Engineering Water Capture in Terpene Synthases

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Chemistry


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Technical Summary

The main aim of the proposed work is to rationally change sesquiterpene synthases so that they specifically generate hydroxylated or non-hydroxylated products, different from their natural function. A combined computational/experimental approach will be used to gain in-depth understanding of the mechanisms of water binding, water flow and hydroxylation. This understanding will be used for a) targeted modification of enzyme active site and entrance loops to alter hydroxylation behaviour in example cases and b) developing step-by-step computational/experimental protocols to modify hydroxylation behaviour in terpene synthases. To gain understanding, we will use simulation and experiment to predict and verify water binding, the active enzyme-substrate complex and the detailed mechanism of key reaction steps (in particular hydroxylation by water molecules). The combined approach requires intensive collaboration between the two sites involved, as well as collaboration with overseas experts. Experimental methods will include protein modification using site-directed mutagenesis and incorporation of non-natural amino acids using a native chemical ligation approach, organic synthesis of mechanism-based inhibitors, kinetic characterization of enzymes, measurement of product distributions and product characterisation, and protein X-ray crystallography. Computational methods will include hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical simulations of reactions, molecular dynamics simulations of enzyme dynamics and water flow, and docking/Monte-Carlo protocols to predict water binding sites/affinities. By combining results from all methods, we will build up extensive and uniquely detailed knowledge on the mechanisms guiding water capture, leading to general streamlined protocols for rationally changing water capture in terpene synthases. This will then help to unlock the great potential of terpenoids as useful compounds with applications in health care, agriculture and bio-energy.

Planned Impact

The proposed work will lead to 1) detailed, fundamental insights into terpene synthases that can be used as biocatalysts, 2) engineered enzymes for the production of new terpenoid compounds and 3) the development of protocols to rationally engineer product outcomes in other terpene synthases. The new examples of engineered biocatalysts and the methods to obtain them will be of high interest to the biotech industry, due to their ability to enhance the cost-effectiveness and sustainability of synthesising terpenoid compounds. As part of the work proposed, computational and experimental protocols will be developed that are useful for enzyme and protein engineering as well as structure-based drug design, and will thus benefit academic and industrial researchers in these areas. The work exemplifies a rational, synthetic biology approach to obtain desired biocatalysts for industrial biotechnology, and as such offers the opportunity to engage with the general public. Via outreach activities, the general public will benefit by obtaining insight into the use of synthetic biology and how publicly funded research in academia affects biotechnology, topics of interest to many.
Apart from these short-term benefits to a wide range of researchers and the public, the proposed work has significant potential impact in the medium and long term.
In the medium term, the knowledge and protocols obtained in this research can be applied to redesign natural terpene synthases into efficient biocatalysts for the production of specific desired terpenoids. This can have a significant impact by making industrial production of terpenoids efficient, sustainable and relatively cheap. By disseminating the results from our research directly to relevant biotechnological companies in the UK, this will give UK biotech a competitive edge over other biotech companies world-wide. UK-based companies are active in the field of biocatalyst optimization and bio-based chemical production, and the national economy can therefore benefit significantly.
In the long term, the application of novel terpenoid biocatalysts will allow new, beneficial terpenoid compounds to be conceived and produced. This in turn can lead to new valuable (agro)chemicals and potential new drugs, leading to healthcare and food production benefits. In addition, efficient, sustainable production of terpenoids will strengthen the UK economy whilst limiting environmental impact, thus benefitting both the general public and the UK industry.

Finally, the proposal will help bring together and integrate further two research communities that are strong within the UK: biomolecular simulation and chemical biology/enzymology. The UK should capitalise on the strengths of these communities to catch up and, in future, overtake efforts in other countries in the area of biocatalyst (re)design. The close collaboration between computational and experimental groups, and the training and knowledge exchange activities planned, will help train a new generation of researchers. These researchers will be well-equipped for many areas that require a cross-disciplinary outlook (both in academia and industry), such as synthetic biology and industrial biotechnology. The related professional skills acquired by the researchers involved (significant IT, communication, analytical thinking and time management skills) will make them valuable for many/all employment sectors. This impact on UK 'human capital' will further contribute to the mid- to long term benefits.


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Description Context:
Terpenes are the most complex and structurally diverse class of natural produces many have great economic value as volatile scents and pheromones alongside value as actual or potential medicines or agrochemicals. Their synthesis through standard solution phase organic chemistry is most-commonly prohibitively expensive so their applications are consequently limited. Here we are using a combined and mutually directed (computation leads experiment and experiment informs computation) approach to understand how terpene synthase mediate capture of water in the final chemical step of catalysis. Terpene synthase generate a carbocation from an isoprenyl diphosphate substrate and then coordinate a cascade of cyclisation and rearrangements prior to quench of the final cation by (most commonly) proton loss to generate a hydrocarbon or by water capture to generate an alcohol. The latter event is most vexatious to understand and predict since the intermediate cations must not be quenched by water so molecular orbital alignment and geometries must be tightly coordinated both physically and temporally. The ultimate goal is predictability and rational engineering of bioactalysts.
This combined approach to altering terpene synthase hydroxylation behaviour, has led to key advances in our understanding of their water management strategies and we have demonstrated protocols for subtle rational enzyme engineering. We have carried out 18 successful site-directed mutagenesis experiments on selected residues of the K-helix and G-helix regions of the selinadiene synthase (SdS) active site pocket to incorporate the water network close to the carbocation to quench the putative final carbocation at the right time in the cyclisation cascade to make hydroxylated product. This work has resulted in creating a variant SdS G305E which was able to utilise water to quench final carbocation to produce selina-4-ol (hydroxylated product) to the extent of 20% of isolated product, whereas the variant SdS A301Y/G305E resulted in exclusive formation of germacrene B by avoiding its reprotonation and second cyclisation. These finding demonstrates the ability of engineering terpene synthases to utilise trapped water in active site to produce hydroxylated product (manuscript in preparation).

Key findings
In order to find a general strategy for engineering terpene synthases for generating complex natural products, we have identified a region in H-alpha loop subdomain, structurally conserved throughout the enzyme family, which closes the active site during catalysis. Modification of selected residues in the H-alpha loop region (Gd11olS 238-241) with the corresponding amino acids from SdS has resulted in a switch in the product profile in germacradien-11-ol synthase, producing isolepidozene (85%) with significant reduction in hydroxylated product. Changing the corresponding residue in patchoulol synthase (PatcholS) H-alpha loop region (PatcholS 458-461) completely abolishes formation of hydroxylated product (patchoulol) with predominant formation of alpha-bulnesene (86%). Alpha-bulnesene has been reported to have inhibitory effect on platelet-activating factor (PAF), however, no enzyme is known to produce this compound as a major product, suggesting that H-alpha loop variant of patchoulol synthase is first alpha-bulnesene synthase. These findings suggest that modifying the H-alpha loop could be a possible general strategy for engineering terpene synthases for generating complex sesquiterpenes which can be produced at significantly high purity using synthetic biology tools (manuscript in preparation).
The recent work generated new, highly specific, and environmentally friendly designed biocatalysts to produce small natural products such as: isolepidozene, selina-4ol and alpha bulnesene that are not easily synthesised by traditional chemical methods. The generation of these new biocatalysts will allow efficient and sustainable production of these terpenoids with potential biotechnological and agrochemical applications.
Exploitation Route Protocols and computational techniques/algorithms developed in this project will be published and will add to the growing body of understanding of terpene synthase catalysis. Production of high-value terpenoids will be greatly facilitated by the availability of robust natural and artificially engineered biocatalysts capable of making these compounds and their analogues in unprecedented quantities. Biochemists, natural product chemists, medics and other chemically oriented researchers may also use the understanding of enzyme catalysis at the molecular and atomic level to solve more diverse problems, widening the impact of this work.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink




Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Advancing High Value Terpenoidal Semiochemicals for Crop Protection
Amount £49,942 (GBP)
Organisation Cardiff University 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2023 
End 10/2024