Linked Rings for Quantum Information Processing

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Chemistry


Quantum information processing sounds like science fiction. In a conventional computer information is stored in a bit which can either be a 0 or a 1, and processing information involves changing 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. In a quantum computer information would be stored as a Qubit which is a super-position of 0 and 1. An analogue would be that a classical bit is like a light switch, which is either on or off, while a Qubit is a dimmer switch set simultaneously to all possible positions. This proposal involves using magnetic metal complexes as Qubits , and looking at methods for linking them together to perform quantum operations. The key problem is to introduce links which can be modified easily and thus make a two Qubit quantum gate . Two means of modifying links are by shining light on them - if they are photo-active - or adding or removing electrons from them - if they are redox-active. The proposal builds on previous work in Manchester in making the magnetic metal complexes and photo/redox-active compounds. Combining these two areas of expertise makes it possible for us to make significant progress towards creating a prototype molecular quantum gate. As no efficient means for performing quantum information processing presently exists - despite large scientific effort in this area from companies such as IBM - if successful this project would change the world.


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