Quantifying cell behaviour in morphogenesis

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Physiology Development and Neuroscience


During animal development, the cells of the embryo undergo enormous movements and reorganisations to shape themselves into the tissues and organs of the body. The complexity of the process is such that there are many stages at which errors might occur, the results of which can be seen in the form of birth defects. In many cases, such as neural tube defects, the consequences of there errors can be severe. Research into understanding how these errors arise depends upon us being able to view and measure the movements of cells during the time at which they are rearranging to ask how their behaviours diverge from normal development. Advances in microscopy now allow us to see the outlines of cells in three dimensions and to follow the development of living embryos as these movements take place. In our work we use a small fish, the zebrafish, for which there are many mutant strains with defects analogous to human developmental disorders, particularly for the development of the central nervous system. By studying this model animal it is hoped that understanding can be found that can be translated into insight into the human condition.The work that we propose here is to develop new, more advanced computational methods that will allow us to follow and measure the movements and reorganisations of cells visualised in great detail. Cells and tissues have complex and varied three dimensional shapes and individual 3D images contain many hundreds of cells. Only a very small proportion of these can be analysed manually, but many of the developmental errors that we detect are subtle variations from the normal path, so many precise estimates are needed. The development of a complex organ such as the brain involves many different movements. One example case is the formation of the two eyes. Early during development there exists just one flat sheet of cells that will split and reshape to form two eyeballs. The folding and reshaping that this entails is only now being understood by using these new imaging methods to follow the movements of many hundreds of cells in time-lapse movies of living embryos. Comparing movements seen in normal embryos with mutant embryos, in which the eyes fails to develop correctly, has allowed us to identify the distinct mechanisms that lead to the formation of the eye. In this way we can now begin to ask detailed questions about how errors arise in these mechanisms to cause birth defects. To progress further with these studies we now need to carefully and comprehensively measure the movements of cells of the eye while manipulating the activity of the genes involved in generating these defects. The methods that we propose here will permit us to study this and similar problems in ways that have never before been possible.The methods that we propose to develop here address three related problems. The first is to enable us to measure in three dimensions the shapes and movements of all of the cells within the 3D movies we collect of developing tissues. The second is to develop the mathematical methods needed to measure how reorganisations within this structure changes over time by characterising shape changes and rearrangements of the cells of whole tissues, such as the brain. The third avenue of research is to develop computer models of developing tissues that mimic the behaviour of the actual embryo. The movements of many hundreds of cells is very complicated to understand, but by building numerical simulations we are able to ask what features are important in achieving the movements seen in real animals. All characteristics of the model can be compared to experimental observations and the models then used to test hypotheses about how forces are applied within the embryo to actually cause the brain to form, and why they sometimes go wrong.
Description Many birth defects arise because tissues in the growing embryo have failed to adopt the correct shapes in arrangements within the body. Our hope to understand these problems requires us to develop methods to allow us to follow and measure how tissues develop to give a normal tissue then to identify how and when they deviate from this course to cause defects. Our work has concentrated upon developing methods that allow us to measure how the shapes and movements of the cells of the body give rise to the correct shapes of tissues. By being able to carefully measure these properties we are able to identify where and when behaviours change. This gives us two kinds of insight into normal animal (and human) development. Firstly, by learning how normal tissues develop we understand the basis of our own normal state. Secondly, we can explain the basis of how the system fails in the diseased state. It is our aim to provide a general approach to this problem that can be applied to many organs of the body. The mechanisms and behaviours that we describe are likely to be key components in the development of the major organs of the body, including the brain and spinal cord, the head, lungs and kidneys.
Exploitation Route We can report three major outcomes that have resulted from this grant. First, we have completed and applied 2D and 3D strain rate analyses to problems in developmental biology. This novel approach allows us to measure in unprecedented precision the morphogenesis of tissues in the developing animal. The method reveals how the shapes of tissues change with time and how those changes result from the actions of cells changing shape and cells rearranging. Measured in this way, we can begin a systematic and quantitative analysis of the mechanisms used in the developing embryo. We further extended these methods to build statistical maps in space and time, that cover an extended surface area of developing organs. These maps give us two important insights into the developmental process. Firstly, they show us how developmental mechanisms at the cellular level vary in space and time, which allows us to construct models of the mechanics of normal development. Secondly, they allow us to identify when and where developmental defects first arise in experimental models of birth defects. This gives unparalleled insight into normal and defective developmental mechanisms.

The second major accomplishment has been to develop a new theory to relate how cell shapes and packing arrangements relate to how tissues bend. Virtually all tissues of the body have curvature and change their curvatures during development and even in the adult. Defective patterns of curvature are symptomatic of a number of conditions, including neural tube defects. We have developed a theoretical and analytical framework with which to measure and characterise these relationships in many tissues. This is now being applied to several model systems and is revealing unexpected patterns of cell arrangement that have been unnoticed to date.

The third competed aim has been to build and apply a new method of mathematical model of tissue mechanics. The theoretical framework is a novel cell-based one in which a tissue is composed of cells, with defined mechanical properties, that are able to propagate forces by virtual of adhesive interactions and to rearrange relative to each other according to a viscosity sliding, as in vivo. The model is designed to reflect the mechanical properties that our previously-described analytical methods have revealed. The model is deliberately aimed at providing a mesoscopic level of analysis in which we can explore how collective mechanical properties of tissues result from cell behaviours and how such tissues respond to extrinsic mechanical influences. This latter component reflects an important insight that has arisen from many of our in vivo analyses. More specifically, in many of the tissues, the behaviour of cells is significantly modulated by their mechanical environment, in addition to their own intrinsic behaviours. The consequences of this is that we cannot fully understand tissue morphogenesis by studying isolated cells or fragments. Secondly, when normal development is disrupted such as in birth defect, tissue morphogenesis does not simply stop but rather changes in a way that is reflective of a new balance between the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic forces.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description BBSRC Grouped
Amount £364,043 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/J010278/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2012 
End 03/2015
Description BBSRC Grouped
Amount £364,043 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/J010278/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2012 
End 03/2015
Description Collaboration with Roberto Mayor 
Organisation University College London
Department Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have used some of the methods developed as part of EP/F058586/1 to analyse the movements and intereactions of different cell populations in vivo and in vitro.
Collaborator Contribution My partner was the lead researcher of the study, and his lab performed all the experiments.
Impact A paper has been published: doi: 10.1083/jcb.201402093
Start Year 2012