An integrated strategy for control of animal and plant parasitic nematodes through targeting MOD-1

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Centre for Biological Sciences


Nematodes are simple roundworms that share a similar worm-like shape yet range in size from the smallest microscopic species to a gigantic 3 metre long parasitic worm of sperm whale. They inhabit a correspondingly diverse range of habitats and include free-living and parasitic species. Free-living species are beneficial to the ecosystem. In contrast parasitic species cause major losses in food production and also 'neglected' human tropical diseases. The control of these nematodes is a particularly timely problem now for two reasons: The chemicals used to protect crops from plant parasitic nematodes are extremely toxic to users and the environment and are being withdrawn from use whilst at the same time drugs used to treat animal parasitic worm infections are losing their efficacy because nematodes are becoming resistant. Clearly, an approach is needed which will deliver chemicals that have low environmental impact and drugs that break resistance by acting in a completely new way. Arguably, the most successful nematicidal compounds to date have been those that have effects on the neuromuscular system of the worm. This means the worms can't move, feed or lay eggs and ultimately die. Of these, the most outstanding compound is ivermectin. Indeed, its discoverers won the Nobel Prize for the extraordinary benefit this compound has delivered to veterinary and human medicine. It revolutionised the treatment of human river blindness. An ivermectin-like chemical is also used in crop protection as a seed treatment. A key reason to the success of ivermectin is its selective toxicity i.e. it kills the parasite but has no detrimental effect on the mammalian host. It achieves this because it acts on a discrete signalling molecule, called a GluCl receptor that is only found in invertebrates. Therefore, the nematode worm has this receptor, and is killed by ivermectin, while the vertebrate mammalian host is unharmed. Unfortunately, due to more than three decades of use resistance to ivermectin has emerged and is a severe and increasing problem in the treatment of parasitic worms. Moreover, ivermectin kills a wide range of invertebrates including beneficial organisms and thus is not without environmental impact. We have found a new target that not only would deliver resistance-breaking chemicals but would also have lower toxicity to beneficial ecosystems. This target is the receptor MOD-1, first discovered in the nervous system of the nematode C. elegans that is widely used in laboratories around the world as a 'model' organism for parasitology. Importantly, activating the MOD-1 channel paralyses C. elegans showing that chemicals that target MOD-1 would be nematicidal. In addition, blocking MOD-1 disables plant parasitic nematodes and they can no longer enter roots. Notably, MOD-1 is largely restricted to the nematodes and is not widely found in insects e.g. in bees, and not at all in higher animals including mammals: This provides a compelling argument that chemicals that act on MOD-1 would have an excellent profile in terms of their selective toxicity. They could be deployed in veterinary medicine to kill the parasite whilst being well-tolerated by the animal receiving treatment and in crop protection to prevent plant disease but leave pollinating insects safe. The biology of this channel is intrinsically fascinating: We will characterise it using genetics, pharmacology and molecular modelling and in doing so find chemicals that interact with MOD-1. The latter will address the urgent need by both the agrochemical sector and the animal health sector for new environmentally friendly approaches to parasite control.

Technical Summary

We will characterise a 5-HT-gated chloride channel MOD-1 as a new target for chemical control of parasitic nematodes: Its potential is demonstrated as 5-HT acting as an agonist on MOD-1 causes paralysis and the antagonist methiothepin protects plants from invasion. MOD-1 is not found in arthropods and therefore has potential for low environmental impact. We will resolve MOD-1 orthosteric and allosteric binding sites through identification of conserved residues using an evolutionary approach, homology modelling and virtual screening. This will be facilitated by identification of agonists and antagonists in a novel assay in which selective expression of parasite MOD-1 in the M4 neuron of C. elegans confers lethality in the presence of an agonist such as 5-HT, and this is blocked by the orthosteric ligand methiothepin. It incorporates bioavailability and off-target effects. This M4 assay will be used to express MOD-1 from parasites of economic importance and select MOD-1 agonists and antagonists from biased compound libraries. MOD-1 expression in Xenopus oocyte will permit pharmacological definition of compound efficacy. Orthosteric agonists will be distinguished from positive allosteric modulators (PAMS) by methiothepin antagonism. In silico docking of MOD-1 compounds will refine homology modelling using available crystal structures of cys-loop ligand-gated chloride channels to resolve un-explored chemical space including both orthosteric and allosteric sites and guide synthesis of chemicals targeted at MOD-1. These will be validated in the M4 assay. Validated lead compounds will be screened for efficacy against parasites and tested for off target toxicity against a panel of organisms including beneficial insects.

Planned Impact

A: Beneficiaries A1: Commercial private sector The Animal Health industry and Agrochemical sectors are a mainstay of the economy e.g. livestock generates 41% of the EU agricultural output and the British Potato Council (BPC) estimates UK potato production has at c. £3 billion pa. Recent nematicide bans and anthelmintic resistance, drive a need for improved control methods underpinned by basic pre-competitive research. This project will demonstrate that an integrated approach to control for crops and animals can support agronomic and animal health needs. A2. Environmental organisations There are increasing concerns on the use of chemical in the environment reflecting growing public awareness of the damage they can cause. This project will show this can be addressed by a sound scientific rationale that constrains the impact of control methods to pests and parasites. A3. Farmers and growers Nematicides are the largest variable cost of the growers. This project will address concerns on the lack of basic biological knowledge of the parasitic nematodes e.g. UK Potato Council, Agr & Hort Develop Board, Research Strategy 2012-15). A4. Livestock producers. Anthelmintics account for c. Euros 2 billion of the veterinary pharmaceutical market but resistance limits their effectiveness. Our project will demonstrate a new approach to control. A5. Companion animals Dogs will benefit from the investigation of new heart worm treatments (c. 1 million dogs in the US). A.6 International growers: Nematodes cause losses of c. $ 157 billion pa; this will increase without new controls. The project will underpin global efforts to improve crop protection strategies and in the longer term will benefit growers. A7. Supermarkets: Some supermarkets see value in removing even the theoretical risk of pesticide residues from crops including potatoes. The outputs of this project, by identifying new mechanisms for plant parasitic nematode control, may in the longer term support that policy. A8: Policy-makers: DEFRA and the Scottish Government (SG) must implement the EU's Directive 91/414/EEC withdrawing nematicides. DEFRA and SG must also support an EU Directive for potato cyst nematodes (2007/33/EC; 2010) and need evidence of alternative controls. A9: General Public: There is a need to maintain efficient and inexpensive staple foods for the UK population. This work will support that need in the long term. B: Nature of benefits from this research B1: Benefits for UK economic competitiveness: LHD/VOC/PEU filed patent no. PCT/GB2018/051770 (25/06/2018) for exploitation of 5-HT signalling, including MOD-1. The project will provide patents as and when appropriate. Together this will create dialogue with industry for commercial exploitation of intellectual property: Thus it will support industry in tackling the challenges they face in developing new products with low environmental toxicity. B2. Benefits for UK producers: This work will build a platform to address the problem of nematode control that faces many UK producers i.e. how to sustain yields in the face of an increasing threat from parasitic nematodes whilst sparing beneficial ecosystems. B3: Increasing the effectiveness of public services and policy: It is relevant for those who seek to implement change in policies such as EU regulation EC 1107/2009 and implementation of 2007/33/EC to be aware that the UK science base supports its agricultural sector and is working to develop measures to address new legislation. B4: Enhancing cultural enrichment, quality of life and health i) Reducing reliance on hazardous pesticides benefits UK biodiversity and food production ii) Researchers will be trained in an important area alongside a new Enterprise Unit at Southampton, primed by a BBSRC Follow-on-Fund, that will translate basic science to food security and facilitate movement of trained personnel to industry iii) Links with schools will raise awareness of the of role science in sustainable food production.
Description Overview: We have identified chemicals that are predicted to be lead compounds for the development of potent agents to control plant parasitic nematodes. These are major pests in agriculture. Our approach has the potential to deliver chemicals that are better tolerated by non-pest invertebrates and thus spare the environment.

Objective 1: Functional orthologues of mod-1.
1.1. Evolutionary analysis of MOD-1: Cloning mod-1 from representative plant and animal parasitic nematodes.
• The evolutionary analysis of MOD-1 across specifies within different clades was assessed in collaboration with Mark Chapman (University Southampton). This is included in the published work: Calahorro F, Chapman M, Dudkiewicz K, Holden-Dye L, O'Connor V. PharmacoGenetic targeting of a C. elegans essential neuron provides an in vivo screening for novel modulators of nematode ion channel function. Pestic Biochem Physiol. 2022 Aug; 186:105152. doi: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2022.105152. Epub 2022 Jun 20. PMID: 35973757.

• The following versions of mod-1 were cloned into the listed destination vector under different promoters (each of the MOD-1 versions are cloned in each destination vector):
List of parasitic species (mod-1 versions) List of destination vectors
M. incognita pDEST::pceh-28
M. hapla pDEST::pmod-1
G. rostochensis pDEST::pmyo-2
H. glycines pDEST::pmyo-3
H. contortus (source of reference: ENA) pDEST::psnb-1
H. contortus (source of reference: WormBase)

This collection of clones was sent by Mirela Coke (University of Leeds). The plasmids are storage at -20 in the freezer labelled as: -20/105 (6160/2570) at L3.
The clone pDEST::pmod-1::Hc wb mod-1 was used to create a non-integrated transgenic strain in a mod-1 (ok103) genetic background (-80 BOX 57, positions 1 to 20). This was used for rescue experiments in 33mM 5-HT trashing paralysis. A significant rescue was observed with this line.
The clone pDEST::pceh-28::Hc wb mod-1 was used to create a non-integrated transgenic strain in a mod-1 (ok103) genetic background (-80 BOX 58, positions 59-73) . This strain has not been tested in any assay

1.2. Establishing function through C. elegans complementation.
The follow transgenic strains were made and used in rescue assays:
N2 (wt) Is [Pceh-28::Cemod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp] x3 outcrossed
mod-1 (ok103) Is [Pceh-28::Cemod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp] x3 outcrossed
N2 (wt) Is [Pceh-28::Gp mod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp] x3 outcrossed
These transgenic strains have been used for complementation and heterologous expression assays. These experiments are included in the published work: Calahorro F, Chapman M, Dudkiewicz K, Holden-Dye L, O'Connor V. PharmacoGenetic targeting of a C. elegans essential neuron provides an in vivo screening for novel modulators of nematode ion channel function. Pestic Biochem Physiol. 2022 Aug; 186:105152. doi: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2022.105152. Epub 2022 Jun 20. PMID: 35973757.

1.3. Providing insight into function through comparative analysis of mod-1 expression.
Using in situ hybridization (FISH) using G. pallida J2s, we were not able to get signal labelling mod-1 expressing cells. Instead, we used FISH to detect serotonergic cells in both C. elegans and G. pallida. These data are being prepared for publication/

Objective 2: Defining the MOD-1 pharmacophore.
2.1. M4 assay for MOD-1 agonists and antagonists.
The M4 developmental assay was performed with transgenic strains overexpressing mod-1 versions specifically in M4 neurons (Pceh-28): N2 (wt) Is [Pceh-28::Cemod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp]; mod-1 (ok103) Is [Pceh-28::Cemod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp]; N2 (wt) Is [Pceh-28::Gp mod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp].
The description establishing M4 assay as a pharmacogenetic tool for screening has been included in the published work: Calahorro F, Chapman M, Dudkiewicz K, Holden-Dye L, O'Connor V. PharmacoGenetic targeting of a C. elegans essential neuron provides an in vivo screening for novel modulators of nematode ion channel function. Pestic Biochem Physiol. 2022 Aug; 186:105152. doi: 10.1016/j.pestbp.2022.105152. Epub 2022 Jun 20. PMID: 35973757. In this work the M4 assay, agonists and antagonists (e.g..5-HT, quipazine) are used as benchmarks for proof of concept.
The outcome from the Pathogen Box screening employing the M4 assays has been included in the manuscript in preparation: "Targeting MOD-1 ion channel in PhaGeM4 platform identifies modulators with anti-parasitic potential".

2.2. Pharmacological characterization of MOD-1 ligands in Xenopus oocytes.
After definition of hits from the PathogenBox screening using both transgenes Pceh-28::Cemod-1 and Pceh-28::Gpmod-1 in M4 developmental assay, we share 3mg aprox of each MMV hit (requested, synthetized and received (10 mg aprox) from Evotec) with Cedric Neveu and Claude Charvet (INRAE, France). They are performing electrophysiology experiments in Xenopus oocytes with the aim to validate MOD-1 activation.
This work is still ongoing. As a preliminary results, the testing of 5-HT and quipazine was carried out. This showed quipazine as a partial agonist of MOD-1.
2.3. Modelling the MOD-1 pharmacophore.
This task was planned to be done in collaboration with Tim Lynagh (University of Bergen, Norway).
This has not been initiated.
2.4. Optimising MOD-1 lead compounds-chemistry and rescreening.
This task was planned to be done in collaboration with Peter Scammells (Monash University, Australia).
This has not been initiated.

Objective 3: Efficacy of MOD-1 agonists and antagonists against target nematodes.
3.1. Test mod-1 ligands for nematicidal activity- plant parasitic nematodes.
After definition of hits from the PathogenBox screening using both transgenes Pceh-28::Cemod-1 and Pceh-28::Gpmod-1 in M4 developmental assay, we share 3mg aprox of each MMV hit (requested, synthetized and received (10 mg aprox) from Evotec) with Peter Urwin (University of Leeds).
Root invasion assays have been carried out testing individual hits, revealing some hits effectively impairing nematode invasion. These data have been included in the manuscript in preparation: "Targeting MOD-1 ion channel in PhaGeM4 platform identifies modulators with anti-parasitic potential".
3.2. Test mod-1 ligands for nematicidal activity- animal parasitic nematodes.
This task was planned to be done in collaboration with Cedric Neveu (INRAE, France) and Adrian Wolstenholme (University of Georgia).
This has not been initiated.

Objective 4: Toxicity testing of MOD-1 selective chemicals.
4.1. Test mod-1 ligands for non-target organism toxicity.
Toxicity assays in Drosophila were carried out testing the set of hits defined after Pathogen Box screening. This has been performed in collaboration with Herman Wijnen (University of Southampton).
To evaluate the toxicity of hits, the oviposition and development were evaluated in Drosophila.

Other resources made during the course of this project.
• We cloned another C. elegans gene that is part of the superfamily of genes encoding Cys loop ligand-gated ion channels, acc-1. ACC-1 subunit forms homomeric acetylcholine-gated channels.
acc-1 was express in M4 neuron as an integrated array.
Only preliminary observations have been done on this line, observing a developmental delay in standard conditions of culturing.

Appendix: List of transgenic strains generated in this project
Transgenic strains Freezer archive
N2 (wt) Is [Pceh-28::Cemod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp] x3 outcrossed 80 BOX 44, positions 63 to 66
mod-1 (ok103) Is [Pceh-28::Cemod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp] x3 outcrossed 80 BOX 49, positions 1
N2 (wt) Is [Pceh-28::Gp mod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp] x3 outcrossed 80 BOX 54, positions 31
N2 (wt) Is [Pceh-28::Ce acc-1; Pmyo-3::gfp] x1 outcrossed -80 BOX 56, positions 41 to 52
N2 (wt) Ex [Pmod-1::Hc wb mod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp] -80 BOX 57, positions 1 to 20
N2 (wt) Ex [Pceh-28::Hc wb mod-1; Pmyo-3::gfp] -80 BOX 58, positions 59-73
Exploitation Route We have ongoing collaborative links with industry partners and will disseminate the findings of the project to these audiences.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description We have collaborated with industry on a project funded Sept 2020 to Jan 2021 to investigate new lead chemicals for nematicidal action. In addition we have secured a funded PhD studentship with industry commenced Oct 2022, which is using the screening platform we have developed in the BBSRC proposal.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Other
Impact Types Economic