Rapid reconstruction of reference chromosome-level mammalian genome assemblies and insight into the mechanisms of gross genomic rearrangement

Lead Research Organisation: University of Kent
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences


Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.

Technical Summary

Unless a whole genome sequence is assembled to the level of one "(super)scaffold" per chromosome, the resultant assembly can be studied for gene structure and function but cannot be used effectively to address biological questions pertaining to critical aspects of evolutionary and applied biology. Multiple letters of support for this application attest to this. Contemporary genome sequencing projects however usually fall short of this "chromosome level" assembly unless supported by extensive funding resources (~$100,000/genome). In reality, with the genomes of more animals being sequenced but with limited resources, this problem will only increase unless lower cost solutions can be found. Recently we have, in birds, developed means of taking sub-chromosomal sized scaffold based assemblies (e.g. enhanced by Dovetail or bioinformatically by RACA) and "upgrading" them to chromosome level at a fraction ~20% of the cost. This approach involves a novel method of selecting BAC clones that will hybridise to any mammalian metaphase then multiplex adaptations of FISH approaches. Mammals are the most studied phylogenetic Class, however only ~25/5000 species have sequenced genomes assembled to chromosome level. Indeed, most recent de-novo sequencing projects typically produce assemblies of several super-scaffolds per chromosome. Our approach will upgrade 25 further genomes and provide both proof of principle and the practical means through which many hundreds more can be mapped and compared. Our approach will allow easy comparative visualization of multiple genome assemblies and testing of fundamental hypothesis pertaining to the importance of overall chromosome structure in the formation of lineage-specific and ancestral phenotypes and the conservation of blocks of homologous synteny who's functional and sequence features define phenotypic traits with medical, veterinary or agricultural relevance.

Planned Impact

At the core of this application is a commitment to high impact activity, specifically benefitting industry (UK plc), academia, the third sector and the general public (academic beneficiaries are dealt with in another section). The primary industrial supporter (and beneficiary) of this research is Cytocell Ltd who specialize in the development of multiple hybridization FISH probes. Building on a long-standing collaboration initiated by a Knowledge Transfer Partnership for the development of non-human probes, the company is very interested in our approach as it will lead to new product development and maximize the potential of the human BAC collection present in the company. After extensive market research we have collectively identified "chromosome evolution Multiprobe devices" and a range of individual animal translocation screening devices. Cytocell's generous in-kind contribution is outlined in the application and, as clearly stated, represents a genuine partnership incorporating real cash-equivalent contributions designed to maximize our collective skills to bring cross species hybridization probes to market and thus ultimately to the scientific community. Going into partnership with a company in this way means that the highest possible quality product can reach the widest market worldwide.

Digital Scientific UK have identified considerable benefit in collaboration on this project through the development of its new animal karyotyping software suites as a contribution to this project, they have generously agreed to provide these free of charge. Their new "Batch Capture" protocols integrating microscope hardware with their in house algorithms for multiple FISH capture normally are charged to customers at market price but the company have kindly donated unlimited use software to this project. Both these companies also see this project as means of working together with one anther more closely, adding to their R&D portfolio and thereby increasing their share value and the value of UK plc.

A gap in perception exists in understanding the role of gross chromosomal evolution in academia and industry. While in academia it is accepted that chromosome structures play an important role in gene regulation, industry application is still focused mostly on protein changes and ignores many other features of the genome. Our project will aim to start changing this perception by providing popular resources and outreach activities for non-scientists. These resources and events will hopefully have influence on the general public including the future policy makers (see Pathways to impact for details). Therefore we expect to have an impact on future policies in animal sciences.

The third sector (museums) will benefit from our project through the inclusion of mammalian chromosome evolution histories into the interactive tools aiming at student education and popular science exhibitions in museums. One of such tools we recently built with ESEB is called 'Evolution Factory' which teaches schoolchildren the principles of chromosome and genome evolution. A more advanced version of the tool is interactive screen that we develop with a group from the University of California at Davis to be displayed in San Francisco Exploratorium. After the tool is developed and tested we will also approach the London Science Museum to investigate their interest in using this and other interactive games we develop for their exhibitions.


10 25 50
Description We have now an extensive set of metaphase preparations - over 100

Generating a set of universal probes has been somewhat problematic, with a lot of probes not working.

Recent results have however been encouraging and looks like we will get a good set for comparative purposes.

We have developed translocation screening tests in pigs and cattle

The progress has been significantly impeded because of Covid. We are in the process of recruiting someone now however, with a covid extension, to bring the project to completion .
Exploitation Route A number of collaborators
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description Screening kit for pig translocations is now widely used. Cattle is now developed and in use The have gone forward as an impact statement for the REF
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Description Used as impact case study for REF
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to new or improved professional practice
Impact Enhanced Translocation Screening approach that used multiple fluorescent probes to achieve chromosome-by-chromosome detection of sub-telomeric sequences as a means of highlighting the ends of each chromosome, thereby facilitating the identification of rearrangements between chromosomes [5, 6]. Rapid adoption by leading European pig breeders (e.g. JSR, PIC, Topigs Norsvin) led to a programme of routine screening (to date >2,000 boars) and subsequent development of an analogous cattle device [7]. Research demonstrated that this approach requires minimal analysis training (unlike traditional karyotyping which requires specialist knowledge) and easily detects cryptic translocations, enabling up to twice as many abnormal boars [6] and six times as many affected bulls [7] to be identified. Following on from the development of Enhanced Translocation Screening through the Kent team's research and emerging evidence of the strong interest of this approach to the Pig Breeding Industry [i.j], the team established an in-house enterprise activity for the screening of elite breeding boars under the name of "CytoScreen Solutions." In July 2020 the set-up had serviced 15 companies from 10 European countries. Blood samples from boars are received and subjected to Enhanced Translocation Screening by the Kent Team, with the aim of identifying boars where chromosome translocations indicate sub-fertility. Evidence on the impact of CytoScreen Solutions' services is provided by two of these companies. British JSR Genetics, "the largest UK based supplier of pig genetics" [i] work in a consortium with Dutch company Topigs Norsvin to provide "top-quality breeding stock and semen", thereby "providing pigs that perform profitably for the producer". PIC USA Inc. "one of the world's leading providers of genetic material to the global pig industry" [j], is the porcine genetics branch of US company Genus plc. PIC contributes over £250 million to the parent company's revenue by providing 150 million market pig equivalents to more than 2500 customers. PIC have fully replaced their karyotyping-based procedures preceding the artificial insemination of sows with CytoScreen Solutions' Enhanced Translocation Screening [i]. PIC provide a detailed estimate of the financial impact this has had, stating that "failing to identify [sub-fertile boars] could mean up to £50,000 in production losses per individual male". They also estimate that Griffin's "novel approach detects 1.5-2x more" than the published incidence of sub-fertile boars, thus helping PIC to detect "over 70 animals to date" [i]. JSR Genetics state that "all JSR damlines and Topigs Norsvin nucleus boars as well as boars from our partners HKScan are screened to ensure that they are not carrying chromosomal translocations" [h] by Cytoscreen Solutions. They also confirm that hypoprolific boars carry a negative "financial impact of ~£45,000 to the business", and that with Translocation Screening "we have been able to detect translocations that we would fail to identify using the older conventional approach" [h]. The novel approach thus avoids financial losses worth millions of pounds, as well as avoiding "significant reputational risk to our commercial operations" [h], "contract defaults" [h], and likely reducing the additional carbon footprint produced by raising boars with reduced fertility [h]. A cattle version of Enhanced Translocation Screening is now in production through CytoScreen Solutions, with over 100 bulls screened to date.
Description Making of a TV documentary entitled "Generation Genome" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Production of Generation Genome - a six episode BFI supported science series started filming and saw us travel to many parts of the country filming exciting content with young people and lead presenters Prof Darren Griffin and Ogo Anokwuru.

Included our work on this grant

Generation Genome is KMTV Creative Productions latest special project, and it is very special indeed. Co Funded by the British Film Institute, The University of Kent, and KMTV, this documentary series is a testament to scientific research.

The KMTV creative team are travelling the UK talking to children and their support networks about genetics.Teachers, research scientists and practitioners from all over the UK have spoken to us about the many ways genes are important to us.

We delve into how genetic disorders affect us in the present, how ancient DNA is being used to understand our past, or how the latest innovations will shape our future, we have explored it all. DNA is important to every living cell on the planet and therefore it creeps into many areas of our lives.

So far, we have spoken to individuals living with challenging and life changing genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis and sickle cell disease. With the current advancements in genetic medicine, it is so important that it directly improves the lives of those living with painful and difficult disorders.

We've spoken to coaches about training their athletes and how important their DNA is to how they perform.

We attended the colourful and inspiring Pride Manchester 2021 with an incredible young girl in the queer community.

We explored to what extent does science understand our sexual orientation to be genetic, and what do people in the LGBTQ+ community think?

We had the pleasure of visiting an Imam of the Muslim community in Bradford who spoke to us about his thoughts about genetic medicine and medical ethics.

We were able to share in the enthusiasm and talent of some young fossil hunters and Britain's youngest falconers who are using our knowledge of ancient DNA to inform how we conserve our wildlife today.

In September, a massive and ambitious endeavour to take our set and crew back around the UK to meet with schools and talk about genetics began. With the help of experts and those affected by these conversations making up our panel, we started filming our "GG Group Chats". This is where children get to actually watch the documentary for the first time and ask all their burning questions to the panel.

It has been inspiring to say the least, to hear the questions and opinions of young people in the country, to see how interested they are in the world of genetics. It is clear that this documentary will contribute to the collection of valuable genetic research and resources that will be handed down to our young people. The best part is that the information is coming straight from field experts, teachers, patients and children themselves.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2022,2023
URL https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/kmtv/2021/10/11/what-is-generation-genome/#