We characterised the gut and skin microbiome of four wild populations and three hatchery-reared populations of juvenile Atlantic salmon using Illumina sequencing of the V4 hypervariable region of the bacterial 16S gene, followed by analysis in Mothur. Marked differences in microbial abundance, diversity and community structure were apparent between wild salmon populations and, in particular, between wild and hatchery-reared raedefish. Wild salmon consistently displayed higher bacterial diversity in both the gut and the skin than hatchery fish. We hypothesise that this is associated with stressful conditions experienced in aquaculture. We are examining potential associations between the microbiome and measures of health and immune status, together with the potential effect of fish genetic background on on microbial community composition. We are also specifically investigating the impact of early-life stress on development of the gut and skin microbiome, immunocompetence and susceptibility to infection with Saprolegnia parasitica.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://epigenetics.setac.eu/?contentid=1068
Description Conference (Aquaculture Europe 2016) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk at Aquaculture Europe 2016. Published in book of Abstracts

Tamsyn Uren Webster1, Tom Humphrey1, Sam Sheppard1, Sam Martin2, Pieter van West2, Cock van Oosterhout3, Pablo Orozco-terWengel4, Joanne Cable4, Alastair Hamilton5, Sofia Consuegra1, Carlos Garcia de Leaniz*1

1. College of Science, Swansea University, SA2 8PP, UK
2 Institute of Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, AB24 2TZ
3 School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, NR4 7TJ, UK
4 School of Biosciences, Cardiff University CF10 3XQ, UK
5 Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd, Stirling, FK9 4NF, UK Scotland, UK-EU

Email: c.garciadeleaniz@swansea.ac.uk

Aquaculture intensification is likely to be constrained by the capacity of species to cope with stress1, particularly under predicted scenarios of climate change because thermal stress has profound effects on fish reproduction and early development2. Thermal stress experienced during early life is likely to affect the ability of fish to cope with pathogens and respond to subsequent stressors later in life. We examined the effects of mild and severe thermal stress (using a reproducible combination of cold shock and warm air exposure) on fish health and fitness, and assessed the role of epigenetic programming and the expression of immune-related genes on subsequent resistance of Atlantic salmon to Saprolegnia parasitica, a pervasive pathogen of salmonids under aquaculture conditions in freshwater.

Our general hypothesis was that severe stress during embryogenesis would impair the health and fitness of Atlantic salmon, and subsequently compromise their ability to resist infections by altering the expression of immune-related genes through changes in the epigenome.

Atlantic salmon eggs were temperature shocked during embryogenesis monitored over 3 2 months. To assess the effects of stress during early development on immuno-competence, the expression of a key set of immune system genes was subsequently measured in salmon fry using RT-qPCR, before and after immuno-stimulation via exposure to 20 µg/ml bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 24 h. The effect of stress on disease resistance was tested by investigating susceptibility of salmon fry to experimental infection with Saprolegnia parasitica.

Results & discussion
Compared to controls, alevins derived from temperature-shocked eggs had significantly lower body mass (Fig 1A) and lower expression of the ghr1 gene, regulating growth hormone (GH) receptor, and of the dnmt1 gene, a gene that encodes enzymes responsible for cell maintenance and global de novo methylation activities. No conclusions can be drawn in relation to resistance to Saprolegnia parasitica and prior exposure to stress, as salmon fry proved difficult to infect under laboratory conditions. Preliminary results indicate that exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) had a noticeable effect on expression of immune-related genes. Overall, our pilot data indicate that stress experienced during embryogenesis may have fitness implications later in life, suggesting a potential role for epigenetic programming.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.marevent.com/AE16_EDINBURG.html
Description Conference (Aquaculture Europe 2016) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk at Aquaculture Europe 2016

Tamsyn Uren Webster*1, Tom Humphrey1, Sam Sheppard1, Sam Martin2, Pieter van West2, Cock van Oosterhout3, Pablo Orozco-terWengel4, Joanne Cable4, Alastair Hamilton5, Sofia Consuegra1, Carlos Garcia de Leaniz1
1. College of Science, Swansea University, SA2 8PP, UK
2 Institute of Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, AB24 2TZ
3 School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, NR4 7TJ, UK
4 School of Biosciences, Cardiff University CF10 3XQ, UK
5 Landcatch Natural Selection Ltd, Stirling, FK9 4NF, UK Scotland, UK-EU
Email: T.M.UrenWebster@swansea.ac.uk
The microbiome is made up of a community of bacteria and other microorganisms that live inside and on the bodies of all animals. The gut microbiome has been shown to influence various aspects of health, including development and maturation of the immune system, metabolism, and even neurological function and behaviour. Environmental stress and diet can influence microbial community composition in mammals, affecting health and susceptibility to diseases, but knowledge on other taxa is very limited. In fish, relatively little is known about the natural, healthy state of the skin and gut microbiome. Such information would be valuable in aquaculture, particularly in relation to diet and disease management. Therefore, the aim of this project was to characterise the skin and gut microbiome of wild and hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon inhabiting different natural and artificial environments. Associations between the microbiome and measures of health and immune status were also examined, together with the potential effect of fish genetic background on microbial community composition.
Atlantic salmon (0+ fry) were sampled from four wild populations (Rivers Towy, Frome, Spey and Tweed), and three hatchery populations in Wales, Scotland and France. Samples of skin mucus and intestine were collected for 12 individual fish from each site. DNA extraction was performed using MoBio PowerSoil® DNA Isolation Kit, followed by amplification of the V4 hypervariable region of the bacterial 16S gene using primers 519F-785R. 16S libraries were indexed using the Nextera XT Index kit then sequenced using an Illumina MiSeq at Swansea University. Quality filtering of the raw sequences was performed using Trimmomatic1 before analysis at the Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) level with Mothur2. Bacterial contigs were aligned against Silva databases, screened for potential chimeric sequences and subsampled to a depth of 2000 contigs per sample. Alpha diversity was assessed using measures of OTU richness and diversity, and beta diversity using Yue and Clayton clustering of community diversity and abundance.
Results & discussion
Dominant bacteria in the gut included Mycoplasmataceae, Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae, which is consistent with previous reports for Atlantic salmon3. On the skin, Alcaligenaceae, Acinetobacter and Flavobacterium were amongst the most abundant bacteria. There were distinct differences in alpha diversity between populations, with the wild salmon displaying a higher bacterial diversity than the hatchery salmon in both the gut and the skin, while skin samples were more diverse than gut samples overall (Figure 1A). Analysis of beta diversity (bacterial community structure) revealed strong clustering of individuals from each population, and significant differences between populations. There were also some clear differences in microbial communities between the wild and hatchery populations, for both the skin and the gut (Figure 1B). Functional analysis of these differences, together with examination of the association between the genetic background of the fish host and microbial community composition is on-going.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.marevent.com/AE16_EDINBURG.html
Description Conference (FSBI Bangor July 2016) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact T.M. Uren Webster, S. Consuegra, T. Humphrey, S.A. Martin, P. van West, C. van Oosterhout, P. Orozco-terWengel, A. Hamilton, J. Cable, C. Garcia de Leaniz. FSBI Annual Symposium. Bangor, UK. July 2016 (Poster).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016,2017
URL http://www.fsbi.org.uk/conference-2016/symposium-theme-2/
Description Conference (FSBI Exeter July 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact T.M. Uren Webster, D. Rodriguez-Barreto, S. Consuegra, T. Humphrey, S. Sheppard, S.A. Martin, P. van West, C. van Oosterhout, P. Orozco-terWengel, A. Hamilton, J. Cable, C. Garcia de Leaniz. Investigating the impacts of stress on the microbiome and immune status of Atlantic salmon. Epigenetic management of stress and disease resistance in Atlantic Salmon. FSBI Annual Symposium. Exeter, UK. July 2017
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
URL http://www.fsbi.org.uk/conference-2017/symposium-theme-3/
Description Conference (Mexico 2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact T.M. Uren Webster, S. Consuegra, T. Humphrey, S.A. Martin, P. van West, C. van Oosterhout, P. Orozco-terWengel, A. Hamilton, J. Cable, C. Garcia de Leaniz. Investigating the impacts of stress on the microbiome and immune status of Atlantic salmon. Genomics in Aquaculture; A new set of tools to increase sustainable production of seafood. Merida, Mexico. January 2017.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Flash Presentation at BBSRC-NERC Unlocking Aquaculture Innovation through Collaboration 8th December 2015 Park Plaza Riverbank, London 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Flash presentation entitled Epigenetic management of stress & disease resistance in Atlantic salmon
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
URL http://www.nerc.ac.uk/research/funded/programmes/aquaculture/news/aquaculture/
Description Participation in working group at BBSRC and NERC Sustainable Aquaculture Industry Workshop - 26 March 2015 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact BBSRC and NERC Sustainable Aquaculture Industry Workshop - 26 March 2015
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
URL http://www.nerc.ac.uk/innovation/activities/sustainablefood/aquaculture/ukai/