Theory of Explosive Plasma Instabilities

Lead Research Organisation: University of York
Department Name: Physics


There are many situations in both laboratory and astrophysical plasmas where violent eruptions can occur. Such dramatic events, with very short time-scales, cannot be explained solely in terms of linear theory. This research project will develop a theoretical understanding of the non-linear mechanisms responsible for such explosive growth. The focus will be on two types of instability that are relevant in laboratory tokamak plasmas, which are confined by magnetic fields to achieve the conditions necessary for fusion. These are called the edge-localised mode (ELM) and the neoclassical tearing mode (NTM). The ELM is a particularly violent event in a tokamak plasma which leads to a massive, sudden ejection of heat and particles from the plasma surface. We have developed a non-linear theory to explain this phenomenon, and in the process have identified a possible link between ELMs in tokamaks and solar eruptions. Our theory predicts that filaments of plasma erupt from the surface, and these have since been observed on many of the world's major fusion tokamak experiments. A first step of this research project will be to provide a computer code to solve the non-linear equation we have derived, which is interesting in itself as it contains a fractional derivative and a finite time singularity. The code will be used to make quantitative predictions that can be compared with experimental data. We still know little about how these filaments can release so much energy (around a megajoule) in such a short time (around 100 microseconds). A major part of the proposed work will be to explore the energy release mechanism, which will require new physics studies, possibly involving reconnection of the magnetic field lines. Understanding this is particularly important for the next step, multi-billion Euro, international tokamak called ITER, which will be constructed in France. There is a major concern that these ELM events could affect the performance of ITER, and could even cause serious damage to its structure. As well as benefits to the fusion community, we also expect the results to shed light on mechanisms for astrophysical eruptions.The tokamak plasma is generally stable to the NTM unless it gets a 'kick' from another instability. An NTM can then be excited. This kick could come from the ELM described above or, more usually, from another type of rapid instability in the plasma core called the 'sawtooth'. The NTM causes magnetic field lines to break and reconnect because of filamentary currents in the plasma, to create large coherent structures called magnetic islands . The modified magnetic topology is much less effective at confining heat and particles, which is a concern for ITER. We will adapt our theory for the ELM to explore whether or not it can explain the explosive nature of the sawtooth instability also. We will then study the implications of the model for triggering an NTM. There are two important questions for the NTM:(1) How big is the 'kick' that is provided by the ELM or sawtooth (the 'seed')?(2) How big does the kick have to be to trigger an NTM (the 'threshold')?We shall address the first through our improved understanding of ELMs and sawteeth. To answer the second question we will explore how the magnetic islands interact with fine-scale phenomena (such as the particle orbits or plasma turbulence) that influence the transport of pressure and momentum in the plasma. These transport processes influence the filamentary currents that give rise to the NTM. In fact, we believe that under certain conditions they may heal small magnetic islands, providing a threshold for NTM growth. We shall explore the mechanisms which govern this by constructing a new, state-of-the-art computer code. With this code, supported by analytic solutions to simplified model equations, we shall shed new light on reconnection events in plasmas in general, and the NTM in particular.


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Description We developed an understanding of how plasma instabilities that modify the magnetic geometry influence the plasma turbulence, and also how the plasma temperature influences these instabilities.
We developed a new code, the BOUT++ code, for modelling plasma eruptions called ELMs. This code is a flexible computational framework that we have also used for plasma turbulence studies, as well as understanding how magnetic perturbations can penetrate the highly conducting plasma - a key issue for controlling ELMs in ITER
Exploitation Route The BOUT++ code for plasma instabilities and turbulence was a major output from this project. It has a large international user base, spanning the US, EU and Asia and there is even an international BOUT++ workshop each year to bring the users together. Although developed for tokamak plasmas, BOUT++ is a generic fluid dynamics code that could have uses even beyond plasma physics.
Sectors Energy

Description This project addressed two major plasma stability issues for tokamaks. The first is the neoclassical tearing mode, working towards a quantitative model - this is challenging because of fine scale boundary layers that must be resolved. Progress was made in advancing our understanding, with a number of publications and conference presentations, but a complete, predictive model is the subject of ongoing work. The second project was to develop a model for plasma eruptions. This led to the development of a new code, called BOUT++, optimised to study these eruptions. Subsequent extensions have enabled the code to be exploited for turbulence studies on the plasma edge. Both the eruption and turbulence simulations continue to make a major international impact.
First Year Of Impact 2008
Sector Energy
Impact Types Societal

Description CCFE - explosive 
Organisation Culham Centre for Fusion Energy
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Developed the theory of explosive plasma instabilities, and the new computational tool, BOUT++ to describe plasma eruptions. Also worked on the theory of tearing modes in tokamak plasmas
Collaborator Contribution Both partners provided complementary technical expertise for the collaboration, as well as hosting the York team for research visits
Impact Several journal publications. The BOUT++ code is now used by the international fusion community and continues to be developed.
Start Year 2008
Description CCFE - explosive 
Organisation Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Developed the theory of explosive plasma instabilities, and the new computational tool, BOUT++ to describe plasma eruptions. Also worked on the theory of tearing modes in tokamak plasmas
Collaborator Contribution Both partners provided complementary technical expertise for the collaboration, as well as hosting the York team for research visits
Impact Several journal publications. The BOUT++ code is now used by the international fusion community and continues to be developed.
Start Year 2008
Description General Atomics 
Organisation General Atomics
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Research has mainly focused on stability and confinement of fusion plasmas. They have hosted two of our PhD students and one PDRA for extended periods, one working on theory and modelling and two on experiments from the DIII-D tokamak which they operate. Two academic staff have also made extended research visits in the last two years.
Collaborator Contribution They have provided access to DIII-D data and supported our PDRA staff and PhD students while they visited. They provided expert knowledge on accessing and interpreting DIII-D plasma data, as well as the specifics of the ELITE code, that complements our own expertise.
Impact A major output is the ELITE code, which is an internationally known scientific research code for predictling the stability of tokamak plasmas that has been developed over an extended period in an extremely fruitful collaboration. This collaboration was recognised and the achievements arising from the ELITE project was recognised in 2013 by the American Physical Society's "John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics", given to the YPI-GA collaborative team. There are very many publications and high profile outputs. Most recently, one of the collaborative papers won the prize for best paper in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) journal "Nuclear Fusion" (2012)
Start Year 2006
Title open source software licence 
Description BOUT++ fluid simulation code released under LGPL 
IP Reference  
Protection Copyrighted (e.g. software)
Year Protection Granted 2009
Licensed Yes
Impact BOUT++ is now recognised as world-leading, and is used by researchers in the UK, USA, China, South Korea, Japan, India, and Denmark. An indication of the international adoption of this code and impact on the field is that in 2016 (January to October), at least 14 papers have been published using BOUT++ in which B.Dudson (the lead developer) was not involved. The lead authors of these papers were from the UK (York, CCFE), USA (LLNL, NRL), South Korea (NFRI), and China (Sichuan, IPP Hefei). These papers studied a wide range of plasma phenomena: 3 concerned the motion of isolated plasma "filaments", and compared to experimental data from MAST (UK) and Torpex (Switzerland); 4 studied aspects of Edge Localised Modes (ELMs), eruptions seen in high performance fusion plasmas which are a serious concern for ITER; 3 studied how externally applied magnetic fields penetrate into a plasma, a basic plasma physics problem but also one of great interest as it is the primary method proposed to control ELMs in ITER; one paper studied how microwave propagation through a plasma is affected by turbulence, which has important implications for interpreting experimental measurements of microwave emission from plasmas, and potentially for microwave heating schemes.
Title BOUT++ software 
Description BOUT++ is a library for solving a wide class of PDEs, in particular fluid and gyro-fluid plasma models. It implements the spatial and time integration operators (explicit and implicit) needed in finite difference and finite volume solvers, and these components can be modified with run-time options. These features and others allow rapid development of new simulation tools for the wide range of models encountered in plasma physics and elsewhere. Since its original release in 2009 it has become increasingly general as it has been adopted and extended by a worldwide community. It is open source, publicly available on github. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2009 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact BOUT++ is now recognised as world-leading, and is used by researchers in the UK, USA, China, South Korea, Japan, India, and Denmark. An indication of the international adoption of this code and impact on the field is that in 2016 (January to October), at least 14 papers have been published using BOUT++ in which B.Dudson (the lead developer who originally wrote the code) was not involved. The lead authors of these papers were from the UK (York, CCFE), USA (LLNL, NRL), South Korea (NFRI), and China (Sichuan, IPP Hefei). These papers studied a wide range of plasma phenomena: 3 concerned the motion of isolated plasma "filaments", and compared to experimental data from MAST (UK) and Torpex (Switzerland); 4 studied aspects of Edge Localised Modes (ELMs), eruptions seen in high performance fusion plasmas which are a serious concern for ITER; 3 studied how externally applied magnetic fields penetrate into a plasma, a basic plasma physics problem but also one of great interest as it is the primary method proposed to control ELMs in ITER; one paper studied how microwave propagation through a plasma is affected by turbulence, which has important implications for interpreting experimental measurements of microwave emission from plasmas, and potentially for microwave heating schemes.