Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Optoelectronics Research Ctr (closed)


The proposed research introduces a special type of metamaterials, namely planar metamaterials (or metafilms), for practical photonic applications. As a result, a whole new class of extremely compact (low-dimensional) photonic devices that replace the existing bulk optical components (such as spectral filters, polarizers, waveplates, beam splitters etc.) is envisaged. But more importantly artificial planar media allows achieving exotic photonic functionalities (e.g. optical superconductor, asymmetric transmission) that are hardly possible with the use of conventional bulk optical materials. Moreover, the research aims to add a new dimension to the concept of planar metamaterials, and therefore dramatically expand the range of available photonic functionalities, by combining electronic/molecular response of media and metamaterial resonances due to structuring.


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Description This award ended July 2014. Key findings were summarized in the previous report submitted 03 November 2014.
Exploitation Route This was summarized in the previous report submitted 03 November 2014 (award ended July 2014).
Sectors Other

Description This award ended July 2014. The summary was given in the previous report submitted 03 November 2014.
Description A metallic ring is made of two metals, wherein one metal forms a major arcuate portion and the other a minor arcuate portion of the ring, thereby forming a thermocouple-type structure as a result of the two inter-metallic junctions. The metallic ring supports a surface plasmon whose energy is matched to the energy, i.e. wavelength, of an incident light beam so that the oscillating electromagnetic field of the light resonates with the plasmon. The resonating plasmon causes a temperature difference to arise between the two inter-metallic junctions in the ring. The different Seebeck coefficients of the two metals results in the temperature difference causing a net current to flow around the ring, which in turn generates a magnetic field. Such a thermoelectric metamaterial ring transforms high frequency optical energy into long duration magnetic radiation pulses in the terahertz range. Applications of these devices include high density magnetic recording, magnetic field spectroscopy, and efficient terahertz radiation sources. 
IP Reference US2013176836 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2013
Licensed No
Impact TBA