Compressive Sensing for Wireless Vibration-Based Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Engineering Structures

Lead Research Organisation: City, University of London
Department Name: Sch of Engineering and Mathematical Sci


Structural health monitoring (SHM) of civil engineering structures (buildings, bridges, wind turbines, dams, masts etc) aims to assess their structural integrity and performance and to detect potential damage induced by i) daily service loads, ii) exposure to environmental effects over the years and/or iii) extreme/accidental loads, either natural (e.g. floods, hurricanes and earthquakes) or man-made (e.g. explosions and traffic accidents).
As identified in the UK's 2011 National Infrastructure Plan, investing in civil infrastructure is a key priority to achieve Nation-wide financial growth and prosperity, a statement which applies globally. Developing new SHM tools to facilitate better informed decisions by civil infrastructure owners, local authorities, National agencies, and Governments on taking refurbishment, retrofitting, upgrade, or replacement actions for existing infrastructure is of utmost importance to appropriately channel investments in civil infrastructure.

In this context, the proposed research considers concepts from the emerging field of compressive sensing (CS) to develop novel structural condition assessment and damage detection algorithms for vibration-based SHM of civil engineering structures. These SHM algorithms support the use of arrays of sensors incorporating CS-based data acquisition hardware equipment which has not been considered before in wireless SHM of civil engineering structures. Such equipment is not commercially available yet, but the few existing prototypes showcase that it yields simpler, more affordable, and less obtrusive sensors. Therefore, this project paves the way for transformative technological advancements towards a new breed of wireless sensors enabling i) cost-effective routine/periodic SHM for ageing infrastructure, and ii) rapid integrity assessment of large number of structures in the aftermath of natural and man-made disasters.

Planned Impact

Structural health monitoring (SHM) of civil engineering structures (buildings, bridges, wind turbines, dams, masts etc) aims to assess their structural integrity and performance and to detect potential damage induced by i) daily service loads, ii) exposure to environmental effects over the years and/or iii) extreme/accidental loads, either natural (e.g. floods, hurricanes and earthquakes) or man-made (e.g. explosions and traffic accidents).
As identified in the UK's 2011 National Infrastructure Plan, investing in civil infrastructure is a key priority to achieve Nation-wide financial growth and prosperity, a statement which applies globally. In the same document, an estimated pipeline of planned investment in UK infrastructure worth over £250 billion between 2011 and 2015 is announced by the Government. Developing new SHM tools to facilitate better informed decisions by civil infrastructure owners, local authorities, National agencies, and Governments on taking refurbishment, retrofitting, upgrade, or replacement actions for existing infrastructure is of utmost importance to appropriately channel such investments.

The novel SHM algorithms to be developed in this research support the use of arrays of sensors incorporating compressive sensing-based (CS-based) hardware equipment, addressed for the first time in wireless SHM of civil engineering structures. Such equipment is not commercially available yet, but the few existing prototypes showcase that it yields simpler, more affordable, and less obtrusive sensors. Further, the proposed algorithms are tailored to minimise energy consumption at these sensors. Thus, the need for energy harvesting and/or frequent battery replacement and consequently the overall cost for their deployment and maintenance is reduced. Therefore, this project, though theoretical and computational in nature, paves the way for transformative technological advancements towards a new breed of wireless sensors enabling i) cost-effective routine/periodic SHM for ageing infrastructure and ii) rapid integrity assessment of large number of structures in the aftermath of natural disasters. Consecutively, owners of infrastructure will benefit as SHM will add value to their assets and reduce insurance costs, since health and safety issues will be better addressed, with the level of structural integrity of instrumented structures being in any case readily assessed.

To this end, the proposed research will spark, in short term, considerable new technological R&D and commercialisation opportunities for national and international specialised instrumentation companies and electric equipment manufacturers to address the global market needs for cost-effective, mobile, and prompt SHM solutions relying on CS-based sensors. This is a growing global market as the inventory of infrastructure and their rate of decay due to climate change increase world-wide.

Further, this new CS-based technology might influence policy makers setting frameworks for the periodic inspection regimes of the large stock of decaying infrastructure. For example, there are almost 600,000 bridges in the US Highway system, which have been rated with a "C" by the American Association of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2009. UK's inventory of bridges is in better shape at the moment, rated as "B" by the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) in 2009. However, Highways Agency spends about £800million per year for maintenance. A portion of it concerns routine visual bridge inspections undertaken every second year which can be quite subjective. Adopting wireless CS-based sensors for routine SHM inspections in the case of highway bridges may offer a better option for early warnings of structural underperformance and/or deterioration in order to avoid collapse of structures (e.g. I-35W Minneapolis bridge, USA) and operation disruptions of lifelines (e.g. closure of M4 in West London in July 2012), at a reasonable additional annual cost.


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Description This research project pursued the mathematical/analytical development, the numerical implementation and the testing of compressive sensing-based algorithms for framework for structural health monitoring focusing on large-scale civil engineering structures.

A data-bank of simulation-based vibration response signals of benchmark structures pertaining to a healthy/intact and various damaged states has been constructed The thus derived signals are expanded to various wavelet bases of different frequency domain attributes, with the scope of: (i) estimating the best (sparsest) representation of the considered vibration response signals within the adopted wavelet domains; (ii) assessing the influence of the frequency domain attributes of wavelet analysis filter banks; (iii) achieving vibration-based structural damage detection and localization from changes in the energy distribution of structural response signals along the frequency domain; and (iv) providing practical recommendations on the computation of the considered damage indices associated with the suitability of the wavelet family used, the adopted excitation force, the type of the regarded structural system and the time-evolving characteristics of the assumed structural damage.

Novel algorithms for vibration-based structural health monitoring (V-SHM) of civil engineering structures in operational conditions, which are dynamically vibrating under ambient forces, such as wind and traffic. The developed approach devises smart routines (i.e., sub-Nyquist multi-coset sampling fused with power spectrum estimation techniques) of reduced computational payloads, being capable to identify the structural dynamic characteristics (i.e., natural frequencies, mode shapes) and detect the location of structural damage from a significantly reduced number of measurements, compared to current practices. Thus, the proposed algorithm can be regarded as a strong candidate for battery-operated wireless sensors of reduced data transmissions resulting in significant savings in power consumptions while reducing the hardware size and complexity. The proposed approach has been numerically tested with field recorded data pertaining to an existing bridge in Zurich, Switzerland. Further, the developed approach has been compared vis-a-vis other advanced methods for energy-efficient wireless sensor networks, WSNs, (i.e., Compressive Sensing based WSNs for Structural Health Monitoring) and it has been numerically proved that the proposed method is more efficient on the following grounds: (1) it can be applied to signals of any structure without imposing any further constraints (i.e., it is a signal-agnostic method); (2) it not significantly affected by additive noise encounted in practical applications; (3) it entails fewer processing steps, being in general, computationally more efficient; (4) structural modal properties are retrieved with high accuracy for high signal compression levels at which the other advanced approaches fail; (5) the above advantages can reduce further the power consumption, computational demands, memory and storage requirements prior to wireless data transmission. Bases on technical specifications of a commercially available low-power wireless sensor, the energy consumption associated the developed approach has been numerically evaluated, highlighting the direct impact it has on savings in sensor's battery life (journal paper under preparation). For a broader perspective, further research is pursued towards the comparison between the proposed methodology and new approaches in the current state-of-the-art for low-power WSNs (conference paper under preparation-abstract accepted).

Novel cost-effective V-SHM damage detection approach were developed which combines pseudo-spectrum estimation methods (i.e., the "super-resolution" multiple signal classification -MUSIC- algorithm) with smart sampling strategies ( i.e., co-prime sampling) aiming to reduce data transmission requirements and in-sensor energy consumption within arrays of wireless sensors. The proposed method simultaneously acquires and compresses noise-corrupted structural response signals in a pre- and post- earthquake stage, with the scope to detect potential structural damage from changes in the vibration characteristics of the structure (i.e. natural frequencies). As opposed to conventional approaches encountered in practice, the acquired number of measurements is considerably reduced, while computationally intensive operations (i.e., signal reconstruction) are by-passed, paving the way for significant savings in computational power, memory, and on board storage space.
The idea of using randomly sampled compressive sensing (CS)-based techniques for V-SHM was abandoned on the grounds that these techniques are associated with a number of restrictions, i.e. (i) vibration response signals are treated, theoretically, as deterministic which is not in alignment with the stochastic nature of typical structural response signals under operational conditions, (ii) CS assumes structural response signals of a specific structure (sparsity assumptions) which may not hold true within noisy environments encountered in practice, and (iii) CS involves computationally intensive signal processing operations (signal reconstruction associated with constrained optimization problems subject to signal sparsity constraints).
Exploitation Route The findings of this project provide theoretical and computational developments paving the way for transformative technological advancements towards simpler, less obtrusive, cheaper, and energy efficient sub-Nyquist-based wireless sensors. Specialists on hardware design can exploit the developed theoretical contributions to embed the proposed algorithms within prototyped wireless units for cost-effective V-SHM implementations in civil infrastructures, aiming at enhanced structural sustainability and rapid structural integrity assessment in the aftermath of natural disasters. Thus, it is envisioned considerable new R&D and commercialisation opportunities for UK electric equipment and sensor manufacturing SMEs. Further, the findings can be adopted and further developed by researchers across the structural dynamics, signal processing, and structural health monitoring disciplines.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)




Description It is too early to report tangible impact to the economy and to the society given the relatively limited scope of this grant which did not consider the underlying technological aspects such as prototyping of sensors for field deployment. Still, the algorithms developed and tested numerically during the project sparkled significant interest within the health monitoring community for civil engineering structures. In one instance (2016), the algorithms have been shown to be more effective in terms of data transmission reduction and in sensor energy consumption compared to competing compressive sensing algorithms developed by other international research groups by considering field recorded data from the Bärenbohlstrasse bridge in Zurich, Switzerland. Specifically, it was shown that the developed algorithms achieve accurate monitoring results from 90% less measurements compared to conventional sensors, while competing algorithms cannot reduce the percentage below 80%. Still, this difference roughly doubles the battery lifetime of wireless sensors. In another instance (2017), the developed algorithms showed to be more effective for monitoring a specific on-shore wind turbine in Germany using 20% fewer measurements than any other compressive sensing based algorithm for structural health monitoring proposed in the literature. It is expected that these recent outcomes will facilitate impact to the economy and society in following years through the engagement of specialised companies /manufacturers of sensors for monitoring of civil engineering structures. Impact will be facilitated through on-going collaborations with International research groups as well as with London-based engineering consultancies established in 2017 and 2018.
Sector Construction
Impact Types Economic

Description City University London Studentships (Annual competitive-based studentships internally funded)
Amount £53,000 (GBP)
Organisation City, University of London 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2013 
End 09/2016
Title Compressed MUSIC algorithm 
Description A novel efficient damage detection algorithm for vibration-based structural health monitoring is developed in [1], which combines pseudo-spectrum estimation methods (i.e., the "super-resolution" multiple signal classification -MUSIC- algorithm) with smart sampling strategies ( i.e., co-prime sampling). [1] K. Gkoktsi, A. Giaralis and B. Tausiesakul, "A reconstruction-free compressive/sub-Nyquist sensing approach for earthquake induced structural damage detection using the MUSIC algorithm," 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering- 16WCEE (January 9-13, 2017, Santiago, Chile). 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The algorithm reduces data transmission requirements and in-sensor energy consumption within arrays of wireless sensors. The proposed method simultaneously acquires and compresses noise-corrupted structural response signals in a pre- and post- earthquake stage, with the scope to detect potential structural damage from changes in the vibration characteristics of the structure (i.e. natural frequencies). As opposed to conventional approaches encountered in practice, the acquired number of measurements is considerably reduced, while computationally intensive operations (i.e., signal reconstruction) are by-passed, paving the way for significant savings in computational power, memory, and on board storage space. 
Title OMA 
Description A novel computationally efficient algorithm was developed in [1]-[4] for vibration-based structural health monitoring (V-SHM) of civil engineering structures in operational conditions. The developed approach devises smart routines (i.e., sub-Nyquist multi-coset sampling fused with power spectrum estimation techniques) of reduced computational cost, being capable to identify the structural dynamic characteristics (i.e., natural frequencies, mode shapes) and detect the location of structural damage from a significantly reduced number of measurements, compared to current practices. The developed approach has been numerically compared with other advanced methods [5] and and it has been proved to yield more accurate results at higher signal compression levels, while enjoying a number of advantages (i.e., signal-agnostic, noise-immune, computationally less demanding). [1] B. Tausiesakul, K. Gkoktsi, and A. Giaralis, "Compressive Sensing Spectral Estimation For Output-Only Structural System Identidication," in 7th International Conference on Computational Stochastic Mechanics, 2014, pp. 1-12. [2] B. TauSiesakul, K. Gkoktsi, and A. Giaralis, "Compressive power spectrum sensing for vibration-based output-only system identification of structural systems in the presence of noise," in SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications, 2015, no. i. [3] K. Gkoktsi, B. TauSiesakul, and A. Giaralis, "Multi-channel sub-Nyquist cross-Spectral Estimation for Modal Analysis of Vibrating Structures," in International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2015), 2015. [4] K. Gkoktsi, A. Giaralis, and B. Tausiesakul, "Sub-Nyquist signal-reconstruction-free operational modal analysis and damage detection in the presence of noise," in SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2016, 2016, pp. 1-12. [5] K. Gkoktsi, and A. Giaralis, "Assessment of sub-Nyquist deterministic and random data sampling techniques for operational modal analysis of civil engineering structures," in 8th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 2016, pp. 1-10. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The developed algorithm can be regarded as a strong candidate for battery-operated wireless sensors of reduced data transmissions resulting in significant savings in power consumptions while reducing the hardware size and complexity. 
Title Simulated data 
Description A rich data-bank of simulation-based vibration response signals of finite element (FE) benchmark structures pertaining to a healthy/intact and various damaged states has been constructed [1], [2]. The thus derived signals are expanded to various wavelet bases of different frequency domain attributes [1] K. Gkoktsi and A. Giaralis, "On the influence of frequency selectivity of wavelet bases for relative wavelet entropy-based structural damage localization," in 6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (6WCSCM), 2014, pp. 1366-1378. [2] K. Gkoktsi and A. Giaralis, "Effect of frequency domain attributes of wavelet analysis filter banks for structural damage localization using the relative wavelet entropy index," Int. J. Sustain. Mater. Struct. Syst., vol. x, no. x. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The developed data base helped with: (i) estimating the best (sparsest) representation of the considered vibration response signals within the adopted wavelet domains; (ii) assessing the influence of the frequency domain attributes of wavelet analysis filter banks; (iii) achieving vibration-based structural damage detection and localization from changes in the energy distribution of structural response signals along the frequency domain, (iv) providing practical recommendations on the computation of the considered damage indices associated with the suitability of the wavelet family used, the adopted excitation force, the type of the regarded structural system and the time-evolving characteristics of the assumed structural damage. 
Description ETH University, Dr E.N. Chatzi and Dr V. Dertimanis 
Organisation ETH Zurich
Country Switzerland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The developed operational modal analysis algorithms during the EPSRC research were applied to field recorded data provided by the collaborators. It was shown that the algorithms support compression ratios as low as 10% the Nyquist sampling ratio, while other competitive compressive-sensing based algorithms cannot go below 20% compression ratio. Joint publications are under preparation to compare different recently developed energy-efficient structural health monitoring frameworks based on wireless sensor networks.
Collaborator Contribution The partners shared/provided field recorded response acceleration time-histories from long-term vibration-based structural health monitoring deployments in a highway bridge in Zurich, Switzerland and in an on-shore wind turbine in Germany.
Impact Gkoktsi K, Giaralis A, Klis RP, Dertimanis V and Chatzi EN. (2017) Vibration-based structural performance assessment via output-only sub-Nyquist/compressive wireless sensor data. In: Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures- SMAR 2017 (September 13-15, 2017, Zurich, Switzerland), paper #261, p.8.
Start Year 2016
Description Kougioum 
Organisation Columbia University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have contributed expertise gained and novel algorithms developed for monitoring the changing structural properties in time of yielding structures. These were developed as part of research activities funded under the EP/K023047/1 grant.
Collaborator Contribution The partner contributes expertise in the field of stochastic dynamics along with algorithms used to study the response of non-linear structures. They are also providing access to a high-performance network of computers to run analyses and post-processing of results.
Impact Publication: Time-varying equivalent linear properties of bilinear hysteretic systems subject to non-stationary response spectrum compatible excitations using a stochastic dynamics approach ICASP mini-symposium
Start Year 2014
Description Vamvatsikos 
Organisation National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Department School of Engineering
Country Greece 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have contributed expertise gained and novel algorithms developed for processing signals recorded in structural dynamics applications. These were developed as part of research activities funded under the EP/K023047/1 grant In this collaboration, the signal processing algorithms have been used/applied in an innovative manner to shed new light in the field of earthquake engineering and, in particular, in the dynamic response of structures under earthquake excitation.
Collaborator Contribution The partner contributes expertise in the field of earthquake engineering and seismic assessment of structures along with computer models of benchmark non-linear structures. They are also providing access to a high-performance network of computers to run analyses and post-processing of results.
Impact doi: 10.1061/9780784413609.171 ICASP mini-symposium
Start Year 2014
Description 16WCEE, Santiago, Chile, 9-13 January 2017 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Oral presentation at the 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16WCEE), held in Santiago, Chile (9-13 January 2017).
The presentation was on the developed approach for cost-efficient damage detection in civil structures subjected to earthquake excitation, and it was well received by the audience. This novel method gained increased interest expressed via sparked questions and discussion that can lead to further collaborations in the future.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description 6WCSCM Mini-symposium 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Co-Organised a minisymposium on "Advances in data acquisition and processing techniques for health monitoring of civil infrastructure" within the 6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring- 6WCSCM, July 15-17, 2014, Barcelona, Spain, together with:
Prof. S. Nagarajaiah, Rice University, TX, USA

The symposium was in the top 3 most popular symposia of this prestigious World conference which attracted more than 700 delegates and occurring every 4 years. The mini-symposium attracted more than 30 abstracts, 18 oral presentations were made spanning 3 sessions in one full day out of the total 3 days of the conference. More than 200 delegates in total attended the various sessions sparkling extended discussions during the sessions and throughout the conference and raising awareness among participants (academics, professionals, and PhD/MSc students) on new trends in research on vibration control and health monitoring of Civil Engineering structures. Two new collaborations were initiated related to two EPSRC funded projects as a result of these discussions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description 6WCSCM, Barcelona, Spain, 15-17 June 2014 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Oral presentation at the 6th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 6WCSCM 2014, which took place inBarcelona, Spain, on 15-17 June 2014. The presentation was on the structural damage detection based on the Relative Wavelet Entropy criterion, by considering the influence of the frequency attributes of various wavelet basis functions. The presentation was well received by the audience, followed by questions and discussion.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description EMI 2015, Stanford University, 16-19 June 2015 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Oral presentation at the Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2015), which took place at Stanford University, on 16-19 June 2015. The presentation was on the developed approach for multi-sensor structural modal identification by considering wireless sensors with reduced power demands. Questions and discussion after the presentation paved the way for future collaborations.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description IWSSIP 2015, 10-12 September 2015, London, UK 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Oral presentation at the 22nd International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, IWSSIP 2015, which took place in London, United Kingdom on 10-12 September 2015. The presentation was on the developed approach on multi-sensor structural modal identification by considering wireless sensors with reduced power demands. The presentation was well received by the audience, followed by questions and discussion.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description IWSSIP workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Organised a half-day workshop on "Signal and image processing techniques for vibration control and health monitoring of civil engineering structures subject to operational and extreme dynamic loads" during the International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2015), 10-12 September 2015, London, UK.

The workshop was very well attended not only by academics from cross-disciplinary fields, but also by representatives of specialised companies in electronic devices and sensors for structural health monitoring. Extensive discussions took place and new research findings related to an EPSRC funded project were communicated to the diverse audience from academia, and the industry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description MERL seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact An invited talk was delivered to Mitsubish Electrics Research Laboratory (MERL), MIT Campus, Boston, USA on "Compressive spectral estimation techniques for structural health monitoring applications" followed by meetings with the head of MERL and co-workers to identify areas and opportunities for further collaboration through funded research and commercialization opportunities. On-going work is in progress along these lines.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Rice Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact A one-day workshop has been organised in Rice University, Houston, TX, USA which included:
1) A series of open to the public seminars on "Compressive sensing approaches for structural health monitoring" delivered by
Prof. Richard Baraniuk- Rice University
Dr Petros Boufounos- Mitsubishi Electrics Research Laboratories
Dr Agathoklis Giaralis- City University London
Dr Yongchao Yang and Prof. Satish Nagarajaiah- Rice University
2) A round-table close to the public focused group discussions including 10 invited delegates from major electronics companies and academics

At least 3 different key areas of research of interest to specialised industry companies were identified and plans and links for future industry-led collaborative research were made/developed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description SPIE 2015.DSS, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 20-24 April 2015 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Oral presentation at the SPIE.DSS (Defense Security and Sensing) (within the session of "Compressive Sensing IV"), held in Baltimore, Maryland, US (20-24 April 2015). The presentation was on the developed approach for low-power wireless sensors for system identification in civil structures in the presence of noise. The proposed method triggered sparked questions by the audience, followed by further discussion afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description SPIE 2016. Smart structures NDE 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact Oral presentation at the SPIE.Smart Structures NDE (within the session of "Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems"), held in Las Vegas, NV, US (20-24 March 2016). The presentation was on the developed approach for low-power wireless sensors for system identification and damage detection in civil structures under operational conditions. The proposed method triggered sparked questions by the audience, followed by further discussion afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Special Issue at International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact The Special Issue "Data acquisition and processing, uncertainty managementand inverse problem techniques for structural health monitoring applications" was organised by Dr E.N. Chatzi, Dr A. Giaralis, and I.A. Kougioumtzoglou, invited by Prof. Mohammad Noori. It consists of 9 papers published in the International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structures in 2015. The scope of this special issue is the presentation of recent advances and emergig cross-disciplinary aproaches in the broad field of structural health monitoring, focusing on novel techniques and applications for data acquisition and processing, uncertainty modeling and quantification, as well as inverse problems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description iEECON2018 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Study participants or study members
Results and Impact An invited Keynote lecture has been delivered at the 2018 International Electrical Engineering Congress (iEECON2018) in Krabi, Thailand, 7-9 March 2018. The lecture was on Compressive wireless vibration-based health monitoring of civil engineering structures and addressed researchers, engineers and industry experts in Electrical Engineering technologies. Outcomes and breakthroughs achieved from the EPSRC EP/K023047/1 project has been communicated to a multi-disciplinary audience raising awareness of electrical engineering applications in health monitoring of civil engineering structures. It was extremely well received and several requests for further information were made by a number of research groups as well as opportunities for further research engagement in a multi-disciplinary setting were fostered.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018