Why does Nature use modular enzyme architectures for biological catalysis?

Lead Research Organisation: University of Liverpool
Department Name: Institute of Integrative Biology


Redox proteins, including metalloproteins, form a large portion of the protein kingdom. Metalloproteins themselves form ~ 30% of a genome. These contain metal ions either as a single atom or as part of a cluster and play a variety of life sustaining roles in the microbial, plant and animal kingdoms. Many enzymes exploit the oxidation states of metals to perform redox cycling.

Fundamental biological processes in which metalloproteins participate include electron storage and transfer, dioxygen binding, storage and activation, and substrate transport, and catalysis. In many metalloenzymes such as cytochrome c oxidase (essential for mammalian life through respiratory requirements), nitrogenases and nitrite reductases (essential in view of their central position in the nitrogen cycle), hydrogenases (producers of molecular hydrogen - a candidate for a future alternative energy source), catalysis involves the controlled delivery of electrons and protons to the active site where substrate is utilised.

Nitrite reductases are central to the denitrification process, an important branch of microbial bioenergetics and crucial to terrestrial and oceanic nitrogen cycling, since it makes an increasing contribution to global warming by release of N2O, an ozone-depleting and greenhouse gas some 300-fold more potent than CO2. The current proposal builds on close collaboration between the applicants where they collectively have made major contributions in the field of denitrification and have provided significant advances in our understanding of complex processes that are involved in biological mechanisms of metalloenzymes. Our combined approaches puts us in a very strong position to undertake an integrated structural-mechanistic programme that is aimed at addressing the question of whether Nature exploits tethered domains to enhance catalysis compared to transient protein complexes in biological reactions in globally important biological systems.

We focus on Cu-containing nitrite reductases (CuNiRs) - exploiting their natural encounter (freely diffusing) and tethered complexes - to learn Nature's design rules for construction of optimally configured and integrated redox devices. We will elucidate design principles that define catalytic efficiencies and enable coupling of long-range electron movements to active site redox chemistry. This requires understanding of how coordinated protein movements impact on (i) mechanisms of long-range electron transfers, (ii) localised chemical change (bond formation / breakage) and (iii) how these can change the rate-limiting step in catalysis by driving the formation of different oxidation states of the active site. General design principles will emerge that will guide predictive engineering of biological redox devices for synthetic biology.

New methods and approaches developed in this programme (e.g. (i) combined stopped-flow and FRET-based approach enabling the reporting on redox chemistry via a 'molecular beacon' approach and (ii) development of laboratory-based size-exclusion chromatography-small angle X-ray scattering with dynamic light scattering (SEC-SAXS-DLS) for studying protein complexes) will have broad relevance to our capabilities for studying protein complexes. These new capabilities and the scientific outcome will have significant impact on structural-mechanistic biology and keep the UK at the forefront of global effort in this important field.

Technical Summary

This proposal brings together a multi-disciplinary strength of Liverpool and Manchester to address a serious gap in our knowledge of some of the fundamental processes that underpin catalysis by redox enzymes involving proton-electron transfer. We will pursue an integrated programme drawing on the unique collaborative expertise formed by the applicants with expertise in biophysical, kinetic and enzymology studies (Manchester) and metalloenzyme crystallography, SFX and SEC-SAXS (Liverpool). Together we have published some significant papers on NiRs: JBC (2009), PNAS (2011), Biochemistry (2011) & Nature Comm (2014). Crucially, we provided recent evidence for long-range effects on enzyme mechanism resulting from mutations remote from the catalytic site, thus showing that efficient catalysis is controlled by basic design features of a number of elements that are inter-linked. Such knowledge is needed to design/redesign catalytic modules for synthetic biology in a predictable way.

We have invested significantly in obtaining important supporting data for this proposal. Key elements that make this proposal timely are (i) the development of new FRET-stopped flow approaches engineering to follow dynamics; (ii) discovery of 4-domain NiRs with additional cupredoxin and cytochrome domains fused to the core Cu1-Cu2 NiR, (iii) atomic structures of two members of cupredoxin-Cu1-Cu2NiR tethered complexes; (iv) supporting molecular biology/biochemical studies that enable expression and mutagenesis of most of the target proteins; (v) continued development of Liverpool's pioneering SEC-SAXS-DLS (size-exclusion chromatography-small angle X-ray scattering-dynamic light scattering) facility for use with proteins and their complexes. Our programme will provide deep understanding of how coordinated protein movements impact on (i) mechanisms of long-range ET, ii) localised chemical change (bond formation / breakage) and (iii) the utilization of coupled redox sites in a catalytic core.

Planned Impact

Beneficiaries. The beneficiaries of the research program are academic and industrial scientists within the international scientific community, as a strong knowledge base for predictive design of redox components will inform on future exploitation of these parts in synthetic biology and biotechnology. There is also a strong enabling methods theme in the program, which will benefit the wider dynamic structural science communities and time resolved spectroscopy community. We already engage strongly with instrument manufacturers, assisting them in the authoring of specialised application notes and adapting instruments for new capabilities by hosting industrial colleagues in our groups to assist in technology development. This should facilitate commercial developments from basic science research. We will continue to operate in this way with the explicit aim of enhancing laser spectroscopy and structural biology applications, and in developing wider appreciation of our novel laboratory-based methods (e.g. SEC-SAXS) being developed with both academic and commercial users.

Internationalisation. There is a strong international aspect to our program. We have teamed up with expert scientists at international facilities and we are working with technical scientists at Bruker Karlsruhe (Germany). This will enhance links with expert researchers in these areas, enabling exchange of research scientists (Bruker has established strong connections within the national EPR centre at Manchester). Extended visits by the PDRA/applicants to these groups will facilitate import of the knowledge back to the UK.
We will establish a series of workshops/symposia that will enable us to develop further links with international groups in the area of redox enzymes, structural biology, XFEL and predictive design for synthetic biology thereby facilitating better integration of their expertise in the UK research programs. These will take place at Liverpool and Manchester and we will also contribute to workshops at national/international facilities and BBSRC SBRC workshops.

Outreach. We will take advantage of the 'Discover days' hosted by the Faculty of Life Sciences at Manchester to introduce school children to the science underpinning biological catalysis. This is addition to our planned lectures at regional schools and other outreach activities (podcasts and participation in the annual MIB schools open day). Hasnain and Scrutton have, and continue to lecture to schoolchildren at science focus meetings on a variety of scientific topics. We will exhibit at both regional and national science exhibitions.

Communication. We will communicate and develop our infrastructure and approaches through frequent networking events with external stakeholders at structured workshops, showcase events and industry focussed meetings within the MIB (Manchester) and Life Sciences (Liverpool). In particular, we are developing new biophysical capabilities of broad interest to the academic and commercial communities. We will host a major symposium focused on the power of integrating biophysical and structural methods in the field of dynamic structural science. An important aspect here will be training and scientific development of younger workers. Our PDRAs will engage in science exhibitions and public lectures such as Science and Society Lectures at Liverpool and Manchester Science Festival, and we hope (with the applicants) at a Royal Society summer science exhibition.


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Description Several high impact publications have emerged from the work carried out under this grant. Two invited reviews have been published, one in Coordination Chemistry Reviews and the other in Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry. An additional invited review is in the final stages of preparation for Current Opinion in Structural Biology. We have used the most advanced synchrotron Crystallographic facilities from Synchrotrons including DIAMOND that harness micro-focus X-ray beams and advanced photon counting detectors. This has allowed multiple structures to be collected from a single crystal (MSOX), a technique we have pioneered with the help of the grant, enabling the construction of a structural movie as the X-ray induced enzyme turnover takes place. We have also harness the availability of femtosecond pulses from X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) facilities which have opened a new horizon of structural biology where time-frozen structures can be obtained that are free from radiation-induced chemistry (FRIC structures). The modern synchrotron beamlines have recently helped us to provide atomic resolution (<1.2 Å) structures enabling non-restraint refinement using SHELX for the first time for copper nitrite reductases, a norm for small molecule crystallography. This combination together with functional/kinetic data has helped us to provide a step change in our understanding ot the mechanism of copper nitrite reductases that is expected to help draw engineering principles for synthetic enzyme.
Exploitation Route We have submitted a grant proposal to BBSRC in January 2022.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



including Industrial Biotechology

Description Towards a paradigm shift in understanding of membrane-bound Nitric Oxide reductase and its complexes with the electron donor and NO-producing enzyme
Amount £796,523 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/X015491/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2023 
End 11/2026
Description Developmet of Spectroscopically validated MSOX movies of metalloenzymes 
Organisation Diamond Light Source
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Structural movies can be obtained by serially recording multiple structures (frames) from the same spot of a crystal using the MSOX serial crystallography approach. This method has been combined with on-line single crystal optical spectroscopy to capture the catalysis of CuNiRs from two Rhizobia species in action. We have provided the well diffracting crystals and all the know-how of enzyme mechanism.
Collaborator Contribution An efficient on-line optical spectroscopic set up has been added to I24 with active participation of the beamline staff in our research where our team (including me) participated in on-site experiments.
Impact A paper is to be submitted to Nature Structural Biology shortly
Start Year 2022