CCP Flagship: A radiation-hydrodynamics code for the UK laser-plasma community
Lead Research Organisation:
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Department Name: Central Laser Facility (CLF)
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
- Science and Technology Facilities Council (Lead Research Organisation)
- University of Rochester (Collaboration)
- Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) (Collaboration)
- University of Bordeaux (Collaboration)
- Sapienza University of Rome (Collaboration)
- University of York (Collaboration)
- Atomic Weapons Establishment (Collaboration)
- General Atomics (Collaboration)
- University of Warwick (Collaboration)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Collaboration)
People |
Robbie Scott (Principal Investigator) |

Scott RHH
Shock Ignition Laser-Plasma Interactions in Ignition-Scale Plasmas.
in Physical review letters
Description | This grant has led to the development of a crucial piece of software infrastructure for the UK laser-plasma physics community. Over the coming years this will transform the range of science that the UK is able to perform in the areas of High Energy Density Science and Laser Inertial Confinement Fusion. |
Exploitation Route | The work performed here is already being taken forward in a number of research projects with are using the new simulation capabilities made possible through this grant to design and interpret experiments on the world's largest laser systems, such as the National Ignition Facility. Other work is building upon the code framework laid down by the grant, thereby enhancing the simulation capabilities that the whole of UK academia has access to. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Energy Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology |
Description | This work has impacted the precision manufacturing of laser fusion target performed by Scitech Precision. The degree of sophistication to which we are now able to design experiments on the Omega laser facility using the new Odin simulation code has meant we have pushed the boundaries of what was previously manufactured by Scitech. |
First Year Of Impact | 2018 |
Sector | Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Energy,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology |
Impact Types | Societal |
Description | Input into EPSRC Review of Fusion and Fission |
Geographic Reach | National |
Policy Influence Type | Contribution to a national consultation/review |
Description | Plasma kinetics, pre-heat, and the emergence of strong shocks in laser fusion: the hydro-kinetic regime |
Amount | £613,289 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/P023460/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 06/2017 |
End | 06/2021 |
Title | Python 3D laser ray tracer for simulating laser-plasma interactions |
Description | A 3D laser ray tracer for simulating laser-plasma interactions has been developed in Python. This is being used both to train students and to rapidly develop models which will then be incorporated in more sophisticated (and cumbersome) simulation codes. |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | The 3D laser ray-tracing incorporated in Odin is based on the ray-tracing methodology developed within this code. |
Description | Access to Omega DT cryogenic implosion database |
Organisation | University of Rochester |
Department | Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I have performed simulations of this large experimental database of Laser Fusion experiments. This has enabled me to gain new insights into the mechanisms which may be preventing current progress. I have conveyed these findings to my collaborators in a number of meetings and video conferences. |
Collaborator Contribution | I have been given access to a large database of data from laser fusion experiments performed on the Omega laser facility. This data is invaluable for benchmarking simulation codes. |
Impact | Increased understanding of the physical mechanisms inhibiting progress towards the demonstration of plasma conditions equivalent to those of fusion ignition albeit at a reduced scale. New experimental routes forward for progress in this field. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Adding laser-plasma interaction instability physics to the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code |
Organisation | Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) |
Country | France |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | I have performed a central role in bringing this partnership together. The core theme is centred around further development of the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code in combination with experiments to benchmark the code developments. |
Collaborator Contribution | This is a fledging partnership. We are yet to secure funding - this is due to be decided by 8th March 2017 by EPSRC. Our various partners have pledged in-kind contributions subject to this project being funded as outlined below: - Atomic Weapons Establishment (Garbett, Sircombe, Coltman, Williams): Garbett and Sircombe are core members of our collaboration. The AWE has pledged significant additional support: 1) simulation support with their CORVUS code (Coltman/Garbett), 2) by funding the PhD of Williams' (who brings experience developing 3D ray-tracing techniques), supervised by Sircombe and Arber), 3) by funding 50% of a second PhD student at Warwick. The total in-kind value the AWE bring to our proposal is £155.8k. - University of Bordeaux, CELIA (Tikhonchuk, Batani, Ribeyre, Lebel, Casner): The CELIA group has agreed to provide modelling support (Ribeyre, Lebel), experimental design expertise (Batani, Casner), theory support (Tikhonchuk), computational resources and access to invaluable data from 'ignition scale' shock ignition experiments scheduled for 2018 on the LMJ. Their in-kind contributions total £1.9M. - Laboratory for Laser Energetics (R. Betti, W. Theobald): As inventor of the shock ignition concept and leading shock ignition experimentalist respectively, LLE will bring a wealth of experience to our team. They will also contribute manpower of 0.3FTE/annum (totalling ~£200k), computing resources, experimental expertise, and the data from all ~200 prior Omega shock ignition shots, worth £1.6M. £1.8M total. - University of Warwick will fund 50% (£33k) of a PhD student performing large-scale PIC modelling of LPIs. This will refine existing reduced-LPI models for incorporation into hydrocodes. -University of York will fund 50% of an experiment-focused PhD (£43.5k), with the other 50% (£43.5k) funded by the Fusion CDT (York, Liverpool, Durham, Oxford, Manchester). |
Impact | If funded: further development of the Odin radiation hydrodynamics code. Increase international cooperation in laser fusion research, especially in the field of Shock Ignition. This work would not have been possible without the initial Odin grant. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Adding laser-plasma interaction instability physics to the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code |
Organisation | Atomic Weapons Establishment |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | I have performed a central role in bringing this partnership together. The core theme is centred around further development of the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code in combination with experiments to benchmark the code developments. |
Collaborator Contribution | This is a fledging partnership. We are yet to secure funding - this is due to be decided by 8th March 2017 by EPSRC. Our various partners have pledged in-kind contributions subject to this project being funded as outlined below: - Atomic Weapons Establishment (Garbett, Sircombe, Coltman, Williams): Garbett and Sircombe are core members of our collaboration. The AWE has pledged significant additional support: 1) simulation support with their CORVUS code (Coltman/Garbett), 2) by funding the PhD of Williams' (who brings experience developing 3D ray-tracing techniques), supervised by Sircombe and Arber), 3) by funding 50% of a second PhD student at Warwick. The total in-kind value the AWE bring to our proposal is £155.8k. - University of Bordeaux, CELIA (Tikhonchuk, Batani, Ribeyre, Lebel, Casner): The CELIA group has agreed to provide modelling support (Ribeyre, Lebel), experimental design expertise (Batani, Casner), theory support (Tikhonchuk), computational resources and access to invaluable data from 'ignition scale' shock ignition experiments scheduled for 2018 on the LMJ. Their in-kind contributions total £1.9M. - Laboratory for Laser Energetics (R. Betti, W. Theobald): As inventor of the shock ignition concept and leading shock ignition experimentalist respectively, LLE will bring a wealth of experience to our team. They will also contribute manpower of 0.3FTE/annum (totalling ~£200k), computing resources, experimental expertise, and the data from all ~200 prior Omega shock ignition shots, worth £1.6M. £1.8M total. - University of Warwick will fund 50% (£33k) of a PhD student performing large-scale PIC modelling of LPIs. This will refine existing reduced-LPI models for incorporation into hydrocodes. -University of York will fund 50% of an experiment-focused PhD (£43.5k), with the other 50% (£43.5k) funded by the Fusion CDT (York, Liverpool, Durham, Oxford, Manchester). |
Impact | If funded: further development of the Odin radiation hydrodynamics code. Increase international cooperation in laser fusion research, especially in the field of Shock Ignition. This work would not have been possible without the initial Odin grant. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Adding laser-plasma interaction instability physics to the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code |
Organisation | Imperial College London |
Department | Department of Physics |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I have performed a central role in bringing this partnership together. The core theme is centred around further development of the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code in combination with experiments to benchmark the code developments. |
Collaborator Contribution | This is a fledging partnership. We are yet to secure funding - this is due to be decided by 8th March 2017 by EPSRC. Our various partners have pledged in-kind contributions subject to this project being funded as outlined below: - Atomic Weapons Establishment (Garbett, Sircombe, Coltman, Williams): Garbett and Sircombe are core members of our collaboration. The AWE has pledged significant additional support: 1) simulation support with their CORVUS code (Coltman/Garbett), 2) by funding the PhD of Williams' (who brings experience developing 3D ray-tracing techniques), supervised by Sircombe and Arber), 3) by funding 50% of a second PhD student at Warwick. The total in-kind value the AWE bring to our proposal is £155.8k. - University of Bordeaux, CELIA (Tikhonchuk, Batani, Ribeyre, Lebel, Casner): The CELIA group has agreed to provide modelling support (Ribeyre, Lebel), experimental design expertise (Batani, Casner), theory support (Tikhonchuk), computational resources and access to invaluable data from 'ignition scale' shock ignition experiments scheduled for 2018 on the LMJ. Their in-kind contributions total £1.9M. - Laboratory for Laser Energetics (R. Betti, W. Theobald): As inventor of the shock ignition concept and leading shock ignition experimentalist respectively, LLE will bring a wealth of experience to our team. They will also contribute manpower of 0.3FTE/annum (totalling ~£200k), computing resources, experimental expertise, and the data from all ~200 prior Omega shock ignition shots, worth £1.6M. £1.8M total. - University of Warwick will fund 50% (£33k) of a PhD student performing large-scale PIC modelling of LPIs. This will refine existing reduced-LPI models for incorporation into hydrocodes. -University of York will fund 50% of an experiment-focused PhD (£43.5k), with the other 50% (£43.5k) funded by the Fusion CDT (York, Liverpool, Durham, Oxford, Manchester). |
Impact | If funded: further development of the Odin radiation hydrodynamics code. Increase international cooperation in laser fusion research, especially in the field of Shock Ignition. This work would not have been possible without the initial Odin grant. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Adding laser-plasma interaction instability physics to the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code |
Organisation | University of Bordeaux |
Department | Center for Intense Lasers and Applications |
Country | France |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I have performed a central role in bringing this partnership together. The core theme is centred around further development of the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code in combination with experiments to benchmark the code developments. |
Collaborator Contribution | This is a fledging partnership. We are yet to secure funding - this is due to be decided by 8th March 2017 by EPSRC. Our various partners have pledged in-kind contributions subject to this project being funded as outlined below: - Atomic Weapons Establishment (Garbett, Sircombe, Coltman, Williams): Garbett and Sircombe are core members of our collaboration. The AWE has pledged significant additional support: 1) simulation support with their CORVUS code (Coltman/Garbett), 2) by funding the PhD of Williams' (who brings experience developing 3D ray-tracing techniques), supervised by Sircombe and Arber), 3) by funding 50% of a second PhD student at Warwick. The total in-kind value the AWE bring to our proposal is £155.8k. - University of Bordeaux, CELIA (Tikhonchuk, Batani, Ribeyre, Lebel, Casner): The CELIA group has agreed to provide modelling support (Ribeyre, Lebel), experimental design expertise (Batani, Casner), theory support (Tikhonchuk), computational resources and access to invaluable data from 'ignition scale' shock ignition experiments scheduled for 2018 on the LMJ. Their in-kind contributions total £1.9M. - Laboratory for Laser Energetics (R. Betti, W. Theobald): As inventor of the shock ignition concept and leading shock ignition experimentalist respectively, LLE will bring a wealth of experience to our team. They will also contribute manpower of 0.3FTE/annum (totalling ~£200k), computing resources, experimental expertise, and the data from all ~200 prior Omega shock ignition shots, worth £1.6M. £1.8M total. - University of Warwick will fund 50% (£33k) of a PhD student performing large-scale PIC modelling of LPIs. This will refine existing reduced-LPI models for incorporation into hydrocodes. -University of York will fund 50% of an experiment-focused PhD (£43.5k), with the other 50% (£43.5k) funded by the Fusion CDT (York, Liverpool, Durham, Oxford, Manchester). |
Impact | If funded: further development of the Odin radiation hydrodynamics code. Increase international cooperation in laser fusion research, especially in the field of Shock Ignition. This work would not have been possible without the initial Odin grant. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Adding laser-plasma interaction instability physics to the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code |
Organisation | University of Rochester |
Department | Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I have performed a central role in bringing this partnership together. The core theme is centred around further development of the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code in combination with experiments to benchmark the code developments. |
Collaborator Contribution | This is a fledging partnership. We are yet to secure funding - this is due to be decided by 8th March 2017 by EPSRC. Our various partners have pledged in-kind contributions subject to this project being funded as outlined below: - Atomic Weapons Establishment (Garbett, Sircombe, Coltman, Williams): Garbett and Sircombe are core members of our collaboration. The AWE has pledged significant additional support: 1) simulation support with their CORVUS code (Coltman/Garbett), 2) by funding the PhD of Williams' (who brings experience developing 3D ray-tracing techniques), supervised by Sircombe and Arber), 3) by funding 50% of a second PhD student at Warwick. The total in-kind value the AWE bring to our proposal is £155.8k. - University of Bordeaux, CELIA (Tikhonchuk, Batani, Ribeyre, Lebel, Casner): The CELIA group has agreed to provide modelling support (Ribeyre, Lebel), experimental design expertise (Batani, Casner), theory support (Tikhonchuk), computational resources and access to invaluable data from 'ignition scale' shock ignition experiments scheduled for 2018 on the LMJ. Their in-kind contributions total £1.9M. - Laboratory for Laser Energetics (R. Betti, W. Theobald): As inventor of the shock ignition concept and leading shock ignition experimentalist respectively, LLE will bring a wealth of experience to our team. They will also contribute manpower of 0.3FTE/annum (totalling ~£200k), computing resources, experimental expertise, and the data from all ~200 prior Omega shock ignition shots, worth £1.6M. £1.8M total. - University of Warwick will fund 50% (£33k) of a PhD student performing large-scale PIC modelling of LPIs. This will refine existing reduced-LPI models for incorporation into hydrocodes. -University of York will fund 50% of an experiment-focused PhD (£43.5k), with the other 50% (£43.5k) funded by the Fusion CDT (York, Liverpool, Durham, Oxford, Manchester). |
Impact | If funded: further development of the Odin radiation hydrodynamics code. Increase international cooperation in laser fusion research, especially in the field of Shock Ignition. This work would not have been possible without the initial Odin grant. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Adding laser-plasma interaction instability physics to the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code |
Organisation | University of Warwick |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I have performed a central role in bringing this partnership together. The core theme is centred around further development of the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code in combination with experiments to benchmark the code developments. |
Collaborator Contribution | This is a fledging partnership. We are yet to secure funding - this is due to be decided by 8th March 2017 by EPSRC. Our various partners have pledged in-kind contributions subject to this project being funded as outlined below: - Atomic Weapons Establishment (Garbett, Sircombe, Coltman, Williams): Garbett and Sircombe are core members of our collaboration. The AWE has pledged significant additional support: 1) simulation support with their CORVUS code (Coltman/Garbett), 2) by funding the PhD of Williams' (who brings experience developing 3D ray-tracing techniques), supervised by Sircombe and Arber), 3) by funding 50% of a second PhD student at Warwick. The total in-kind value the AWE bring to our proposal is £155.8k. - University of Bordeaux, CELIA (Tikhonchuk, Batani, Ribeyre, Lebel, Casner): The CELIA group has agreed to provide modelling support (Ribeyre, Lebel), experimental design expertise (Batani, Casner), theory support (Tikhonchuk), computational resources and access to invaluable data from 'ignition scale' shock ignition experiments scheduled for 2018 on the LMJ. Their in-kind contributions total £1.9M. - Laboratory for Laser Energetics (R. Betti, W. Theobald): As inventor of the shock ignition concept and leading shock ignition experimentalist respectively, LLE will bring a wealth of experience to our team. They will also contribute manpower of 0.3FTE/annum (totalling ~£200k), computing resources, experimental expertise, and the data from all ~200 prior Omega shock ignition shots, worth £1.6M. £1.8M total. - University of Warwick will fund 50% (£33k) of a PhD student performing large-scale PIC modelling of LPIs. This will refine existing reduced-LPI models for incorporation into hydrocodes. -University of York will fund 50% of an experiment-focused PhD (£43.5k), with the other 50% (£43.5k) funded by the Fusion CDT (York, Liverpool, Durham, Oxford, Manchester). |
Impact | If funded: further development of the Odin radiation hydrodynamics code. Increase international cooperation in laser fusion research, especially in the field of Shock Ignition. This work would not have been possible without the initial Odin grant. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Adding laser-plasma interaction instability physics to the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code |
Organisation | University of York |
Department | Department of Physics |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I have performed a central role in bringing this partnership together. The core theme is centred around further development of the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code in combination with experiments to benchmark the code developments. |
Collaborator Contribution | This is a fledging partnership. We are yet to secure funding - this is due to be decided by 8th March 2017 by EPSRC. Our various partners have pledged in-kind contributions subject to this project being funded as outlined below: - Atomic Weapons Establishment (Garbett, Sircombe, Coltman, Williams): Garbett and Sircombe are core members of our collaboration. The AWE has pledged significant additional support: 1) simulation support with their CORVUS code (Coltman/Garbett), 2) by funding the PhD of Williams' (who brings experience developing 3D ray-tracing techniques), supervised by Sircombe and Arber), 3) by funding 50% of a second PhD student at Warwick. The total in-kind value the AWE bring to our proposal is £155.8k. - University of Bordeaux, CELIA (Tikhonchuk, Batani, Ribeyre, Lebel, Casner): The CELIA group has agreed to provide modelling support (Ribeyre, Lebel), experimental design expertise (Batani, Casner), theory support (Tikhonchuk), computational resources and access to invaluable data from 'ignition scale' shock ignition experiments scheduled for 2018 on the LMJ. Their in-kind contributions total £1.9M. - Laboratory for Laser Energetics (R. Betti, W. Theobald): As inventor of the shock ignition concept and leading shock ignition experimentalist respectively, LLE will bring a wealth of experience to our team. They will also contribute manpower of 0.3FTE/annum (totalling ~£200k), computing resources, experimental expertise, and the data from all ~200 prior Omega shock ignition shots, worth £1.6M. £1.8M total. - University of Warwick will fund 50% (£33k) of a PhD student performing large-scale PIC modelling of LPIs. This will refine existing reduced-LPI models for incorporation into hydrocodes. -University of York will fund 50% of an experiment-focused PhD (£43.5k), with the other 50% (£43.5k) funded by the Fusion CDT (York, Liverpool, Durham, Oxford, Manchester). |
Impact | If funded: further development of the Odin radiation hydrodynamics code. Increase international cooperation in laser fusion research, especially in the field of Shock Ignition. This work would not have been possible without the initial Odin grant. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Application for phase contrast imaging experiment on the Omega 60 laser |
Organisation | University of Rochester |
Department | Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | This is a collaborative application for experimental time on the Omega laser facility to explore the use of phase contrast imaging on Omega laser fusion implosion experiments. |
Collaborator Contribution | Our partners will submit the application and lead the experimental investigations. They will pay for laser usage and the costs of targets. |
Impact | The experiment has been performed and the data is under-analysis |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Collaborative Shock Ignition experiments on the National Ignition Facility |
Organisation | University of Rochester |
Department | Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | I lead the development of the laser pulse shape for three experiments which have been performed on the National Ignition Facility (NIF). Kevin Glize (STFC RAL) is playing a leading role in the interpretation of this data. |
Collaborator Contribution | Wolfgang Theobald and Mike Rosenberg (Laboratory for Laser energetics (LLE), University of Rochester), lead the design of these experiments and were the principle investigators. LLE also obtained the time on NIF through their cooperative agreement with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. |
Impact | 3 experiments on the National Ignition Facility, each of these is worth ~$1M. Excellent experimental data which will be used both to further our understanding of Shock Ignition and also to benchmark the Odin radiation hydrodynamics code. |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Collaborative XPCI experiment on the Omega EP laser facility through the Laboratory Basic Science (LBS) scheme |
Organisation | University of Rochester |
Department | Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Our team assisted with the development of the concept for the proposal and with drafting the proposal. |
Collaborator Contribution | The application has be made by Wolfgang Theobald (Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester); only researchers at US labs are able to apply for this facility time. He was the principle investigator on the experiments. The University of Bordeaux have performed simulations of the experiment and our leading the drafting of the proposal. |
Impact | A successful experiment on the Omega EP laser facility. This will result in a peer reviewed publication. |
Start Year | 2019 |
Description | Hydro-kinetics grant collaborations |
Organisation | Atomic Weapons Establishment |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | We are all performing research in to the direct drive/shock ignition approach to laser inertial fusion. Our research team has developed a close collaboration with our partners. We have been asked to be the lead experiment designers for a joint experiment on the world-leading National Ignition Facility. |
Collaborator Contribution | AWE: Provision of expertise. Use of internal computing resources. Funding of 2 PhD students to work on this project (jointly with Warwick). Funding of staff time to travel to joint meetings. University of Bordeaux: Use of 1 million hours of CPU-time. 2 persons working for 0.33 FTE for 3 years. Sharing of shot data obtained from the LMJ facility. University of Warwick: 0.5 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of York: 1 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of Rochester: Access to over 200 shots-worth of data from the Omega laser facility. Joint experimental applications to the National Ignition Facility. |
Impact | Successful joint applications with the University of Rochester for time on the National Ignition Facility. The financial value of this is approximately $2.5M. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Hydro-kinetics grant collaborations |
Organisation | General Atomics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | We are all performing research in to the direct drive/shock ignition approach to laser inertial fusion. Our research team has developed a close collaboration with our partners. We have been asked to be the lead experiment designers for a joint experiment on the world-leading National Ignition Facility. |
Collaborator Contribution | AWE: Provision of expertise. Use of internal computing resources. Funding of 2 PhD students to work on this project (jointly with Warwick). Funding of staff time to travel to joint meetings. University of Bordeaux: Use of 1 million hours of CPU-time. 2 persons working for 0.33 FTE for 3 years. Sharing of shot data obtained from the LMJ facility. University of Warwick: 0.5 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of York: 1 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of Rochester: Access to over 200 shots-worth of data from the Omega laser facility. Joint experimental applications to the National Ignition Facility. |
Impact | Successful joint applications with the University of Rochester for time on the National Ignition Facility. The financial value of this is approximately $2.5M. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Hydro-kinetics grant collaborations |
Organisation | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Department | Department of Physics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are all performing research in to the direct drive/shock ignition approach to laser inertial fusion. Our research team has developed a close collaboration with our partners. We have been asked to be the lead experiment designers for a joint experiment on the world-leading National Ignition Facility. |
Collaborator Contribution | AWE: Provision of expertise. Use of internal computing resources. Funding of 2 PhD students to work on this project (jointly with Warwick). Funding of staff time to travel to joint meetings. University of Bordeaux: Use of 1 million hours of CPU-time. 2 persons working for 0.33 FTE for 3 years. Sharing of shot data obtained from the LMJ facility. University of Warwick: 0.5 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of York: 1 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of Rochester: Access to over 200 shots-worth of data from the Omega laser facility. Joint experimental applications to the National Ignition Facility. |
Impact | Successful joint applications with the University of Rochester for time on the National Ignition Facility. The financial value of this is approximately $2.5M. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Hydro-kinetics grant collaborations |
Organisation | Sapienza University of Rome |
Department | Department of Physics |
Country | Italy |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are all performing research in to the direct drive/shock ignition approach to laser inertial fusion. Our research team has developed a close collaboration with our partners. We have been asked to be the lead experiment designers for a joint experiment on the world-leading National Ignition Facility. |
Collaborator Contribution | AWE: Provision of expertise. Use of internal computing resources. Funding of 2 PhD students to work on this project (jointly with Warwick). Funding of staff time to travel to joint meetings. University of Bordeaux: Use of 1 million hours of CPU-time. 2 persons working for 0.33 FTE for 3 years. Sharing of shot data obtained from the LMJ facility. University of Warwick: 0.5 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of York: 1 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of Rochester: Access to over 200 shots-worth of data from the Omega laser facility. Joint experimental applications to the National Ignition Facility. |
Impact | Successful joint applications with the University of Rochester for time on the National Ignition Facility. The financial value of this is approximately $2.5M. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Hydro-kinetics grant collaborations |
Organisation | University of Bordeaux |
Country | France |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are all performing research in to the direct drive/shock ignition approach to laser inertial fusion. Our research team has developed a close collaboration with our partners. We have been asked to be the lead experiment designers for a joint experiment on the world-leading National Ignition Facility. |
Collaborator Contribution | AWE: Provision of expertise. Use of internal computing resources. Funding of 2 PhD students to work on this project (jointly with Warwick). Funding of staff time to travel to joint meetings. University of Bordeaux: Use of 1 million hours of CPU-time. 2 persons working for 0.33 FTE for 3 years. Sharing of shot data obtained from the LMJ facility. University of Warwick: 0.5 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of York: 1 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of Rochester: Access to over 200 shots-worth of data from the Omega laser facility. Joint experimental applications to the National Ignition Facility. |
Impact | Successful joint applications with the University of Rochester for time on the National Ignition Facility. The financial value of this is approximately $2.5M. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Hydro-kinetics grant collaborations |
Organisation | University of Rochester |
Department | Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are all performing research in to the direct drive/shock ignition approach to laser inertial fusion. Our research team has developed a close collaboration with our partners. We have been asked to be the lead experiment designers for a joint experiment on the world-leading National Ignition Facility. |
Collaborator Contribution | AWE: Provision of expertise. Use of internal computing resources. Funding of 2 PhD students to work on this project (jointly with Warwick). Funding of staff time to travel to joint meetings. University of Bordeaux: Use of 1 million hours of CPU-time. 2 persons working for 0.33 FTE for 3 years. Sharing of shot data obtained from the LMJ facility. University of Warwick: 0.5 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of York: 1 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of Rochester: Access to over 200 shots-worth of data from the Omega laser facility. Joint experimental applications to the National Ignition Facility. |
Impact | Successful joint applications with the University of Rochester for time on the National Ignition Facility. The financial value of this is approximately $2.5M. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Hydro-kinetics grant collaborations |
Organisation | University of Warwick |
Department | Department of Physics |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are all performing research in to the direct drive/shock ignition approach to laser inertial fusion. Our research team has developed a close collaboration with our partners. We have been asked to be the lead experiment designers for a joint experiment on the world-leading National Ignition Facility. |
Collaborator Contribution | AWE: Provision of expertise. Use of internal computing resources. Funding of 2 PhD students to work on this project (jointly with Warwick). Funding of staff time to travel to joint meetings. University of Bordeaux: Use of 1 million hours of CPU-time. 2 persons working for 0.33 FTE for 3 years. Sharing of shot data obtained from the LMJ facility. University of Warwick: 0.5 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of York: 1 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of Rochester: Access to over 200 shots-worth of data from the Omega laser facility. Joint experimental applications to the National Ignition Facility. |
Impact | Successful joint applications with the University of Rochester for time on the National Ignition Facility. The financial value of this is approximately $2.5M. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Description | Hydro-kinetics grant collaborations |
Organisation | University of York |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We are all performing research in to the direct drive/shock ignition approach to laser inertial fusion. Our research team has developed a close collaboration with our partners. We have been asked to be the lead experiment designers for a joint experiment on the world-leading National Ignition Facility. |
Collaborator Contribution | AWE: Provision of expertise. Use of internal computing resources. Funding of 2 PhD students to work on this project (jointly with Warwick). Funding of staff time to travel to joint meetings. University of Bordeaux: Use of 1 million hours of CPU-time. 2 persons working for 0.33 FTE for 3 years. Sharing of shot data obtained from the LMJ facility. University of Warwick: 0.5 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of York: 1 PhD students's pay + fees. Money towards experimental time on Omega facility + targets. University of Rochester: Access to over 200 shots-worth of data from the Omega laser facility. Joint experimental applications to the National Ignition Facility. |
Impact | Successful joint applications with the University of Rochester for time on the National Ignition Facility. The financial value of this is approximately $2.5M. |
Start Year | 2017 |
Title | Odin code |
Description | Odin is a radiation-hydrodynamics code written specifically to simulate laser fusion implosions. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | This will enable us to perform simulations of laser fusion experiments, in turn enabling us to perform experiments on international laser facilities. |
Title | Python interface for Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code |
Description | This is a Python interface for the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code. It enables the user to easily create and visualise sophisticated meshes and write files which provide the appropriate initial conditions for the Odin code. It also provides data visualisation and analysis tools. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2015 |
Impact | Still under development. |
Title | Synthetic x-ray imaging diagnostic for Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code |
Description | Laboratory laser-plasma interaction experiments routinely measure x-ray images. In order to truly understand the experimental images and/or relate the simulations to the experiments, it is often necessary to first simulate the experiment then create synthetic x-ray images of the simulation. The experiment and synthetic x-ray images can then be compared directly. This work created a tool which will create these synthetic x-ray images for the Odin radiation-hydrodynamics code. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2016 |
Impact | None to date as he Odin code is still in development. |