Biological and Engineering Impacts of Climate Change on Slopes: Learning from full scale
Lead Research Organisation:
Newcastle University
Department Name: Civil Engineering and Geosciences
SummaryThe focus of this collaboration is to link research groups who undertake full-scale monitoring of slopes through a range of people-based activities. These include: visits of UK researchers and academics to a number of field sites both in the UK and overseas; exchanges of young researchers between UK and overseas academic institutions; secondments of researchers to industry; a dissemination workshop and the establishment of a web portal for the storage and exchange of data and for the running of on-line meetings and seminars. Despite its main focus, the collaboration will necessarily provide links between members of the extended research teams with expertise in numerical simulation, constitutive modelling, soils testing and instrumentation. It is the intention that these activities will also be linked within the wider collaborative framework created by this funding.
- Newcastle University (Lead Research Organisation)
- Translink (Project Partner)
- Mott Macdonald (Project Partner)
- CIRIA (Project Partner)
- Geotechnical Observations Ltd (Project Partner)
- Highways Agency (Project Partner)
- University of Saskatchewan (Project Partner)
- Spoornet Engineering Ltd. (Project Partner)
- University of Minho (Project Partner)
- University of Manitoba (Project Partner)
- Road Service NI (Project Partner)
- National University of Singapore (Project Partner)
- Network Rail Ltd (Project Partner)
- Resource Efficiency KTN (Project Partner)

Dias A
Irreversible effects of drying-wetting cycles on shrinkage and water retention of compacted London clay
in E3S Web of Conferences

Dias A
A simple method to determine soil-water retention curves of compacted active clays
in Transportation Geotechnics

Kilsby C
Climate-change impacts on long-term performance of slopes
in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability

S Glendinning
Biological and engineering impacts of climate change on slopes
Description | ISMART |
Amount | £1,671,674 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/K027050/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 06/2013 |
End | 12/2016 |