Cavity-mediated cooling using nanostructured surfaces

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy


Cavity-mediated cooling has emerged as the only general technique with the potential to cool molecular species down to the microkelvin temperatures needed for quantum coherence and degeneracy. The EuroQUAM CMMC project will link leading theoreticians and experimentalists, including the technique's inventors and experimental pioneers, to develop it into a truly practical technique, reinforcing European leadership in this field. Four major experiments will explore a spectrum of complementary configurations and cavity-mediated cooling will be applied to molecules for the first time; a comprehensive theoretical programme will meanwhile examine the underlying mechanisms and identify the optimal route to practicality. The close connections between theory and experiment, and between pathfinding and underpinning studies, will allow each to guide and inform the others, ensuring that cavity-mediated cooling is swiftly developed as a broad enabling technology for new realms of quantum coherent molecular physics and chemistry.Collective cooling schemes have already been proposed for the strong coupling regime. The aim of the Leeds research is to develop a detailed theory for the collective cooling of particles trapped inside a highly leaky optical cavity. The theoretical results obtained for this so-called bad-cavity regime will be compared with the still unexplained experimental studies reported elsewhere. Moreover, they will provide concrete input in the design of the physical setups used by the experimental groups in this network, who will operate their cavity in the so-called bad cavity limit.


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Beige A (2011) New cooling mechanisms for atoms and molecules in Journal of Modern Optics

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Blake T (2012) Rate-equation approach to cavity-mediated laser cooling in Physical Review A

Description Cavity-mediated cooling has emerged as the only general technique with the potential to cool molecular species down to the microkelvin temperatures needed for quantum coherence and degeneracy. The EuroQUAM CMMC project has linked leading theoreticians and experimentalists, including the technique's inventors and experimental pioneers, to develop it into a truly practical technique, reinforcing European leadership in this field. Four major experiments continue to explore a spectrum of complementary configurations, and cavity-mediated cooling will soon be applied to molecules for the first time; a comprehensive theoretical programme has meanwhile examined the underlying mechanisms and identified the optimal routes to practicality. The close connections between theory and experiment, and between pathfinding and underpinning studies, have allowed each to guide and inform the others, ensuring that cavity-mediated cooling is swiftly developed as a broad enabling technology for new realms of quantum coherent molecular physics and chemistry.

The Southampton component aimed to address, both experimentally and theoretically, fundamental aspects of the cooling process that result from the retarded interaction of a trapped molecule with its reflection in a single mirror, and developments of this prototype scheme that exploit nanostructured mirror arrays that can be produced in our fabrication facilities, and which show both geometric and plasmonic resonances. Our particular aims have been to understand and explore the most basic version of cavity-mediated cooling, and to develop new implementations suitable for nanoscale integration as a future technology.

Our studies have explored cavity-mediated cooling, and its generic prototype of 'mirror-mediated cooling', through classical, semi-classical and classical optics approaches, allowing the investigation of a wide variety of configurations and enhancements as well as a the development of a profound understanding of the underlying mechanisms from a range of viewpoints. As a result, we have been able both to contribute to the understanding of cavity-mediated cooling itself, and to propose and evaluate a range of related schemes, including the use of external resonators, loop feedback and optical gain. Of particular interest has been the extension of these schemes to the cooling of microfabricated optomechanical structures and mechanisms. Optomechanics has emerged as a high-level research topic worldwide during the course of our project, and we have been quick to extend our cavity cooling work into this area.
Exploitation Route Our results inspire new experiments.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

