THz electro-optics of nitride semiconductors: a feasibility study

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Nitride semiconductors are used to make mass produced white and blue Light emitting diodes. The researchers propose to use a source of intense high frequency radio waves (terahertz), available at the university of califonia, to modulate the wavelength of light emission from such devices. Since it is possible to detect visible light using very sensitive (photon counting) technologies the effects of such studies will open up routes to detect such radio waves with extreme sensitivity. This will impact in many areas such as astronomy, telecommunication, medical imaging.....


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Description That free electron lasers had application to sensor development in nitrides and III-V
Exploitation Route development of new sensors
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



Description The proposal was aimed at funding sabbatical at the UCSB to research the application of free electron lasers to electronic material research. This occured at the learning outcomes were used in the reserach conducted at the anglo dutch free electron laser in holland.
First Year Of Impact 2008
Sector Education
Impact Types Cultural
