3D Die Shape Optimisation for Net-Shape Forging of Aeroengine Compressor Blades

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Mech Materials Manuf Eng Mgt


Forging aeroengine components is challenging due to the stringent process cost and quality requirements and especially the dimensional and shape specifications. Current forging design is very much dependent upon the designer's knowledge and iterative forging trials. Even in routine production, considerable post-forging corrections are often required, which causes increased production time and possible scrap. The aim of the project is to develop a novel 3D die shape optimisation system for net-shape forging of aeroengine blade components. The unique features of this system are a novel computational formulation to quickly quantify dimensional and shape errors of forged blades, a robust optimisation method to efficiently derive optimised die shapes for forging design utilising generic process simulation and optimisation techniques, and a framework of numerical simulation and robust design functionalities to fully integrate forging design and manufacturing. The work will be validated by forging trials and inspections conducted in collaboration with the industrial partner, Rolls-Royce plc. Such a forging optimisation system will enable the industrial partner to improve forging design and production efficiency. It would enhance the competitive position of the UK aeroengine industry and have immediate impact in other sectors such as automotive industry. The use of process simulation to conduct numerically the experiments required for process optimisation and 6-sigma quality enhancement would have very wide applicability.


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Description Forging aeroengine components is challenging due to the stringent and quality requirements and especially the dimensional and shape specifications. Current forging design is very much dependent upon the designer's knowledge and iterative forging trials. Even in routine production, considerable post-forging corrections are often required, which causes increased production time and process cost. This project is built on the success of an EPSRC Fast Stream project (GR/1986/01) in collaboration with Rolls-Royce. The aim of this project was to develop a novel 3D die shape optimisation system for net-shape forging of aeroengine blade components. The unique features of this system include

(1) a novel computational formulation and methods for quick quantification of dimensional and shape errors of forged blades due to die- and press-elasticity, thermal distortion and trimming;
(2) a two weighting factors approach for efficient die shape optimisation for net-shape accuracy of forged aerofoil blades;
(3) a framework for a virtual inspection method which enables effective validation of the forging simulation and optimisation results in comparison to industrial measurement procedures;
(4) a prototype software system for easy integration of forging design and aeroengine blade manufacture.

In collaboration with the industrial partner, Rolls-Royce plc, a series of test problems and industrial case studies were carried out with excellent results obtained, which, we believe, demonstrated a significant degree of novelty in research and capability of the developed tools. Much of the work has a substantial potential for industrial applications and would have a direct impact on blade forging and other aeroengine components. We plan to continue to work with the industrial partner and other research centres to maximise project output and impact on UK aerospace and other manufacturing industrial sectors.
Exploitation Route Through new industrial and academic collaboration and development of new joint collaborative projects.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


including Industrial Biotechology

Description The findings have helped industrial partner develop new forging optimisation methods and procedures for much improved shape and dimensional accuracy and lead time for production development.
First Year Of Impact 2008
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Impact Types Economic