Interdisciplinary Workshop on Fluctuations and Coherence: from Superfluids to Living Systems

Lead Research Organisation: Lancaster University
Department Name: Physics


We propose an interdisciplinary workshop bringing together experts from diverse fields to discuss a broad range of phenomena associated with the interplay of fluctuations and nonlinearity in complex systems. The underlying physics and concepts have much in common for such seemingly different phenomena as creation of quantized vortices in superfluids and flux lines in superconductors, mass transport in stochastic ratchets in biological cells and cold atom systems, mode switching in lasers, interstate switching in nano-mechanical resonators and in the Josephson bifurcation amplifiers used in quantum measurements, transitions between cardio-respiratory synchronization states, turbulence in He II, rogue waves on the ocean, and extinctions in population dynamics. Yet experts from the corresponding disciplines seldom, if ever, get together to study what in reality are problems of mutual interest where their expertise is likely to be complementary. The proposed conference seeks to address this deficiency and promises effective knowledge transfer between the disciplines.The topics to be addressed will include the hidden dynamics that underlies rare random events in both classical and quantum systems, with emphasis on systems far from thermal equilibrium. Generic features like rate-scaling will be discussed. Ways of controlling rare events in different types of system, e.g. increasing/decreasing the rates of the events, will be considered. The unusual role of quantum fluctuations far from thermal equilibrium, which has no analogue in equilibrium systems, will be explored. The mechanisms responsible for rare events will be discussed, ranging from the nano-scale (e.g. vortices in superfluids, cold atoms, and nano-mechanical resonators), through the mesoscopic (e.g. Josephson junctions), to the macroscopic (e.g. cardio-respiratory interaction and rogue waves on the ocean). These same mechanisms are also often responsible for loss of coherence in nonlinear systems. Other types of non-Gaussian fluctuations will be discussed, including full counting statistics, which is relevant to disciplines ranging from mesoscopic conductors to biosystems. The goal of the workshop is thus to advance understanding and develop new means of controlling fluctuating nonlinear systems far from thermal equilibrium by revealing the common and specific aspects of the behavior of different classes of system. To bring together the best experts in such different areas will involve careful planning and persuasion, as they will need to have it explained how their work fits into the broad context of the workshop. It will also require financial support for travel and subsistence, as many of the scientists we wish to attract are accustomed to invitations where most or all of their costs are covered. We envisage 15 keynote invited speakers in this category within a meeting of up to 60 participants in total, mostly invited, but with a wide range of seniority including some selected PhD students. There will be no parallel sessions. In addition to lectures, there will be round-table discussions of particular topics that transcend the disciplines, in order to identify the analogies and distinctions, and to promote knowledge transfer. Lancaster is in many ways a natural venue for such a workshop, as its Low Temperature and Nonlinear & Biomedical Physics research groups already encompass several of the topics to be studied including superfluidity, fluctuation theory, and cardiovascular dynamics. The Physics Department which will host the event has an excellent national and international reputation (e.g. best research profile in the 2008 UK national Research Assessment Exercise). The University's conference facilities are ideal for a workshop of this kind, with high quality meeting, eating and sleeping facilities all in close proximity on a compact and pleasant campus.

Planned Impact

Beyond the participants in the workshop itself, there is also a much wider group of potential beneficiaries. The form of their benefits will vary markedly between the different areas, being largely academic in some cases and quite close to the industrial market in others. We consider two examples assuming, in each case, that the research in question will be enhanced by the workshop. A. Superfluidity and quantum turbulence. Most of the research in this area seeks basic scientific understanding. We anticipate that progress in understanding quantum turbulence will reflect back on classical turbulence, leading to an enhanced understanding of turbulence in general. Thus, given the universality and importance of turbulence, the work promises to have a powerful cultural and technological impact in the longer term. We envisage impact in the following areas - (a) Academic, as discussed under Academic Beneficiaries. (b) Public. Everybody is familiar with turbulence. It arises for water in e.g. sinks, baths, rivers, and the sea. It also arises in the atmosphere, and most people are familiar with e.g. storms, hurricanes, and admonitions to fasten their seat-belts on encountering turbulent conditions. Hence an improved understanding of turbulence promises to make a significant cultural contribution to the lives of ordinary people. One can readily imagine long-term benefits for museum displays, textbooks, and popular science writing. (c) Industry. Although immediate industrial applications are not envisaged, the research impinges on an area of enormous practical and financial importance. Much of the energy used in air or sea transport, for example, goes into the creation of turbulence. If improved understanding leads eventually to even a small reduction in turbulence production, the corresponding energy savings would pay for the cost of the proposed Workshop many times over. We note that the cooling of large superconducting magnets (e.g. for the LHC at CERN) is achieved through the forced flow of liquid He- 4 at about 1.9K. Here again, any advances in reducing the turbulent dissipation will increase the performance and reliability of the magnets. B. Research in biomedical physics. Activity here covers the full range, extending from the seeking of basic physical and physiological understanding to near-market research on practical devices. Improved modelling of interacting physiological oscillators is a likely outcome of the workshop, and it will bear on existing and ongoing applications to congestive heart failure, anaesthesia depth monitoring, hypertension, tetraplegia, diabetes mellitus, post-acute myocardial infarction, and healthy ageing. In both cases, and for the other research threads not mentioned explicitly, there will be impact through: collaborative research (e.g. the EPSRC/NSF Lancaster-Manchester-Birmingham-Florida-Yale Materials World Network programme on quantum turbulence, and the several clinical collaborations between Lancaster and the Royal Lancaster Infirmary and other hospitals); production of trained people (PhD students and PDRAs); and scientific publications and presentations of different kinds. Further details are given in the Pathways to Impact document.


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Description This was a workshop grant, not a research grant. It enabled us: 1. To formulate and develop approaches to solving a range of physical problems where important phenomena arise from the interplay between fluctuations and nonlinearity, with emphasis on phenomena originating from rare events in quantum and classical systems far from thermal equilibrium, including biological systems.2. To meet the challenge of understanding the complex dynamics underlying large-fluctuation phenomena and hence to develop the means of controlling and exploiting them.3. To bring together leading scientists from a diverse range of disciplines to identify common physical ideas and mathematical approaches, because very similar physical problems arise in many different areas of science, e.g. quantum measurements, cold atom systems, and biological systems.4. To explore how recent progress in one area can help to solve the corresponding problems in other areas. Thus to reduce the inefficient rediscovery of scientific principles and techniques that may already be known
and well-developed in one of the other disciplines, and to boost scientific progress across the broad range of disciplines represented at the workshop. 5. To publish selected reviews in a special issue of the journal Fluctuation and Noise Letters.
Exploitation Route A diversity of ways for all the different individuals
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Communities and Social Services/Policy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)






including Industrial Biotechology



Museums and Collections


Description There was substantial educational impact on the several PhD students who were present at the Workshop.
First Year Of Impact 2011
Sector Education
Impact Types Cultural


Description Bob Eisenberg 
Organisation Rush University
Department Department of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have contributed insight into the function of biological ion channels from a physics perspective.
Collaborator Contribution Our partner at Rush University he contributed his unique experience and knowledge of biological ion channels from the perspective of biology an physiology.
Impact Some 21 interdisciplinary joint scientific papers have been published during 2004-2017, all bearing on different aspects of ion channel function. Basically, Lancaster University provided the expertise in physics and Rush University provided expertise in biology and physiology. The main impact of this long-running collaboration has been scientific
Description University of Florida 
Organisation University of Florida
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The work was all closely collaborative and it is hard to separate individual contributions. It related to quantum turbulence. Turbulence in classical fluids is important and challenging both for theory and for many practical applications. The research aims were to understand how classical turbulence is modified in a superfluid, in which flow is severely restricted by quantum conditions associated with the quantization of angular momentum. At higher temperatures, superfluids exhibit "two-fluid" behaviour, a normal fluid coexisting with the superfluid component in which the quantum effects are important. There is already strong evidence that at these temperatures turbulent structures on large length scales can be very similar to their classical counterparts, although dissipative processes acting on small scales are very different. It is suspected that a similar situation exists at very low temperatures, where the normal fluid is absent, and where simple mechanisms for the decay of the turbulence have disappeared. Our programme sought to provide experimental evidence relating to these low temperatures, at which the fundamental behaviour of very pure forms of quantum turbulence ought to be observable. Quantum turbulence is of great intrinsic interest, and its study could lead to a better understanding of classical turbulence. The turbulence, comprised of a seemingly random tangle of quantized vortex lines, was generated in the superfluid either by a steadily moving grid or by an oscillating grid. The mechanical behaviour of the oscillating grid provided evidence about the nucleation of turbulence. The quantitative application of the ion trapping detection technique was dependent on measurements of the trapping cross-section, then in progress at the University of Manchester. Although the oscillating grid provides a proven technique for creating quantum turbulence in the mK temperature range, the turbulence is not well-characterised and nor is its spatial distribution known. In these senses, although technically far more demanding, the steadily moving grid is to be preferred because it will create quantum turbulence that is both well-characterised and spatially homogeneous. Some promising new, more sensitive, detection methods are appearing on the horizon, possibly including the spectroscopy of neutral excitations, and preliminary studies will be made to confirm that the excitations can indeed be trapped on quantized vortex lines. Success of the proposed experiments is dependent on the development of close interactive collaboration between Florida, Birmingham and Lancaster. The Lancaster experimental group and the Birmingham Co-Investigator are already funded by EPSRC for this work up to the end of June 2006. Their collaboration with the Florida group was initiated by an EPSRC Visiting Fellowship for Professor Ihas to visit Lancaster during 2005 - 2006. The Florida group was funded by an NSF Materials World Network grant; the Lancaster/Birmingham group submitted a (successful) research grant application for continuation and development of the Lancaster experimental programme early in 2006. In this proposal they just requested travel/subsistence to support their continued collaboration with the Florida group during the period of the proposed NSF MWN grant. The joint work was highly successful and led on to a enlarged NSF/EPSRC WMN collaboration (2010 - 2014) in which Yale and Tallahassee were involved in addition to Birmingham, Florida, Lancaster and Manchester.
Collaborator Contribution The work was all closely collaborative and it is hard to separate individual contributions. It related to quantum turbulence. Turbulence in classical fluids is important and challenging both for theory and for many practical applications. The research aims were to understand how classical turbulence is modified in a superfluid, in which flow is severely restricted by quantum conditions associated with the quantization of angular momentum. At higher temperatures, superfluids exhibit "two-fluid" behaviour, a normal fluid coexisting with the superfluid component in which the quantum effects are important. There is already strong evidence that at these temperatures turbulent structures on large length scales can be very similar to their classical counterparts, although dissipative processes acting on small scales are very different. It is suspected that a similar situation exists at very low temperatures, where the normal fluid is absent, and where simple mechanisms for the decay of the turbulence have disappeared. Our programme sought to provide experimental evidence relating to these low temperatures, at which the fundamental behaviour of very pure forms of quantum turbulence ought to be observable. Quantum turbulence is of great intrinsic interest, and its study could lead to a better understanding of classical turbulence. The turbulence, comprised of a seemingly random tangle of quantized vortex lines, was generated in the superfluid either by a steadily moving grid or by an oscillating grid. The mechanical behaviour of the oscillating grid provided evidence about the nucleation of turbulence. The quantitative application of the ion trapping detection technique was dependent on measurements of the trapping cross-section, then in progress at the University of Manchester. Although the oscillating grid provides a proven technique for creating quantum turbulence in the mK temperature range, the turbulence is not well-characterised and nor is its spatial distribution known. In these senses, although technically far more demanding, the steadily moving grid is to be preferred because it will create quantum turbulence that is both well-characterised and spatially homogeneous. Some promising new, more sensitive, detection methods are appearing on the horizon, possibly including the spectroscopy of neutral excitations, and preliminary studies will be made to confirm that the excitations can indeed be trapped on quantized vortex lines. Success of the proposed experiments is dependent on the development of close interactive collaboration between Florida, Birmingham and Lancaster. The Lancaster experimental group and the Birmingham Co-Investigator are already funded by EPSRC for this work up to the end of June 2006. Their collaboration with the Florida group was initiated by an EPSRC Visiting Fellowship for Professor Ihas to visit Lancaster during 2005 - 2006. The Florida group was funded by an NSF Materials World Network grant; the Lancaster/Birmingham group submitted a (successful) research grant application for continuation and development of the Lancaster experimental programme early in 2006. In this proposal they just requested travel/subsistence to support their continued collaboration with the Florida group during the period of the proposed NSF MWN grant. The joint work was highly successful and led on to a enlarged NSF/EPSRC WMN collaboration (2010 - 2014) in which Yale and Tallahassee were involved in addition to Birmingham, Florida, Lancaster and Manchester.
Impact The most important result result was the joint MWN grant EP/H04762X/1, and the outputs listed under that grant. See also the outputs listed under EP/E016928 with which this travel grant ran in parallel.
Start Year 2006
Description Warwick MD 
Organisation University of Warwick
Department School of Engineering
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Lancaster University mostly contributed expertise in the analytic theory of biological ion channels, coupled with Brownian dynamics simulations of the permeation process. Lancaster and Warwick each contributed expertise in stochastic nonlinear dynamics
Collaborator Contribution Warwick mostly contributed molecular dynamics simulations of the ion channels. Warwick and Lancaster each contributed expertise in stochastic nonlinear dynamics.
Impact Some 10 Lancaster/Warwick joint scientific papers have been published. the main impact of the joint work has been in scientific progress.
Start Year 2009