Peptidoglycan release and recycling in pathogenic mycobacteria.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences


The UN and WHO have both recognised tuberculosis (TB) as a major driver of poverty with drug-resistant forms of the disease causing high mortality rates. Drug-resistant strains have poor treatment options, and TB infection is compounded by frequent co-infection with HIV. These factors contributed to TB killing approximately 1.8 million people last year. Despite global efforts, this problem is only getting worse. The percentage of TB cases reported to be resistant to rifampicin, a front-line antibiotic rose from 31% in 2015 to 41% in 2016. This is an antibiotic resistance crisis and new therapeutic options are urgently needed. One of the most efficient ways to address this crisis is to rehabilitate existing medicines. For years beta-lactam antibiotics have not been used in TB treatment due to its endogenous broad-spectrum beta-lactamase. Recent studies, including a clinical trial have changed this view. When combined with a beta-lactamase inhibitor, beta-lactam antibiotics perform as well as existing therapeutics. Despite this, we know relatively little about the metabolism of their either eventual target, peptidoglycan in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, or how M. tuberculosis uses PG to modulate the host immune system.

M. tuberculosis is the causative agent of the TB and generates one of the most complex cell walls amongst bacteria. The mycobacterial cell wall is comprised of three main layers including peptidoglycan, arabinogalactan and mycolic acids. A complex cell wall creates constraints on growth and division, which must be overcome through careful remodelling of the cell wall during division or the insertion of envelope spanning structures. This process necessarily leads to the production of small molecule metabolites, which are known to be recognised by the immune system.

Peptidoglycan is a combination of long polysaccharides with a repeating disaccharide unit cross-linked through short peptides. This mesh-like structure gives the organism shape and protects it from numerous stresses. During my BBSRC Future Leader Fellowship, I have shown that mycobacteria generate two distinct forms of peptidoglycan fragments during growth as a consequence of a novel peptidoglycan recycling system. Immunostimulatory disaccharide-peptide conjugates activate host NOD receptors, while disaccharides stripped of their stem peptide serve as signals to the bacterium itself driving growth and antibiotic resistance.

Peptidoglycan metabolism can be thought of as a cycle, with synthesis, remodelling, degradation and recycling intimately associated. In this BBSRC David Phillips Fellowship I will genetically and biochemically dissect these pathways using a multi-disciplinary approach. By employing unbiased genetic screens and our body's ability to sense peptidoglycan fragments I will uncover for the first time the genetic and mechanistic basis of peptidoglycan stem-peptide recycling in pathogenic mycobacteria. I will go on to dissect the molecular basis of peptidoglycan biosynthesis, remodelling and degradation so that we might better understand this important and druggable pathway in mycobacteria, with the long-term aim of reducing the burden of antimicrobial resistance.

Technical Summary

Most bacteria wrap themselves in a cell wall which protects them from a wide range of stresses. Textbooks present this wall as a static, un-changing structure. This is completely false. To grow, divide and carry out metabolic operations the cell wall must be a dynamic and plastic structure. This is true of all walled bacteria but represents a unique challenge to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) which has a complex, tripartite cell wall. The peptidoglycan (PG) layer of mycobacteria is covalently bound to a large polysaccharide called arabinogalactan. This layer is then esterified by mycolic acids which along with free glycolipids form the outer membrane of Mtb. This means that at each stage of growth and division the bacteria need to manipulate all of these layers by cutting and remodelling. This process generates a diverse array of small molecules including fragments of PG.

I have previously shown that pathogenic mycobacteria, including Mtb recycle these PG fragments and that this process is important for antimicrobial resistance and growth in macrophages. During this David Phillips Fellowship I will elucidate the mechanism by which mycobacteria recycle their stem peptides by harnessing our bodies' PG sentinels, the NOD-receptors. To complete this pathway, I will uncover the molecular basis of the cleavage of a key bond in PG, the D-lactyl-ether of MurNAc. Next, I will determine the molecular basis of PG degradation in Mtb, which will allow us to identify the fragments produced by the bacterium that feed PG-fragment recycling. Finally, to complete the cycle I will establish the biosynthetic and inhibitory potential of the penicillin binding protein complement from Mtb. Together, these data will provide an unprecedented window into the details of PG biosynthesis, remodelling, degradation and recycling in this global pathogen. This will support future drug discovery efforts and help us understand how these bacteria modulate or evade sensing by the immune system.

Planned Impact

Tuberculosis (TB) is a major driver of poverty, afflicting young people disproportionately in their most productive years. This burden is increasing with the rise of antimicrobial resistance, including multi- and extensively-drug resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Any efforts to alleviate this disease could have long term health and economic impacts, especially in developing nations. Peptidoglycan (PG) metabolism in mycobacteria is an important field of research that is gaining in profile. By developing a molecular understanding of this crucial pathway, we will be able to inform future drug discovery efforts. As such, the single greatest impact of this work would be felt with the development of a novel antimycobacterial drug. A key consideration here is that the timeline of bringing a drug to market from an initial hit is on the scale of 10-20 years. Despite this lag, one of the substantial benefits of this Fellowship is that I propose to characterise a system for which drug scaffolds already exist. This can accelerate the use of beta-lactam antibiotics in mycobacterial disease treatment which could have a much more immediate impact.

Another aspect of this project is in non-tuberculosis mycobacterial diseases. For example, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is a major health threat in the farming industry causing an estimated £13 million in losses each year. It is possible that treatments that are less effective at treating TB, or have poor side-effects in humans will be useful in farming. Intriguingly, MAP is also associated with human Crohn's disease in a manner that is thought to be NOD-dependent. Insights into PG fragment recycling in TB may be applicable in this disease as well, which could have substantial impacts in human healthcare.

The second group for which a significant impact would be felt is the UK research community. This will be felt in two ways aside from those listed in the academic beneficiaries statement. First, by awarding me this David Phillips Fellowship the BBSRC will be further investing in a centre of research excellence at the University of Birmingham. This investment will help to enhance Birmingham's research-driven teaching programmes which will develop the next generation of UK bioscience innovators. Secondly, within the immediate timescale of this Fellowship I will be involved in the training of a research technician and a PhD student (provided by the School of Biosciences) who will gain or enhance their expertise in a variety of techniques which will position them to contribute in meaningful ways to the growing bioeconomy regardless of their career aspirations.

The final group of beneficiaries is the public. I am currently engaged with several outreach activities including the Access 2 Birmingham program, the IMI Summer School program, and University Open Days. In these capacities I have sought to share my research in an accessible way so that people have an understanding of how we are using their money to tackle complex and important problems. As another means of public engagement, I am active on social media in promoting science and good science practises as well as my own research outputs.

This David Phillips Fellowship will deliver excellent short-term impacts and has the potential to make exceptional long-term impacts on human health by addressing the BBSRC priority area of antimicrobial resistance. Through this David Phillips Fellowship the BBSRC will be able to improve our fundamental understanding of an important human pathogen, combat antimicrobial resistance and contribute to the bioeconomy.


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Dörr T (2019) Editorial: Bacterial Cell Wall Structure and Dynamics. in Frontiers in microbiology

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Moynihan PJ (2019) The hydrolase LpqI primes mycobacterial peptidoglycan recycling. in Nature communications

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Preciado-Llanes L (2020) Evasion of MAIT cell recognition by the African Salmonella Typhimurium ST313 pathovar that causes invasive disease. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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Harding CJ (2021) A rotary mechanism for allostery in bacterial hybrid malic enzymes. in Nature communications

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Cooper C (2022) MadR mediates acyl CoA-dependent regulation of mycolic acid desaturation in mycobacteria. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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Al-Jourani O (2023) Identification of D-arabinan-degrading enzymes in mycobacteria. in Nature communications

Description During the initial phase of this award (2019), we finished the work of my previous Fellowship which enabled its publication. This is described in more detail in the "Nothing wasted: Peptidoglycan recycling in mycobacteria" award. Briefly, we found that mycobacteria recycle their peptidoglycan and that a hydrolase, LpqI, makes this possible. COVID19 then severely hampered work for much of 2020 and 2021. The second major finding was the discovery of a group of enzymes that collectively degrade mycobacterial arabinogalactan. We have not yet published this work, but it is a major finding and will dramatically enhance the field of mycobacterial cell wall biology. .

Update (2021): We have made some incremental advances on the project, but in terms of core work it has been really difficult due to COVID19 to finish anything. We hope 2021 will be much more productive. Separately, we have worked with a few other groups to publish work that was done either leading up to COVID, or during the brief reprieve from lockdown in 2020 (my lab could barely function at that time due to local space restrictions). Nonetheless, we supported several major advances in Bdellovibrio biology, a collaboration that came about as a result of this Fellowship.

Update (2022): The project has moved significantly in 2022. We have been able to leverage expertise gained through the fellowship to discover a large group of novel cell wall recycling enzymes with a biotechnological impact. These enzymes are being deployed as a new generation of mycobacterial lysis reagents with applications in mycobacterial diagnostics.

Update (2023): We have now filed a patent application on our lysis reagent (not yet published) and had a manuscript detailing the discovery of new cell wall degradation enzymes accepted for publication.

Update (2024): We have discovered a new enzyme which is critical for lipoarabinomannan turnover by mycobacteria, which has led to a new BBSRC responsive mode grant and a paper that is currently in revision at Nature Communications. We also developed a new partnership looking at bacterial dormancy, the first paper from which was published in Nature.
Exploitation Route The recycling work has been previously described, however it will lead to a better understanding of how the organism interfaces with the host and from there will enable the development of host-directed therapeutics. The novel cell wall enzymes will be used first by the research community as tools, especially given that similar proteins have never been described. Secondly, we are leveraging their activity for potential translational impacts such as developing a reagent to efficiently lyse mycobacteria for sequencing efforts, something which is not currently possible without significant equipment investment. These have been recently disclosed in a patent application.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description As of March 2, 2022 we have filed a patent application covering our novel mycobacterial lysis reagent. In brief, our collection of enzymes enable rapid lysis of mycobacteria without the need of mechanical shearing/lysis tools. This will dramatically lower costs and increase through-put for mycobacterial diagnostics. We currently have two commercial partners with significant interest in this technology and are in talks with them about a licensing deal. This has now advanced to the stage of having several smaller follow-on grants to enhance development of the reagent. We have also had serious discussions with biotech companies about licensing our technology.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Healthcare
Impact Types Societal


Description BBSRC - Impact Acceleration Account, Birmingham - Development of a mycobacterial lysis reagent.
Amount £19,216 (GBP)
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2021 
End 12/2021
Description Understanding the role of D-arabinanases in mycobacterial physiology and pathogenicity
Amount £516,567,500 (GBP)
Organisation Wellcome Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2023 
End 04/2031
Description Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund - Development of a mycobacterial lysis reagent
Amount £6,540 (GBP)
Organisation University of Birmingham 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2021 
End 08/2021
Description alpha-Mannan hydrolysing enzymes as drivers of mycobacterial cell surface diversity
Amount £52,715,100 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/X00841X/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2023 
End 06/2026
Title Mycobacterial lysis reagent 
Description My lab in collaboration with Dr. Elisabeth Lowe at Newcastle has developed a novel enzymatic lysis reagent for mycobacteria. This uses a set of novel enzymes for which we have filed a patent application (this is not yet published). These enzymes degrade the central component of the mycobacterial cell wall thereby releasing DNA or RNA for analysis. We are really excited about the potential of this system, and will be submitting a paper detailing the methodology soon. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact We have a patent application filed as of March 3, 2022 and we are actively collaborating with two industry partners to commercialise this technology. 
Description Exploration of the immunological impact of peptidoglycan recycling in mycobacteria 
Organisation Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
Country Portugal 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution During the course of my research I have generated several new strains of mycobacteria lacking specific cell wall metabolism genes. I have provided these strains to the group of Margarida Saraiva at IBMC so that they can test them for altered immunological properties.
Collaborator Contribution The group of Margarida Saraiva at IBMC will be evaluating the immunological impact of strains provided by me in the context of macrophage infection.
Impact The group at IBMC have identified significant changes in the survival (more than a log increase in growth) of PG- recycling deficient M. bovis BCG mutants within bone marrow-derived macrophages. They are now following up with additional studies to try and pinpoint the cause and effect of this change.
Start Year 2016
Description Identification of enzymes involved in the degradation of mycobacterial cell walls by human gut bacteria. 
Organisation Newcastle University
Department Institute for Cell and Molecular Biosciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is a 50/50 collaborative project with Dr. Elisabeth Lowe at Newcastle. In this project I have been providing substrates for the growth of gut bacteria and study of specific enzymes related to the degradation of mycobacterial cell walls. I have also been providing expertise on mycobacterial cell wall components and study design for enzyme characterisation. My group has been characterising some of the enzymes involved in this project including crystallography, kinetics and substrate identification. We are currently engaged with the characterisation of TB homologs of these gut microbe enzymes.
Collaborator Contribution My collaborators at Newcastle (lead by Dr. Elisabeth Lowe) have been testing gut bacteria for their ability to degrade polymers derived from the mycobacterial cell wall. This work identified a few bacteria, and subsequently specific enzymes required for this function. Dr. Lowe's group have substantial expertise in the characterisation of carbohydrate active enzymes and have characterised several of the enzymes identified in this project.
Impact Very recently we were awarded a EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Molecular Sciences for Medicine PhD studentship (located at Newcastle with me as second supervisor from Birmingham). This student will be applying some of our new enzymes and technologies in the context of M. abscessus. This has lead to an industrial collaboration with Helixworks Technologies Ltd., a BBSRC IAA award and a Wellcome Trust ISSF award. We have filed a patent application for technology relating to DNA purification from mycobacteria with the support of the Birmingham and Newcastle business development teams. Secondly, we are seeking follow-on funding to extend this project beyond its current scope.
Start Year 2017
Description Investigation of dormancy responses by mutant strains of mycobacteria 
Organisation University of Leicester
Department Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are generating mutant strains of mycobacteria to be tested by the group of Galina Mukmalova in Leicester for their capacity to resuscitate from dormancy.
Collaborator Contribution The group of Galina Mukmalova in Leicester will be taking our strains into assays they are proficient in to determine their ability to resuscitate from dormancy.
Impact It is still too early for outcomes/outputs to be generated.
Start Year 2016
Description Mechanisms of Bdellovibrio predation 
Organisation University of Birmingham
Department School of Biosciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I work regularly with Dr. Andrew Lovering on unravelling mechanisms of Bdellovibrio predation. This work started because of my experience working with peptidoglycan-active enzymes, and has grown into a collaboration involving various biochemical approaches.
Collaborator Contribution Dr. Lovering leads a world-leading structural biology group. They are interested in the molecular basis of complex phenotypes, and frequently require support on the biochemistry of the systems they are studying. Dr. Lovering's group develops projects and obtains structural information and I support their efforts through assay design, experimental support and data interpretation.
Impact 1. Meek, R. W., Cadby, I. T., Moynihan, P. J., and Lovering, A. L. (2019) Structural basis for activation of a diguanylate cyclase required for bacterial predation in Bdellovibrio. Nat Commun. 10, 4086-13 2. Cadby, I. T., Basford, S. M., Nottingham, R., Meek, R., Lowry, R., Lambert, C., Tridgett, M., Till, R., Ahmad, R., Fung, R., Hobley, L., Hughes, W. S., Moynihan, P. J., Sockett, R. E., and Lovering, A. L. (2019) Nucleotide signaling pathway convergence in a cAMP-sensing bacterial c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase. EMBO J. 38, 73 3. Harding, C. J., Huwiler, S. G., Somers, H., Lambert, C., Ray, L. J., Till, R., Taylor, G., Moynihan, P. J., Sockett, R. E., and Lovering, A. L. (2020) A lysozyme with altered substrate specificity facilitates prey cell exit by the periplasmic predator Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. Nat Commun. 11, 4817 4. Harding, C. J., Cadby, I. T., Moynihan, P. J., and Lovering, A. L. (2021) A rotary mechanism for allostery in bacterial hybrid malic enzymes. Nat Commun. 12, 1-12
Start Year 2016
Description Systems biology of mycobacteria 
Organisation University of Birmingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Dr. Manuel Banzhaf and I are currently engaged on a project involving a chemical genomics screen of mycobacteria. He has obtained some funding (which I helped to write the applications for) to pursue this project. Briefly, we will be taking our ordered, single-gene-deletion library of M. bovis BCG and subjecting it to thousands of perturbations so that we might identify functions for the large proportion of unknown function genes in the mycobacterial genome.
Collaborator Contribution Dr. Banzhaf is an expert in chemical genomics, and I am an expert in mycobacteriology. We are combining our expertise in this project as such. We have a co-supervised PhD student working on this project (MIBTP - BBSRC DTP).
Impact It is too early to have outputs, this project will take some time to develop and ideally more funding after we have generated some preliminary data.
Start Year 2019