19-BBSRC-NSF/BIO: A holistic approach to understand drought adaptation in plants, their symbionts, and free-living microbiomes

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences


Drought is devastating to agricultural productivity, and drought intensity and frequency are expected to increase in the coming years. Despite ongoing studies to address the crisis, we are far to find a single solution that will solve it; only combinations of different strategies applied across the AgriFood sector has the potential to achieve transformative effects. For example, recent evidences suggest that soil microbes that live in close association with plants may play a role in plant drought tolerance. Hence, controlling the beneficial interaction of these microbes with the plant is an excellent strategy to help manage water content in the plant. This project proposes to use molecular tools, experiments under controlled conditions, and cutting-edge plant physiological characterization to disentangle the plant-microbe relationships in the context of adaptation to drought stress. This project would advance our progress toward both, understanding the evolution of this interaction, and the development of microbial tools or techniques to improve drought resilience in agroecosystems.

Technical Summary

Root-associated microbes can profoundly affect the physiology and health of their host plants, and these interactions are shaped by genetic variation both in the host species and in microbiome members. Because plant microbiomes are largely derived from the broader soil community, the constituent microbial lineages encounter environmental stressors both with and without a host. It is unknown whether the same microbial genes and traits contribute to stress tolerance and survival in both situations, or whether there is a fitness trade-off between host-associated versus free-living stages. Similarly, it is unknown whether microbiome adaptation to a given environmental challenge impacts the ability of a plant host to withstand the same challenge. The rationale for the proposed work is that we lack clear examples of how adaptation to a shared environmental stressor affects symbiotic interactions between plants and microbial communities. Using drought as a model stressor, we will combine natural environmental gradient sampling, experimental evolution, and physiological assays with shotgun metagenome sequencing to disentangle the genetic, physiological, and ecological interdependencies that shape the evolution of plant microbiomes. Because community-level adaptive responses involve both evolutionary processes and ecological processes, we focus on how they combine to affect emergent microbiome properties: metagenome content and direct assays of microbial influences on plant physiology.
Description Elucidating the mechanisms of plant microbiota selection in response to multiple global change factors 
Organisation Penn State University
Department Department of Biology
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Global change is characterised by the increasing incidence and severity of environmental stresses on biological systems (e.g., drought, environmental pollution, land degradation). These stresses pose significant and growing risks to natural and agricultural systems' primary productivity, global food security, and biodiversity loss for many vulnerable areas of the world. This collaboration is unique in targeting the interactive nature of multiple stressors operating simultaneously and impacting plant-microbiota associations - thus more realistically reflecting the multi-factorial scenarios of global change. Of key relevance, there is still a paucity of studies focusing on how multiple stressors interact and mediate dynamic responses across diverse biological systems. In this proposal, we specifically selected four important global change factors impacting terrestrial plant systems: soil salinity, soil compaction, chemical input (herbicide), and an agent of soil physical change (microplastics). These factors will be tested experimentally using a gradient of increasing factor numbers (i.e., 1, 2, and 4) for their interactive nature and impacts on plant-microbe interactions. This project will seek to elucidate the molecular bases of plant physiological changes in response to multiple stress scenarios that dynamically mediate the assembly and functioning of plant-associated microbiomes. This effort will provide information to harness plant-microbe interactions to mitigate plant stresses under current and future global change scenarios. The objectives of this proposal are: (I) To characterize the impacts of distinct multiple stress combinations (reflecting global change scenarios) on the plant-associated microbiota composition and functions. A focus here will be given to quantifying the nature of multiple stress interactions, for instance, leading to dominance, summative, or interactive effects. (II) To identify shifts in root morphology (root architecture and anatomical traits), metabolism (root exudate chemistry), and transcriptional features associated with plant responses to multiple stress scenarios and dynamically affecting the root-associated microbiota. (III) To validate the regulatory network of plant genes controlling plant-microbiota interactions in response to multiple stress scenarios. My team will do this in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
Collaborator Contribution My partner will do the objectives described above in wheat. Thus, we will generate information in Arabidopsis and wheat at the same time.
Impact BBSRC-NSF grant application
Start Year 2024
Description Elucidation of a novel plant-methanotroph association. 
Organisation San Deigo State University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The central goal of this research is the elucidation of the mechanisms of colonisation of plant roots by methanotrophic bacteria (MB), a plant-microbe interaction that can both drive the consumption of atmospheric green-house gases (C1 and CO2) and support plant growth in arid soils. This research will transform our understanding of how plants can thrive in low moisture soils. How plants can tolerate arid soils has long been an important question (1). However, global climate change is increasing the frequency and duration of heat waves heightening the urgency of understanding how plants can acquire drought tolerance (2). Climate change has also increased the importance of understanding the world's methane cycle as the importance of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, in climate change has been recognized. This innovative proposal brings together these two issues (drought, methane cycle) and two universities: San Diego State (SDSU) (CA) and Nottingham (UoN) (UK). Here, we describe experiments that will reveal the mechanisms of a newly identified but little studied interaction between plant roots and aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria, i.e., methanotrophic bacteria (MB) which confers drought resilience to plants. This project is the first study focused on connections between plant root growth, C1-microbial communities, and plant tolerance to stress. As such, it opens up an important, timely, and transformational field of research. We are planning to contribute to aim 2 of this project: Aim 2: Do MB stimulate plant resilience alone or function as part of a microbiome community? In order to determine the possible roles of the microbiome community in plant resilience, we will profile the root microbiome following MB + C1-microbiome treatments. Plant growth responses as well as changes in composition of the soil microbiome community will be examined. Once microbial traits with beneficial impacts are identified, the comparative genomic studies will be carried-out to elucidate functions correlated with enhancing plant metabolism.
Collaborator Contribution My Partner will contribute to aim 1 of this project. Aim 1: How does the addition of MB and methane increase plant resilience? They will utilize metabolomics techniques with isotope labeled methane (13CH4 and CD4) to follow the products of C1 oxidation within MB and determine which products of MB metabolism become integrated into plant biomaterials. This analysis will reveal the pathways of methane metabolites within MB when grown +/- plants and in plants when grown +/- MB, thus highlighting metabolic intermediates that support cooperation between the MB and plants. First, they aim to identify and describe metabolic and regulatory mechanisms or pathways that mediate plant-methanotroph interactions and adaptation to drought stress, with specific emphasis on Arabidopsis-microbiome interactions, via transcriptomics, metabolomics, and fluxomics. Aim 1 is centered on gaining a better understanding of the requirements for establishment of plant-C1-microbe interactions. Their earlier studies with Boechera clearly demonstrate that both MB and plants alter metabolites when grown together. For example, their initial metabolite profiling in Boechera roots treated ± MB ± labeled CH4 detected increased levels of several plant and microbial-derived biomolecules that could facilitate plant resilience (Fig. 3). These include the microbe-derived niacin, trehalose and phosphocholine: compounds that are known to stimulate plant growth (niacin) or support stress resilience in plants by providing osmoreceptors (i.e., trehalose) as well as vital metabolites to support membrane functions (choline). In Boechera roots the plant-derived flavonoid quercetin, which is known to modulate plant and microbial signaling pathways, showed significant increases in those roots grown with MB and methane. Quercetin is known to target hormone signals ABA and auxin that play key roles regulating plant stress and root branching responses (28). Flavanols like quercetin are also reported to modulate bacterial signaling (e.g., root colonization by rhizobium). Thus, their preliminary data highlight the complexity of metabolic exchanges between plants and methanotrophic bacteria, and indicate that detailed studies in the model plant Arabidopsis will be highly informative. Elucidation of the mechanistic interactions within this dynamic plant-microbiome system requires complementary systems biology approaches. Experimental studies will be set up as described in Preliminary data III.3 to carry out 13CH4- and CD4-tracing studies to further refine carbon fluxes and hydrogen exchange rates between all members of the system. They will use Arabidopsis thaliana (Col-0) to examine the role of plant-methanotroph interactions under regular and drought (arid) conditions. They will continue to use Methylocaldum sp 0917 as a model methanotrophic organism.
Impact Application to the BBSRC-NSF grant
Start Year 2022
Description MiNute Transport: How Mineral Nutrient Transport happens in the root? 
Organisation Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution - This China Partnering award would promote the exchange of staff, expertise and facilities between China and UK labs working in the area of mineral nutrition, microbiome, and root development and phenotyping to support future pump-priming research funding. - Chinese researchers will gain access to the state-of-art micro-Computed Tomography and Laser Ablation Tomography (LAT) facilities at Nottingham to image root architecture in soil in 3/4D, and root anatomy. - China researchers will have access to the state of the art ICP-MS for high-throughput and single cell ionome analyses. - China researchers will gain access to bacterial collections for the design of bacterial synthetic communities.
Collaborator Contribution - UK researchers will gain access to the newly established protocol for efficient cellular Pi visualization . - UK researchers would gain access to a novel system for genome editing in rice. - UK researchers would gain access to platforms with different long-term field experiments on soils with different nutritional characteristics.
Impact Research Grant, International Partnering Award. Grant Ref: BB/W018756/1
Start Year 2023