US-UK BBSRC-NIFA Collab. Swine Immune Toolkit: Development of new immune reagents for swine health, vaccine and disease studies

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Clinical Veterinary Science


Pigs are widely reared as food animals in the UK and the US and contribute significantly to both economies. In addition, they are increasingly important in south-east asian economies. However, infectious disease is still a major problem for pig producers: best estimates suggest that the annual costs of swine influenza alone might be between £6-11M from an estimated 10 million pigs to slaughter in the UK alone. Vaccination is a key element in controlling infectious diseases, but relatively few of the vaccines available for pigs provide solid, long-lasting protection for the whole of the vaccinated population. In addition, many of the most important infectious diseases have evolved ways of avoiding normal immunity. Increasingly, therefore, understanding the fundamental mechanisms involved in the immune response to natural infection and to vaccination is becoming important for designing successful vaccines with long commercial lifespans. Similarly, pigs are widely used in biomedical research on human diseases, since they are very close to humans in physiology, size, genetics and immunity. Areas in which pigs are used in research include obesity, heart disease, and infectious diseases.

Despite their importance, and despite work over 35 years on developing the tools and reagents to study the pig immune system, we are still a long way behind research in humans and mice, such that we are unable to study some of the newly identified ways in which the immune system works. In some cases this has been because reagents have not been developed, but in some cases the reagents which have been developed have been lost through exclusive commercial agreements or because they were held in a single site and vulnerable to accidents. We propose to identify the gaps in the available reagents and to fill the most important. This will be achieved by canvassing scientists working with pigs worldwide, a process which we have already begun and which has provided us with an initial list of priority targets. The project will develop and validate these reagents and others identified, and share and commercialise them under non-exclusive agreements in order to ensure their continued availability.

Technical Summary

Pigs are a major food animal species for the US, UK and the world. Losses caused by infectious disease demonstrate the need for effective vaccines, biotherapeutics and nutritional interventions, particularly those relevant to mucosal infections. The pig is also an important biomedical model for development, obesity, cardiovascular, transplantation, and vaccine research. Current research efforts require a broad range of immune reagents, but those available for pigs are limited. Our goal is to generate these priority reagents and pipeline them for marketing. The project team will prioritize research targets based on international input from researchers. Newly identified immune pathways, updated listing of commercially available reagents, and open communication with peers will determine targets and avoid duplication . Based on our combined research expertise, and the experience gained from the US VIRN, the team has identified best immunization and screening strategies, developed plans to collaborate with commercial partners for protein expression and monoclonal antibody (mAb) production, and updated protocols to efficiently evaluate specificity and utility of reagents.

The UK partner will focus on chemokines and chemokine receptors important in site-specific recruitment of lymphocytes and macrophages to tissues including intestine, respiratory tract and skin, all critical for understanding mucosal immune responses to infections; and immunoglobulin E (IgE) involved in responses to endo- and ecto-parasites and critical for studies of allergic disease. UK studies will be complemented by US expertise in expression of soluble proteins and CD molecules, and by the chemokine proteins and monoclonal antibodies produced in the US. In addition, the UK partner will contribute expertise in multi-colour immunofluorescence histology to screening and validating US-made proteins and antibodies.

Planned Impact

Human health and the economy will benefit from the work in this proposal in three ways.

Firstly, the secure, long-term availability of critical immunological reagents will contribute to development of novel and improved vaccines, or to improved vaccination strategies using existing products. In 2011, UK consumption of pigmeat was comparable to that of beef or poultry. However, more than 50% of UK consumption was imported, compared to only 18% and 25% for beef and poultry (source: Defra). The UK's reliance on imported rather than homegrown pigmeat reflects the relative costs of production of the local industry: the UK is amongst the highest for which European figures are available, our costs have risen disproportionately compared to our competitors from 2011 to 2012 (source: BPEX) and UK feed costs per kg of pork produced are among the highest (source: Defra). Thus, increasing the productivity of UK pig production relative to production costs has significant potential to improve the profitability of the UK pig industry, and this industry also has the greatest potential of all the livestock industries for expansion as a consequence of increased international competitiveness. The major factors which are correlated with variation in farm performance are piglet mortality and the amount of food required to grow (food conversion ratio, FCR), at all stages from birth through to slaughter (source: BPEX). While many factors contribute to these outcomes, acute and chronic infectious diseases affecting the health of growing and finishing piglets are a key determinant. Best estimates (2005) suggested that the annual costs of swine influenza alone might be between £6-11M from an estimated 10 million pigs to slaughter. Vaccination is a key element in controlling infectious diseases, but relatively few of the vaccines available for pigs provide solid, long-lasting protection for the whole of the vaccinated population. Most rely on reducing, rather than eliminating, infection and onward transmission rates, such that loss of productivity due to disease outbreaks still occurs. Because of these limitations vaccination is often considered not cost-effective. Thus, increasing the rates of protection afforded by novel vaccines and vaccination protocols offers a way of improving the efficiency of the UK pig industry and its contribution to the economy.

Secondly, pigs are one significant sources of human zoonotic diseases, such as salmonellosis (between 4.5% and 23% of human salmonellosis worldwide have been attributed to pork), influenza (the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza A), toxoplasma (7-34% of the UK population are likely to have been infected, about 400 clinical cases diagnosed in the UK annually), Campylobacter (65,000 reported cases in England and Wales, 2012). While other livestock and companion animal species are also reservoirs, controlling these diseases in the pig population will contribute directly to human health. While the development of vaccines in pigs for these diseases may be some way away, it will absolutely require an understanding of the immune responses to natural infection and vaccination.

Thirdly, biomedical research using pigs is largely at the preclinical, translational end of the spectrum, meaning that the approaches being studied are likely to be close to being applied to the human population. This is particularly true where studies involve surgical approaches such as vascular or airway transplantation, and the pig is being used as a way of validating novel approaches immediately prior to their use in humans.


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publication icon
Bailey M (2019) The dark side of technological advances in analysis of microbial ecosystems. in Journal of animal science and biotechnology

Description The funding has allowed the UK and US collaborators to create a range of new reagents for studying the immune systems of pigs. These reagents will be valuable both for studies of pig diseases important for agricultural conditions (for example: influenza, porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome), and for studies where pigs are used as models for human disease (for example: cancer, transplantation, bio-engineering)
Exploitation Route Reagents developed by the programme are already being marketed and used by the community. The commercial laboratory Kingfisher Biotech was a partner in the US arm of the project, and has taken responsibility for marketing many of the reagents.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Description Babraham pig genome 
Organisation Animal and Plant Health Agency
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We are now involved in a consortium to develop the highly inbred Babraham line of pigs as a model for pig and human health and disease. My research team has more knowledge of the background of the Babrahams and more expertise in using them than any other in the world. We have used them for transplantation (corneal and laryngeal) and for infectious disease studies (Salmonella and influenza). SNP analysis of Babrahams carried out under this award has pushed development of the necessary genomic tools for CRISPR-Cas9 editing and development of T-cell lines. We are advising on their long-term husbandry and on the strategy for their development, and collaborating in genome sequencing and influenza studies.
Collaborator Contribution The Pirbright Institute holds the IP on the Babraham pigs and supports the maintenance of the colony. The main colony is currently at APHA in Weybridge. The Pirbright Institute is involved in preliminary genome sequencing studies. Cardiff University have developed antigen-specific T-cell clones from Babrahams, allowing detailed immunological studies, and have driven sequencing of specific genomic areas. Bath University have been developing approaches to genome editing in the Babrahams.
Impact Tungatt et al, Bringing veterinary immunology up to speed using the Babraham pig model of influenza A infection/ vaccination. European Journal of Immunology
Start Year 2013
Description Babraham pig genome 
Organisation Cardiff University
Department Division of Infection and Immunity
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are now involved in a consortium to develop the highly inbred Babraham line of pigs as a model for pig and human health and disease. My research team has more knowledge of the background of the Babrahams and more expertise in using them than any other in the world. We have used them for transplantation (corneal and laryngeal) and for infectious disease studies (Salmonella and influenza). SNP analysis of Babrahams carried out under this award has pushed development of the necessary genomic tools for CRISPR-Cas9 editing and development of T-cell lines. We are advising on their long-term husbandry and on the strategy for their development, and collaborating in genome sequencing and influenza studies.
Collaborator Contribution The Pirbright Institute holds the IP on the Babraham pigs and supports the maintenance of the colony. The main colony is currently at APHA in Weybridge. The Pirbright Institute is involved in preliminary genome sequencing studies. Cardiff University have developed antigen-specific T-cell clones from Babrahams, allowing detailed immunological studies, and have driven sequencing of specific genomic areas. Bath University have been developing approaches to genome editing in the Babrahams.
Impact Tungatt et al, Bringing veterinary immunology up to speed using the Babraham pig model of influenza A infection/ vaccination. European Journal of Immunology
Start Year 2013
Description Babraham pig genome 
Organisation The Pirbright Institute
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are now involved in a consortium to develop the highly inbred Babraham line of pigs as a model for pig and human health and disease. My research team has more knowledge of the background of the Babrahams and more expertise in using them than any other in the world. We have used them for transplantation (corneal and laryngeal) and for infectious disease studies (Salmonella and influenza). SNP analysis of Babrahams carried out under this award has pushed development of the necessary genomic tools for CRISPR-Cas9 editing and development of T-cell lines. We are advising on their long-term husbandry and on the strategy for their development, and collaborating in genome sequencing and influenza studies.
Collaborator Contribution The Pirbright Institute holds the IP on the Babraham pigs and supports the maintenance of the colony. The main colony is currently at APHA in Weybridge. The Pirbright Institute is involved in preliminary genome sequencing studies. Cardiff University have developed antigen-specific T-cell clones from Babrahams, allowing detailed immunological studies, and have driven sequencing of specific genomic areas. Bath University have been developing approaches to genome editing in the Babrahams.
Impact Tungatt et al, Bringing veterinary immunology up to speed using the Babraham pig model of influenza A infection/ vaccination. European Journal of Immunology
Start Year 2013
Description Babraham pig genome 
Organisation University of Bath
Department Department of Computer Science
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are now involved in a consortium to develop the highly inbred Babraham line of pigs as a model for pig and human health and disease. My research team has more knowledge of the background of the Babrahams and more expertise in using them than any other in the world. We have used them for transplantation (corneal and laryngeal) and for infectious disease studies (Salmonella and influenza). SNP analysis of Babrahams carried out under this award has pushed development of the necessary genomic tools for CRISPR-Cas9 editing and development of T-cell lines. We are advising on their long-term husbandry and on the strategy for their development, and collaborating in genome sequencing and influenza studies.
Collaborator Contribution The Pirbright Institute holds the IP on the Babraham pigs and supports the maintenance of the colony. The main colony is currently at APHA in Weybridge. The Pirbright Institute is involved in preliminary genome sequencing studies. Cardiff University have developed antigen-specific T-cell clones from Babrahams, allowing detailed immunological studies, and have driven sequencing of specific genomic areas. Bath University have been developing approaches to genome editing in the Babrahams.
Impact Tungatt et al, Bringing veterinary immunology up to speed using the Babraham pig model of influenza A infection/ vaccination. European Journal of Immunology
Start Year 2013
Description Collaboration to validate anti-IgE antibodies 
Organisation University of Vienna
Country Austria 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have expressed the CH2 domain of pig IgE and used it to identify ten combinatorial antibodies which bind it but not IgG. We now need to validate these antibodies as recognising pig IgE. Our collaboration will use resources in both sites to cross-validate our reagents.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Vienna have expressed the full length pig IgE heavy chain and used it to identify immunise mice to create a series of conventional monoclonal antibodies. They now need to validate these antibodies as recognising pig IgE. Our collaboration will use resources in both sites to cross-validate our reagents.
Impact None so far
Start Year 2019
Description The use of peptide epitopes to identify specific idiotypes in combinatorial phage libraries 
Organisation Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We are attempting to develop reagents capable of identifying chemokine receptors on pig leucocytes. Our team has threaded the pig sequences onto crystal structures of know GPCRs to identify extracellular loops likely to be epitopes, and expressed the full length receptors in Jurkat cells for secondary screening.
Collaborator Contribution Pepscan have developed and synthesised constrained peptide loops likely to mimic the loops identified by our team for primary screening. Bio-Rad are screening the peptides against their combinatorial phage libraries to identify reactive idiotypes. Once identified, Bio-Rad will maintain and market the phage antibodies to the pig research community.
Impact None
Start Year 2016
Description The use of peptide epitopes to identify specific idiotypes in combinatorial phage libraries 
Organisation Pepscan
Country Netherlands 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We are attempting to develop reagents capable of identifying chemokine receptors on pig leucocytes. Our team has threaded the pig sequences onto crystal structures of know GPCRs to identify extracellular loops likely to be epitopes, and expressed the full length receptors in Jurkat cells for secondary screening.
Collaborator Contribution Pepscan have developed and synthesised constrained peptide loops likely to mimic the loops identified by our team for primary screening. Bio-Rad are screening the peptides against their combinatorial phage libraries to identify reactive idiotypes. Once identified, Bio-Rad will maintain and market the phage antibodies to the pig research community.
Impact None
Start Year 2016