UK-India Centre of Excellence in NGNs

Lead Research Organisation: University of Ulster
Department Name: Sch of Computing & Information Eng


BackgroundDuring three multi-segment visits to India, Professor Gerard Parr will visit Institutes of Technology in Madras-Chennai, Delhi, Bangalore, Bombay and the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. The purpose of the visits are three-fold in order to:-.(i) develop parallel research proposals on NGN Management to the Indian Department of Science & Technology and EPSRC with Professors Timothy Gonsalves and Mani Subramanian (IIT Madras).(ii) develop plans for future collaborations on architectures and protocols for resource-constrained SLA-convergence in NGNs, taking into account e2e requirements across the fixed-wireless boundaries. This will be between Professor Kumar (IISc Bangalore), Prof Asoke Talukder (IIIT Bangalore) and Professor U.B. Desai (IIT Bombay) and Professor Surendra Prasad (IIT Delhi). (iii) build upon previous and existing collaborations between UK and India to assist in the investigation and development a unique consortium-based research and technology-transfer Centre of Excellence in NGNs/ICT.Leading on from (iii), as a result of an excellent workshop event in Madras, the challenge now is to maintain the momentum with all the interested academics and industrial players who participated in the discussions and technical presentations and to develop an agreed programme of work that will represent the interest of the UK and Indian consortium that was established. The intention is that the programme will help identify and develop priority research areas and seek out relevant funding mechanisms to actively encourage leading researchers and companies to pursue innovative research and technology transfer. Such a research aganda will power the next generation of communications technology and usher in a new era of ICT research and technology transfer between Britain and India, the world's second fastest growing economy. This is very much in keeping with the recent 2006 Budget Statement from the UK government to ensure the UK can maintain its goal as a competitive centre for global investment in technology-led sectors .Context for ProposalPreviously, the Technical Workshop (as evidenced in the appendices) was developed, planned and organised by Professor Parr on behalf of the EPSRC/British High Commission in India in response to a desire to further academic research and technology transfer collaboration between the UK and India. The proposal was based on previous meetings and discussions organised during British High Commission (Delhi) UK-India ICT visits (8th-14th January 2005) and subsequently. These visits included top research Institutes of Technology (Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai) and key companies in the ICT sector within India, including Wipro, InfoSys and Sasken Communications. The background to these visits was to determine the level of interest and capability to develop a more in-depth UK-India collaborative effort in ICT, particularly concerning the fixed-wireless interface and its management. For the past twelve months under the invitation of EPSRC and the British High Commission in Delhi, Professor Parr has established a UK-India advisory group which has been formulating the development plan between the two nations. In the activity, Professor Parr has been designated the UK Consortium Academic Lead.
Description The overall objective of this EPSRC Travel Grant was to investigate, foster and develop new models of sustainable collaboration between the UK and India in the Digital Economy/ICT sector and to encourage a step-change in research capacity flows and graduate training between both countries. More specifically, the original key objectives for this travel grant were to :-
(i) develop parallel research proposals on NGN Management to the Indian Department of Science & Technology and EPSRC
(ii) develop plans for future collaborations on architectures and protocols for resource-constrained SLA-convergence in NGNs, taking into account e2e applications requirements across the fixed-wireless boundaries.
(iii) build upon previous and existing collaborations between UK and India to assist in the investigation and development a unique consortium-based research and technology-transfer Centre of Excellence in NGNs/ICT.
Overall, these objectives were not only achieved but far exceeded. This travel grant was used effectively to establish the first major India-UK consortium in Next Generation Networks Systems and Services in direct response to a previous request from the British High Commission in India. The consortium that was formed by the PI has developed and matured over the past three years through a series of workshops supported by EPSRC and the British High Commission in India, commencing with a Technical Workshop in January/February 2006. Through follow-on efforts the PI attracted support from EPSRC INTERACT 5 GR EP/F030118/1, UKTI Innovation Scheme, FCO Global Opportunities Fund (GOF), and a UKIERI-DST Research Award (No- S083). Further EPSRC PhD CASE awards with BT were also attracted by the PI (EP/G500371/1 and EP/G501823/1) during this period. The work started and encouraged by this EPSRC Travel Grant has recently culminated in the development and successful funding announcement in January 2009 of the India-UK Advanced Technology Centre (IU-ATC) of Excellence in Next Generation Networks Systems and Services that attracted a total investment from EPSRC-DST (EP/G051674/1 ) and partners to the tune of ?9.2m. The major consortium comprises 8 research-leading universities in UK, 5 leading IITs, major industrial partners in UK and India (including companies such as BT, InfoSys, Wipro, Sasken, and Tejas), and a number of SMEs. The initiative will put in place the support infrastructure to facilitate, develop and enable the Digital Economy of both countries. This will be achieved through scientific investigation of the technical and functional requirements of Next Generation Networks through the promotion of industry collaboration with research-leading academic institutions and government departments as part of an initial 30 month Phase 1 of an overall 5-year joint programme between the UK and India. This projects support a fundamental rethink to adapt and develop novel solutions and provide for research, innovation and wealth creation opportunities between UK and India in the NGN domain. The IU-ATC initiative is focused on promotion of the Digital Economy, a priority identified under the government Comprehensive Spending Review 2007.
Exploitation Route This travel grant enabled the core UK team to visit India to engage in technical meetings that scoped out the research agenda for our larger proposal to EPSRC and DST. During this period of this grant we were also able to host technical meetings in India to which we invited key senior figures form industry and government to elaborate and highlight areas of strategic important for research in both UK and India and with industry (e.g. BT, InfoSys, Wipro)
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Food and Drink

Communities and Social Services/Policy


Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)





Financial Services

and Management Consultancy



Democracy and Justice


including Industrial Biotechology

Security and Diplomacy



Description The overall objective of this EPSRC Travel Grant was to investigate, foster and develop new models of sustainable collaboration between the UK and India in the Digital Economy/ICT sector and to encourage a step-change in research capacity flows and graduate training between both countries. More specifically, the original key objectives for this travel grant were to :- (i) develop parallel research proposals on NGN Management to the Indian Department of Science & Technology and EPSRC (ii) develop plans for future collaborations on architectures and protocols for resource-constrained SLA-convergence in NGNs, taking into account e2e applications requirements across the fixed-wireless boundaries. (iii) build upon previous and existing collaborations between UK and India to assist in the investigation and development a unique consortium-based research and technology-transfer Centre of Excellence in NGNs/ICT. Overall, these objectives were not only achieved but far exceeded. This travel grant was used effectively to establish the first major India-UK consortium in Next Generation Networks Systems and Services in direct response to a previous request from the British High Commission in India. The consortium that was formed by the PI has developed and matured over the past three years through a series of workshops supported by EPSRC and the British High Commission in India, commencing with a Technical Workshop in January/February 2006. Through follow-on efforts the PI attracted support from EPSRC INTERACT 5 GR EP/F030118/1, UKTI Innovation Scheme, FCO Global Opportunities Fund (GOF), and a UKIERI-DST Research Award (No- S083). Further EPSRC PhD CASE awards with BT were also attracted by the PI (EP/G500371/1 and EP/G501823/1) during this period. The work started and encouraged by this EPSRC Travel Grant has recently culminated in the development and successful funding announcement in January 2009 of the India-UK Advanced Technology Centre (IU-ATC) of Excellence in Next Generation Networks Systems and Services that attracted a total investment from EPSRC-DST (EP/G051674/1 ) and partners to the tune of £9.2m. The major consortium comprises 8 research-leading universities in UK, 5 leading IITs, major industrial partners in UK and India (including companies such as BT, InfoSys, Wipro, Sasken, and Tejas), and a number of SMEs. The initiative will put in place the support infrastructure to facilitate, develop and enable the Digital Economy of both countries. This will be achieved through scientific investigation of the technical and functional requirements of Next Generation Networks through the promotion of industry collaboration with research-leading academic institutions and government departments as part of an initial 30 month Phase 1 of an overall 5-year joint programme between the UK and India. This projects support a fundamental rethink to adapt and develop novel solutions and provide for research, innovation and wealth creation opportunities between UK and India in the NGN domain. The IU-ATC initiative is focused on promotion of the Digital Economy, a priority identified under the government Comprehensive Spending Review 2007.
First Year Of Impact 2007
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Communities and Social Services/Policy,Construction,Creative Economy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Electronics,Energy,Environment,Financial Services, and Management Consultancy,Healthcare,Government, Democracy and Justice,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Security and Diplomacy,Transport,Other
Impact Types Cultural



Policy & public services