Mechanisms of circadian disruption by the modern light environment

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Clinical Neurosciences


Life on Earth has evolved under a rhythmically changing cycle of day and night. As a result, virtually all organisms have evolved internal biological clocks with a period of ~24h. These circadian clocks (from the Latin 'circa diem', or around a day) enable organisms to anticipate and adapt to predictable changes in their environment. In mammals, the master circadian clock is located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) in the brain. Rhythms in the SCN are generated by a genetic feedback mechanism which regulates processes throughout our bodies.

A clock is of no use unless it can be set to the correct time. The SCN receives light information from the eye, which synchronises circadian rhythms to the external light/dark (LD) cycle - a process termed entrainment. This led researchers to investigate the light sensitive cells (photoreceptors) mediating these effects. The retinal contains two classes of photoreceptor - the rods (which mediate night-time vision) and cones (which give us our day-time colour vision). Remarkably, mice lacking both rods and cones still retain circadian responses to light. This led to the discovery of a novel retinal photoreceptor system, consisting of a subset of photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (pRGCs) expressing the blue-light sensitive pigment melanopsin.

The discovery of the melanopsin system has led to a remarkable public awareness of the circadian effects of evening blue light, including a particular concern about light from mobile devices. This has resulted in an increasing interest from the lighting and electronics industry, who are keen to develop lighting to avoid these circadian effects. However, simply reducing blue light overlooks the basic biology of this system. For example, melanopsin pRGCs do not work in isolation, and receive light input from rods and cones. As such, loss of melanopsin does not abolish circadian entrainment. Indeed, increasing data indicate that rods and cones also play important roles, which suggest that reducing blue light alone may be ineffective.

This project will investigate the mechanisms mediating the effects of evening light exposure on circadian rhythms. We have shown that exposure to dim light on an evening over the course of a week produces a misalignment of circadian rhythms in mice - replicating human studies. This provides a model for us to study the role of retinal photoreceptors in circadian disruption to evening light. By studying this response to specific colours and intensities of light at this time, we can define which photoreceptors contribute. We can then develop lighting conditions based upon these photoreceptors, enabling us to minimise these circadian effects. We can also confirm our findings using mouse models which lack the key photoreceptors. These studies will also investigate the role of daytime light levels to determine if brighter light during the day (and specifically the morning) can reduce the disruptive effects of evening light. Based on the findings of this first set of experiments, we will then compare our non-disruptive lighting conditions with disruptive conditions to study how circadian clocks throughout the body are affected by long-term exposure to evening light. We will also use these conditions to study how light activates the brain to enable us to understand the key brain regions involved in these responses. Finally, we will use these lighting conditions to investigate how sleep and performance are influenced by light.

We are exposed to artificial lighting throughout our lives with little appreciation of its biological effects. This proposal will provide critical information about the consequences of the modern light environment and the biological mechanisms underlying these responses. Critically, this work will also provide new data to help design lighting to avoid these detrimental effects.

Technical Summary

This project addresses the specific neural mechanisms by which the modern light environment disrupts circadian rhythms. The rise of artificial lighting and light emitting mobile devices means that we are increasingly exposed to light during our biological night. Accumulating evidence suggests that this produces circadian misalignment, with consequences for long-term health. However, our understanding of the mechanisms underlying these responses is limited. Despite increasing public and industry interest in reducing evening blue-light to reduce melanopsin activation, empirical data suggest that this approach alone may be ineffective.

This proposal will characterise the photoreceptors mediating the effects of chronic evening light exposure on circadian rhythms. Mice exposed to 4h of dim light on an evening over multiple days show a delayed phase of entrainment. This effect is also observed in mice lacking melanopsin. As such, we hypothesise that reducing activation of both melanopsin AND rods will be necessary to minimise the circadian effects of evening light. To test this, we will conduct irradiance response curves to monochromatic evening light to enable us to construct an action spectrum for this response and define the photoreceptors involved. We will then determine the effects of polychromatic light, optimising the activation of specific photoreceptor channels to minimise these disruptive effects.

We will then use disruptive and non-disruptive lighting conditions to study the effects of light on molecular clocks in central and peripheral oscillators. Using whole brain Fos mapping based upon clearing, we will also study the effects of these lighting conditions on the activation of different brain regions to define the neural pathways mediating these responses. Finally, we will compare the effects of these lighting conditions on sleep and cognitive performance, using electrophysiological and behavioural methods, respectively.

Planned Impact

The wider impact of the proposed research will be built on extending the existing networks that the lead researchers have already established within the scientific community, industrial sector, health care sectors and public policy advisors, as well as the promotion of research to the general public.

Beneficiaries and users of the research
Beneficiaries of this research include the scientific and clinical research communities, healthcare professionals and the wider public in general. This research will also benefit the commercial and private sector - particularly with regard to the lighting industry for disrupted circadian rhythms and retinal neuroprotection.

Data from this proposal will enable researchers working with human subjects (both within the SCNi and the wider research community) to develop improved study designs. The work in this proposal is also expected to result in industrial collaborations with lighting and electronic manufacturers interested in optimising lighting in environmental and architectural settings as well as from mobile devices

Communications and Engagement
SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY: As well as the publication of internationally competitive science in prominent peer-reviewed journals, the applicants regularly present data at both the national and international level. The applicants are also regularly invited to speak at national and international meetings ensuring the widest possible scientific audience.

HEALTH CARE: Ongoing collaborations between the SCNi and Oxford Eye Hospital form an ideal opportunity to communicate general implications and specific details of this work to health care professionals.

PUBLIC: SNP and RGF are regular contributors to national newspapers and television. SNP was one of three researchers invited to take part in the Biosense exhibition at the Natural History Museum in Oxford. This BBSRC Sparking Impact-funded exhibition on contemporary science at Oxford University ran for 3 months, with an estimated 200,000 visitors over this time. He also worked with Oxford Impacts to prepare a short animated film, providing an ideal format for communication of this research to the public (>72,000 views). RGF is a well-known contributor to television and radio programmes relating to circadian rhythms, sleep and light. His TED talk on 'Why do we sleep?' from 2013 has received over 7 million views. The PIs will continue to seek similar opportunities throughout the course of this proposal to maximise the public impact of this work.

PUBLIC POLICY: SNP has close links with the Public Health England (PHE). He also contributed to an expert working group on the measurement of light for non-image forming responses (Lucas et al., 2014, >350 citations to date). This work has formed the basis for proposals under consideration by the International Lighting Commission (CIE).

THIRD SECTOR: As chair of the University of Oxford's 3Rs sub-committee, SNP works closely with the NC3Rs, and is academic lead for the NC3Rs regional programme manager in Oxford.

Exploitation and application
The increasing public and industry interest in the circadian effects of light make this proposal extremely timely and of direct application in a number of different areas. SNP and RGF are regularly approached by the lighting industry to provide advice regarding the non-visual effects of light. SNP and RGF were recently involved in private consultancy via OU Innovation for a major UK electronics manufacturer.

Capacity and involvement
The impact activities will primarily be undertaken by SNP and RGF, with contributions from PDRA, and named collaborators. The SCNi and NDCN also have dedicated staff to facilitate public engagement activities, providing additional added value.


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publication icon
Webler FS (2019) What is the 'spectral diet' of humans? in Current opinion in behavioral sciences

publication icon
Hughes S (2021) Zfhx3 modulates retinal sensitivity and circadian responses to light. in FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

publication icon
Van Der Vinne V (2024) Methods to estimate body temperature and energy expenditure dynamics in fed and fasted laboratory mice: effects of sleep deprivation and light exposure. in Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology

Description Dim light in the evening (DLE) is a common feature of the modern lighting environment, with artificial light sources extending the solar day. We have shown that 4h of dim light in the evening results in a significant delay in circadian rhythm phase, as well as disrupted sleep. Moreover, such light exposure affects learning and memory and can shift the circadian clock in the liver. These findings have important implications for cognitive and metabolic health, and highlight the need to improve our understanding of artificial light exposure to limit its adverse effects. These data were published in PNAS in 2021.

Since this publication, we have also shown metabolic effects of DLE, resulting in changes in metabolic rate and body weight. We have also shown that widely-suggested approaches to reducing the effects of DLE, such as blue light filtering, are likely to be ineffective. We are currently exploring alternative approaches to minimising circadian disruption.
Exploitation Route Increased understanding of the circadian effects of light are essential to develop better artificial lighting that minimises the adverse effects of mistimed light exposure. We are currently extending this work to characterise the photoreceptors mediating these disruptive effects of light and the central pathways mediating these responses.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)






Description As a result of findings, I was invited to give evidence as part of a House of Lords select committee on the effects of artificial light.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Environment,Healthcare
Impact Types Societal

Policy & public services

Description Brain Networks Underlying Sleep and Circadian Rhythm Disruption (SCRD) in Mental Health
Amount £2,998,922 (GBP)
Funding ID 226975/Z/23/Z 
Organisation Wellcome Trust 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2023 
End 05/2028
Description Consequences of Artificial Light Exposure for Healthy Physiology
Amount £683,377 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/X002357/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2023 
End 12/2025
Title Validation of DVC for circadian and sleep phenotyping 
Description In collaboration with Tecniplast, we are testing their digital ventilated cage (DVC) system for circadian phenotyping as well as validating this approach for non invasive measurement of sleep. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This work is still in progress, but the collaboration has already led to one publication on the effects of home cage lighting on mouse activity. Circadian validation is complete and we have all data on validation of sleep in comparison with gold standard electroencephalography (EEG). 
Title Validation of thermal imaging 
Description We have conducted a validation of the use of thermal imaging for non-invasive study of body temperature in mice. This involved a comparison of thermal imaging vs implanted telemetry devices to assess circadian rhythms in body temperature. This also describes methods for the analysis of longitudinal thermal imaging data. We show that whilst thermal imaging is ideal to study changes in body temperature within individual animals, for example as a result of a procedure, it does not provide a reliable real time indicator of core body temperature. We also show that due to noise in measurements, 'snap shot' analysis of body temperature is similarly not valid. Thermal imaging is increasingly used in laboratory animal science, and this is the first study to properly assess the validity of this method. This work was published in 2020 (Van der Vinne et al., 2020 Sci Rep). 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact We are currently using this method extensively within our group and that of our collaborators. This is particularly useful for studying daily torpor, which may occur when mice are metabolically challenged. 
Title Tam_etal_dataset.xlsx 
Description Dataset, Tam et al. (2021) PNAS 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description 2nd Circadian Photometry Workshop 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I was involved with the 1st Circadian Photometry Workshop in 2013, which led to a highly cited expert review (Lucas, Peirson et al., 2014 TINs, >650 citations to date). This second workshop built upon this previous work, with the aim of providing guidelines for light exposure for circadian health.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Tim Brown (University of Manchester) organised this workshop, and has been coordinating a manuscript based upon the consensus opinion on light exposure levels. This is currently in preparation for submission in 2020.
Impact The first workshop recommendations were published in 2014: Robert J Lucas, Stuart N Peirson, David M Berson, Timothy M Brown, Howard M Cooper, Charles A Czeisler, Mariana G Figueiro, Paul D Gamlin, Steven W Lockley, John B O'Hagan, Luke LA Price, Ignacio Provencio, Debra J Skene, George C Brainard (2014). Measuring and using light in the melanopsin age. Trends in Neurosciences. 37 (1). p1-9. The above URL provides a link to the International Lighting Commision (CIE) report on this meeting.
Start Year 2013
Description Circadian Training School 
Organisation Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Invited to contribute to the 2019 Circadian Training School in Munich, Germany. Here I gave a workshop on 'Sleep and Alertness: Mechanisms Regulating These Profoundly Complex Behaviours'. This was largely influenced by the research funded by this project.
Collaborator Contribution Organisation of training school, which was attended by >40 students from across the world.
Impact Increased uptake of non-invasive methods we have developed, which were described in this workshop.
Start Year 2019
Description Smith College, Massachusetts 
Organisation Smith College
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our project studies the effects of dim light in the evening (DLE) on circadian rhythms of activity as well as sleep. As part of this work, we are also studying the impact of DLE on processes throughout the body, including effects on recognition memory and circadian clocks in peripheral tissues. The latter requires collecting tissue for qPCR.
Collaborator Contribution Collaboration with Prof Mary Harrington has enabled us to study the effects of dim evening light on circadian clocks in the liver in wake behaving mice, as well as their feeding behaviour. This provides a major advance over studying clock gene expression ex vivo, and can also determine how mistimed feeding influences these processes. This provides an important mechanistic advance to our original research project.
Impact This work has been driven by a student in Prof Harrington's lab, who is currently applying for a PhD in Oxford. This work has been submitted as an abstract for the 2020 Society for Research on Biological Rhythms (SRBR) conference in Florida, USA.
Start Year 2019
Description University of Toronto 
Organisation University of Toronto
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We conducted a meta-analysis of microarray data as part of a student project. Prof Cheng's lab has knockout mice of one of the key genes identified as part of this work. We are therefore collaborating to determine if sleep is affected in these mice.
Collaborator Contribution Identification of novel sleep genes using transcriptomic meta-analysis and qPCR validation of results.
Impact We are preparing a manuscript based upon this project
Start Year 2021
Description 2nd Circadian Photometry Meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Meeting of experts on the circadian effects of light to provide empirical guidelines for lighting design. Outcome of the meeting was written up as a research paper, which is currently under review.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Association of Independent Optometrists 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited to give a talk on "Circadian Rhythms and The Effects of Blue Light on Sleep" as part of a national training school for independent optometrists
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Circadian Photometry in Practice 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Organising meeting of academics involved in circadian photometry with lighting industry figures to exchange knowledge and provide guidance on human centric lighting. This virtual meeting is planned for March/April 2021
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description UNIQ Summer School 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Gave research presentation on light and the body clock as part of UNIQ Summer School run by the University of Oxford. Sixth form students from state schools across the UK are given the opportunity to experience a week of lectures and tutorials from Oxford academics to encourage wider access.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020