Effector gene persistence in bacterial plant pathogens

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Plant Sciences


Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.

Planned Impact

The long term aim of our research is to understand the interaction between plant pathogens and plants with the goal of being able to use this information to develop control strategies in the field or glasshouse. This project specifically aims to understand how plant pathogenic bacteria maintain reservoir of effector genes in their population that may have an advantage to the bacteria when conditions change. We will investigate in more detail the avrPphB-bean model system but we will also widen this to include other effectors. This proposal fits within the BBSRC strategic priority of Sustainably Enhancing Agricultural Production as it focuses on a serious problem for crop performance i.e. loss of crop yield or quality though plant disease, and therefore has relevance to Global Food Security. A number of groups aside from academics will also benefit from this work, although it should be stressed that further research may be required to realise the benefits to some of these users.
1. Agriculture and the private sector will benefit because this work will lead to a better understanding of the persistence of potential pathogenicity determinants in plant pathogenic populations. This is of relevance for plant breeders who are targeting effector genes to breed against, as in some cases these genes may be effectively 'hiding' in the bacteria and not actually being eliminated from the bacterial population. In the long term results from this study could enhance the ability of plant breeders to predict whether specific combinations of resistance genes are likely to confer durable resistance based on knowledge of the potential evolution of the effectors recognised by these resistance genes. This phenomenon may also be of importance for seed certification, as it could underpin the spread of pathogen genotypes that are present in seed, but not detected by infestation assays.
2. Government organisations and policy makers will benefit by having more detailed information on the drivers of pathogen evolution and greater understanding of how pathogens evolve to overcome host plant resistance. A key point will be communicating the observation that effectors can persist, therefore highlighting that pathogens are not necessarily eliminated from the host through the use of resistant cultivars. This will not only benefit the global agenda for food security, but can be disseminated through a variety of agencies to the international agriculture arena.
3. The public will ultimately benefit through improved disease management practices that reduce yield losses and therefore increase food supply, and the stability of agricultural economies resulting from it. The public will also benefit from our public engagement and outreach activities, which will present the data we generate and highlight the impact of plant disease on food security and the research that is on-going to protect our crops.
4. Undergraduate and postgraduate students will benefit from progressive developments in teaching curricula that will be underpinned by the research outputs from the investigators: three of the five investigators associated with the project teach aspects of bacterial pathogen evolution and regularly give seminars on this topic. Students will also be able to participate directly in this research area by undertaking undergraduate summer projects and final year projects as well as graduate research projects or internships linked to this area of research.
5. The staff who are involved in the project, both investigators and research associates, will benefit from the research through learning new research skills and techniques. The RAs will also benefit from the research in terms of developing generic career skills, for example through attendance of the BBSRC media training workshop; presentations to both the scientific community and the public; preparation of manuscripts and grant applications; student supervision; and participation in public engagement events.


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Pellis L (2021) Challenges in control of COVID-19: short doubling time and long delay to effect of interventions in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

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Thompson RN (2020) Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies. in Proceedings. Biological sciences

Title Animation: Evolution of plant pathogenic bacteria to defeat host resistance 
Description Animated video created by SciAni which illustrates the molecular processes underpinning plant-pathogen interactions. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact Viewed 17,000 times on YouTube 
URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCZZfXBU2Wg
Title Figure S1. from Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies 
Description Examples of six previous and ongoing epidemics, demonstrating the potential for a long 'tail' of cases before eradication. These long tails can occur even when an effective vaccine has been developed. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact None to report 
URL https://rs.figshare.com/articles/Figure_S1_from_Key_questions_for_modelling_COVID-19_exit_strategies...
Title Figure S1. from Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies 
Description Examples of six previous and ongoing epidemics, demonstrating the potential for a long 'tail' of cases before eradication. These long tails can occur even when an effective vaccine has been developed. 
Type Of Art Film/Video/Animation 
Year Produced 2020 
Impact None to report for this award. 
URL https://rs.figshare.com/articles/Figure_S1_from_Key_questions_for_modelling_COVID-19_exit_strategies...
Description Plant pathogens can rapidly evolve to overcome host resistance to become virulent pathogens. This is a major cause for concern because of the threat it poses to UK and global food security. It is therefore important that we understand the causes and consequences of pathogen evolution to deliver better strategies for plant protection.
In this project we aimed to study the ability of plant pathogenic bacteria to overcome plant disease resistance. One way in which plants can protect themselves against infection is to recognise proteins (effectors) secreted by the pathogen. If the protein is recognised the plants cells deliberately die, releasing anti-microbial chemicals. However, bacteria can evolve to overcome host plant resistance by losing or changing their effector genes so that the proteins they produce are not recognised by the plant.
We have worked with a model bacteria-plant system that has allowed us to study in more detail how the bacteria can evolve to overcome host resistance. This system uses a bacterium called Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Pph), which causes an important disease of bean plants known as halo blight, and has allowed us to study both microbial evolution and the factors that increase or decrease the durability of plant disease resistance.
We concentrated on the fate of one particular effector called AvrPphB. This effector is interesting because its gene is carried on a mobile piece of DNA known as a genomic island, which can be acquired and lost by the bacteria. When the bacteria carrying this island infect a plant that is resistant, because the plant recognises avrPphB, the bacteria loses the island and can therefore go onto infect the plant without being recognised. This is an excellent example of the evolution of a pathogen to overcome host resistance. Previous work had shown that over the course of many weeks in the resistant plant, the bacterial population maintains a low level of the effector gene. In this project we aimed to look in more detail at this 'effector persistence'.
We have demonstrated that Pph strains carrying avrPphB continue to trigger plant immune responses, including cell death, even when present at low numbers within a population of virulent bacteria. Thus, plant immune responses are insufficient to eradicate these bacteria, and may even contribute to their survival within a population, as cell death can release nutrients that bacteria can feed on. We constructed versions of Pph that produce a protein called YFP, which makes them easily detectable as single cells using a microscope, and proteins that confer the ability to emit light (bioluminescence), which allows us to determine the abundance and spatial location of bacteria within plant tissues. Only living cells can emit light, thus bioluminescence can be used to monitor the survival of bacteria within plant tissues. We used these bioreporters to confirm that plant immune responses reduced, but did not eradicate populations of immunity-triggering bacteria within plant tissues.
A second objective of the project was to determine whether immunity-triggering bacteria induce and are exposed to antimicrobial factors during infection. We created luminescent bioreporters, in which the presence of specific chemicals produced during plant immune responses causes bacteria to emit light. We used these bioreporters to confirmed that these defence-associated chemicals are produced by infected plants and detected by bacteria. These bioreporters potentially have a wide range of applications in plant science, plant breeding and food and feed testing.
Exploitation Route Key objectives of this project were to develop approaches to monitor bacterial growth in the plant microenvironment at population and single cell level. We have developed four complementary approaches/technologies that can be applied as summarised below:
1. Protocols for using Raman microspectroscopy to monitor bacterial viability and growth at single cell level in vitro and in plant tissue. These can be used in a wide range of contexts, including the study of antimicrobial resistance.
2. Luminescence and dual luminescence/fluorescence reporter constructs to monitor bacterial growth and spatial distribution in plant tissues at a macro and micro-scale. We have adapted this approach in collaboration with Renier van der Hoorn as the foundation for a new methodology for monitoring factors affecting the efficiency of Agrobacterium transformation (AgroLux) to improve transient gene expression and biopharming.
3. Luminescent reporter constructs for monitoring the abundance of flavonoids in biological samples. These have applications in research into plant physiology and plant-microbe interactions, plant breeding for enhanced flavonoid production and in the food industry.
4. Luminescent reporter constructs for monitoring the concentration of the neurotoxin beta-cyanoalanine in biological samples. These have applications in research into plant physiology and plant-microbe interactions, plant breeding for reduced dietary toxicity of food and feed, and detection of toxic contaminants in feed and food.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description Recommendations for Augmenting Contact Tracing in the UK
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Participation in a guidance/advisory committee
URL http://www.newton.ac.uk/files/preprints/ni20001.pdf
Description Plant Health Undergraduate Studentship (awarded for 2020 - rescheduled to summer 2021)
Amount £4,000 (GBP)
Organisation Royal Society of Biology (RSB) 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2021 
End 09/2021
Description Royal Society International Exchanges Cost Share Award - Argentina
Amount £9,000 (GBP)
Funding ID IEC\R2\170201 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2018 
End 12/2019
Title AgroLux 
Description This award led to the development of a set of bioluminescent reporters for use in gram-negative bacteria. Further collaborative work has extended this technology to produce bioluminescent reporters for studying the behaviour of Agrobacterium in planta (AgroLux). By integrating a single copy of the lux operon into the genome, we generated a stable 'AgroLux' strain, which is bioluminescent without affecting Agrobacterium growth in vitro and in planta. 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We used AgroLux to demonstrate that high light intensity post infiltration suppresses both Agrobacterium luminescence and protein expression. We also discovered that AgroLux can detect Avr/Cf-induced immune responses before tissue collapse, establishing a robust and rapid quantitative assay for the hypersensitive response (HR). Thus, AgroLux provides a non-destructive, versatile and easy-to-use imaging tool to monitor both Agrobacterium and plant responses. This work was published as Jutras PV, Soldan R, Dodds I, Schuster M, Preston GM, van der Hoorn RAL. AgroLux: bioluminescent Agrobacterium to improve molecular pharming and study plant immunity. Plant J. 2021 Oct;108(2):600-612. doi: 10.1111/tpj.15454. Epub 2021 Aug 25. PMID: 34369027. 
URL https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tpj.15454
Title Beta-cyanoalanine biosensor 
Description We have created a luminescent biosensor that is a highly sensitive reporter for beta-cyanoalanine, a plant neurotoxin and an intermediate in cyanide biosynthesis. 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact We have demonstrated that this biosensor can be used to detect beta-cyanoalanine production during plant defence responses and to discriminate between seeds containing different levels of beta-cyanoalanine. The latter application is potentially useful for the feed and food industry. This work is currently being written up for publication. 
Title Flavonoid biosensor 
Description We adapted an existing flavonoid (naringenin) biosensor as a bioluminescent reporter for use in Pseudomonas and other gram-negative bacteria. 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact We have demonstrated that this reporter construct can be used to quantitatively detect flavonoids in vitro and in planta, including flavonoid production associated with plant defence responses and we are currently writing up this work for publication. 
Title Library of luminescence and dual fluorescence-luminescence biosensors 
Description Bacterial bioluminescence is widely used to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of bacterial populations and gene expression in vivo at a population level but cannot easily be used to study bacterial activity at the level of individual cells. We have developed a new library of mini-Tn7-lux and lux::eyfp reporter constructs that provide a wide range of lux expression levels, and which combine the advantages of both bacterial bioluminescence and fluorescent proteins to bridge the gap between macro- and micro-scale imaging techniques. 
Type Of Material Cell line 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact We have demonstrated that a dual bioluminescence-fluorescence approach using the lux operon and eYFP can be used to monitor bacterial movement in plants both macro- and microscopically and specifically shown that Pseudomonas syringae pv phaseolicola can colonize the leaf vascular system and systemically infect leaves of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). We have also shown that bacterial bioluminescence can be used to study the impact of plant immune responses on bacterial multiplication, viability and spread within plant tissues. These constructs can be used to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of bacterial colonization and to link population dynamics and cellular interactions in a wide range of biological contexts. 
Description Bean research network 
Organisation Pan African Bean Research Alliance
Country Uganda 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution Organised workshop in February 2018 to develop collaborative research projects, and joint projects with the Pan-African Bean Research Alliance and South African Bean Research Network.
Collaborator Contribution Partners (Phillip Miklas (USDA-ARS), Timothy Porch (USDA-ARS), Rowland Chirwa (Coordinator Southern African Bean Research Network), Robin Buruchara (Coordinator Pan-African Bean Research Alliance), Deidre Fourie (ARS South Africa, PABRA/SABRN), Dawn Arnold (University of the West of England), Robert Jackson (University of Reading)) participated in a workshop in February 2018 to develop collaborative research projects, including joint projects with the Pan-African Bean Research Alliance and Southern African Bean Research Network.
Impact Research grant written, but no formal outcomes yet. This collaboration brings together researchers with expertise in plant pathology and plant breeding.
Start Year 2018
Description Bean research network 
Organisation U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Organised workshop in February 2018 to develop collaborative research projects, and joint projects with the Pan-African Bean Research Alliance and South African Bean Research Network.
Collaborator Contribution Partners (Phillip Miklas (USDA-ARS), Timothy Porch (USDA-ARS), Rowland Chirwa (Coordinator Southern African Bean Research Network), Robin Buruchara (Coordinator Pan-African Bean Research Alliance), Deidre Fourie (ARS South Africa, PABRA/SABRN), Dawn Arnold (University of the West of England), Robert Jackson (University of Reading)) participated in a workshop in February 2018 to develop collaborative research projects, including joint projects with the Pan-African Bean Research Alliance and Southern African Bean Research Network.
Impact Research grant written, but no formal outcomes yet. This collaboration brings together researchers with expertise in plant pathology and plant breeding.
Start Year 2018
Description Royal Society Cost Share Award - Argentina 
Organisation National University of San Martin
Country Argentina 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have initiated a new collaboration to study polyamine metabolism in endophytic bacterial plant pathogens and its significance in stress resistance and pathogenicity, funded by a Royal Society International Exchanges Cost Share Award.
Collaborator Contribution Participation in future research exchanges and collaborative work.
Impact This award has supported a research visit by a member of my group to Argentina to conduct collaborative research, and a visit by Dr. Andres Garriz to Oxford in 2018. There are no publications or further awards arising as yet.
Start Year 2018
Description Animation describing the evolution of bacterial effectors in response to host resistance 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Media (as a channel to the public)
Results and Impact Co-developed animation 'Evolution of plant pathogenic bacteria to defeat host resistance' - with Dawn Arnold, Helen Neale, Robert Jackson and Sci Ani (www.sciani.com) https://youtu.be/nCZZfXBU2Wg (2020). The video has been viewed over 8000 times to date, and is being used to enhance undergraduate teaching and interactions with schools.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCZZfXBU2Wg
Description UNIQ summer school 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact The talk stimulated discussion and interests among the students, who had not previously been introduced to the science of plant disease.

The event resulted in an increase in students applying from the programme to study bioscience at University level, and specifically at the University of Oxford, with 75% of students applying for entry in 2014.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018
URL http://www.uniq.ox.ac.uk/courses/mpls/biology
Description Webinar: Visualising how Plants and Microbes Function in British Sign Language 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact We organised a webinar with researchers from the Scottish Sensory Centre describing how scientific signs can be developed for use in teaching and communication, and specifically illustrated it in the context of plant diseases by creating a signed video with supplementary graphics. The webinar was well-attended, and the webinar and videos will be released on YouTube in the near future to reach a wider audience. We have been awarded funding from the British Society for Plant Pathology to take the project further in 2021 and develop a wide range of plant pathology-related signs and associated resources.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
URL https://www.bspp.org.uk/conferences/bsl-webinar-visualising-how-plants-and-microbes-function-in-sign...