Maximizing measures in hyperbolic dynamics

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: Mathematics


In the study of dynamical systems, the long term asymptotic behaviour is often best understood in terms of properties of invariant measures. In the particular setting of Lagrangian flows, Mane and Mather formulated a number of important questions about those measures whose integrals maximized a particular integral. As part of a general theory, one can ask similar questions about quite diverse dynamical systems. In the particular case of hyperbolic (or chaotic) dynamical systems, we can consider a natural class of measures called Gibbs measures, whose study originated in the mathematical theory of Statistical Mechanics, and the work of Ruelle and Sinai. This proposal relates to how maximizing measures for typical functions for these hyperbolic systems can be approximated by these better behaved Gibbs measures. This has important implications for understanding the quite complicated, but important, maximizing measures in terms of much simpler Gibbs measures.


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Pollicott M (2020) Exact dimensional for Bernoulli measures and the Gauss map in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

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Pollicott M (2023) Accurate Bounds on Lyapunov Exponents for Expanding Maps of the Interval. in Communications in mathematical physics

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Pollicott M (2021) Fourier multipliers and transfer operators in Journal of Fractal Geometry, Mathematics of Fractals and Related Topics

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MORRIS I (2009) The Mañé-Conze-Guivarc'h lemma for intermittent maps of the circle in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems

Description The grant was successful in making substantial progress on properties of maximizing measures. This stimulated research in related areas by other researchers, with connections to analysis, geometry, dynamical systems,
Exploitation Route The RA went on to told a lectureship in Surrey. The work on the grant has stimulated research by many other authors.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

