Aetiopathogenesis and genomic architecture of resistance to claw horn disruption lesions in dairy cattle

Lead Research Organisation: Scotland's Rural College
Department Name: Research


Maintaining good foot health is one of the most critical challenges the dairy industry faces today. This is because poor foot health leads to reduced mobility of the animal and causes lameness. The latter is a debilitating and painful condition, and is described as one of the clearest indicators of compromised welfare in dairy cattle and one of the most important factors for the involuntary replacement of animals. No other common condition is associated with such visible signs of pain and, as such, cow lameness damages the public's perception of the industry. Recent studies have suggested that nearly half the dairy cows in the UK face reduced mobility and lameness issues at some point in their life, costing the dairy sector approximately £250 million annually.

Painful foot lesions account for more than 90% of reduced cow mobility and lameness cases. These lesions broadly fall under two categories: infectious diseases such as digital dermatitis and interdigital phlegmon, and non-infectious claw horn disruption lesions (CHDL) such as sole haemorrhages, sole ulcers and white line disease. CHDL are the most prevalent conditions associated with impaired mobility and pain in dairy cattle in the UK and worldwide. In a recent study by our group, 44% of cows developed CHDL during 12 months of monitoring (26%, 12% and 19% for sole haemorrhages, sole ulcers and white line disease, respectively).

Despite the importance of CHDL, the reasons leading to their development have not yet been fully described. The anatomic structure of the foot, animal hormonal and immune profiles, inflammation around calving, animal metabolism, and management practices have been thought to contribute. There are also genetic differences between individual animal susceptibility to CHDL development. In this project, all these factors will be studied together using a large number of animals (3,000 Holstein cows) raised in four UK commercial farms. As a result, the project will (i) determine and quantify the impact of different factors affecting the development of CHDL, (ii) identify and quantify the genetic background of animal resistance to the development of CHDL and (iii) develop practical breeding strategies and tools to reduce the incidence of CHDL while maintaining improvement in other important animal traits (fertility, resistance to other diseases and productivity). To achieve its objectives, the project will draw on complementary expertise in animal science, veterinary medicine, genetics, biotechnology, bioinformatics, molecular pathology, immunology, microscopy and epidemiology.

Animals recruited for this project will be pregnant cows. The farms where these animals are raised have already been identified and have agreed to participate. Animals will be closely monitored by a qualified veterinarian from 60 days before calving through to the first half of the ensuing lactation. Systematic recording of CHDL, the thickness of the digital cushion (a protective anatomical structure of the foot), hormonal levels in blood, specific proteins in blood and tissues indicative of inflammation, acid levels in blood indicative of altered metabolism, and cow activity and resting patterns will take place, generating a unique database of relevant information. Individual cattle genomic profiles will be generated and analysed together with cow measurements to assess the environmental and genetic impact on CHDL. Using advanced sequencing technologies will try to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms that lead to the development of foot lesions. Finally, simulation studies will be designed to evaluate different breeding strategies and tools with the aim to breed resistance to CHDL into the dairy cattle population.

Outcomes of this project may improve considerably animal health and welfare by underpinning the development of efficient management practices, new breeding tools and novel pharmaceutical interventions.

Technical Summary

The project will (i) determine and evaluate factors affecting the development of claw horn disruption lesions (CHDL) in dairy cattle; (ii) identify genomic markers (SNPs) and regions associated with animal resistance to CHDL development; (iii) identify and characterise causal genes and regulatory regions underlying pathways and networks associated with CHDL; (iv) develop and evaluate breeding tools and strategies for enhanced animal resistance to CHDL while at the same time improving other important dairy cattle traits. The study will involve 3,000 pedigree Holstein cows. Animals will be repeatedly examined by a qualified veterinarian for CHDL. In addition, mobility and foot conformation scores, digital cushion thickness, body condition score, claw temperature and backfat thickness will be recorded along with environmental temperature and animal activity and resting patterns. Blood levels of hormones, immuno-modulating cytokines, non-esterified fatty acids and beta-hydroxybutyric acid will also be measured. Statistical analysis of all these data, using mixed models, will reveal the impact of foot structure and anatomy, periparturient hormonal profile and inflammatory status, fat mobilisation and metabolic stress, and environmental and management conditions on CHDL. Interactions among factors will be also assessed. All animals will have genome-wide genotypes generated to identify SNPs and genomic regions associated with CHDL. Additive and dominance effects of significant SNPs and genomic heritabilities will be derived. Whole-genome sequencing and RNA-sequencing results on a subset of animals with extreme phenotypes and genotypes will be combined with pathways analyses and functional interpretation to reveal the underlying molecular mechanisms of CHDL development. All results will inform simulation studies to assess breeding strategies and tools (including a trait-specific SNP array) to enable breeding for resistance to CHDL development.

Planned Impact

Compromised foot health leads to pain, reduced cow mobility and lameness, and constitutes a major welfare issue in dairy cattle. Painful lesions such as those disrupting the claw horn of the foot account for 90% of cases, represent the primary reason for veterinary interventions and lead to involuntary culling of affected animals, thereby posing serious threats to the sustainability and profitability of dairy farms. Many consider that lameness is currently the most significant welfare issue affecting dairy cattle in the UK because of the level of discomfort caused, the number of animals affected and the average duration of clinical episodes. Furthermore, studies have shown a significant adverse effect of lameness on milk yield both before and after a cow is diagnosed as lame that can last up to nine months. The total current cost to the UK dairy sector is estimated at £250 million or higher annually.

This project proposes a holistic approach to identify the key factors leading to the development of claw horn disruption lesions (CHDL). The project will develop a unique veterinary database and will combine complementary scientific expertise in order to develop a thorough understanding of the aetiopathogenesis of CHDL, while also developing practical knowledge and tools that can be used in genetic improvement programmes. Envisaged benefits from the outcomes are expected to apply at multiple levels:

1. Early identification of animals prone to development of CHDL will assist selection and replacement strategies, and minimise animal suffering.

2. Dairy farmers will directly benefit from reduced incidence of CHDL leading to decreased cost of involuntary culling. More animals will then be available for selection to improve productivity and other important traits. Fewer foot health problems will also signify enhanced animal welfare.

3. The dairy industry will benefit from advances and optimisation of genetic improvement programmes brought about by outcomes of the project. Currently, the economic benefits of genetic improvement in the UK exceed £100 million/year; about half of this is being realised by improvements in cow health and longevity. Project results will enhance animal health and welfare, and underpin the sustainability of the sector.

4. Improved health and welfare of the milking cows will enhance the public profile of dairy products and, eventually, the image of the sector and acceptability by consumers.

5. Benefits in the dairy industry will permeate the entire food producing animal sector, where outcomes from this project could be used as models for other relevant activities.

6. Environmental benefits are expected to accrue because of the reduced number of on-farm replacements necessary to replace cows culled due to poor foot health. On-farm replacements currently account for nearly one third of the methane produced by dairy cattle.

7. Policy makers and government could use outcomes and evidence from this project in the formulation and regulation of actions aiming at enhancing animal welfare and the social acceptability and environmental image of the livestock sector.

8. Identification of key mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of CHDL may lead to specific targeting of inflammatory mechanisms to improve foot health and be of interest to the pharmaceutical industry.

9. Scientific benefits in the form of publications, presentations and collaborations are anticipated. Staff involved in the project will receive training and develop scientific and professional skills in laboratory, computational and numerical analyses.

10. The UK economy as a whole will benefit through the links between the scientific partners in the project and industry, ensuring quick uptake and implementation of the research results, contributing to enhanced farm output, health and living standards.

This is a 3-year grant but benefits from the outcomes are expected to continue long after the completion of the project.


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Barden M (2023) Comparing genetic indexes for reducing lameness in dairy cows. in The Veterinary record

Description Individual cow phenotypic, genotypic and pedigree data were collected on approximately. 2,500 cows in four herds. Multiple records were collected at different time-points in the cows' life and at the end the database included more than 10,000 phenotypic records. All animals were genotyped with a genome-wide DNA array. After imputation, 80,000 informative Single Nucleotide Polymorphism markers were retained in each genotype.

Data were analysed to examine the genomic background of claw horn disruption lesions (CHDL) development and severity, as well as of digital cushion thickness, a foot structure trait.

Analyses conducted have attested to the presence of considerable genetic variation in the studied CHDL traits. Depending on the lesion and time-point of measurement, trait heritability estimates ranged from 0.06 to 0.21 for susceptibility, 0.04-0.26 for severity, and around 0.24 for recovery. The range and magnitude of these estimates are as expected for health-related traits. The low to moderate heritability values reflect substantial environmental variance, which is expected in the commercial dairy cattle population. Nevertheless, genetic variance, reflecting inherent differences among individual animals, was present and significant suggesting that there is potential to identify and select breeding animals with an enhanced capacity to withstand and/or successfully cope with CHDL. This was corroborated by the examination of estimated Genomic Breeding Values of individual cows and their sires that illustrated the differences between desirable (resistant) and undesirable (susceptible) animal genotypes. All these results were published in the scientific literature.

Heritability of digital cushion thickness was between 0.12 and 0.31, and its estimated genetic correlation with lesion severity was moderate and significant (between -0.21 and -0.25) suggesting that no or milder lesions may be expected for animal with genetically thick and robust digital cushion. This result has also been published.

In addition, the current genetic evaluation for foot health, termed by the industry as the lameness advantage index, was analysed jointly with project data, and found to be associated with CHDL. Therefore, this index is recommended to be considered in herds aiming to reduce lameness. These results were published.

Genomic association analyses also took place to examine the association of genomic markers and regions with CHDL phenotypes. In general, these analyses revealed a largely complex, polygenic architecture of the studied traits. Nevertheless, there were certain markers and genomic regions with potentially larger effects on CHDL than others. Mapping results on the most recent bovine reference genome suggested that some of these regions harbour annotated genes known to be associated with the cows' innate immune function, inflammation, energy metabolism, and nervous system. Relevant results have been published in the scientific literature.

Furthermore, whole-genome sequencing, total RNA-seq and reduced representation bisulfite sequencing were performed on blood and foot biopsy samples on a subset of 24 animals with extreme phenotypes and genotypes, i.e., totally healthy vs. severely affected individuals. Twenty-five differentially expressed genes associated with CHDL were identified including genes involved in immune and keratin pathways. These results provide deep insights into the genetic architecture underlying CHDL and inform genetic improvement of CHDL resistance in dairy cattle. Results have been published.
Moreover, 30 differentially expressed long-non coding RNAs and 9896 differentially methylated genes associated with CHDL were identified providing further insights.
Interestingly, 5 of the differentially expressed genes were also differentially methylated in CHDL cases and controls.

Specifically, functional analyses revealed that pathways implicated in CHDL resistance include those related with innate immune response, inflammation, keratinisation, ossification and neuronal development. Importantly immune genes involved in macrophage activation and the complement cascade have been identified as differentially expressed between cows with CHDL and healthy controls. A number of genes identified as differentially expressed were also identified as differentially methylated, including a gene of the complement cascade C1q A chain and involved in wound healing; coagulation factor XIII A chain. Correlation between differentially expressed genes and lncRNA differential expression was also identified (in particular correlation with expression of KIR3DL1).
Genes involved in the structural formation and integrity of the hood have also been implicated in CHDL resistance. Keratinisation genes KRTAP27-1 and KRTAP3-3 were found to be differentially expressed (increased in cases). Further, calcium ion activities were found to be enriched functions with CHI3L2, SPP1 and AMTN differentially expressed. Neuronal development and remodelling and synapse organisation were also all identified as enriched pathways among the differentially expressed genes from PBL and foot tissue samples along with behavioural response to pain.
A role of neuronal signalling has been previously implicated and in this five SNPs of interest were identified in exonic regions of the DAB1 gene.

Cows with thinner digital cushions during the transition period were at greater risk of developing sole lesions (sole ulcers and sole haemorrhage) but not white line lesions. However, in older cows prior to calving a thicker digital cushion increased the risk of developing a sole lesion in early lactation, which could reflect older cows having experienced previous lameness events resulting in chronic changes within the hoof and reduced capacity of the digital cushion to function. Sole temperature, which could indicate the presence of damage and inflammation, was found to be increased prior to calving in cows which went on to develop sole lesions in early lactation. In preventative foot trimming, foot angle and heel depth are widely used to assess claw conformation and functionality, in broadly normal shaped claws, minor deviations away from target angles and depths were not found to be associated with the development of either sole or white line lesions. Thicker sole horn in the transition period was however found to be protective against the development of sole lesions. Whilst preventative foot trimming is essential to prevent imbalances within and between the claws which cause areas of increased pressure and pinching, care must be taken when trimming to maintain adequate sole horn to protect the sensitive tissues against external forces.

The digital cushion plays an important role in the development of sole lesions, yet in heifers this cushion in not fully developed until late in lactation. Both the effect of calving (loosening of the connective tissue in the hoof associated with calving), and fat mobilisation have been linked to how the digital cushion thickness changes during the course of a lactation, with the digital cushion found to be thinnest at calving or during early lactation. We found that how the digital cushion thickness changes over the course of the lactation is dependent on which farm the cows came from, indicating that farm characteristics, management and perhaps genetics may play a role in how the digital cushion thickness changes over the course of a lactation.

Moreover, a subset of cows have had serum biomarkers for fat mobilisation (bhb and NEFAs) and hormonal profiles (relaxin and insulin) measured from stored serum samples. The inflammatory status, using serum concentrations of Interleukin 1-alpha, Interlukin-6 and Interleukin-10, has also been assessed in these cows. Blood Lipopolysaccharide has also been assayed. Previous research has found that inflammation associated with lameness predisposes cows to future lameness events whilst at calving, cows which are given a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) were less likely to develop future lameness in the following lactation. Our results have highlighted cows with more inflammation shortly after calving were more likely to develop sole lesions in early lactation, with the inflammatory process still ongoing in early lactation. This inflammation may be the result of direct mechanical damage, such as with compression from the pedal bone "sinking" when the ligaments become lax at calving. Alternatively, fat mobilisation is an inflammatory process and therefore this inflammation, could indicate a possible role of negative energy balance and fat mobilisation from the digital cushion shortly after calving. Relaxin, which has been indicated as the hormone responsible for the calving effect was not associated with the development of sole lesions, and therefore a different hormone, such as oestrogen, may instead be responsible.

Finally, simulation studies were conducted to assess breeding strategies to include results in genetic improvement programmes. Different scenarios were examined, with emphasis on CHDL in selective breeding ranging from 0 to 75% of the breeding goal. A useful balance of emphasis of 75% on cow productivity and 25% on CHDL resistance was revealed where the overall benefit is maximised.
Exploitation Route Outcomes from this research now feature in Open Access publications. These outcomes can be used to expand research to other diseases and species, and to underpin implementation programmes aiming to improve animal health.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description During data collection, interaction with the participating farmers offered opportunities to improve health management of their cows. Furthermore, the engagement activities described in the corresponding section of the report reached multiple industry stakeholders.
First Year Of Impact 2019
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Description Genetic and management solutions for lameness-associated endemic diseases in dairy cattle
Amount £311,283 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/X017338/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2023 
End 08/2026
Description Integrating clinical, data-driven and in-vitro approaches to the study of host-pathogen interactions in bovine digital dermatitis
Amount £434,929 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/X008762/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2023 
End 03/2026
Title Analysis of foot health data 
Description A wealth of bovine foot health data have been collected on the farm. These data re being statistically analysed in multiple ways to develop informative animal phenotypes associated with foot health. Furthermore, genomic data have been obtained on the same animals and genomic association analyses are being conducted to identify genomic regions associated with foot health. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Novel phenotypes associated with bovine foot health have been derived which can be used to distinguish robust cows from those prone to disease. 
Title Bovine claw horn disruption lesion database 
Description The database include ca. 60,000 individual observations collected on ca. 3,000 dairy cows, pertaining to presence of claw horn disruption lesions in their feet. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The database will be used to carry out the necessary genetic and statistical analyses to meet the objectives of the project. 
Description RVC 
Organisation Royal Veterinary College (RVC)
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Expertise in genetics, genomics, animal breeding.
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in functional genomics, proteomics
Impact BBSRC research grant
Start Year 2018
Description University of Liverpool 
Organisation University of Liverpool
Department School of Veterinary Science Liverpool
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Expertise in genetics, genomics, animal breeding.
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in veterinary science and animal health.
Impact BBSRC research grant
Start Year 2018
Description Radio broadcast 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact I was interviewed live on BBC Radio Scotland (Good Morning Scotland) after the publication of a piece written by a journalist based on work undertaken in this project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description SRUC press release 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The press release described the project and potential impact on animal health and welfare. Parts of the release were reproduced at The Press and Journal, and The Scotsman (Main).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018