HIPNet / Heterogeneous IP Networks

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Engineering


ICT is of vital importance to the UK economy. In the past 5 years the UK has made substantial progress in creating one of the most competitive broadband markets in the world and is seeing 3G mobile starting to make a real impact on services. All this is leading towards the UK being a digitally rich economy, with ICT becoming all-pervasive in our lives. The HIPNet project supports the UK in maintaining this technological lead by the validation and verification of these complex ICT networks through a combination of experimental development and modelling. It will focus on traffic modelling and the network testing of techniques needed to economically achieve the required levels of Quality of Service (QoS) for multiple and diverse services in Next Generation Networks (NGNs), under conditions of traffic growth and also of major disruption. This is activity is set against the background of a step change in network features which is driving this additional complexity.A test-bed that contains all the constituent network components of a NGN is to be developed to validate end to end service delivery. In addition it is important to be able to predict the behaviour of complex networks and develop rules to ensure that the networks being built can be scaled to meet the needs of new and evolving services. This aspect of the network validation can be performed by a number of modelling activities, which can then be verified by comparison with the results from the network test-beds


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Kwok C (2009) Shannon capacity calculation on multimode fibres in IET Optoelectronics

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Lin T (2007) Capacity Scaling in a Multihost Wavelength-Striped SOA-Based Switch Fabric in Journal of Lightwave Technology

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Rosas-Fernandez J (2009) 18 Gchips/s Electronic CDMA for Low-Cost Optical Access Networks in Journal of Lightwave Technology

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S. Liu Low penalty monolithic 2 x 2 quantum dot switch in European Conference on Optical Communication (Cannes)

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Seddighian P (2009) Optical Packet Switching Networks With Binary Multiwavelength Labels in Journal of Lightwave Technology

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Thilakumara (2006) Modeling of reflection-transmission grating based 2DIO wavelength router in Journal of Lightwave Technology

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White I (2009) Scalable optical switches for computing applications [Invited] in Journal of Optical Networking

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White I (2007) Control architecture for high capacity multistage photonic switch circuits in Journal of Optical Networking

Description Within the project work has concentrated on developing technologies which will enable varied, heterogeneous technological infrastructures to inter-communicate and thus facilitate end to end communication over both the access and core communication networks. A key enabling technology for this goal is that of switching, both in the datacenter and also in the core network. This is conventionally achieved using electronic switches and routers, which while effective dissipate considerable power.
The design of high speed integrated optical switches within the project has enabled the demonstration of increasing port-count fabrics, with the first integrated 16 port switch, capable of routing 16 simultaneous data streams, each at 10Gb/s with a reconfiguration time of several nanoseconds. These optical switches can be extremely compact, with dimensions of 7mm per side and consume comparatively low powers, of less than 16W, with an energy consumption of 100pJ/bit.
An improved version of this integrated optical switch has been manufactured within the project, using a combination of both active optical amplifiers and passive optical waveguides and also comprising built-in optical monitoring to improve performance. This switch has 4 times better energy efficiency than the previous switch, operating with an energy consumption of 26 pJ/bit.
In addition to the optical switch technologies within the project, there has also been considerable work on energy efficient capacity access technologies, which can assist the provision of future generation passive optical networks (PONs). It is clear that access technologies will have to be capable of transmitting ever increasing data capacities, with increasing video consumption, both residentially, on fixed access systems and also on mobile devices - greatly increasing demand on mobile back-hauling technologies.
The project has been developing technologies which can use tuneable lasers, currently used for high quality telecommunications systems. These components will be able to be operated without the temperature stabilisation or the time consuming calibration associated with their current usage.
Control algorithms developed within the project have enabled demonstration of such lasers which can be operated over a temperature range of 45°C, while remaining at their correct operating wavelength. In addition their use within a PON enables a control system to be developed which allows them to operate in a 'colourless' manner - their operating wavelength automatically determined by their physical deployment within the system. It is envisaged that further development of this technology with develop commercially viable access networks with data capacities in excess of 40 Gb/s per wavelength channel.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of the project are actively being carried forwards towards deployment in the real world.
The two key areas of research within the project are both being active followed up within other research projects, having significant industrial interest.
The work both optical switches and on novel passive optical networks for energy efficient high capacity applications is contributing to the Greentouch consortium - which is dedicated to seeing a 1000 fold improvement in network energy efficiency compared to the levels at 2010.
Optical switch research continues within both the EU Paradigm and the EPSRC STAR project, where both switch energy efficiency and performance have continued to improve. There is currently active interest from major industrial companies such as Alcatel Lucent, aiming to produce systems demonstrated within their laboratories.
The tunable laser control technology demonstrated with the project is being further developed within the TSB Tucan project, with key partners such as Oclaro and ADVA. Systems based on this laser control have been demonstrated successfully in both laboratory and field trials in the UK and in Austria. The control systems have been implemented in hardware within industry standard packaged components. Industrial partners are actively exploring ways of turning these systems into products.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


URL http://www-g.eng.cam.ac.uk/photonic_comms/files/cps_research_home.php?p=HIPNET
Description The key findings within the project have enabled new methods of design of switching technology and methodology to be envisaged in a practical manner. The use of such optical switches developed within the project has caused several large companies to be show a great deal of interest in adopting this technology within their communications equipment used for both long haul and broadband access applications. The ever increasing energy demand from global ICT systems will soon start to consume a major part of global energy production. The major outcome of this research is the reduction in power consumption of data switches which are based upon the optical switching elements designed within the project. Indeed ideas developed here could see an order of magnitude reduction in the power required to drive high capacity switches and routers used within datacenters and telecommunications systems. There is thus significant societal impact in reducing the energy consumption of future high capacity communications systems. In the past two years there has been renewed interest in the innovative work initiated within the project on code division multiplexed passive optical networks. This has led to the award of a contract with an overseas company.
First Year Of Impact 2010
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Electronics
Impact Types Societal


Description Huawei CAPE mode OFDM-ECDMA Access Network
Amount £69,821 (GBP)
Organisation Huawei Technologies 
Sector Private
Country China
Start 03/2014 
End 03/2015
Description SwiTching And tRansmission (STAR)
Amount £299,440 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/K018116/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2013 
End 12/2016
Description Ericsson Limited 
Organisation Ericsson
Country Sweden 
Sector Private 
Start Year 2006
Description Freescale Semiconductor Uk Ltd 
Organisation Freescale Semiconductors
Department Freescale Semiconductor UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
Start Year 2006