Defining mechanisms of antiseptic tolerance against skin microbiota

Lead Research Organisation: Quadram Institute
Department Name: Microbes in the Food Chain


Antiseptics are critical to prevention of infection in humans and animals as bacteria normally found on the skin are the major causes of infections when they gain access to the blood via breakage of the skin barrier or via catheters inserted for various medical reasons. In particular a group of staphylococci (related to MRSA) known as 'coagulase negative staphylococcus (CoNS)' live on skin and cause serious infections in animals and humans, particularly premature babies. Current measures to prevent infection rely on the use of antiseptics to remove pathogens from the skin and hence stop them causing infection. Two major antiseptics are used clinically:chlorhexidine and octenidine, with chlorhexidine also being widely used in animals. Together, these agents are crucial in preventing infections.

Recently there have been multiple reports documenting the identification of CoNS which are unusually tolerant to antiseptics prompting worries that they may become resistant to antisepsis which would result in increased infection risk to humans and animals.

Despite the widespread use of chlorhexidine and octenidine, little is known about how they work and how bacteria could develop resistance to them. The study proposed here will study how these agents work and explore whether antiseptic resistance can occur and if so whether mutant bacteria also become cross-resistant to antibiotics as a result.
We have recently assembled a collection of 1250 CoNS from the skin of babies from two neonatal intensive care units. One in the UK where chlorhexidine is used and one in Germany where octenidine is used. We have seen there are clear differences in antiseptic tolerance between the two units. In this study we will decode the genomes of all the strains we have collected and compare this information with antiseptic susceptibility. This will allow us to identify any genetic changes that cause antiseptic tolerance in the isolates. We will combine this approach with laboratory studies where we will expose selected isolates to each antiseptic and study how they become tolerant. Importantly, we have developed a human skin model we can use to do this which will be a realistic proxy for use in the real world. Again, we will sequence the genomes of any resistant mutants. Together this genetic analysis of resistant isolates and mutants will help us understand the genes involved in antiseptic resistance. We will also see if exposing isolates to the antiseptics makes them change their antibiotic resistance which could result in harder to treat infections.

The applicants have a strong background in studying disinfectants, bacterial genomics and skin responses to infection and we will use those skills here. The data we produce will be used and shared with clinical and veterinary colleagues to inform how best to use antiseptics in animals and humans with a focus on premature babies. We will be able to assess if there is a difference in the risk of bacteria becoming resistant to either of the two major antiseptics which can guide best practice. We will also generate useful information about the mechanisms by which both agents work which will help development of new antiseptics in future.

Technical Summary

The skin microbiome contains many different bacteria which can cause serious infections in humans and animals. Coagulase negative staphylococci are the major opportunistic pathogens present on skin. Antiseptics are crucial to prevention of infection although there is evidence for adaptation of staphylococci to these agents. We have assembled a large panel of coagulase negative staphylococci from babies in the UK where chlorhexidine is the antiseptic used and from Germany where octenidine is used. We have also developed an ex vivo human skin explant model and functional genomics tools to study bacterial adaptation to stress. The objectives of this proposal are to combine study of isolates with laboratory experiments to: understand the mechanisms of antiseptic tolerance and action and to study the potential impacts of antiseptics as drivers of antibiotic cross-resistance.

We will sequence all 1250 isolates and use this data with the susceptibility to antiseptics to identify genes and mutations which correlate with antiseptic tolerance. This will use computational approaches (a genome-wide association study) established by Co-I Page. We will also combine evolution experiments in the presence of both antiseptics with RNAseq and TraDIS transposon mutagenesis (using mutant libraries already made). Experiments will use a skin explant model to mimic antiseptic use in practice. We have already identified two chromosomal efflux pumps as putatively involved in antiseptic tolerance, NorA and NorB and this will be validated along with the role of key, novel candidate genes identified here.

We are engaged with veterinarians, clinicians and industry and data will help develop best practices for antisepsis in animals and humans, in particular neonates. We will also uncover fundamental new biological insights into mechanisms of action and tolerance to two important antimicrobials.

Planned Impact

Multiple groups will benefit from this research, including academics (see 'academic beneficiaries' section for details), veterinarians and clinicians involved in the management of infection, the public where antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a topic of interest and industry where those developing antiseptics will benefit from the data generated in this project. The postdoctoral researchers to be appointed will also benefit in furthering their career and developing skills in functional genomics, molecular microbiology and host-pathogen interactions.

How will they benefit?
Clinical and veterinary beneficiaries:
A goal of this proposal is to provide quantitative and qualitative data to assess impacts of two important antiseptics in selection of tolerant mutants. This is likely to inform the development of neonatal specific guidelines for the use of antiseptics; Mark Webber is engaged with neonatologist Paul Clarke at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) and currently assisting in the analysis of microbiological outcomes from the 'ARCTIC' clinical trial comparing impacts of use of different chlorhexidine formulations on catheter colonisation and sepsis. With German colleagues at the Universitatsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein in Lubeck we aim to begin to formulate neonatal specific best practices for antisepsis combining data from this project with clinical data. We plan a stakeholder meeting to be held in Norwich to present our research to clinical and industrial colleagues in the final year of the project. This will allow us to identify how we can use information from this project to help improve clinical practice and determine the key next steps in this process. We will communicate both locally and internationally with clinical and veterinary colleagues. At the local level, regular meetings are already held (typically bi-monthly) between academics from the UEA Medical School and across the Norwich Research Park and clinical researchers from NNUH. For example, Webber has spoken twice in 2018 to NNUH including at the hospital wide 'Grand round' presentation. We will also visit colleagues at the Cambridge Veterinary School throughout the project.

The public and patients:
The work being undertaken in this proposal is obviously relevant to the public and patients and we are already engaged via the ARCTIC trial with a patient group, consisting of mothers who had premature babies which developed sepsis in the NNUH ICU. These interactions have proven hugely valuable in understanding how any changes to practice which may follow this study will be accepted as well as being an opportunity to communicate directly to a highly relevant sector of the public.
Antimicrobial resistance is undoubtedly of great interest to the general public. Our recent work with biocides and potential for roles in selection of AMR has been featured by the media including live interviews on television and print press reports around the world. The Quadram Institute Bioscience, NNUH and UEA all have press teams which are used to collaborating. These teams will handle media enquiries and write press releases: they are skilled at maximising exposure of interesting research developments to national and international media and we will work closely with them on presenting this topic to as wide an audience as possible.

Development of novel biocidal formulations and understanding impacts of current products are major goals for industry. Webber currently supervises two iCASE students working on biocidal projects with another application submitted. There projects represent collaborations with three separate biocide manufacturers. We aim to disseminate our findings to industry and have initiated regular discussions with Schulke and Mayr (manufacturer of Octenidine), Procter and Gamble and GAMA Healthcare already which we will continue. Our stakeholder meeting in the final year will include industry representation (see letters of support).


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publication icon
Sethi D (2023) The microbiology of indwelling pleural catheter infections. in Clinical and translational science

Description We have defined the population structure of staphylococci from the skin of neonates - allowing us to understand how much variation there is and which strains are resident and how this relates to those that cause disease. We now understand more about the types of strains which cause disease and have identified various genetic markers which help understand how and why epidemic clones have an advantage over other strains.
We have identified proposed mechanisms of antiseptic tolerance, toxic metal tolerance, phage resistance and antimicrobial peptide resistance as key determinants the globally epidemic clone of S. capitis, NRCS-A uses to colonise neonates and published this work in two articles, in collaboration with partners in Germany and UKHSA.
We have described the population structure of a global panel of S. haemolyticus, building a new collaboration with groups in Birmingham, Norway and the Netherlands. This allows us to understand the evolution over time and space of this important species in humans.
We have published work describing the differential impacts of different antiseptic regimes on the skin microbiome of neonates in different UK hospitals.
We have also identified a novel mechanism of antiseptic tolerance by studying our isolates and from in vitro evolution experiments. This data has revealed mutation of FakA, an enzyme involved in membrane lipid remodelling provides increased tolerance to antiseptics. This mechanism appears conserved across different bacterial genera and this work has been published.
Exploitation Route We aim to provide guidance to develop best practices for antisepsis in neonates - so NICE etc. We have joined a national incident management team convened by UKHSA to determine whether there is an outbreak of S. capitis infection which will inform guidelines and practice. The first publications from this have been submitted and will inform policy
We have also initiated a collaboration with GAMA healthcare who develop new biocides and our new data about mechanisms of action and resistance will help design of new improved biocides
Sectors Healthcare


Democracy and Justice

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description We have contributed genomes and data to a UKHSA investigation into the incidence of S. capitis infection in neonates in England and Wales. This study has defined the national incidence and risk factors for infection as well as identifying the key unknown factors underpinning niche adaptation of the NRCS-A endemic clone. This data identifies future research needs and has led to advice for clinicians based on the conclusions of the incident management team. We have also identified the impact of whole body washing of neonates with antiseptics and that this may not reduce microbial burden as intended, this work is being shared with relevant clinicians.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Healthcare
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description Evidence for UK AMR review
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Title Efficient method for high molecular weight isolation of microbial DNA from skin 
Description Development of a method suitable for long-read shotgun metagenomics of the skin microbiome 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Has allowed a very large dataset to be produced cataloguing the evolution of the infant skin microbiome over time 
Description Appointed to UKHSA National Incident Management team re Staphylococcus capitis infection 
Organisation Public Health England
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution UKHSA convened a national incident management team to study the epidemiology and possible clinical implications of a suggested rise in infections by Staphylococcus Capitis in neonates
Collaborator Contribution We contributed data from our collection of carriage isolates to help understand how the skin flora relates to the isolates that cause disease, to determine factors underpinning success of a global clone and we provided expertise in sequencing and bioinformatics.
Impact The collaboration involves clinicians, government (UKHSA), epidemiologists and academics.
Start Year 2021
Description GAMA Healthcare 
Organisation GAMA Healthcare
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Research collaboration with GAMA healthcare to research and develop improved disinfection regimes - including successful application for iCASE PhD (GAMA contributing cash)
Collaborator Contribution GAMA contributing cash for stipend uplift and in kind access to reagents and facilities
Impact None as yet
Start Year 2019
Description NNUH plueral infection 
Organisation Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Department Department of Respiratory Medicine
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution Initiated a study to investigate bacterial causes of infection and colonisation of catheters in pleural patient cohort
Collaborator Contribution Access to clinical samples
Impact none to date
Start Year 2021
Description Unilever (iCASE) 
Organisation Unilever
Department Unilever UK Central Resources Limited
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution New iCASE studentship to explore development of skin microbiota in early life - we provide access to trial subjects and technologies
Collaborator Contribution Uplift to funding for sequencing, experience in skin metagenomics
Impact None as yet
Start Year 2020
Title Methods and Materials for Prosthetic Joint Infection Detection and Diagnosis 
Description Methods for specific diagnosis of implant related infections using novel bacterial biomarkers expressed during joint infection 
IP Reference 2400493.9 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2024
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact Progress is underway in discussion of licensing the IP
Description Biofilms, the good the bad and the ugly. A Webinar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact A global webinar was delivered explaining why biofilms are important, why they are antimicrobial resistant and a perspective on possible treatment options. Invited by GARDP - a WHO initiative for development of new antimicrobials
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Contribution to exhibition 'I'm a Scientist'. 2023 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Contributed material for an exhibition about diverse nature of scientists displayed at Norwich Science Festival
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description How do bacteria evolve? 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Ran a stand at the Norwich Science Festival explaining the history of bacterial evolution and how this still happens today. Over 300 children visited the stand and took away various materials.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description How does the infant skin microbiome change over time? 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Talk at 10th Microbiome R&D Business collaboration forum
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Invited Speaker at 10th Microbiome R&D probiotic conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Gave a talk about skin microbiota
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Invited Speaker at Microbiology Society Focussed meeting (Microbiome and mucosa associated infectious disease, Dublin 2022) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk given about research to microbiome focussed meeting covering aspects of work with Salmonella, E. coli and Staphylococcus
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Norwich Science Festival 2024 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Developed and ran a stand at the Norwich Science Festival communicating the differences between 'good' and 'bad' microbes
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2024
Description Presentation at Microbiology Society Annual General Meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Presentation of population structure of staphylococcus at Microbiology Society Annual Meeting
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022