Size Matters: A systems approach to understanding cell size control in a developing multicellular tissue

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences


Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.

Technical Summary

The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is the source of all above-ground plant growth and hence central to plant development and productivity. It is a shallow dome of continuously dividing cells that initiates rapidly growing organ primordia on its flanks that develop into flowers or leaves. Cell size is tightly regulated in all organisms, and in mitotically active tissues is determined by the opposing forces of cell growth and division. However, until recently was cell size control was poorly investigated in the important SAM tissue due to technical challenges. By combining time-lapse confocal imaging of live SAMs carrying a new reporter of cell cycle phase, we have recently shown that cell size in the SAM is dependent on developmental stage, genotype and environmental signals (Jones et al., Nature Comms 8:15060; 2017). Notably we found that low light conditions, which limit photosynthesis, led to a reduction in cell size across the SAM. We furthermore demonstrated that cell size at division could be accurately predicted by a minimal two-stage cell cycle model in which either the production or threshold of CYCLIN DEPENDENT KINASE (CDK) is cell size dependent. Here we seek to identify the "sizer" molecules that link cell growth to division and determine cell size. We have identified candidates which we will test, and use to build predictive models of cell size at division based on ordinary differential equations. We will test these predictions by manipulating sizer levels and changing environmental conditions. We will also use ribosomal footprinting to identify potential new sizers in an unbiased way and use cell level determination of protein synthesis rates to understand the link to cell growth parameters.

Planned Impact

Key beneficiaries are identified as:
- Academic researchers and scientists, particularly plant scientists, but also the broader community of cell and developmental biologists, as well as systems biologists interested in predictive modelling of biological systems
- Agronomists and crop breeders
- Industrial researchers, including life scientists, mathematicians and computer scientists
- School pupils
- Members of the public.

Beneficiaries will be engaged throughout the project in order to deliver a range of economic and societal impacts.
1. Economic Impacts
Underpinning Knowledge: This project will advance understanding of plant growth and underpin the development of strategies allowing fuller exploitation of plant metabolism for sustainable agriculture. This impact is likely to be realised beyond the grant period through the integration of cell growth and division into models of plant development at different scales. To ensure this takes place, we will actively engage with life scientists, mathematicians and computer scientists from academia and industry and use knowledge gained from such interactions to inform implementation of our models with future compatibility in mind. These interactions will also generate awareness of our work and allow us to explore future collaborations to apply our models. Professional interactions will primarily be through academic conferences and publications, including regional and national meetings at which commercial researchers are brought together (e.g. meetings of UK Plant Sciences Federation, and those organised by Innovate UK and Welsh Government).
Enhancing research capacity: The fundamental nature of the question addressed means that we do not anticipate that there will be any immediate opportunities to commercialise our work. We will however develop techniques and tools that will contribute to the knowledge and skills of public and private research groups. For example, we will develop a protocol for measuring protein synthesis in plants using a proprietary product of ThermoScientific with their support, which will allow a broader range of researchers to access this tool. Models, transgenic lines and gene constructs generated by the work may similarly be of use to third parties and upon publication we will be freely available.
Skilled staff: Staff employed in this project will receive valuable interdisciplinary training contributing to the highly skilled workforce required to build and sustain the knowledge based economy. Notably the project will use advanced mathematical modelling, live cell imaging and next generation sequencing techniques, all skills in high demand in the biosciences sector. Furthermore all the researchers will gain experience of collaborative, multidisciplinary research and will be encouraged to develop project management and communication skills valuable for work in a variety of settings.
2. Societal Impacts
Improved teaching and learning: We will use the interdisciplinary nature of the team as an opportunity to develop an activity that can be used to promote both plant biology and mathematics/computer programming in secondary schools with the aim of increasing uptake of these subjects at university and filling skills gaps. We will target schools where fewer than average students go on to further education.
Public awareness and understanding of science: Improved public understanding of plant biology is necessary to allow members of the public to participate in an informed manner in ongoing debates including the use of genetically modified plants. Public opinion regarding genetic modification is likely to determine how fundamental knowledge is translated into improved agricultural sustainability. We will use the project as a means to engage with the general public and promote a greater awareness of current plant research. All team members will participate in public engagement events and so aid with the dissemination of scientific knowledge.


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publication icon
Jones AR (2019) Double or Nothing? Cell Division and Cell Size Control. in Trends in plant science

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Williamson D (2023) Modelling how plant cell-cycle progression leads to cell size regulation. in PLoS computational biology

Description Balanced growth, achieved by coupling cell division to the increase in cell volume, is crucial to cell survival as progressive changes in cell size over generations would eventually lead to a breakdown of important processes within the cells. In this project, we have used mathematical modelling to understand features of the plant cell cycle, and determine how these features control how cell division depends on cell size. This work was published in PloS Computational Biology, in an open access format, together with publicly available code, ensuring that our results are easily accessible.
Exploitation Route Our results provide a basis for understanding how cell size is controlled by external and internal factors, such as environmental conditions. This knowledge would enable future projects determining how crops will respond to the changing climate.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description Cell size is a fundamental property that must be tightly regulated to ensure that cells and tissues function efficiently. This project has uncovered knowledge of how plants control cell size, a vital aspect of plant development. By developing and analysing mathematical models, we revealed how features of the cell-cycle network enable cell-cycle progression to depend on cell size, and provided a mechanistic understanding of how plant cell populations maintain consistent size over generations.These results have been communicated to the scientific community via an open-access publication in a highly regarded journal. Our results will enable future work to understand how environmental conditions affect cell size, and how this cell-size adaptation influences how crops respond to climate change.
First Year Of Impact 2023