Molecular control of fate decisions: reconstructing neural, neural crest and placode cell lineages

Lead Research Organisation: The Francis Crick Institute
Department Name: Research


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Technical Summary

This project will characterise progenitors for the neural plate, neural crest, placode and epidermal cells and unravel the molecular cascade leading to their segregation. It will establish the molecular heterogeneity of these progenitors, how their transcriptional profile changes as they become committed and how gene expression in progenitors relates to cell behaviour in vivo. The power of this project lies in the combination of state-of-the-art molecular and in vivo approaches to reconstruct the lineage tree for central and peripheral nervous system progenitors.

Specifically, we will:

- Use single cell RNA to determine the transcriptome of progenitor cells and of neural, neural crest, placode and epidermal precursors. This will classify cells into different groups and determine how these change over time
- Use bioinformatics algorithms to reconstruct fate decision trees by organising cells in pseudo-time. This will generate cell trajectories from progenitor to definitive neural, neural crest, placode and epidermal cells
- Use this tree to define genes expressed around branch point that may represent fate markers or even fate determinants
- Verify the expression of these genes using hybridisation chain reaction in situ detection at single cell resolution
- Use our existing data that identified enhancers for progenitor, neural, neural crest and placode genes to identify enhancers for genes surrounding branch points
- Drive fluorescent proteins using these enhancers for live imaging to follow cells with a specific transcriptional profile, monitor their behaviour and assess their ultimate fate
- Assess whether genes expressed around branch points play a role in fate decisions.

Planned Impact

The proposed project is multidisciplinary combining biology, imaging, molecular and computational approaches and addresses the fundamental question of how cells acquire their unique fate to build functional organs during development. It cuts across several BBSRC priority areas e.g. data driven biology, replacement, refinement and reduction in research using animals, systems approaches to biosciences and technology development in biosciences, as well as in the long term healthy ageing.

There are various academic beneficiaries as the project addresses a basic biology question of how multipotent ectodermal progenitors generate precursors for the central and peripheral nervous system. These include researchers in the field of neuroscience, developmental, stem cell and systems biology, regenerative medicine, and tissue engineering. In addition, the project will benefit clinical research involved for example in developing cell replacement strategies or in re-activation of endogenous stem cells. We have summarised above how these different communities will benefit from our research.

Our data will be published in scientific journals, at conferences and through teaching and outreach events, with all genomics, imaging and experimental data being made publicly available. Therefore, these benefits will occur during the course of the project or shortly thereafter. In the long term, the project will contribute to strategies to manipulate cell fate in vitro and in vivo by identifying crucial genes involved as well as by elucidating general principles. In turn, this will be beneficial to regenerative medicine and clinical approaches.

The project also has benefits beyond academia, although they may take longer to bear fruit. In particular, these will include
- Training of highly skilled researchers in interdisciplinary research; this training will not only equip the PDRAs with skills for a career in science, but also with many transferable skills such as organisation, critical thinking, problem solving, modelling complex scenarios, cross-disciplinary interactions and many more. This will therefore contribute to strengthening the UK economy by providing highly skilled personnel for the academic or private sector
- Enhancing the international reputation of UK science will increase international collaborations including associated funding.
- Enthusing young people to take up a career in science; our outreach activities specifically target young individuals as future talents (school pupils in short lab projects, school visits through the German scientist association, KCL Science Gallery targeting the local young population, Crick chats for the general public). This will support the UKs ambition for strong science underpinning growth of the economy, entrepreneurial activities and industrial development. The focus on computational approaches will contribute to alleviating current shortage in bioinformatics skills by attracting new talent.
- Benefits for animal and human health through impact on regeneration and repair. There are many potential applications including the identification of crucial factors to re-programme cells or generate patient-specific cells, identifying mechanisms to activate repair with endogenous stem cells, grow and manipulate cell fates in vitro, using such cells to develop new drugs or treatments and many more.


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Description We have molecular characterised the cells in the embryo that occupy a region known as the neural plate border. These cells contribute to the tissues that will form parts of the brain, sensory organs such as eyes and ears, and parts of the skull. We found that the cells destined to make these tissues adopt different cell fate outcomes at different frequencies depending on exactly where they are positioned in the neural plate border.
Exploitation Route The data provides a molecular atlas for further experiments.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology