Mapping the interactions within multidrug efflux pump assemblies.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Essex
Department Name: Life Sciences


Multidrug-resistant bacterial infections are one of principal challenges facing medicine today. A group of bacteria known as the Gram-negative are particularly resistant to the action of antibiotics, as they have evolved a secondary membrane around their cells, preventing easy entry of the antibiotics. No new antibiotics targeting this group have been developed for over 40 years and the need to find and exploit novel bacterial weakness points is of great importance for both human and veterinary medicine. One of the central mechanisms underlying their multidrug resistance, is the action of the of the so-called multidrug-efflux pumps. These assemble from 3 components, spanning the double membrane and pumping out antibiotics, lowering their effective concentration in the cell thus rendering them ineffective. While pumps are very diverse, they share a common outer membrane protein (OMP). Deactivation or removal of OMPs dramatically increases bacterial sensitivity to antibiotics, suggesting that targeting the OMP may be an effective therapeutic approach. Yet none of the currently available drugs target the pump assembly process. Partially this is due to lack of information on the interactions between pump components to design targeted inhibitors.

This project specifically aims to close the gap in our understanding of pump intercomponent interactions with the view of disrupting their assembly.
The study of full pump assemblies has been hindered by their complexity and transient association of their elements, preventing effective usage of standard structural approaches such as X-ray crystallography.
Here, we will overcome these bottlenecks by innovative usage of multiple approaches. The first is the application of the novel technique of X-ray Radiolytic Footprinting (XRF), allowing to study transient and heterogeneous proteins in solution. XRF is a mapping technique, which is based on oxidation of the surface-exposed parts of the protein by usage of highly reactive hydroxyl radicals. These radicals are created by splitting water molecules in solution by usage of high-energy X-rays. The pattern of oxidation is detected by the molecular weight differences of fragmented proteins using a technique called mass-spectrometry. Comparison of the modification of a given protein on its own with the modification obtained in the presence of its binding partner reveals zones of protection, or footprints, corresponding to the interaction surfaces between the proteins.
By using this approach we will map the tripartite pump complex and will use the information to specifically target the binding interfaces by mutagenesis to disrupt the association of the OMP with the rest of the pump. We will characterise the effect of these mutations on antibiotic resistance of the cells to identify crucial residues.

Furthermore, we will use modified MFP proteins with truncated and scrambled hairpins to dissect their role in the assembly of the pump, allowing to distinguish between the two currently contradictory models of assembly.
Recently, we have shown that the hairpin-domain of the MFP binds the OMP with higher affinity than the corresponding full-length protein. Furthermore it binds in an energy-independent fashion. However, unlike the full-length protein the binding of the hairpin does not produce a functional pump. Here, we will exploit these findings by further engineering stabilising interactions of the hairpin with its target OMP, and will test its capability to outcompete native MFPs and inhibit the function of the pump in vivo.

This project will further our fundamental understanding of the pump assembly and settle the long-standing debate on the mode of MFP-OMP interaction. Demonstrating competitive inhibition of the MFP-OMP binding interface as viable strategy will pave the way to future design of a completely novel class of drugs targeting the assembly process providing a powerful tool in the fight against drug-resistance.

Technical Summary

In Gram-negative bacteria tripartite efflux-pumps expel wide range of noxious compounds from the cell including antibiotics and thus are central contributors to multidrug resistance. Spanning both membranes these systems are composed of 3 components: the Inner Membrane (IMPs); the Outer Membrane Proteins (OMPs) and Membrane-Fusion Proteins (MFPs). Although high-resolution structural data is available for each protein in isolation, very little is known how the pumps actually assemble into their functional state. Despite their key role in drug resistance, no currently approved drugs target the pumps and the potential of interference with the OMP-MFP assembly has not been explored.

This project will provide detailed mapping of the OMP-MFP interfaces underlining pump assembly and test the potential of competitive inhibition of OMP-MFP interaction as a novel antimicrobial strategy. To this end we will map protein-protein interfaces using a unique approach, X-ray radiolytic footprinting (XRF) applicability of which to membrane proteins we recently demonstrated. Once identified, we will use a combination of site-directed mutagenesis of both OMP and MFP interfaces with functional and biophysical analyses to identify residues critical for the pump assembly. Recently we showed that the MFP binds the OMP in an energy-independent fashion driving its opening, while isolated MFP hairpin-domains bind the OMP with up-to 100x higher affinity than the full-length MFP, but are unable to complement pump function. Taking advantage of these findings and the residue-specific data derived from the XRF, we will design full-length and truncated MFP-derivatives and test their ability to outcompete native MFPs in vivo to effectively decouple the pumps. This integrative approach will clarify the role of the MFPs in pump assembly allowing to validate the MFP-OMP interaction as a potential drug target providing high-impact results and new tools in the in the fight against multi drug resistance

Planned Impact

This study addresses directly the rising bacterial multidrug resistance (MDR), one of principal threats facing humanity and will benefit both academic and non-academic groups. It fits squarely into the BBSRC strategic priority area of "Antimicrobial resistance" and specifically the BBSRC call for need in development of strategies to mitigate its effects e.g. through novel antimicrobials. By studying a fundamental area of microbiology - efflux via tripartite efflux pumps - it will provide deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying resistance, allowing development of a novel mitigation strategy for non-specific drug resistance based on the inhibition of their action. The basic science developed will be applicable to all Gram-negative organisms, underpinning the creation of genuinely novel class of antimicrobials for animal, human and plant use. Validating OMP-MFP interaction as a potential drug target provides completely novel approach to design of pump inhibitors, relevant to all species, providing wide translational potential for future research and great economic value.
Impact is expected to come from several main streams:
1. Increase of fundamental knowledge of pump function, benefitting wider academic community.
2. Translational potential from the conceptual validation of a novel strategy for inhibition of pump function at OMP-MFP level, influencing future drug design in both human and veterinary medicine.
3. Methodological development in radiolytic footprinting (XRF) advancing our capabilities for studying membrane proteins.
4. Forging strategic international collaborations and bringing capability not currently available in the UK to increase competitiveness and provide high-tech training for the participants.
Who will benefit from this research and how?
1. Academics on national and international levels working on MDR and structural biology. Anticipated benefits include increased basic knowledge and sharing of methodologies.
2. Students/early career researchers: My teaching involvement at UoB provides a key opportunity to engage students, allowing their exposure to cutting-edge research and experimental techniques.
3. Research Staff: These users will benefit in terms of training in specific research techniques and also general professional and transferrable skills.
4. Translational potential: increased knowledge of central drug tolerance mechanisms will ultimately inform strategies intervening in the treatment of MDR pathogens. By specifically testing the feasibility of the interfering with pump assembly as a viable antimicrobial strategy for the first time we provide a major step into this direction. Detailed interaction maps generated by this research will be an important departure point for rational drug-design.
5. Wider socio-economic impacts: The potential impact of understanding and ultimately manipulating MDR mechanisms is difficult to underestimate e.g. according to the authoritative Government review, MDR claimed over 700k lives globally as of 2013, a number projected to spiral out to over 10M by 2050, with major societal and economic costs resulting in a reduction of up to 3.5% in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per country, and estimates totaling a staggering $100 trillion for the global economy over the next 3 decades.
6. Methodology development: We will provide novel tools to study membrane proteins representing over 60% of all drug targets. Economy of scale in required sample size will have an important impact enabling to address difficult to produce targets.
7. Increasing the competitiveness of UK science by allowing access to know-how and unique state-of-the-art experimental set-ups without analogues in Europe and forging new International collaborations.
8. Public. We will engage wider non-academic users with research directions and outputs from the study, increasing basic knowledge and understanding of research undertaken through the support of BBSRC.


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Description Active efflux due to tripartite efflux pumps is an important mechanism of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. These molecular pumps are also essential for Gram-negative pathogens to cause infection and form biofilms. As their name suggests, these pumps consist of three components: an inner membrane RND transporter; a periplasmic adaptor protein (PAP, also known as membrane fusion protein or MFP), and an outer membrane protein channel (OMP).
To form an active pump the three proteins have to come together, yet their individual roles in this recognition process and the actual recognition interfaces and the identities of specific residues involved in both PAP-RND and PAP-OMP binding, remain poorly understood.

This project set out to employ a combination of biophysical and functional in vivo approaches to analyse the above interactions between these proteins with the aim of clarifying their roles and finding potential weaknesses that may help overcome the problem of antibiotic resistance.

1. First major output of this work was the clarification of the PAP-RND interfaces:
Using recent high-resolution structures of the efflux pumps generated by cryo-electron microscopy, in collaboration with the group of Dr Jess Blair (Univeristy of Birmingham) we identified four 3D sites involved in PAP-RND binding within each PAP protomer (subunit) which we have shown to narrow down to nine discrete linear binding sequences or "binding boxes" within the PAP sequence. We found that in the important human pathogen Salmonella enterica, these binding boxes are conserved within evolutionary-related PAPs, while differing considerably between divergent PAPs (e.g. MdsA and MdtA), despite overall conservation of the PAP structure. By analysing these binding sequences we created a predictive model of PAP-RND interaction, which suggested the determinants that may allow promiscuity between certain PAPs, but discrimination of others. We corroborated these predictions using direct phenotypic data, confirming that only certain PAPs such as AcrA and AcrE, but not MdtA or MsdA, can function with the major RND pump AcrB. Furthermore, we provided functional validation of the involvement of the "binding boxes" by disruptive site-directed mutagenesis. Our results directly link sequence conservation within identified PAP binding sites with functional data providing mechanistic explanation for assembly of clinically-relevant tripartite-pumps and explain how Salmonella and other pathogens maintain a degree of redundancy in efflux mediated resistance, allowing them to effectively avoid antibiotic action.

Overall, our study provides a novel understanding of the molecular determinants driving the RND-PAP recognition by bridging the available structural information with experimental functional validation thus providing the scientific community with a predictive model of pump-contacts that could be exploited in the future for the development of targeted therapeutics and efflux pump inhibitors.

The results of this study were published in the prestigious journal PloS Pathogens in 2019 (Dec 26;15(12):e1008101. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008101) as a co-corresponding author contribution by Dr Bavro.

In addition, a spin-off of this work has resulted in a separate collaborative interaction with the group of Dr Stephen Muench (University of Leeds), which provided the first ever structure of Salmonella AcrB (RND component of the pump) in native-membrane mimic using SMALP technology. The structure has been released into the PDB-database of protein structures (, as well as the EMDB (

2. Secondly, we have also addressed the PAP-OMP interfaces.
For this we performed a similar 3D structure-driven analysis in combination with mutagenesis validation of the PAP-OMP interfaces, which identified several important residues in the OMPs of TolC family (using the E.coli and Salmonella TolC), as well as the related Neisserial channel (MtrE), that are responsible for "gating" of these channels, that is controlled opening and closing of the channel proteins upon interaction with their cognate PAPs.

The work on E.coli TolC-AcrA interactions is currently submitted to Frontiers in Biomolecular Sciences as corresponding author contribution from V. Bavro, while the results of the Salmonella TolC-PAP interactions is being prepared for publication later in the year.

Importantly the analysis of the interactions between MtrE and its cognate PAP (MtrC) has revealed a novel mode of gating, which hasn't been identified previously within the wider TolC-family and this finding also shed unexpected light into the evolutionary connections of these channels.
To investigate this further we have solved the structure of MtrE from FA19 strain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (in collaboration with the lab of Prof. Ed Yu, Case Western Reserve University, USA), in a series of different conformations, which provided new models of opening and closing of the channel, that we validated using mutagenesis in combination with functional essays as per above. Based on that we were able to propose a novel mechanism of recognition of the tip of the OMP channel by the PAPs, which in the MtrE differs from the one employed by the canonical TolC proteins - this work is also currently being prepared for publication for a high-impact journal.

3. The third major output has come from a further investigation into the Salmonella outer membrane proteins (OMPs) discussed above and the analysis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) involvement in modulating and restricting the immunological protection afforded by antibodies that target these surface structures. In collaboration with the groups of Prof. Adam Cunningham (U.of Birmingham), Prof. Jeremy Lakey (U. of Newcastle) and Dr. J.C. Gumbart (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) we have developed a novel predictive model of antibody binding to the surface antigens that may inform future vaccine design. We demonstrated based on these predictions how particular OMPs provide protective immune response, while others are immunogenic, but not protective. This highly impactful research has been published in the leading journal Nature Communications (2020 Feb 12;11(1):851 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-14655-9) as corresponding author contribution for Dr Bavro.
Exploitation Route The nature of the research conducted as a part of this grant was fundamental science.
So while directly translational research is some distance away, we have generated an abundance of data which will be of use to the researchers in the wider antibiotic resistance and structural biology fields, especially the ones dealing with the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria.
Some of the central findings have been published already in several leading journals in the field - including PloS Pathogens and Nature Communications, and are available under free access to the wider community.

Furthermore, we anticipate to be able to deliver additional new structural (and by proxy) functional understanding of the process of assembly of the multidrug efflux pumps, allowing specific targeting of the protein-protein interfaces involved in several subsequent publications, currently in preparation.

A central part of our work output is the demonstration of the proof of principle of exploiting interference with pump assembly in vivo to impact antibiotic sensitivity in Gram-negative bacteria. While we have only shown this as a "proof of principle" in the current study, by usage of site-directed mutagenesis, it opens the possibility of design of targeted inhibitors of assembly, which would be useful both as research tools and will potentially have much wider therapeutic application. Control of pump function is of interest not only for the field of antibiotic resistance, but also to biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry e.g. for bioethanol production and protein secretion modulation.

Importantly, our work with the group of Prof. Cunningham and Dr Gumbart on the antibody recognition of the cell-surface antigens in Gram-negative bacteria will have a clear impact on the development of future vaccine candidates, something which we will further pursue pending successful subsequent funding.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology


Description The impact of this research has been mostly restricted to academic circles, due to the deeply fundamental nature of this work. However, several collaborative publications which originated from within this work (namely PMID: 35306531; PMID: 34278432; PMID: 31877175) have had a notable impact on wider understanding of the role that PAP proteins play in the substrate recognition within mutidrug-pump assemblies, and have provoked an increased interest in the topic, so that further research in the area may potentially result in the development of conceptually new efflux pump inhibitors targeting this part of the assembly. Funding for such research is currently being sought by the applicant.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Societal

Description OptiVaNTS - Optimising Vaccination for iNTS disease in Africa
Amount £1,729,948 (GBP)
Funding ID 221431/Z/20/Z 
Organisation Wellcome Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2023 
End 02/2026
Description PVC (Research) Infrastructure Fund 2017/18
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Organisation University of Essex 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2018 
Description Replacement EPR spectrometer to the multiuser Biomedical EPR Facility at the University of Essex
Amount £368,680 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/T01802X/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 03/2022
Title Salmonella AcrB transporter structure 
Description The first experimental 3-dimensional atomic structure of the Salmonella AcrB transporter protein. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Due to the recent generation of the dataset it hasn't yet translated into a notable impact, but it provides a template for further structural and functional investigation of Salmonella transporter AcrB, which is key contributor to the multidrug resistance. The structure will also be used for molecular docking of potential inhibitors and substrates of the transporter (including antibiotics). 
Description ATPase-based tripartite assemblies 
Organisation National Center for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS)
Department Institute Of Physico-Chemical Biology
Country France 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Expertise, data analysis and interpretation, modelling of protein interactions, exchange of Research students between labs.
Collaborator Contribution Data exchange, complementary expertise and access to unique experimental set-up, materials.
Impact Commun Biol. 2021 Apr 22;4(1):493. doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-01997-3.
Start Year 2018
Description Dr JC Gumbart - Georgia Institute of Technology 
Organisation Georgia Institute of Technology
Department School of Physics
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Expertise, data, intellectual input
Collaborator Contribution Expertise, data, intellectual input - specifically in the field of molecular dynamics simulations of large systems.
Impact Publications: Nature Communications - 10.1038/s41467-020-14655-9 Multi-disciplinary: - experimental structural biology/biophysical essays/in vitro and in vivo functional tests from the side of Bavro ; - full-atomistic and coarse-grain (CG) molecular dynamics and modelling from the side of Gumbart;
Start Year 2017
Description Mapping of PAP-RND pump interfaces - Dr Jessica Blair 
Organisation University of Birmingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution As a part of this collaboration my group has provided access to prior data; equipment and facilities as well as materials - including our mutagenesis libraries. We have provided bioinformatic and structural biology expertise, along with molecular docking approaches to guide and rationalise mutagenesis work. We have generated and tested a number of novel mutants in vivo and in vitro. We have provided intellectual input throughout guiding the direction of the joint collaborative effort. We are involved in joint delivery of the research outputs and manuscript preparation.
Collaborator Contribution As a part of this collaboration Dr Blair's group has provided access to prior data; equipment and facilities as well as materials. Dr Blair's group has provided training for the PDRA involved in the project. They have contributed microbiological and in vivo characterisation of the strains we have designed and produced and contributed to optimisation of protocols involved. They have provided intellectual input throughout guiding the direction of the joint collaborative effort. Dr Blair's group are involved in joint delivery of the research outputs and manuscript preparation.
Impact The work has resulted in first time identification of the binding-residues involved in transporter - PAP interaction in Salmonella and hinted at novel mechanisms of recognition between these proteins, providing a framework for further targeting of their interaction. Several publications resulted from this collaboration: Microb Genom. 2023 Mar;9(3):mgen000964. doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000964. Sci Rep. 2022 Mar 19;12(1):4752. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-08903-9. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2021 Sep 15;76(10):2558-2564. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkab237. PLoS Pathog. 2019 Dec 26;15(12):e1008101. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008101.
Start Year 2018
Description Matthias Winterhalter 
Organisation Jacobs University Bremen
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution With the help of the team of Prof. Winterhalter are characterising a number of mutations introduced into the outer membrane proteins and periplasmic adapter proteins (PAPs) using elecrophysiology approaches.
Collaborator Contribution Our team is providing the protein constructs and mutagenesis libraries of outer membrane proteins and periplasmic adapter proteins (PAPs) which form part of the tripartite efflux pumps, while the group of Prof. Winterhalter provides incorporation into lipid bilayers and in vitro characterisation of these proteins using electrophysiology.
Impact This collaboration did not progress beyond the pilot experiments and was impacted by the onset of COVID, hence been terminated before any outputs were produced.
Start Year 2017
Description Prof. Adam Cunningham - University of Birmingham 
Organisation University of Birmingham
Department Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our group is providing our expertise in structural biology and modelling. We are providing access to data and computing facilities, as well as protein purification and crystallisation facilities. We provide intellectual input throughout in guiding collaborative research as well as reporting the outputs.
Collaborator Contribution Prof. Cunningham's group is providing expertise in immunology, including access to in vivo mouse models of infection, antibody libraries and in vitro assays. They are providing access to data and facilities including access to in vivo mouse models of infection, antibody libraries and in vitro assays. They provide intellectual input throughout in guiding collaborative research as well as reporting the outputs.
Impact In collaboration with the groups of Prof. Adam Cunnigham (U.of Birmingham), as well as Prof. Jeremy Lakey (U. of Newcastle) and Dr. J.C. Gumbart (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) we have developed a novel predictive model of antibody binding to the surface antigens that may inform future vaccine design. This is a multidisciplinary collaboration with each partner providing expertise in different disciplines: Dr Bavro - Structural biology of membrane proteins; Molecular modelling; Prof. Lakey - LPS chemistry and Gram-negative membrane biology; Prof. Cunningham - Immunology and in vivo models of Samonella infection; Dr. J.C.Gumbart - Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations; A publication in Nature Communications is directly linked to this research: Nat Commun. 2020 Feb 12;11(1):851. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14655-9. Additional 2 manuscripts are in preparation as of 2024.
Start Year 2017
Description Prof. Ed Yu 
Organisation Case Western Reserve University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have collaborated with the team of Prof. Edward Yu (Case Western Reserve University) on solving of the 3D structure of a novel membrane protein, which is part of the TolC family. The structure provides new insight into the functioning of the family and will form a centre piece of a manuscript, currently in preparation.
Collaborator Contribution Our team have performed essential functional data, in vivo and in vitro characterisation of the protein, structural validation and data analysis work, while the partners from Case Western have provided the data collection and crystallisation facilities. This collaboration is currently ongoing.
Impact The collaboration is currently ongoing. We have recently solved a crystal structure of a membrane protein, which will be deposited into the PDB databank ( and we are preparing a manuscript describing it.
Start Year 2016
Description Stephen Muench - University of Leeds 
Organisation University of Leeds
Department Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Access to samples and data, expertise, intellectual input.
Collaborator Contribution Access to (cryo-EM) equipment and facilities. Expertise, data analysis, intellectual contribution, training of staff.
Impact Microorganisms. 2020 Jun 23;8(6):943. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8060943.
Start Year 2018
Description Victor Lin 
Organisation National Taiwan Ocean University
Country Taiwan, Province of China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have contributed molecular modelling and data analysis for predicting the structure of a novel inner-membrane transporter associated with the drug efflux of macrolide antibiotics. Our team also performed a number of antibiotic sensitivity and efflux assays, which has resulted in the first characterisation of a novel function of the transporter protein. We have jointly contributed to writing a manuscript describing the findings, which is currently in submission.
Collaborator Contribution The team of Assoc. Prof. Hong-Ting Lin, PhD from the National Taiwan Ocean University has been instrumental in identifying the activity of the transporter protein described, creating a number of expression constructs and initial characterisation of the efflux function of the protein. The team of Prof. Lin has jointly contributed to the writing of the manuscript describing the findings.
Impact The collaborative work with Dr Lin's lab resulted in the following publication: Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Mar 27;19(4):1000. doi: 10.3390/ijms19041000.
Start Year 2017
Description A pint of Science 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Some 60-100 people attended the Pint of Science talk based on the impact of antimicrobial resistance on our society - titled "When the drugs don't work - can we outsmart resistant bacteria?"
Pint of Science is part of the grassroots science festival taking place annually in Colchester and attracts members of general public as well as number of school pupils and local sponsors. The presentations were followed by lively discussions and Q&A sessions raising the awareness of the public to the proper use of antimicrobials and antibiotics and general principles behind microbial evolution and selection.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description A visit to PHE promoting our antimicrobial research porfolio 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A visit to the PHE headquarters in Collindale (16 July 2018), as a part of a wider delegation showcasing antimicrobial and microbiological research at Essex.
Apart from making the research visible at the level of a governmental body, I also used this opportunity for increasing interest in some of the technologies we developed as a part of this work and for collaborative networking.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Antibiotic Discovery Accelerator Network (ABX) - Eden Project Cornwall 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact As a part of the Antibiotic Discovery Accelerator Network (ABX) headed by University of Plymouth I participated in a open networking and presentation event at the Eden Project Cornwall, 11-12 July 2019;
The meeting was primarily targeted at researchers in the field of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), but also business participation. The meeting included an open discussions and brainstorming panel, and created a directory of available resources and expertise across the sector. In addition it mapped strategies for coordinated drug development raging from de novo chemical synthesis and natural products to in silico informed approaches. Main outcomes were identifications of complementary regional expertise, creating novel pipelines and consortia that can address the issue of AMR on national level.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Cafe Scientifique - Public lecture 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Over 60 people attended for a Cafe Scientifique public-engagement in science session in Colchester titled "How do bacteria evade antibiotics?"
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019