NSF Materials World Network: Nonlinear Optical Metamaterials - Fabrication, Characterization, Theory

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Electronic and Electrical Engineering


This NSF Materials World Network Program allows research into a new class of artificial nanophotonic materials, which make use of our ability to use nanofabrication in conjunction with intrinsic materials properties to tailor the linear and nonlinear optical response of those metamaterials. The main challenges towards a comprehensive understanding and experimental realization of nonlinear optical properties of metamaterials are that a theory of surface and bulk nonlinear optics of metamaterials is yet to be developed, and a practical means to fabricate and test such a theory are missing as well. The main goal of this research program is to achieve these milestones. The program synergistically matches three collaborators, two in the UK and one in the US, with an established record of collaboration to investigate the properties and materials strategies for fabricating these materials. The central rationale for the group is that the UK group provides strong theoretical and fabrication capabilities while the US group provides fabrication, optical testing, and materials capabilities. In addition, we will make use of local instrumentation capabilities in both the UK and the US to fabricate and test these materials. The program is constructed to enable travel to and from each country by students and to a more limited extent the professors. The research to be undertaken here has several areas of broad impact. First, it is a project, which will foster an interdisciplinary examination of the fundamental materials science of artificial metamaterials, which includes fabrication, materials physics, optical physics, and theory. Second it will enable two groups in the US and the UK, with a strong history of interactions and complementary expertise and capabilities to collaborate. This work will involve the opportunity for both graduate and undergraduate students to collaborate and travel in an international setting. Third, the program has concrete plans and procedures to seek out recruitment of diverse student collaborators. Our immediate record in this area is strong including one woman PhD student in theory and two undergraduates. Recruitment for this program will be done via four outreach talks to undergrads at Columbia in Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Departments every year via active participation in research opportunities for undergraduates and undergraduate research opportunities program at Columbia. Fourth, the project will enable students to collaborate via extended visits and shorter trips with a major National Laboratory, i.e. Brookhaven, in their new Nanocenter, which one of the PIs was the founding director, as well as the London Centre for Nanotechnology, a facility shared by the University College London and Imperial College London.


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Description While the main goal of this research programme has been to fabricate and investigate theoretically non-linear nanophotonic
meta-materials, we are very excited that the results obtained as part of this research project have allowed us to
extend the impacts of our work significantly beyond the initial set of objectives. The research programme synergistically
matched three collaborators, two in the UK and one in the US, with an established record of collaboration to investigate the
properties and materials strategies for fabricating non-linear optical meta-materials.
As generic examples of non-linear meta-materials we have considered plasmonic meta-materials made of arrays of
metallic resonators and dielectric photonic crystals made of silicon. In particular, we have developed fabrication techniques
for plasmonic meta-materials and have investigated a series of linear and non-linear optical properties of the fabricated
plasmonic nano-structures, including polarisation-dependent effects in plasmonic meta-surfaces, engineering of optical
absorption in plasmonic meta-materials and the influence of the properties of the primary unit cell (e.g., chirality) on the
second-harmonic generation in plasmonic meta-surfaces. We have also studied the optical properties of photonic crystal
slab waveguides, fabricated onto the silicon-on-insulator materials platform, which within a specific range of frequencies
would have negative effective index of refraction, i.e., a photonic crystal based negative index meta-material. Such highindex-
contrast photonic crystals have strongly modified, tuneable dispersion properties, and thus are an excellent medium
for exploring new linear and non-linear phenomena in negative index materials. To this end, we have demonstrated that
such photonic crystals can be used to achieve a new type of meta-material, i.e., a meta-material with zero index of
refraction. Equally important, our research programme had a strong theoretical component, too. Thus, we have developed
a comprehensive theory of light propagation in photonic crystal slab waveguides made of silicon, which describes the
optical pulse dynamics both in the regular and slow-light regime. Moreover, we have developed a new numerical method
that allowed us to model both the surface and bulk contributions to the second-harmonic generation in plasmonic metamaterials.
The numerical algorithm has been implemented in a high-performance parallel code (OPTIMET), which has
been subsequently used to study the non-linear properties of several types of plasmonic structures and their applications to
ultra-compact sensing devices. Our theoretical work on plasmonic nano-structures has also led to the first theoretical
demonstration of the existence of sub-wavelength plasmonic lattice solitons and plasmonic vortices in one- and twodimensional
arrays of metallic nanowires. The results obtained as part of this research programme have been published in
a series of high-impact journals, including Nature Photonics, Physical Review Letters, Optics Letters and ACS Nano.
Importantly, this research project has facilitated the establishment of several new fruitful collaborations with research
groups at Columbia University, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Equally important, this project has had a very strong educational component, providing ample opportunities for graduate
students and post-graduate researchers to collaborate in an international setting. This collaborative work has been highly
interdisciplinary, bringing together a graduate student specialising in the development of advanced high-performance
computational code and device modelling, one graduate student and a post-graduate researcher whose work focused on
optical characterisation of the fabricated meta-materials and two graduate students who have been involved in all the fabrication aspects of the project.
Exploitation Route We are currently exploring commercialization avenues of OPTIMET, a software tool for modelling linear and non-linear optical properties of photonic metamaterials. This software tool has been developed as part of this research project. Thus, we have contacted and initiated discussions with UCL Business and Photon Design (UK), Europe's leading software company for the Opto-electronics and Photonics industries.
Sectors Education




Description We are currently exploring commercialization avenues of OPTIMET, a software tool for modelling linear and non-linear optical properties of photonic metamaterials. This software tool has been developed as part of this research project. Thus, we have contacted and initiated discussions with UCL Business and Photon Design (UK), Europe's leading software company for the Opto-electronics and Photonics industries.
Sector Education,Electronics,Energy
Impact Types Societal


Description Models light interaction with arbitrary distributions of nanoparticles. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2012 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact Enhances our ability t investigate optical properties of photonic nanostructures.