HDHL JPI: Gut and blood microbiomics for studying the effect of a polyphenol-rich dietary pattern on intestinal permeability

Lead Research Organisation: Quadram Institute
Department Name: Food Innovation and Health


Please refer to full application attached.

Technical Summary

Please refer to full application attached.

Planned Impact

Please refer to full application attached.


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Description Using a combination of a human dietary intervention in elderly participants and in vitro models of the ageing gut, we have shown the following:
1. Approximately doubling the total intake of plant polyphenols by elderly participants living in a care home setting caused a significant reduction in gut leakiness, where a 'leaky gut' is considered detrimental as it can increase the risk that bacteria and other microorganisms that normally reside in the gut can get past the gut barrier, enter the blood stream and cause inflammation. The additional polyphenols came from polyphenol-rich foods and beverages such as tea, dark chocolate, apples, berries, pomegranate juice and orange juice.
2. That it is possible to substantially increase the consumption of polyphenols by a very elderly population who often have health issues that can make this challenging. However, by careful consideration of the types of polyphenol-rich foods and the form that they are provided, we demonstrated that this can be achieved
3. We have shown in a model of ageing that supplementing a standard polyphenol-free diet with a mixture of polyphenols caused significant improvements in gut barrier function compared to the non-supplemented diet in very old mice but not in younger mice.
4. We have developed some evidence that the polyphenol-induced changes in gut barrier function may be brought about by their beneficial effects on inflammation. This data supports a plausible mechanism.
Exploitation Route Consumers can choose to increase their consumption of polyphenol-rich foods and beverages on the basis that there are a number of reported health benefits, including now improved gut barrier function in the elderly.
Organisations involved in caring for the elderly can review their meal menus and consider increasing the levels of polyphenols in the foods they provide and hence increase the consumption of polyphenols by their customers / patients.
Policy makers could take note of this newly demonstrated benefit of a polypheniol-rich diet and consider changing their advice to particular sub-groups of the population, i.e. the elderly.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Communities and Social Services/Policy


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Title Bespoke human metabolites not available commercially suitable for undertaking mechanistic stdies of biological acxtivity. 
Description TBC 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2013 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact TBC 
Description Bespoke synthesis of polyphenol human metabolites 
Organisation University of Barcelona
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We used synthetic organic chemistry routes to make phase-2 conjugates of various dietary flavonoids and phenolic acids and supplied these to various collaborators for testing of biological activity. These compounds are not available commercially and for many of them they are unique to our lab.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have used these physiologically relevant metabolites to test their biological activity using in vitro models such as cultured mammalian cell models, etc... They have also used them as authentic standards to facilitate identification and quantification of metabolites in human and animal tissues including blood, urine and faeces.
Impact Petri N, Tannergen C, Holst B, Mellon FA, Bao Y, Plumb GW, Bacon J, O'Leary KA, Kroon PA, Knutson L, Forsell P, Eriksson T, Lennernas H & Williamson G (2003) "Absorption/metabolism of sulforaphane and quercetin, and regulation of phase II enzymes, in human jejenum in vivo". Drug Metab Disposition 31, 805-813.Nemeth K, Plumb GW, Berrin J-G, Juge N, Jacob R, Naim HY, Williamson G, Swallow DM, Kroon PA (2003) "Deglycosylation by small intestinal epithelial cell ? glucosidases is a critical step in the absorption and metabolism of dietary flavonoid glycosides in humans. Eur J Nutr 42, 29-42.Kroon PA, Clifford MN, Crozier A, Day AJ, Donovan JL, Manach C & Williamson G (2004). How should we assess the effects of exposure to dietary polyphenols in vitro? Am J Clin Nutr 80, 15-21. Dupont MS, Day AJ, Bennett RN, Mellon FA & Kroon PA (2004) "Absorption of kaempferol-3-glucuronide from endive in humans". Eur J Clin Nutr 58, 947-954. Needs PW, Kroon PA (2006) Convenient syntheses of metabolically important quercetin glucuronides and sulfates. Tetrahedron 62, 6862-6868. Davis BD, Needs PW, Kroon PA & Brodbelt (2006) Identification of isomeric flavonoid glucuronides in urine and plasma by metal complexation and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J Mass Spectrom 41, 911-920. Tribolo S, Lodi F, Connor C, Suri S, Wilson V, Taylor M, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hughes DA (2008). Comparative effects of quercetin and its predominant human metabolites on adhesion molecule expression in activated human vascular endothelial cells. Atherosclerosis 197, 50-56. Loke WM, Proudfoot JM, Stewart S, McKinley AJ, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hodgson JM & Croft KD (2008). Metabolic transformation has a profound effect on anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids such as quercetin: Lack of association between antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activity. Biochem Pharmacol 75, 1045-1053. Loke WM, Proudfoot JM, Stewart S, McKinley AJ, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hodgson JM & Croft KD (2008). Quercetin and its in vivo metabolites inhibit neutrophil-mediated low-density lipoprotein oxidation. J Agric Food Chem 56, 3609-3615. Hollands W, Brett GM, Radreau P, Saha S, Teucher B, Bennett, RN & Kroon PA (2008). Processing blackcurrants dramatically reduces the content and does not enhance the urinary yield of anthocyanins in human subjects. Food Chem 108, 869-878. Suri S, Taylor MA, Verity A, Tribolo S, Kroon PA, Hughes DA, Wilson VG (2008). A comparative study of the effects of quercetin and its glucuronide and sulphate metabolites on human neutrophil function in vitro. Biochem Pharmacol 76, 645-673. Barrington R, Williamson G, Bennett RN, Davis BD, Brodbelt JS, Kroon PA (2009). Absorption, conjugation and efflux of the flavonoids, kaempferol and galangin, using the intestinal CaCo-2/TC7 cell model. J Functional Foods 1, 74-97. Brett GM, Hollands W, Needs PW, Teucher B, Dainty JR, Bennett RN, Davis BD, Brodbelt JS & Kroon PA (2009). Absorption, metabolism and excretion of flavanones from single portions of orange fruit and juice and effects of anthropometric variables and contraceptive pill use on flavanone excretion. Br J Nutr 101, 664-675. http://journals.cambridge.org/repo_A44rP6ra (Personal author link) Winterbone MS, Tribolo S, Needs PW, Kroon PA & Hughes DA (2009). Physiologically relevant metabolites of quercetin have no effect on adhesion molecule or chemokine expression in human vascular smooth muscle cells. Atherosclerosis 202, 431-438. Kay CD, Kroon PA, Cassidy A (2009). The bioactivity of dietary anthocyanins is likely to be mediated by their degradation products. Mol Nutr Food Res 53 Suppl 1:S92-101. Lodi F, Jiménez R, Moreno L, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Hughes DA, Santos-Buelga C, González-Paramás A, Cogolludo A, Duarte J, Perez-Vizcaino F (2009). Glucuronidated and sulfated metabolites of the flavonoid quercetin prevent endothelial dysfunction but lack direct vasodilator effects in rat aorta. Atherosclerosis 204, 34-39. Radreau P, Rhodes JD, Mithen RF, Kroon PA, Sanderson J (2009) Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) pathway activation by quercetin in human lens epithelial cells. Exp Eye Res 89, 995-1002. Curtis PJ, Kroon PA, Hollands WJ, Walls R, Jenkins G, Kay CD, Cassidy A (2009). Cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers and liver function are not altered following twelve week ingestion of an elderberry extract rich in anthocyanins. J Nutr 139, 2266-2271. Soler A, Romero MP, Saha S, Furniss CSM, Kroon PA, Motilva MJ (2010). Digestion stability and evaluation of the metabolism and transport of olive oil phenols in human small intestinal epithelial Caco2/TC7 cell line. Food Chem, 119, 703-714. Suri S, Liu XH, Rayment S, Hughes DA, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Taylor MA, Tribolo S, Wilson VG (2010). Quercetin and its major metabolites selectively modulate cyclic GMP-dependent relaxations and associated tolerance in pig isolated coronary artery. Br J Pharmacol 159, 566-575. Bartholomé R, Haenen G, Hollman PCH, Bast A, Dagnelie PC, Roos D, Keijer J, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Arts ICW (2010). Deconjugation kinetics of glucuronidated phase-II flavonoid metabolites by ß-glucuronidase from neutrophils. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 25, 379-387. Pereira-Caro G, Mateos R, Saha S, Madrona A, Espartero JL, Bravo L, Kroon PA (2010). Trans-epithelial transport and metabolism of new lipopohilic ether derivatives of hydroxytyrosol by enterocyte-like CaCo-2/TC7 cells. J Agric Food Chem 58, 11501-11509. Al-Shalmani S, Suri S, Hughes DA, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Taylor MA, Tribolo S, Wilson VG (2011). Quercetin and its principal metabolites, but not myricetin, oppose LPS-induced hyporesponsiveness of the porcine isolated coronary artery. Br J Pharmacol 162, 1485-1497. Curtis PJ, Sampson M, Potter J, Dhatariya K, Kroon PA, Cassidy A (2012). Chronic ingestion of flavan-3-ols and isoflavones improves insulin sensitivity and lipoprotein status and attenuates estimated 10-year CVD risk in medicated postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes: a one year double-blind randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care 35, 226-232. Saha S, Hollands W, Needs PW, Ostertag LM, de Roos B, Duthie GG, Kroon PA (2012). Human O-sulfated metabolites of (-)-epicatechin and methyl-(-)-epicatechin are poor substrates for commercial aryl-sulfatases: Implications for studies concerned with quantifying epicatechin bioavailability. Pharmacol Res 65, 592-602. Lodi F, Tribolo S, Winterbone MS, Needs PW, Hughes DA, Kroon PA (2012). Human quercetin conjugated metabolites attenuate TNF-a-induced changes in vasomodulatory molecules in a HUASMCs/HUVECs co-culture model. Planta Med 78, 1571-1573. Hollands WJ, Hart D, Dainty JR, Hasselwander O, Tiihonen K, Wood R, Kroon PA (2013). Bioavailability of epicatechin and effects on nitric oxide metabolites of an apple flavanol-rich extract supplemented beverage compared to a whole apple puree: a randomized, placebo controlled, crossover trial. Mol Nutr Food Res 57, 1209-1217. Tribolo S, Lodi F, Winterbone MS, Saha S, Needs PW, Suri S, Taylor MA, Wilson VG, Walls R, Cassidy A, Hughes DA, Kroon PA (2013). Human metabolic transformation of quercetin blocks its capacity to decrease eNOS expression and endothelin-1 secretion by human endothelial cells. J Agric Food Chem 61, 8589-8596. Czank C, Cassidy A, Zhang Q, Morrison DJ, Preston T, Kroon PA, Botting NP, Kay CD (2013). Human metabolism and elimination of the anthocyanin, cyanidin-3-glucoside: a 13C-tracer study. Am J Clin Nutr 97, 995-1003. Konic-Ristic A, Srdic-Rajica T, Kardum N, Kroon PA, Hollands WJ, Hayran O, Boyko N, Jorjadze M, Glibetic M (2013). Effects of bioactive-rich extracts of pomegranate, persimmon, nettle, dill, kale and Sideritis and isolated bioactives on arachidonic acid induced markers of platelet activation and platelet-leucocyte aggregation. J Sci Food Agric 93, 3581-3587. De Ferrars RM, Czank C, Zhang Q, Botting NP, Kroon PA, Cassidy A, Kay CD (2014). The pharmacokinetics of anthocyanins and their metabolites in humans. Br J Pharmacol 171, 3268-3282. De Ferrars R, Czank C, Saha S, Needs PW, Zhang Q, Raheem KS, Kroon PA, Kay CD (2014). Methods for isolating, identifying and quantifying anthocyanin metabolites in clinical samples. Anal Chem 86, 10052-10058. Danesi F, Kroon PA, Saha S, de Biase D, D'Antuono LF, Bordoni A (2014). Mixed pro- and anti-oxidative effects of pomegranate polyphenols in cultured cells. Int J Mol Sci 15, 19458-19471. Barrington RD, Needs PW, Williamson G, Kroon PA. MK571 inhibits phase-2 conjugation of flavonols by Caco-2/TC7 cells, but does not specifically inhibit their apical efflux. Biochem Pharmacol 95, 193-200. Cerezo AB, Winterbone MS, Moyle CW, Needs PW, Kroon PA (2015). Molecular structure-function relationship of dietary polyphenols for inhibiting VEGF-induced VEGFR-2 activity. Mol Nutr Food Res. 59, 2119-2131. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201500407. Gornas P, Redenkovs V, Pugacheva I, Soliven A, Needs PW, Kroon PA (2016). Varied composition of tocochromanols in different types of bran: Rye, wheat, oat, spelt, buckwheat, corn and rice. Int J Food Properties 19, 1757-1764. Dower JI, Geleijnse JM, Kroon PA, Philo M, Mensink M, Kromhout D, Hollman PCH (2016). Does epicatechin contribute to the acute vascular function effects of dark chocolate? A randomised, crossover study. Mol Nutr Food Res 60, 2379-2386. Poór M, Boda G, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Lemli B, Bencsik T (2017). Interaction of quercetin and its metabolites with warfarin: displacement of warfarin from serum albumin and inhibition of CYP2C9 enzyme. Biomed Pharmacol 88, 574-581. Hollands WJ*, Voorspoels S*, Jacobs G, Aaby K, Meisland A, Garcia-Villalbad R, Tomas-Barberan F, Piskula MJ, Mawson D, Vovk I, Needs PW and Kroon PA (2017). Development, validation and evaluation of an analytical method for the determination of monomeric and oligomeric procyanidins in apple extracts. J Chromatogr A 1495, 46-56. Van Rymenant E, Grootaert C, Beerens K, Needs P, Kroon P, Kerimi A, Williamson G, García Villalba R, González-Sarrías A, Tomas-Barberan F, Van Camp J, Van de Voorde J. Vasorelaxant activity of twenty-one physiologically relevant (poly)phenolic metabolites on isolated mouse arteries. Mol Nutr Food Res 13, 4331-4335. Perez-Moral N, Saha S, Philo M, Hart DJ, Winterbone MS, Hollands WJ, Spurr M, Bows J, vander Velpen V, Kroon PA*, Curtis PJC (2018) Comparative bio-accessibility, bioavailability and bioequivalence of quercetin, apigenin, glucoraphanin and carotenoids from freeze-dried vegetables incorporated into a baked snack versus minimally processed vegetables: Evidence from in vitro models and a human bioavailability study. J Func Food 48, 410-419. Poor M, Boda G, Kunsagi-Mate S, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Lemli B (2018). Fluorescence spectroscopic evaluation of the interactions of quercetin, isorhamnetin, and quercetin-3 '-sulfate with different albumins. J Luminescence 194, 156-163. Wu Q, Kroon PA, Shao HJ, Needs PW, Yang XB (2018). Differential effects of quercetin and two of its derivatives, isorhamnetin and isorhamnetin-3-glucuronide, in inhibiting the proliferation of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. J Agric Food Chem 66, 7181-7189. Wu Q, Needs PW, Lu YL, Kroon PA, Ren DY, Yang XB (2018). Different antitumor effects of quercetin, quercetin-3'-sulfate and quercetin-3-glucuronide in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Food Func 9, 1736-1746.
Start Year 2010
Description Bespoke synthesis of polyphenol human metabolites 
Organisation University of Milan
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We used synthetic organic chemistry routes to make phase-2 conjugates of various dietary flavonoids and phenolic acids and supplied these to various collaborators for testing of biological activity. These compounds are not available commercially and for many of them they are unique to our lab.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have used these physiologically relevant metabolites to test their biological activity using in vitro models such as cultured mammalian cell models, etc... They have also used them as authentic standards to facilitate identification and quantification of metabolites in human and animal tissues including blood, urine and faeces.
Impact Petri N, Tannergen C, Holst B, Mellon FA, Bao Y, Plumb GW, Bacon J, O'Leary KA, Kroon PA, Knutson L, Forsell P, Eriksson T, Lennernas H & Williamson G (2003) "Absorption/metabolism of sulforaphane and quercetin, and regulation of phase II enzymes, in human jejenum in vivo". Drug Metab Disposition 31, 805-813.Nemeth K, Plumb GW, Berrin J-G, Juge N, Jacob R, Naim HY, Williamson G, Swallow DM, Kroon PA (2003) "Deglycosylation by small intestinal epithelial cell ? glucosidases is a critical step in the absorption and metabolism of dietary flavonoid glycosides in humans. Eur J Nutr 42, 29-42.Kroon PA, Clifford MN, Crozier A, Day AJ, Donovan JL, Manach C & Williamson G (2004). How should we assess the effects of exposure to dietary polyphenols in vitro? Am J Clin Nutr 80, 15-21. Dupont MS, Day AJ, Bennett RN, Mellon FA & Kroon PA (2004) "Absorption of kaempferol-3-glucuronide from endive in humans". Eur J Clin Nutr 58, 947-954. Needs PW, Kroon PA (2006) Convenient syntheses of metabolically important quercetin glucuronides and sulfates. Tetrahedron 62, 6862-6868. Davis BD, Needs PW, Kroon PA & Brodbelt (2006) Identification of isomeric flavonoid glucuronides in urine and plasma by metal complexation and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J Mass Spectrom 41, 911-920. Tribolo S, Lodi F, Connor C, Suri S, Wilson V, Taylor M, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hughes DA (2008). Comparative effects of quercetin and its predominant human metabolites on adhesion molecule expression in activated human vascular endothelial cells. Atherosclerosis 197, 50-56. Loke WM, Proudfoot JM, Stewart S, McKinley AJ, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hodgson JM & Croft KD (2008). Metabolic transformation has a profound effect on anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids such as quercetin: Lack of association between antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activity. Biochem Pharmacol 75, 1045-1053. Loke WM, Proudfoot JM, Stewart S, McKinley AJ, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hodgson JM & Croft KD (2008). Quercetin and its in vivo metabolites inhibit neutrophil-mediated low-density lipoprotein oxidation. J Agric Food Chem 56, 3609-3615. Hollands W, Brett GM, Radreau P, Saha S, Teucher B, Bennett, RN & Kroon PA (2008). Processing blackcurrants dramatically reduces the content and does not enhance the urinary yield of anthocyanins in human subjects. Food Chem 108, 869-878. Suri S, Taylor MA, Verity A, Tribolo S, Kroon PA, Hughes DA, Wilson VG (2008). A comparative study of the effects of quercetin and its glucuronide and sulphate metabolites on human neutrophil function in vitro. Biochem Pharmacol 76, 645-673. Barrington R, Williamson G, Bennett RN, Davis BD, Brodbelt JS, Kroon PA (2009). Absorption, conjugation and efflux of the flavonoids, kaempferol and galangin, using the intestinal CaCo-2/TC7 cell model. J Functional Foods 1, 74-97. Brett GM, Hollands W, Needs PW, Teucher B, Dainty JR, Bennett RN, Davis BD, Brodbelt JS & Kroon PA (2009). Absorption, metabolism and excretion of flavanones from single portions of orange fruit and juice and effects of anthropometric variables and contraceptive pill use on flavanone excretion. Br J Nutr 101, 664-675. http://journals.cambridge.org/repo_A44rP6ra (Personal author link) Winterbone MS, Tribolo S, Needs PW, Kroon PA & Hughes DA (2009). Physiologically relevant metabolites of quercetin have no effect on adhesion molecule or chemokine expression in human vascular smooth muscle cells. Atherosclerosis 202, 431-438. Kay CD, Kroon PA, Cassidy A (2009). The bioactivity of dietary anthocyanins is likely to be mediated by their degradation products. Mol Nutr Food Res 53 Suppl 1:S92-101. Lodi F, Jiménez R, Moreno L, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Hughes DA, Santos-Buelga C, González-Paramás A, Cogolludo A, Duarte J, Perez-Vizcaino F (2009). Glucuronidated and sulfated metabolites of the flavonoid quercetin prevent endothelial dysfunction but lack direct vasodilator effects in rat aorta. Atherosclerosis 204, 34-39. Radreau P, Rhodes JD, Mithen RF, Kroon PA, Sanderson J (2009) Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) pathway activation by quercetin in human lens epithelial cells. Exp Eye Res 89, 995-1002. Curtis PJ, Kroon PA, Hollands WJ, Walls R, Jenkins G, Kay CD, Cassidy A (2009). Cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers and liver function are not altered following twelve week ingestion of an elderberry extract rich in anthocyanins. J Nutr 139, 2266-2271. Soler A, Romero MP, Saha S, Furniss CSM, Kroon PA, Motilva MJ (2010). Digestion stability and evaluation of the metabolism and transport of olive oil phenols in human small intestinal epithelial Caco2/TC7 cell line. Food Chem, 119, 703-714. Suri S, Liu XH, Rayment S, Hughes DA, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Taylor MA, Tribolo S, Wilson VG (2010). Quercetin and its major metabolites selectively modulate cyclic GMP-dependent relaxations and associated tolerance in pig isolated coronary artery. Br J Pharmacol 159, 566-575. Bartholomé R, Haenen G, Hollman PCH, Bast A, Dagnelie PC, Roos D, Keijer J, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Arts ICW (2010). Deconjugation kinetics of glucuronidated phase-II flavonoid metabolites by ß-glucuronidase from neutrophils. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 25, 379-387. Pereira-Caro G, Mateos R, Saha S, Madrona A, Espartero JL, Bravo L, Kroon PA (2010). Trans-epithelial transport and metabolism of new lipopohilic ether derivatives of hydroxytyrosol by enterocyte-like CaCo-2/TC7 cells. J Agric Food Chem 58, 11501-11509. Al-Shalmani S, Suri S, Hughes DA, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Taylor MA, Tribolo S, Wilson VG (2011). Quercetin and its principal metabolites, but not myricetin, oppose LPS-induced hyporesponsiveness of the porcine isolated coronary artery. Br J Pharmacol 162, 1485-1497. Curtis PJ, Sampson M, Potter J, Dhatariya K, Kroon PA, Cassidy A (2012). Chronic ingestion of flavan-3-ols and isoflavones improves insulin sensitivity and lipoprotein status and attenuates estimated 10-year CVD risk in medicated postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes: a one year double-blind randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care 35, 226-232. Saha S, Hollands W, Needs PW, Ostertag LM, de Roos B, Duthie GG, Kroon PA (2012). Human O-sulfated metabolites of (-)-epicatechin and methyl-(-)-epicatechin are poor substrates for commercial aryl-sulfatases: Implications for studies concerned with quantifying epicatechin bioavailability. Pharmacol Res 65, 592-602. Lodi F, Tribolo S, Winterbone MS, Needs PW, Hughes DA, Kroon PA (2012). Human quercetin conjugated metabolites attenuate TNF-a-induced changes in vasomodulatory molecules in a HUASMCs/HUVECs co-culture model. Planta Med 78, 1571-1573. Hollands WJ, Hart D, Dainty JR, Hasselwander O, Tiihonen K, Wood R, Kroon PA (2013). Bioavailability of epicatechin and effects on nitric oxide metabolites of an apple flavanol-rich extract supplemented beverage compared to a whole apple puree: a randomized, placebo controlled, crossover trial. Mol Nutr Food Res 57, 1209-1217. Tribolo S, Lodi F, Winterbone MS, Saha S, Needs PW, Suri S, Taylor MA, Wilson VG, Walls R, Cassidy A, Hughes DA, Kroon PA (2013). Human metabolic transformation of quercetin blocks its capacity to decrease eNOS expression and endothelin-1 secretion by human endothelial cells. J Agric Food Chem 61, 8589-8596. Czank C, Cassidy A, Zhang Q, Morrison DJ, Preston T, Kroon PA, Botting NP, Kay CD (2013). Human metabolism and elimination of the anthocyanin, cyanidin-3-glucoside: a 13C-tracer study. Am J Clin Nutr 97, 995-1003. Konic-Ristic A, Srdic-Rajica T, Kardum N, Kroon PA, Hollands WJ, Hayran O, Boyko N, Jorjadze M, Glibetic M (2013). Effects of bioactive-rich extracts of pomegranate, persimmon, nettle, dill, kale and Sideritis and isolated bioactives on arachidonic acid induced markers of platelet activation and platelet-leucocyte aggregation. J Sci Food Agric 93, 3581-3587. De Ferrars RM, Czank C, Zhang Q, Botting NP, Kroon PA, Cassidy A, Kay CD (2014). The pharmacokinetics of anthocyanins and their metabolites in humans. Br J Pharmacol 171, 3268-3282. De Ferrars R, Czank C, Saha S, Needs PW, Zhang Q, Raheem KS, Kroon PA, Kay CD (2014). Methods for isolating, identifying and quantifying anthocyanin metabolites in clinical samples. Anal Chem 86, 10052-10058. Danesi F, Kroon PA, Saha S, de Biase D, D'Antuono LF, Bordoni A (2014). Mixed pro- and anti-oxidative effects of pomegranate polyphenols in cultured cells. Int J Mol Sci 15, 19458-19471. Barrington RD, Needs PW, Williamson G, Kroon PA. MK571 inhibits phase-2 conjugation of flavonols by Caco-2/TC7 cells, but does not specifically inhibit their apical efflux. Biochem Pharmacol 95, 193-200. Cerezo AB, Winterbone MS, Moyle CW, Needs PW, Kroon PA (2015). Molecular structure-function relationship of dietary polyphenols for inhibiting VEGF-induced VEGFR-2 activity. Mol Nutr Food Res. 59, 2119-2131. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201500407. Gornas P, Redenkovs V, Pugacheva I, Soliven A, Needs PW, Kroon PA (2016). Varied composition of tocochromanols in different types of bran: Rye, wheat, oat, spelt, buckwheat, corn and rice. Int J Food Properties 19, 1757-1764. Dower JI, Geleijnse JM, Kroon PA, Philo M, Mensink M, Kromhout D, Hollman PCH (2016). Does epicatechin contribute to the acute vascular function effects of dark chocolate? A randomised, crossover study. Mol Nutr Food Res 60, 2379-2386. Poór M, Boda G, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Lemli B, Bencsik T (2017). Interaction of quercetin and its metabolites with warfarin: displacement of warfarin from serum albumin and inhibition of CYP2C9 enzyme. Biomed Pharmacol 88, 574-581. Hollands WJ*, Voorspoels S*, Jacobs G, Aaby K, Meisland A, Garcia-Villalbad R, Tomas-Barberan F, Piskula MJ, Mawson D, Vovk I, Needs PW and Kroon PA (2017). Development, validation and evaluation of an analytical method for the determination of monomeric and oligomeric procyanidins in apple extracts. J Chromatogr A 1495, 46-56. Van Rymenant E, Grootaert C, Beerens K, Needs P, Kroon P, Kerimi A, Williamson G, García Villalba R, González-Sarrías A, Tomas-Barberan F, Van Camp J, Van de Voorde J. Vasorelaxant activity of twenty-one physiologically relevant (poly)phenolic metabolites on isolated mouse arteries. Mol Nutr Food Res 13, 4331-4335. Perez-Moral N, Saha S, Philo M, Hart DJ, Winterbone MS, Hollands WJ, Spurr M, Bows J, vander Velpen V, Kroon PA*, Curtis PJC (2018) Comparative bio-accessibility, bioavailability and bioequivalence of quercetin, apigenin, glucoraphanin and carotenoids from freeze-dried vegetables incorporated into a baked snack versus minimally processed vegetables: Evidence from in vitro models and a human bioavailability study. J Func Food 48, 410-419. Poor M, Boda G, Kunsagi-Mate S, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Lemli B (2018). Fluorescence spectroscopic evaluation of the interactions of quercetin, isorhamnetin, and quercetin-3 '-sulfate with different albumins. J Luminescence 194, 156-163. Wu Q, Kroon PA, Shao HJ, Needs PW, Yang XB (2018). Differential effects of quercetin and two of its derivatives, isorhamnetin and isorhamnetin-3-glucuronide, in inhibiting the proliferation of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. J Agric Food Chem 66, 7181-7189. Wu Q, Needs PW, Lu YL, Kroon PA, Ren DY, Yang XB (2018). Different antitumor effects of quercetin, quercetin-3'-sulfate and quercetin-3-glucuronide in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Food Func 9, 1736-1746.
Start Year 2010
Description Bespoke synthesis of polyphenol human metabolites 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We used synthetic organic chemistry routes to make phase-2 conjugates of various dietary flavonoids and phenolic acids and supplied these to various collaborators for testing of biological activity. These compounds are not available commercially and for many of them they are unique to our lab.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have used these physiologically relevant metabolites to test their biological activity using in vitro models such as cultured mammalian cell models, etc... They have also used them as authentic standards to facilitate identification and quantification of metabolites in human and animal tissues including blood, urine and faeces.
Impact Petri N, Tannergen C, Holst B, Mellon FA, Bao Y, Plumb GW, Bacon J, O'Leary KA, Kroon PA, Knutson L, Forsell P, Eriksson T, Lennernas H & Williamson G (2003) "Absorption/metabolism of sulforaphane and quercetin, and regulation of phase II enzymes, in human jejenum in vivo". Drug Metab Disposition 31, 805-813.Nemeth K, Plumb GW, Berrin J-G, Juge N, Jacob R, Naim HY, Williamson G, Swallow DM, Kroon PA (2003) "Deglycosylation by small intestinal epithelial cell ? glucosidases is a critical step in the absorption and metabolism of dietary flavonoid glycosides in humans. Eur J Nutr 42, 29-42.Kroon PA, Clifford MN, Crozier A, Day AJ, Donovan JL, Manach C & Williamson G (2004). How should we assess the effects of exposure to dietary polyphenols in vitro? Am J Clin Nutr 80, 15-21. Dupont MS, Day AJ, Bennett RN, Mellon FA & Kroon PA (2004) "Absorption of kaempferol-3-glucuronide from endive in humans". Eur J Clin Nutr 58, 947-954. Needs PW, Kroon PA (2006) Convenient syntheses of metabolically important quercetin glucuronides and sulfates. Tetrahedron 62, 6862-6868. Davis BD, Needs PW, Kroon PA & Brodbelt (2006) Identification of isomeric flavonoid glucuronides in urine and plasma by metal complexation and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J Mass Spectrom 41, 911-920. Tribolo S, Lodi F, Connor C, Suri S, Wilson V, Taylor M, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hughes DA (2008). Comparative effects of quercetin and its predominant human metabolites on adhesion molecule expression in activated human vascular endothelial cells. Atherosclerosis 197, 50-56. Loke WM, Proudfoot JM, Stewart S, McKinley AJ, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hodgson JM & Croft KD (2008). Metabolic transformation has a profound effect on anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids such as quercetin: Lack of association between antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activity. Biochem Pharmacol 75, 1045-1053. Loke WM, Proudfoot JM, Stewart S, McKinley AJ, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hodgson JM & Croft KD (2008). Quercetin and its in vivo metabolites inhibit neutrophil-mediated low-density lipoprotein oxidation. J Agric Food Chem 56, 3609-3615. Hollands W, Brett GM, Radreau P, Saha S, Teucher B, Bennett, RN & Kroon PA (2008). Processing blackcurrants dramatically reduces the content and does not enhance the urinary yield of anthocyanins in human subjects. Food Chem 108, 869-878. Suri S, Taylor MA, Verity A, Tribolo S, Kroon PA, Hughes DA, Wilson VG (2008). A comparative study of the effects of quercetin and its glucuronide and sulphate metabolites on human neutrophil function in vitro. Biochem Pharmacol 76, 645-673. Barrington R, Williamson G, Bennett RN, Davis BD, Brodbelt JS, Kroon PA (2009). Absorption, conjugation and efflux of the flavonoids, kaempferol and galangin, using the intestinal CaCo-2/TC7 cell model. J Functional Foods 1, 74-97. Brett GM, Hollands W, Needs PW, Teucher B, Dainty JR, Bennett RN, Davis BD, Brodbelt JS & Kroon PA (2009). Absorption, metabolism and excretion of flavanones from single portions of orange fruit and juice and effects of anthropometric variables and contraceptive pill use on flavanone excretion. Br J Nutr 101, 664-675. http://journals.cambridge.org/repo_A44rP6ra (Personal author link) Winterbone MS, Tribolo S, Needs PW, Kroon PA & Hughes DA (2009). Physiologically relevant metabolites of quercetin have no effect on adhesion molecule or chemokine expression in human vascular smooth muscle cells. Atherosclerosis 202, 431-438. Kay CD, Kroon PA, Cassidy A (2009). The bioactivity of dietary anthocyanins is likely to be mediated by their degradation products. Mol Nutr Food Res 53 Suppl 1:S92-101. Lodi F, Jiménez R, Moreno L, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Hughes DA, Santos-Buelga C, González-Paramás A, Cogolludo A, Duarte J, Perez-Vizcaino F (2009). Glucuronidated and sulfated metabolites of the flavonoid quercetin prevent endothelial dysfunction but lack direct vasodilator effects in rat aorta. Atherosclerosis 204, 34-39. Radreau P, Rhodes JD, Mithen RF, Kroon PA, Sanderson J (2009) Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) pathway activation by quercetin in human lens epithelial cells. Exp Eye Res 89, 995-1002. Curtis PJ, Kroon PA, Hollands WJ, Walls R, Jenkins G, Kay CD, Cassidy A (2009). Cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers and liver function are not altered following twelve week ingestion of an elderberry extract rich in anthocyanins. J Nutr 139, 2266-2271. Soler A, Romero MP, Saha S, Furniss CSM, Kroon PA, Motilva MJ (2010). Digestion stability and evaluation of the metabolism and transport of olive oil phenols in human small intestinal epithelial Caco2/TC7 cell line. Food Chem, 119, 703-714. Suri S, Liu XH, Rayment S, Hughes DA, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Taylor MA, Tribolo S, Wilson VG (2010). Quercetin and its major metabolites selectively modulate cyclic GMP-dependent relaxations and associated tolerance in pig isolated coronary artery. Br J Pharmacol 159, 566-575. Bartholomé R, Haenen G, Hollman PCH, Bast A, Dagnelie PC, Roos D, Keijer J, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Arts ICW (2010). Deconjugation kinetics of glucuronidated phase-II flavonoid metabolites by ß-glucuronidase from neutrophils. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 25, 379-387. Pereira-Caro G, Mateos R, Saha S, Madrona A, Espartero JL, Bravo L, Kroon PA (2010). Trans-epithelial transport and metabolism of new lipopohilic ether derivatives of hydroxytyrosol by enterocyte-like CaCo-2/TC7 cells. J Agric Food Chem 58, 11501-11509. Al-Shalmani S, Suri S, Hughes DA, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Taylor MA, Tribolo S, Wilson VG (2011). Quercetin and its principal metabolites, but not myricetin, oppose LPS-induced hyporesponsiveness of the porcine isolated coronary artery. Br J Pharmacol 162, 1485-1497. Curtis PJ, Sampson M, Potter J, Dhatariya K, Kroon PA, Cassidy A (2012). Chronic ingestion of flavan-3-ols and isoflavones improves insulin sensitivity and lipoprotein status and attenuates estimated 10-year CVD risk in medicated postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes: a one year double-blind randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care 35, 226-232. Saha S, Hollands W, Needs PW, Ostertag LM, de Roos B, Duthie GG, Kroon PA (2012). Human O-sulfated metabolites of (-)-epicatechin and methyl-(-)-epicatechin are poor substrates for commercial aryl-sulfatases: Implications for studies concerned with quantifying epicatechin bioavailability. Pharmacol Res 65, 592-602. Lodi F, Tribolo S, Winterbone MS, Needs PW, Hughes DA, Kroon PA (2012). Human quercetin conjugated metabolites attenuate TNF-a-induced changes in vasomodulatory molecules in a HUASMCs/HUVECs co-culture model. Planta Med 78, 1571-1573. Hollands WJ, Hart D, Dainty JR, Hasselwander O, Tiihonen K, Wood R, Kroon PA (2013). Bioavailability of epicatechin and effects on nitric oxide metabolites of an apple flavanol-rich extract supplemented beverage compared to a whole apple puree: a randomized, placebo controlled, crossover trial. Mol Nutr Food Res 57, 1209-1217. Tribolo S, Lodi F, Winterbone MS, Saha S, Needs PW, Suri S, Taylor MA, Wilson VG, Walls R, Cassidy A, Hughes DA, Kroon PA (2013). Human metabolic transformation of quercetin blocks its capacity to decrease eNOS expression and endothelin-1 secretion by human endothelial cells. J Agric Food Chem 61, 8589-8596. Czank C, Cassidy A, Zhang Q, Morrison DJ, Preston T, Kroon PA, Botting NP, Kay CD (2013). Human metabolism and elimination of the anthocyanin, cyanidin-3-glucoside: a 13C-tracer study. Am J Clin Nutr 97, 995-1003. Konic-Ristic A, Srdic-Rajica T, Kardum N, Kroon PA, Hollands WJ, Hayran O, Boyko N, Jorjadze M, Glibetic M (2013). Effects of bioactive-rich extracts of pomegranate, persimmon, nettle, dill, kale and Sideritis and isolated bioactives on arachidonic acid induced markers of platelet activation and platelet-leucocyte aggregation. J Sci Food Agric 93, 3581-3587. De Ferrars RM, Czank C, Zhang Q, Botting NP, Kroon PA, Cassidy A, Kay CD (2014). The pharmacokinetics of anthocyanins and their metabolites in humans. Br J Pharmacol 171, 3268-3282. De Ferrars R, Czank C, Saha S, Needs PW, Zhang Q, Raheem KS, Kroon PA, Kay CD (2014). Methods for isolating, identifying and quantifying anthocyanin metabolites in clinical samples. Anal Chem 86, 10052-10058. Danesi F, Kroon PA, Saha S, de Biase D, D'Antuono LF, Bordoni A (2014). Mixed pro- and anti-oxidative effects of pomegranate polyphenols in cultured cells. Int J Mol Sci 15, 19458-19471. Barrington RD, Needs PW, Williamson G, Kroon PA. MK571 inhibits phase-2 conjugation of flavonols by Caco-2/TC7 cells, but does not specifically inhibit their apical efflux. Biochem Pharmacol 95, 193-200. Cerezo AB, Winterbone MS, Moyle CW, Needs PW, Kroon PA (2015). Molecular structure-function relationship of dietary polyphenols for inhibiting VEGF-induced VEGFR-2 activity. Mol Nutr Food Res. 59, 2119-2131. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201500407. Gornas P, Redenkovs V, Pugacheva I, Soliven A, Needs PW, Kroon PA (2016). Varied composition of tocochromanols in different types of bran: Rye, wheat, oat, spelt, buckwheat, corn and rice. Int J Food Properties 19, 1757-1764. Dower JI, Geleijnse JM, Kroon PA, Philo M, Mensink M, Kromhout D, Hollman PCH (2016). Does epicatechin contribute to the acute vascular function effects of dark chocolate? A randomised, crossover study. Mol Nutr Food Res 60, 2379-2386. Poór M, Boda G, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Lemli B, Bencsik T (2017). Interaction of quercetin and its metabolites with warfarin: displacement of warfarin from serum albumin and inhibition of CYP2C9 enzyme. Biomed Pharmacol 88, 574-581. Hollands WJ*, Voorspoels S*, Jacobs G, Aaby K, Meisland A, Garcia-Villalbad R, Tomas-Barberan F, Piskula MJ, Mawson D, Vovk I, Needs PW and Kroon PA (2017). Development, validation and evaluation of an analytical method for the determination of monomeric and oligomeric procyanidins in apple extracts. J Chromatogr A 1495, 46-56. Van Rymenant E, Grootaert C, Beerens K, Needs P, Kroon P, Kerimi A, Williamson G, García Villalba R, González-Sarrías A, Tomas-Barberan F, Van Camp J, Van de Voorde J. Vasorelaxant activity of twenty-one physiologically relevant (poly)phenolic metabolites on isolated mouse arteries. Mol Nutr Food Res 13, 4331-4335. Perez-Moral N, Saha S, Philo M, Hart DJ, Winterbone MS, Hollands WJ, Spurr M, Bows J, vander Velpen V, Kroon PA*, Curtis PJC (2018) Comparative bio-accessibility, bioavailability and bioequivalence of quercetin, apigenin, glucoraphanin and carotenoids from freeze-dried vegetables incorporated into a baked snack versus minimally processed vegetables: Evidence from in vitro models and a human bioavailability study. J Func Food 48, 410-419. Poor M, Boda G, Kunsagi-Mate S, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Lemli B (2018). Fluorescence spectroscopic evaluation of the interactions of quercetin, isorhamnetin, and quercetin-3 '-sulfate with different albumins. J Luminescence 194, 156-163. Wu Q, Kroon PA, Shao HJ, Needs PW, Yang XB (2018). Differential effects of quercetin and two of its derivatives, isorhamnetin and isorhamnetin-3-glucuronide, in inhibiting the proliferation of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. J Agric Food Chem 66, 7181-7189. Wu Q, Needs PW, Lu YL, Kroon PA, Ren DY, Yang XB (2018). Different antitumor effects of quercetin, quercetin-3'-sulfate and quercetin-3-glucuronide in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Food Func 9, 1736-1746.
Start Year 2010
Description Bespoke synthesis of polyphenol human metabolites 
Organisation University of Perth
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We used synthetic organic chemistry routes to make phase-2 conjugates of various dietary flavonoids and phenolic acids and supplied these to various collaborators for testing of biological activity. These compounds are not available commercially and for many of them they are unique to our lab.
Collaborator Contribution Partners have used these physiologically relevant metabolites to test their biological activity using in vitro models such as cultured mammalian cell models, etc... They have also used them as authentic standards to facilitate identification and quantification of metabolites in human and animal tissues including blood, urine and faeces.
Impact Petri N, Tannergen C, Holst B, Mellon FA, Bao Y, Plumb GW, Bacon J, O'Leary KA, Kroon PA, Knutson L, Forsell P, Eriksson T, Lennernas H & Williamson G (2003) "Absorption/metabolism of sulforaphane and quercetin, and regulation of phase II enzymes, in human jejenum in vivo". Drug Metab Disposition 31, 805-813.Nemeth K, Plumb GW, Berrin J-G, Juge N, Jacob R, Naim HY, Williamson G, Swallow DM, Kroon PA (2003) "Deglycosylation by small intestinal epithelial cell ? glucosidases is a critical step in the absorption and metabolism of dietary flavonoid glycosides in humans. Eur J Nutr 42, 29-42.Kroon PA, Clifford MN, Crozier A, Day AJ, Donovan JL, Manach C & Williamson G (2004). How should we assess the effects of exposure to dietary polyphenols in vitro? Am J Clin Nutr 80, 15-21. Dupont MS, Day AJ, Bennett RN, Mellon FA & Kroon PA (2004) "Absorption of kaempferol-3-glucuronide from endive in humans". Eur J Clin Nutr 58, 947-954. Needs PW, Kroon PA (2006) Convenient syntheses of metabolically important quercetin glucuronides and sulfates. Tetrahedron 62, 6862-6868. Davis BD, Needs PW, Kroon PA & Brodbelt (2006) Identification of isomeric flavonoid glucuronides in urine and plasma by metal complexation and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. J Mass Spectrom 41, 911-920. Tribolo S, Lodi F, Connor C, Suri S, Wilson V, Taylor M, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hughes DA (2008). Comparative effects of quercetin and its predominant human metabolites on adhesion molecule expression in activated human vascular endothelial cells. Atherosclerosis 197, 50-56. Loke WM, Proudfoot JM, Stewart S, McKinley AJ, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hodgson JM & Croft KD (2008). Metabolic transformation has a profound effect on anti-inflammatory activity of flavonoids such as quercetin: Lack of association between antioxidant and lipoxygenase inhibitory activity. Biochem Pharmacol 75, 1045-1053. Loke WM, Proudfoot JM, Stewart S, McKinley AJ, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Hodgson JM & Croft KD (2008). Quercetin and its in vivo metabolites inhibit neutrophil-mediated low-density lipoprotein oxidation. J Agric Food Chem 56, 3609-3615. Hollands W, Brett GM, Radreau P, Saha S, Teucher B, Bennett, RN & Kroon PA (2008). Processing blackcurrants dramatically reduces the content and does not enhance the urinary yield of anthocyanins in human subjects. Food Chem 108, 869-878. Suri S, Taylor MA, Verity A, Tribolo S, Kroon PA, Hughes DA, Wilson VG (2008). A comparative study of the effects of quercetin and its glucuronide and sulphate metabolites on human neutrophil function in vitro. Biochem Pharmacol 76, 645-673. Barrington R, Williamson G, Bennett RN, Davis BD, Brodbelt JS, Kroon PA (2009). Absorption, conjugation and efflux of the flavonoids, kaempferol and galangin, using the intestinal CaCo-2/TC7 cell model. J Functional Foods 1, 74-97. Brett GM, Hollands W, Needs PW, Teucher B, Dainty JR, Bennett RN, Davis BD, Brodbelt JS & Kroon PA (2009). Absorption, metabolism and excretion of flavanones from single portions of orange fruit and juice and effects of anthropometric variables and contraceptive pill use on flavanone excretion. Br J Nutr 101, 664-675. http://journals.cambridge.org/repo_A44rP6ra (Personal author link) Winterbone MS, Tribolo S, Needs PW, Kroon PA & Hughes DA (2009). Physiologically relevant metabolites of quercetin have no effect on adhesion molecule or chemokine expression in human vascular smooth muscle cells. Atherosclerosis 202, 431-438. Kay CD, Kroon PA, Cassidy A (2009). The bioactivity of dietary anthocyanins is likely to be mediated by their degradation products. Mol Nutr Food Res 53 Suppl 1:S92-101. Lodi F, Jiménez R, Moreno L, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Hughes DA, Santos-Buelga C, González-Paramás A, Cogolludo A, Duarte J, Perez-Vizcaino F (2009). Glucuronidated and sulfated metabolites of the flavonoid quercetin prevent endothelial dysfunction but lack direct vasodilator effects in rat aorta. Atherosclerosis 204, 34-39. Radreau P, Rhodes JD, Mithen RF, Kroon PA, Sanderson J (2009) Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) pathway activation by quercetin in human lens epithelial cells. Exp Eye Res 89, 995-1002. Curtis PJ, Kroon PA, Hollands WJ, Walls R, Jenkins G, Kay CD, Cassidy A (2009). Cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers and liver function are not altered following twelve week ingestion of an elderberry extract rich in anthocyanins. J Nutr 139, 2266-2271. Soler A, Romero MP, Saha S, Furniss CSM, Kroon PA, Motilva MJ (2010). Digestion stability and evaluation of the metabolism and transport of olive oil phenols in human small intestinal epithelial Caco2/TC7 cell line. Food Chem, 119, 703-714. Suri S, Liu XH, Rayment S, Hughes DA, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Taylor MA, Tribolo S, Wilson VG (2010). Quercetin and its major metabolites selectively modulate cyclic GMP-dependent relaxations and associated tolerance in pig isolated coronary artery. Br J Pharmacol 159, 566-575. Bartholomé R, Haenen G, Hollman PCH, Bast A, Dagnelie PC, Roos D, Keijer J, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Arts ICW (2010). Deconjugation kinetics of glucuronidated phase-II flavonoid metabolites by ß-glucuronidase from neutrophils. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 25, 379-387. Pereira-Caro G, Mateos R, Saha S, Madrona A, Espartero JL, Bravo L, Kroon PA (2010). Trans-epithelial transport and metabolism of new lipopohilic ether derivatives of hydroxytyrosol by enterocyte-like CaCo-2/TC7 cells. J Agric Food Chem 58, 11501-11509. Al-Shalmani S, Suri S, Hughes DA, Kroon PA, Needs PW, Taylor MA, Tribolo S, Wilson VG (2011). Quercetin and its principal metabolites, but not myricetin, oppose LPS-induced hyporesponsiveness of the porcine isolated coronary artery. Br J Pharmacol 162, 1485-1497. Curtis PJ, Sampson M, Potter J, Dhatariya K, Kroon PA, Cassidy A (2012). Chronic ingestion of flavan-3-ols and isoflavones improves insulin sensitivity and lipoprotein status and attenuates estimated 10-year CVD risk in medicated postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes: a one year double-blind randomized controlled trial. Diabetes Care 35, 226-232. Saha S, Hollands W, Needs PW, Ostertag LM, de Roos B, Duthie GG, Kroon PA (2012). Human O-sulfated metabolites of (-)-epicatechin and methyl-(-)-epicatechin are poor substrates for commercial aryl-sulfatases: Implications for studies concerned with quantifying epicatechin bioavailability. Pharmacol Res 65, 592-602. Lodi F, Tribolo S, Winterbone MS, Needs PW, Hughes DA, Kroon PA (2012). Human quercetin conjugated metabolites attenuate TNF-a-induced changes in vasomodulatory molecules in a HUASMCs/HUVECs co-culture model. Planta Med 78, 1571-1573. Hollands WJ, Hart D, Dainty JR, Hasselwander O, Tiihonen K, Wood R, Kroon PA (2013). Bioavailability of epicatechin and effects on nitric oxide metabolites of an apple flavanol-rich extract supplemented beverage compared to a whole apple puree: a randomized, placebo controlled, crossover trial. Mol Nutr Food Res 57, 1209-1217. Tribolo S, Lodi F, Winterbone MS, Saha S, Needs PW, Suri S, Taylor MA, Wilson VG, Walls R, Cassidy A, Hughes DA, Kroon PA (2013). Human metabolic transformation of quercetin blocks its capacity to decrease eNOS expression and endothelin-1 secretion by human endothelial cells. J Agric Food Chem 61, 8589-8596. Czank C, Cassidy A, Zhang Q, Morrison DJ, Preston T, Kroon PA, Botting NP, Kay CD (2013). Human metabolism and elimination of the anthocyanin, cyanidin-3-glucoside: a 13C-tracer study. Am J Clin Nutr 97, 995-1003. Konic-Ristic A, Srdic-Rajica T, Kardum N, Kroon PA, Hollands WJ, Hayran O, Boyko N, Jorjadze M, Glibetic M (2013). Effects of bioactive-rich extracts of pomegranate, persimmon, nettle, dill, kale and Sideritis and isolated bioactives on arachidonic acid induced markers of platelet activation and platelet-leucocyte aggregation. J Sci Food Agric 93, 3581-3587. De Ferrars RM, Czank C, Zhang Q, Botting NP, Kroon PA, Cassidy A, Kay CD (2014). The pharmacokinetics of anthocyanins and their metabolites in humans. Br J Pharmacol 171, 3268-3282. De Ferrars R, Czank C, Saha S, Needs PW, Zhang Q, Raheem KS, Kroon PA, Kay CD (2014). Methods for isolating, identifying and quantifying anthocyanin metabolites in clinical samples. Anal Chem 86, 10052-10058. Danesi F, Kroon PA, Saha S, de Biase D, D'Antuono LF, Bordoni A (2014). Mixed pro- and anti-oxidative effects of pomegranate polyphenols in cultured cells. Int J Mol Sci 15, 19458-19471. Barrington RD, Needs PW, Williamson G, Kroon PA. MK571 inhibits phase-2 conjugation of flavonols by Caco-2/TC7 cells, but does not specifically inhibit their apical efflux. Biochem Pharmacol 95, 193-200. Cerezo AB, Winterbone MS, Moyle CW, Needs PW, Kroon PA (2015). Molecular structure-function relationship of dietary polyphenols for inhibiting VEGF-induced VEGFR-2 activity. Mol Nutr Food Res. 59, 2119-2131. doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201500407. Gornas P, Redenkovs V, Pugacheva I, Soliven A, Needs PW, Kroon PA (2016). Varied composition of tocochromanols in different types of bran: Rye, wheat, oat, spelt, buckwheat, corn and rice. Int J Food Properties 19, 1757-1764. Dower JI, Geleijnse JM, Kroon PA, Philo M, Mensink M, Kromhout D, Hollman PCH (2016). Does epicatechin contribute to the acute vascular function effects of dark chocolate? A randomised, crossover study. Mol Nutr Food Res 60, 2379-2386. Poór M, Boda G, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Lemli B, Bencsik T (2017). Interaction of quercetin and its metabolites with warfarin: displacement of warfarin from serum albumin and inhibition of CYP2C9 enzyme. Biomed Pharmacol 88, 574-581. Hollands WJ*, Voorspoels S*, Jacobs G, Aaby K, Meisland A, Garcia-Villalbad R, Tomas-Barberan F, Piskula MJ, Mawson D, Vovk I, Needs PW and Kroon PA (2017). Development, validation and evaluation of an analytical method for the determination of monomeric and oligomeric procyanidins in apple extracts. J Chromatogr A 1495, 46-56. Van Rymenant E, Grootaert C, Beerens K, Needs P, Kroon P, Kerimi A, Williamson G, García Villalba R, González-Sarrías A, Tomas-Barberan F, Van Camp J, Van de Voorde J. Vasorelaxant activity of twenty-one physiologically relevant (poly)phenolic metabolites on isolated mouse arteries. Mol Nutr Food Res 13, 4331-4335. Perez-Moral N, Saha S, Philo M, Hart DJ, Winterbone MS, Hollands WJ, Spurr M, Bows J, vander Velpen V, Kroon PA*, Curtis PJC (2018) Comparative bio-accessibility, bioavailability and bioequivalence of quercetin, apigenin, glucoraphanin and carotenoids from freeze-dried vegetables incorporated into a baked snack versus minimally processed vegetables: Evidence from in vitro models and a human bioavailability study. J Func Food 48, 410-419. Poor M, Boda G, Kunsagi-Mate S, Needs PW, Kroon PA, Lemli B (2018). Fluorescence spectroscopic evaluation of the interactions of quercetin, isorhamnetin, and quercetin-3 '-sulfate with different albumins. J Luminescence 194, 156-163. Wu Q, Kroon PA, Shao HJ, Needs PW, Yang XB (2018). Differential effects of quercetin and two of its derivatives, isorhamnetin and isorhamnetin-3-glucuronide, in inhibiting the proliferation of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. J Agric Food Chem 66, 7181-7189. Wu Q, Needs PW, Lu YL, Kroon PA, Ren DY, Yang XB (2018). Different antitumor effects of quercetin, quercetin-3'-sulfate and quercetin-3-glucuronide in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Food Func 9, 1736-1746.
Start Year 2010
Description Collaboration with UMIL in studying intestinal permeability and use of biomarkers 
Organisation University of Milan
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution QIB have measured biomarkers of systemic inflammation in baseline plasma samples and contributed to the measurement of biomarkers of gut permeability.
Collaborator Contribution UMIL have measured markers of gut permeability (multi-sugar test and circulating zonulin) and of systemic bacterial load which show good correlations.
Impact A manuscript is being prepared for publication
Start Year 2017
Description Development of quantitative polyphenol metabolite profiling platform 
Organisation University of Barcelona
Department Faculty of Pharmacy
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We synthesised and purified a series of polyphenol metabolites that are found in human peripheral blood and urine including phase-2 conjugates of food polyphenols and gut microbiota-derived catabolites and their phase-2 conjugates.
Collaborator Contribution The University of Barcelona team have been using these compounds to identify peaks appearing in LC-MS traces and to allow accurate quantification.
Impact The method is in use, publications will start to appear during 2018 and beyond.
Start Year 2017
Description Bioavailability 2018 International Conference, 'Understanding the bioavailability of micronutrients and bioactive compounds for improved public health', the 8th in the series of Bioavailability conferences. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Bioavailability 2018 International Conference, 'Understanding the bioavailability of micronutrients and bioactive compounds for improved public health', the 8th in the series of Bioavailability conferences.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description Bioavailability Conference Poster 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I presented a poster on my findings on the urinary metabolites of anthocyanins post dietary intervention. This was seen by numerous different researchers from all over the world.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description The role of 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-y-valerolactone, the gut microbiota metabolite of (-)-epicatechin, in reducing insulin resistance 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact NuGo Conference, Bern Switzerland 16h-19th September 2019
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019