Looking with gills: The evolution and function of distributed visual systems in fan worms with a view to future resilient sensor arrays

Lead Research Organisation: University of Bristol
Department Name: Biological Sciences


We are often fascinated to ponder how other animals see the world. Since most creatures have two primary eyes positioned prominently on the head, we are generally able to imagine some derivation or elaboration of our own view. However, there are some cases in which the visual system departs so wildly from ours that it is difficult to conceive how such a system would function, let alone provide the animal with useful information about the world. Marine fan worms possess arguably the most bizarre visual system in nature. These worms spend their lives within tubes on the sea floor, and project their eponymous fans, composed of numerous tentacles called radioles, up into the water column. These radioles are responsible for filter feeding, respiration, and amazingly - vision. In many species, the radioles are covered with variable arrangements of eyes; sometimes scattered in the hundreds on all of the radioles, other times consolidated into a pair of large compound eyes on the tips of two radioles, and in almost any arrangement in-between. These eyes likely function as a sort of optical burglar alarm, detecting the movement of looming threats and stimulating a rapid withdrawal into the fortified tube. My research has suggested that these radiolar eyes represent a completely novel evolutionary development, using light-sensing genes and neural pathways unlike those in the eyes of any other animal. These features make fan worms a spectacular study system to explore the origins of vision and the development of complexity and organization in distributed visual sensory systems.

I propose to investigate the evolution and function of radiolar eyes in fan worms using molecular, neurobiological, and computational approaches. Next-generation sequencing techniques will be used to identify the genes involved in light detection and phototransduction, as well as developmental cues that give rise to the variable arrangements of eyes observed in different species of fan worms. I will also trace neuronal projections from the eyes to the brain in order to understand how information from a seemingly-chaotic, distributed array of eyes or ocelli is integrated and interpreted in order to stimulate a reliable startle response. Ultimately, I will draw upon these investigations in order to produce a synthetic model for simple, redundant, distributed optical sensory arrays that will have implications to biomimetic robotics.

Technical Summary

Marine fan worms possess some of the most unusual eyes in nature. These sessile polychaetes spend their lives within tubes and project their eponymous fans, made up of two sets of branchial tentacles called radioles, up into the water column. These radioles are responsible for filter feeding, respiration, and amazingly - vision. In many species, the radioles are covered with variable arrangements of ocelli or even elaborate compound eyes; sometimes scattered in the hundreds on all of their radioles, and other times consolidated into a pair of large compound eyes on the tips of two radioles. The radiolar eyes likely function as optical burglar alarms, detecting the movement of looming threats and stimulating a rapid withdrawal response into the tube. My research has shown that the remarkable diversity of radiolar eyes in fan worms likely arose more than once in evolutionary history form phototransduction components and neural circuits that are not involved in canonical visual systems. These features make fan worms a spectacular study system to explore the origins of vision and the development of complexity and organization in distributed visual sensory systems.

I propose to investigate the evolution and function of radiolar eyes in fan worms using molecular, neurobiological, and computational approaches. I will preform transcriptomic sequencing of radioles from species bearing a variety of eye types to identify expressed phototransduction and developmental genes. I will trace neuronal projections from the eyes to the brain in order to understand how information from a seemingly-chaotic, distributed array of eyes or ocelli is integrated and interpreted in order to stimulate a reliable startle response. Ultimately, I will draw upon these investigations in order to produce a synthetic model for simple, redundant, distributed optical sensory arrays that will have implications to biomimetic robotics.

Planned Impact

Who might benefit from this research?

There are numerous beneficiaries from this research. Ultimately the results and data generated have the potential to enable impact and innovation for a broad range of disciplines.

Academic beneficiaries come from areas in the biosciences such as sensory biology, behavioral ecology, evolutionary biology, phylogenetics and evo-devo. The work will also reach fields in engineering, such as machine and computational vision and network design. Researchers interested in the process of regeneration and neural plasticity (healthy ageing) in new model systems will benefit from data generated. This project also represents the first steps towards developing distributed network systems. The future of search and rescue, and environmental and health monitoring will involve optimized, simple, and resilient distributed networks. Through this project, a better understanding of an evolutionary optimized distributed visual system in fan worms will act as bio-inspiration for these fields.

Moreover, researchers, such as myself, who are involved in the project will benefit from the new skills and collaborations that will be developed. This in turn increases the level of UKs science base that will essentially benefit the UK bio-economy.

How might they benefit from this research?

Academic Impact: The data that I will generate regarding a naturally-evolved distributed optical sensory array in fan worms will provide a unique perspective on a novel means of creating resilient biomimetic analogs. Beyond this, a truly wide breadth of biological researchers wide will find long-term relevance in the data, and publications I generate. The normal routes of seminars, peer reviewed publications and conferences will be used to disseminated my work. Furthermore, I am committed to the public dissemination of science and will continue to communicate my discoveries through public talks, social media and public science events such as the Festival of Nature.

Bio-economic impact: The UK bio-economy relies on highly skilled individuals, knowledge generation and the training future leaders to drive forward research that will develop future impact. During this fellowship I will be able to benefit from the associated training that will enhance my research profile, the CPD courses in leadership and research management that Bristol offers and the mentorship that both Bristol and the BBSRC provide.

Translation: In discovering how this resilience is utilized in the novel, distributed vision systems there is translational potential to technological control systems for man-made networks. In order to protect any IP that is generated, I will liaise with the Research and Development team at Bristol to monitor any commercial opportunities that may arise.


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Description We are often fascinated to ponder how other animals see the world. Since most creatures have two primary eyes positioned prominently on the head, we are generally able to imagine some derivation or elaboration of our own view. However, there are some cases in which the visual system departs so wildly from ours that it is difficult to conceive how such a system would function, let alone provide the animal with useful information about the world. Marine fan worms possess arguably the most bizarre visual system in nature. These worms spend their lives within tubes on the sea floor, and project their eponymous fans, composed of numerous tentacles called radioles, up into the water column. These radioles are responsible for filter feeding, respiration, and amazingly - vision. In many species, the radioles are covered with variable arrangements of eyes; sometimes scattered in the hundreds on all of the radioles, other times consolidated into a pair of large compound eyes on the tips of two radioles, and in almost any arrangement in-between. These eyes likely function as a sort of optical burglar alarm, detecting the movement of looming threats and stimulating a rapid withdrawal into the fortified tube.

My research has shown that these eyes represent a completely novel evolutionary development, using light-sensing genes and neural pathways unlike those in the eyes of any other animal. Amazingly, I have found that these eyes evolved independently in essential every genus of fan worms. The wild variety of eye structures I uncovered illuminates the ability of evolution to independently produce diverse solutions to the same behavioural task. Furthermore, my investigation of species with consolidated versus distributed eye arrangements found that both strategies of seeing the world produce similar behavioural visual capabilities for detecting threats. This means that distributed-eyed species have developed neural processing strategies that are able to extract relevant information from incredibly disorder sensory input. Continuing computational modelling of these neural circuits may provide biomimetic solutions to analysis of data from synthetic distributed sensor networks. Furthermore, my work has markedly increased interest in the fan worms as a novel system for exploration of sensory evo-devo, regeneration, and fluid biomechanics. I have initiated new collaborations in these areas and secured an independent research grant with the Swedish Research Council to pursue these lines of research in my new position at Lund university.
Exploitation Route The transcriptomic datasets will be of interest to polychaete ecologists and systematics taxonomists, as well as those interested in the evolution and development of sensory systems. Objective 2 and 3 will ultimately be of interest to neuroethologists and synthetic sensory processing researchers. Histological and micro-CT data has also begun to be used by collaborators interested in fluid biomechanics and nervous system development.
Sectors Electronics


including Industrial Biotechology


Description (PhoToBe) - New ways from photon to behaviour: Finding new phototransduction cascades in fan worms
Amount € 212,933 (EUR)
Funding ID 846655 
Organisation European Commission 
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 01/2020 
End 12/2021
Description Building a visual system from scratch: The evolution and functional development of fan worm radiolar eyes.
Amount 4,000,000 kr (SEK)
Organisation Swedish Research Council 
Sector Public
Country Sweden
Start 01/2021 
End 01/2025
Description Carlsberg Foundation Field Work Grant: Vision in Alciopids: Worms with eyes ten-times the size of their head
Amount 200,000 kr (SEK)
Organisation Lund University 
Sector Academic/University
Country Sweden
Start 03/2023 
End 03/2024
Title Supplementary Table 1 from Colour vision in thrips (Thysanoptera) 
Description Supplemental Table 1. Summarised results of visual attraction studies in thrips. This table is included as a digital supplement XLS file. Information provided in this table has been updated and modified from [53]. Within each row, each representing one individual study, colour response is ranked with a preference score. A preference score of 1 indicates the colour with the largest number of thrips caught, while increasing numbers (up to 6) indicate colours with fewer thrips caught. When certain colours did not result in significantly different catch numbers, we appended lower-case letters to an equivalent preference score number value. The letters are ordered from the highest catch levels (a) to the lowest catch levels (f). For the graphical display of these colour response results shown in Figure 5, we normalized the greatest preference response (1) to the largest circle (diameter = 1) and gave subsequently lower responses smaller circles (diameter = 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, and 0.17). Insignificant differences in preference received equivalently sized circles. For species where multiple studies were available, we averaged the responses and renormalized the largest circle to the best (lowest) mean preference score. Lifestyle, hosts, origin, and distribution information shown in this table was gathered from [46-52]. (NA) Not applicable/Not available. (*) UV reflectance not reported, white -UV assumed. (**) UV reflectance not reported, white +UV assumed. (+) Colour attraction ranking based on several experiments in the same study. (++) Fluorescent yellow caught the most numbers in this study. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://rs.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Supplementary_Table_1_from_Colour_vision_in_thrips_Thysanop...
Title Supplementary Table 1 from Colour vision in thrips (Thysanoptera) 
Description Supplemental Table 1. Summarised results of visual attraction studies in thrips. This table is included as a digital supplement XLS file. Information provided in this table has been updated and modified from [53]. Within each row, each representing one individual study, colour response is ranked with a preference score. A preference score of 1 indicates the colour with the largest number of thrips caught, while increasing numbers (up to 6) indicate colours with fewer thrips caught. When certain colours did not result in significantly different catch numbers, we appended lower-case letters to an equivalent preference score number value. The letters are ordered from the highest catch levels (a) to the lowest catch levels (f). For the graphical display of these colour response results shown in Figure 5, we normalized the greatest preference response (1) to the largest circle (diameter = 1) and gave subsequently lower responses smaller circles (diameter = 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, and 0.17). Insignificant differences in preference received equivalently sized circles. For species where multiple studies were available, we averaged the responses and renormalized the largest circle to the best (lowest) mean preference score. Lifestyle, hosts, origin, and distribution information shown in this table was gathered from [46-52]. (NA) Not applicable/Not available. (*) UV reflectance not reported, white -UV assumed. (**) UV reflectance not reported, white +UV assumed. (+) Colour attraction ranking based on several experiments in the same study. (++) Fluorescent yellow caught the most numbers in this study. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://rs.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Supplementary_Table_1_from_Colour_vision_in_thrips_Thysanop...
Title Supplementary Table 1 from Colour vision in thrips (Thysanoptera) 
Description Supplemental Table 1. Summarised results of visual attraction studies in thrips. This table is included as a digital supplement XLS file. Information provided in this table has been updated and modified from [53]. Within each row, each representing one individual study, colour response is ranked with a preference score. A preference score of 1 indicates the colour with the largest number of thrips caught, while increasing numbers (up to 6) indicate colours with fewer thrips caught. When certain colours did not result in significantly different catch numbers, we appended lower-case letters to an equivalent preference score number value. The letters are ordered from the highest catch levels (a) to the lowest catch levels (f). For the graphical display of these colour response results shown in Figure 5, we normalized the greatest preference response (1) to the largest circle (diameter = 1) and gave subsequently lower responses smaller circles (diameter = 0.5, 0.33, 0.25, 0.2, and 0.17). Insignificant differences in preference received equivalently sized circles. For species where multiple studies were available, we averaged the responses and renormalized the largest circle to the best (lowest) mean preference score. Lifestyle, hosts, origin, and distribution information shown in this table was gathered from [46-52]. (NA) Not applicable/Not available. (*) UV reflectance not reported, white -UV assumed. (**) UV reflectance not reported, white +UV assumed. (+) Colour attraction ranking based on several experiments in the same study. (++) Fluorescent yellow caught the most numbers in this study. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://rs.figshare.com/articles/dataset/Supplementary_Table_1_from_Colour_vision_in_thrips_Thysanop...
Description Biomechanical behavioural adaptations for minimising water resistance during fan worm withdrawal response 
Organisation Sun Yat-Sen University
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Interpretation and sharing of fan worm radiole histological imagery in order to elucidate mechanisms of local nervous control for pinnule flattening durring the fan worm startle response. This behaviour greatly benefits fluid mechanical processes to increase the speed and reduce resource costs of fast movement of the radiolar crown.
Collaborator Contribution Fluid dynamic simulations, histology, high speed videography.
Impact In progress.
Start Year 2021
Description Electrophysiological recordings from fan worm radiolar eyes. 
Organisation University of Copenhagen
Country Denmark 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collection of fan worms, Acromegalomma vesiculosum, and carrying out ERG experiments.
Collaborator Contribution Training and use of electrophysiological ERG equipment.
Impact We have obtained visual electrophysiological recordings from the fan worms describing their light responses, spectral sensitivity, and flicker fusion frequency. A publication stemming from this collaboration is in preparation and the finding will contribute to objectives 2 and 3 of the proposal. The collaboration is multidisciplinary and involves visual ecology and neurobiology.
Start Year 2018
Description Neuroanatomy of Fan Worms 
Organisation University of Maryland Baltimore County
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Provided prepared specimens.
Collaborator Contribution Chan Lin has hosted me in his lab to preform Bodian neural stains of four species of fan worms: Including a two-eyed species, a many-eyed species, and eyeless species.
Impact These stainings have identified the relevant visual processing centers in the brain and will contribute towards a manuscript.
Start Year 2018
Description Phylogenetics of sabellid fan worms 
Organisation Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Country Norway 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collection of taxonomic specimins from 40 species of fan worms.
Collaborator Contribution Identification of fan worm species and assistance with constructing a new phylogeny of sabellids incorporating sequencing data from Objective 1 in collaboration with University of Hawai'i at Manoa.
Impact Collaboration is in progress. This collaboration is multidisciplinary and incorporates systemics, taxonomy, and molecular phylogenetics.
Start Year 2017
Description Transcriptomic sequencing of fan worm radiolar eyes 
Organisation University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collection of fan worms, dissection, and fixation of radiolar eyes.
Collaborator Contribution RNA extraction from the radiolar eyes of 20 species of fan worms for submission to transcriptomic sequencing. Analysis of resulting data will fulfill Objective 1 of the proposal.
Impact Collaboration is ongoing and outputs will be generated following completion of transcriptomic sequencing. This collaboration is multidisciplinary and incorporates developmental biology, phylogenetics, and bioinformatics.
Start Year 2017
Description Visual ecology of the thrips pest insect 
Organisation Lincoln University
Country New Zealand 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Under this collaboration, I am hosting a PhD student (Karla Lopez Reyes) from Lincoln University. I am advising and assisting her with anatomical, molecular, and optical studies of the eye of the Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis. These studies will inform the design of new traps for the control and monitoring of this important agricultural pest.
Collaborator Contribution Monetary support and student lab work following up preliminary results I generated previously.
Impact The collaboration research initiated in January 2019 and has not yet produced outcomes.
Start Year 2018
Description International Workshop: Light Environment and Visual World of Animals. SOKENDAI, Japan 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact A workshop to disseminate new environmental light measurement techniques developed by myself, Dan-Eric Nilsson (Lund University) and others to researchers at SOKENDAI Institute, Japan.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Lecture on the intersection of science and art in photography for Art History Undergraduate course. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Lecture on the intersection of science and art in photography for Art History Undergraduate course.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Science Exploration Education (S.E.E) Initiative and Open Explorer Expeditions. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I successfully applied for and received an submersible ROV from the National Geographic Science Exploration Education (S.E.E) Initiative. The ROV is being used for natural behavioural monitoring of my fan worm study species as well as for underwater environmental light measurements. Some observations made with this equipment are reported on the National Geographic Open Explorer expeditions portal in to form of blog posts aimed at science and nature enthusiasts in the general public. I also plan to use the ROV for engagement with schools near my field site in Cornwall in collaboration with the Helford Voluntary Marine Conservation Society.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Speaker at Bristol Neuroscience Festival 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Bristol Neuroscience Festival outreach event.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020