EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: Faculty of Engineering


The EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Centre in Composites will conduct a programme of fundamental manufacturing research comprising two research themes aimed at developing efficient, high rate, low cost and sustainable manufacturing processes coupled to effective and validated design and process modelling tools. These processes will aim to deliver high yield, high performance and high quality components and structures. The themes are as follows:Theme 1: Composites Processing ScienceThe focus for this theme is to develop integrated modelling systems for predicting and minimising process induced defects and defining and optimising process capability. Topics include: Multi-scale process modelling framework for candidate processes (fibre deposition, resin infusion, consolidation and cure); Stochastic simulation of process and resulting material/structure variability, leading to prediction of process induced defects at the macro, meso and micro scales; Analysis of design/ manufacturing/ cost interactions, enabling process capability mapping, design and process optimisationTheme 2: Composites Processing TechnologyThe focus for this theme will be experimental investigation of next-generation, high rate processing technologies as essential elements within a flexible composites manufacturing cell with multi-process capability. Topics include: Development of rapid deposition technologies: automated robotic control for tow/tape placement, development of flexible/ hybrid systems, application to dry fibre and thermoplastic composites manufacture; High speed preforming processes: fibre placement, Discontinuous Carbon Fibre Preforming (DCFP), multiaxial and 3D textiles and their automated integration into multi-architecture, multi-functional composites; High rate & controlled thermal processing: rapid heating/curing and innovative tooling; Process and parts integration with novel joining technologies, tolerance reduction and on-line inspection In addition to the main research themes, the platform element within the Centre will support four generic research projects operating across the Centre to develop common technologies and underpin the main research priorities. These technology areas are: Multi-scale modelling; Cost modelling; Automation/robotics; and, Design and manufacturing quality integration.

Planned Impact

There are several beneficiaries outside the academic teams involved. The industrial partners supporting the Centre and, in particular, the National Composites Centre (NCC) and its members will benefit directly from the research outputs through close interaction at project level and by representation on the management and advisory boards. The Centre will offer the forward thinking necessary to deliver the research element of manufacturing within the national composites strategy and will feed results into the NCC providing a rapid route to exploitation. All member companies of the NCC and others will therefore benefit from the Centre research. In addition, the wider composites manufacturing community will benefit by attending seminars and innovation conferences organised by the Centre and engaging with the research forum run by the Centre. There is a strong focus on ensuring cross-sector involvement including aerospace, automotive, marine and power generation. The manufacturing advances resulting from the research will be both generic and process specific ensuring benefits across a broad range of sectors and potential for significant growth. Rapid, low cost manufacturing of composites will promote this growth of applications. Many of these applications will offer opportunities for weight saving leading to, for example, significant improvements in performance and fuel consumption in transport, offering major benefits to society. The Centre seeks to make a major contribution to the UK composites manufacturing industry by providing greater understanding of the manufacturing process and novel process technology developments. This will greatly enhance efficiency and quality and therefore open up many more applications of these materials. This in turn will contribute to the GDP of the UK in this rapidly expanding area. The UK and international academic community will benefit from the high quality research output generated by the collaboration between four of the leading composites manufacturing research groups in the country. All academic partners have an excellent track record of publication in high impact factor journals, ensuring rapid take up of our ideas and standing within the international academic community. The Centre will provide a training programme for its community of researchers culminating in the formation of a Composites Manufacturing Graduate School. This will act as a focus for training a new generation of graduate engineers with the necessary skills to pursue a career in the composites manufacturing industry and will enhance the UK skills base in this vitally important area.


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Belnoue J (2017) Understanding and predicting defect formation in automated fibre placement pre-preg laminates in Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing

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Belnoue J (2018) Consolidation-Driven Defect Generation in Thick Composite Parts in Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

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Bloom L On Prepreg properties and manufacturability in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Composite Materials

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Bloom L D On prepreg properties and manufacturability in 24th Annual SICOMP Conf

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Brown L P Predicting the coefficient of expansion for textile composites based on a unit cell approach in 11th International Conference on Textile Composites

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Brown L P Recent developments in the realistic modelling of textile structures using TexGen in 1st Int Conference on Digital Technologies for the Textile Industries

Description The Centre funded a number of Feasibility Studies and Core Programmes over the 5 year term. A summary for each project is included below:

Novel Approaches to the Manufacture of Complex Geometries: This project completed in November 2014 but continued with activities until the completion of EPSRC CIMComp Centre. • The first known demonstration of Virtual and Augmented Reality tool sets for composites manufacturing and skills training • A Design for Manufacturing in composites philosophy is forming, showing routes to impact and roadmapping future research goals • The Dibber tool has achieved significant industrial impact • The groundwork in effective robotic lay-up of prepregs has enabled further research in terms of exploring human:machine interaction • A unique test bed for tufting technology, to explore manufacturing quality and structural performance parameters, has been developed Several items of the work are nearing TRL3, and exploitation through knowledge transfer via suitable outlets are in progress

Defect Generation Mechanisms in Thick & Variable Thickness Composite Parts - Understanding, Predicting and Mitigation: The hyper-viscoelastic material model implemented in the finite element software Abaqus that was developed earlier in the project has been deployed in a number of use-cases. These were validated against experimental data for each. A resin cure model was also implemented in Abaqus to extend the range of applicability into the autoclave phase of composites manufacture. The use cases were: gaps and overlaps, corner radius, stepped laminate and tapered laminate. The key deliverable was a working model for the prediction of fibre path defects, driven by laminate consolidation. This was achieved and shown to work for several industrially inspired use cases, each of which was validated against experimental data. The most notable achievement was the development of the new constitutive model for uncured prepreg. Developing the constrolled wrinkle formation cases was also a good achievement. This work is now continuing as part of the SIMPROCS project (SIMulation of new manufacturing PROcesses for Composite Structures) EP/P027350/1, which is an EPSRC Platform Grant that started in February 2017. This is supported by the following industrial partners; Airbus Group Limited, BAE Systems, Bombardier, ESI Group (UK), GKN, Jaguar Land Rover, LMAT Ltd, National Composites Centre, Rolls-Royce Plc. Prof Hallett has also been awarded (Feb 2019) a Feasibility Study as part of the ESPRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub to apply the FE forming code to tape placed preforms with non-linear fibre paths.

Compression Moulding of Multi-Architecture Composites: The portfolio of compression moulding research within CIMCOMP included a range of complementary experimental and simulation activities. In the experimental work infrastructure for automated preforming and for fully instrumented, temperature-controlled moulding was developed; adding a resin spray technology to enhance the capability of our established discontinuous preforming process and building an instrumented press facility. Experimentally-based projects included: study in the use of commercial materials, in direct collaboration with industrial partner Hexcel; development of robotic processes for on-line production of charge preforms; development and conditioning of materials and experimental study of flow of multiphase materials. Developing simulation tools for this technology is vital to the industrial uptake of the technology and a project on combined Eulerian-Lagrangian finite element analysis of the in-mould flow has made good progress. A study of the compression moulding process of multi-architecture commercially available pre-impregnated carbon fibre fabrics was undertaken with an industrial partner. The aim was to deliver net-shaped complex parts with low cycle time. In these complex parts the designer will align the fibre direction in a unidirectional fabric with the principal stresses for primary loading and will use a discontinuous fibre compound to create complex features such as ribs and to carry secondary stress states arising from off-axis loading or damage tolerance requirements. Typically complex components of this type require labour intensive preforming or laminating stages and post-cure machining operations, and the process here has the potential to deliver a step change in part cost. In addition, a process for manufacturing high volume fraction carbon fibre/epoxy moulding compound charges for compression moulding was developed. This process used our established discontinuous fibre chop and spray technology and has incorporated a resin spray facility to produce precisely metered pre-impregnated charges of, typically, 50% volume fraction. The resin is heated before spraying to minimise the viscosity, ensuring good dispersion and wet out of the chopped fibres during the deposition stage. The charge is then chemically B-staged to increase the viscosity before compression moulding. The project characterised the effect of flow on fibre architecture and studied and reported on achievable levels of fibre waviness in compression moulding. Cranfield led the work on incorporating mechanical fasteners into the composite material using their embedded spikey insert metal to composite joining technology. A number of novel spike layouts were manufactured and tested, advancing this existing technology within CIMComp. The project was based around two challenges: Co-moulding of UD prepreg with chopped fibre moulding compound and metallic inserts embedding to provide undiminished mechanical performance and insert attachment strength. A design study was completed for a luxury sports car body panel using the hybrid HexMC® and Hexply® prepreg compression moulding process. With the help of Altair software on which a combination of topology, topography, and layup optimisation was carried out, a weight saving of over 50% was foreseen for the tonneau cover. Tooling for high-pressure compression moulding of multi-architecture composites for a representative element of the tonneau panel was constructed. In addition, a novel manufacturing technique for precise, rapid placement of the unidirectional skins was developed. This manufacturing technique takes advantage of UD prepreg tapes B-staging, used to ensure UD alignment during co-moulding with SMC. Locally embedding small amounts of UD tape on SMC skins has been shown to increase CFC mechanical performance beyond any traditionally used QI layup, while keeping the ability of short fibres to form complex shapes in short cycle times. Young's modulus values of around 55 GPa and ultimate strength around 550 MPa were found. In addition, the UD confers very low mechanical property variability. Standard deviation of flexural strength and modulus are reduced from 15% (SMC) to 3% (SMC-UD). This is a major advance for composites designers, who will be able to reduce safety factors on composites structural designs, guaranteeing both weight saving and material cost saving. In addition, a thorough process optimisation study has been completed, demonstrating the possibility to cure SMC-UD multi-architecture specimens in 1 min 30 sec. This led to estimate a total cycle time of less than 3 minute for the tonneau cover, including cutting, transferring, and other additional steps. Thermoplastic and pseudo thermoplastic matrices composites have also been manufactured, in order to assess their high time-saving potential. As a result, continuous fibre polyamide organosheets provided the highest manufacturing time to light weighting potential. However, the impossibility to manufacture them with a constant temperature mould as per SMC means their production cost is higher than for SMC-UD hybrid moulding. A further study has been carried out to find solutions for efficient metallic fasteners embedment into SMC-UD multi-architecture structural parts. A mould tool design was developed using a novel fitting location technique. The Mould Tool Locator allows fasteners to be clipped-in and co-processed with SMC and UD. A manufacturing technique has been developed to ensure interlocking of the fasteners into the SMC structure, without compromising cycle time, resulting from the preferential flow of the short fibres. The manufactured coupons including embedded fasteners have been tested to failure in asymmetrical bearing and pull-out, in order to be representative of the application's load case scenarios. The embedded fasteners' strength in those load cases are respectively 50% and 85% of that of an equivalent bolt. However, in addition to not being vulnerable to creep, the resulting fracture of the embedded fasteners themselves around their welds provides a much more reliable failure mode than bolts. Both the composite and the metal-to-CFC interface remain intact. An embedded M6 thread fastener can resist 6 kN in asymmetrical bearing, and 10 kN in pull-out. Key findings: The project was completed and key findings were that high structural performance compression-moulded components were produced including; multi-fibre architecture materials, 3D structures with a range of thicknesses in one moulding and incorporating metallic fasteners.

Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts: The developed tensile fitting design has enabled the manufacture of joints, which are insensitive to surface preparation and require only a 50% mass increase in the bolted area, compared to a 1000% mass increase for a bolted joint design. The pull through joint type developed in the project shows a strength benefit of 250% compared to baseline bolted joints. The following has been achieved: • An understanding of embedded insert / CFC laminate joint failure and design and manufacturing details has been realised. This enables the informed design of weight efficient CFC laminate to metal joints. • Manufacturing techniques for embedding and mould location of metallic inserts have been developed which minimise fibre damage and ensure accurate insert alignment. • Strength and weight comparison of the project developed joint designs with conventional best practice bonding and bolting has been made. • Demonstration and validation of the novel developed joints through full scale structural element manufacture and testing has been carried out. • Guidelines for metal to CFC laminate joint design for the main loading types have been complied to enable translation of the results to future application.

Innovative Preforms: During 2015-16, we completed the development of various 3D preforming technologies and multi-functional preforms. Robotic Fibre Placement: • Preforming technology to deposit fibres and fabric patches on a curved tool has been developed. Additionally, a product demonstrator for tufting s 3D woven stiffner with an NCF skin has been developed with the industrial partners. Concept of quasi-interlacement has been developed for improved damage tolerance. • 3D weaving: Warp and weft tensioning systems have been developed. Currently researching the influence of tension on preform properties. • 3D Braiding: Tubular 3D braiding has been demonstrated. • Multi-scale hybridisation: two different methods of mixing thermoplastic fibres with reinforcing fibres have been explored, co-mingling and micro-wrapping. Both the techniques demonstrated improvements in damage tolerance and damage resistance. Further technique to incorporate CNT(Carbon Nanotubes) at the interface is being explored). • Multi-functional preforms: fibrous materials for active heating and sensing have been incorporated at the preform stage. These preforms have been converted into composite laminates and tested. Outcomes: • Development of a full set of 3D preforming capability for creating novel multi-material preforms • A product demonstrator for integrating T stiffener with NCG skin (preform development completed and a composite panel is being made. • Co-mingling and micro-wrapping technologies have been demonstrated. Two publications are being submitted to demonstrate the improvements in damage tolerance and healing properties. • Multi-functional preforms for sensing and heating: preforms have been developed. Composites are under development. Notable achievements are tension control for 3D weaving, multi-material composites with improved damage tolerance and healing and product demonstrator 'tufted T stiffner-skin joint' and 3D woven PI joint. Multi-scale modelling to predict defect formation during infusion This project studies the origin of defects which arise during resin infusion processes (eg RTM) and their link to process and material variability. A stochastic modelling methodology was developed combining forming simulation with commercial flow modelling, linked by a novel interface which incorporates materials variability and predicts the resulting permeability. This allows the range of likely outcomes to be predicted in the form of a map showing the likelihood of defect formation across the surface of a part. Based on this the materials and/or process can be optimized to minimize defect formation and scrap rate. In the final year of CIMComp the modelling approach was further refined and initial validation trials were conducted for a benchmark (double dome) geometry. This involved manufacture of transparent tooling which was used to visualise flow and defect formation during infusion, and then repeated trials to characterise process variability. Results suggested that real-life variability in flow is well represented by the model. Simulations were found to be conservative in terms of prediction of defects remaining in the final mouldings, which both provides confidence to industry users but also indicates the need for further fundamental research into defect formation mechanisms, potentially requiring a computationally expensive multi-phase flow approach to achieve highly accurate results. Info below is Relating to year end 2015/2016 Novel Approaches to the Manufacture of Complex Geometries: The focus of the theme has been the integration of various aspects of the developing understanding of the relationships between reinforcement materials, tool geometry and lay-up of complex components, to deliver significant improvements in the rate an quality of manufacture. These have included developing the first universal lay-up tool to support operator training in manual lay-up, through to the first demonstration of the lay-up of a typical complex sandwich panel by an industrial robot. • The first (known of) in-depth study of the factors controlling rate and quality of production in manual lay-up has been completed, offering opportunities to design part geometries and materials to deliver minimum labour costs. • Low cost approaches (in software and hardware) to support shop floor staff to deliver a well-controlled and high quality lay-up have been developed to a demonstration stage. • The design and build of a unique manual layup tool has been achieved which is highly successful and has widespread adoption on an international scale. Multi-scale Process Modelling In the fourth and final year we have concentrated on macro-scale flow analysis, incorporating models of meso-scale and micro-scale variability developed in previous years. Permeability data has been provided to ESI software for their customers to use. Related KTP project with partners Formax has established process modelling and permeability measurement techniques within the company. They are the first reinforcement supplier worldwide to demonstrate this capability. The flow modelling approach will allow manufacturers to consider the likelihood of defect formation, and therefore scrap rate, at the process design stage. Development of TexGen has continued, responding to the needs of users within and outside CIMComp and delivering new functionality and model accuracy. Downloads of TexGen have exceeded 20,000 and there have been two major releases in the last year. • Capability to model 3D features based on multi-layer preforms implemented. • Interface with weaving machine developed • A collaboration with RWTH Aachen provided a software tool for providing machine information for 3D woven profiles and generating TexGen models of the flat, as-woven weave patterns. Innovative multi-material and multi-architecture preforms: During the final year we have completed the development of various 3D preforming technologies and multi-functional preforms. Product demonstrators will be developed in the remaining duration of the project. Robotic Fibre Placement: Preforming technology to deposit fibres and fabric patches on a curved tool has been developed. A product demonstrator for tufting a 3D woven stiffner with an NCF skin has been developed with the industrial partners. Concept of quasi-interlacement has been developed for improved damage tolerance. 3D weaving - warp and weft tensioning systems have been developed. 3D braiding - tubular 3D braiding has been demonstrated. Multi-scale hybridisation - two different methods of mixing thermoplastic fibres with reinforcing fibres have been explored, co-mingling and micro-wrapping. Both techniques demonstrated improvements in damage tolerance and damage resistance. Further technique to incorporate CNT (Carbon Nanotubes) at the interface is being explored. Multi-functional preforms - fibrous materials for active heating and sensing have been incorporated at the preform stage. These preforms have been converted into composite laminates and tested • Development of a full set of 3D preforming capability for creating novel multi-material preforms. • A product demonstrator for integrating T stiffener with NCF skin (preform development completed and a composite panel is being made) • Co-mingling and micro-wrapping technologies have been demonstrated. • Multi-functional preforms for sensing and heating - preforms have been developed and composites are under development.

Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts: The focus of this theme is the novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for low cost manufacture of high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future carbon fibre composite structures. Outputs include design, manufacture and test of joint structural elements and demonstrator structures. Demonstrator Application - a Formula 1 suspension arm has been designed and manufacturing is in progress with design engineers. Achievements: • Understanding of embedded plate/CFC laminate joint failure and design and manufacturing details. • Specifications for embedded metal plate/CFC laminate joint manufacture. • Structurally demonstrated, higher strength and lower weight joints compared to conventional bolting • Demonstration and validation of joints through full-scale structural element manufacture and testing • Guidelines for mould tooling design for the location of embedded metallic fittings • The developed tensile fitting design has enabled the manufacture of joints which are insensitive to surface preparation and require only a 50% mass increase in the bolted area, compared to a 1000% mass increase for a bolted joint design. Since structural joining/assembly accounts for a considerable proportion of structural weight and a large proportion of manufacturing cost, the uptake of the results should increase the international competitiveness of the UK carbon fibre composites industry. Cost Modelling • Cost comparison and Decision Support Took is being prepared for industry application studies • Materials and process selection tool/expert system, possible software frameworks are being investigated. • Databases of materials, tooling and equipment costs - a materials/process database has been set up. The expected long term impact is to enable industry to assess the commercial advantages of using new composites technologies and to make investment decisions for new applications. These activities should increase composite manufacturing turnover and enable growth of carbon fibre composites into new markets. Defect Generation Mechanisms during forming/consolidation: This project sets out to address the formation of defects in parts manufactured from polymer matrix continuous fibre reinforced composite materials. The collective learning from the experimental and numerical work will be used to develop strategies to mitigate against defect formation during manufacture. The key focus will be on out-of-plane waviness, which is the end result of a complex interaction of factors. Defect Generation Mechanisms in Thick & Variable Thickness Composite Parts - Understanding, Predicting and Mitigation - This work is divided into exploration of the fundamentals, implementation and application respectively. The implementation phase is concluding with good results for the model development. A fundamental understanding of the compaction process for prepregs from the first year has allowed the development of new finite element material models for prediction of the material compaction and flow during the debulk phase of composites manufacture. Modelling work on the resin cure for the autoclave phase is also well underway. The models have been validated against a comprehensive set of experimental data and are now being applied to application examples. More ambitious validation cases are now being designed to create samples with induced wrinkles. Numerical Modeling of Dry Fabric Deformation Mechanisms - The main focus of this work is the development of numerical tools to capture deformations which occur in multi-layered preforms during manufacturing processes. Specific attention is being given to the deformations which occur through the thickness. Work performed so far has focused on modelling the kinematic interactions which occur between layers of fabric at the meso-scale and how the internal architecture of the fabric evolves as a result. Mechanical models are currently being developed to quantitatively determine the physical response of these interactions so that mechanical properties can be established for upscaling. The final stage of this process will be to use the virtual mechanical properties as input into a macro-scale drape model whereby multi-layered interactions and through-thickness deformations can be captured. • Extensive experimental database for compaction • Modelling of compaction of tapered laminate • Design of complex test specimen for wrinkle generation Compression Moulding of Multi-Architecture Composites: The aim for development of compression moulding composites manufacturing technologies is to deliver a step change in specific mechanical properties and process cycle times. Compression moulding processes have shown significant potential in process cycle time and waste level reduction. Three complementary projects are underway: (1) Commercial autoclave prepreg systems have been successfully characterised for high-rate compression moulding. Ongoing work is validating flow models which will simulate fibre flow within the different architectures. (2) A process for manufacturing carbon fibre/epoxy moulding compound charges has been developed. Over 40 plaques moulded. Ongoing work is based on developing lower cycle times using resin chemistries. (3) The multi architectures in (1) have been used in an industrial demonstrator to deliver a 56% weight saving. Ongoing work is to improve interlaminar properties and to develop mechanical fastener processing technologies. Compression moulding process has shown significant potential in process cycle time and waste level reduction. Preliminary structural results show great promise but require enhancements of interlaminar fracture thoughness to realise full potential. The potential is to create manufacturing process which would significantly reduce mass of automotive vehicles, leading to reduced fuel consumption and emissions. 1. Development of highly novel composites manufacturing methods in the form of a world first 3D textile optimisation algorithms, quadaxial braider, AFP tow shearing, automated lamination tools. These are some of the key research outcomes from CIMComp's 22 projects that are currently running. 3D Textile optimisation algorithms have shown the potential to provide a step-change shift in the way engineers design with composite materials - challenging the "black metal" design philosophy which is widely adopted. The quadaxial braider opens up new and exciting markets for rapid deposition of complex structures, providing orientated fibres in a combined automated process, applicable to sectors such as oil & gas, aerospace and automotive. AFP tow shearing prototype development has shown the potential to revolutionise the automation of complex high value composites structures that have tight turning radii and bends in their design, without compromise to laminate integrity and mechanical performance. Automated lamination tools designed to mimic handlay prepreg compaction techniques on complex geometry has demonstrated potential gains in production volume, with high repeatability 2. Development of highly successful routes for engaging with the UK composites community using well managed feasibility studies which pump-prime early career research activity. This process was found to be the most successful way in which to engage and drive innovation within the composites academic research arena. The CIMComp feasibility studies were conceived and implemented in such a way that an early career postdoc could be employed for 6 months to develop a potential disruptive technology. Included in this package was equipment and expertise support/mentoring provided by the CIMComp team. A rigorous reporting and dissemination process was devised which aided in the successful delivery of all nine funded projects; four of which have already gone onto receive major funding awards. 3. Increased research capability generated from delivery of the first UK training modules in composites manufacturing at PhD/EngD level through our Industrial Doctorate Centre (IDC). Comprehensive training in advanced composites at a postgraduate level was not being offered in the UK which reflected on the shortage of qualified engineers in this sector. The IDC now offers 10 units to the IDC and CIMComp researchers in order to deliver highly qualified composites engineers for tomorrows manufacturing challenges. The vision is to offer these training modules out to other academic institutions and industry in the near future as the demand for this already exists. 4. The research activity has opened up new research questions on what technologies are required in order to create a magnitude change to the composites manufacturing sector. The research conducted within CIMComp has led to the view that new disruptive technologies are needed in order to create a step change in the way composites are used and therefore opening up exciting and lucrative new markets. Entirely new approaches to 'product design' and 'design for manufacture' are required to enable engineers to take full advantage of the wide range of design freedoms that composites offer. This can be achieved by tailoring all aspects of the component design and manufacture, ensuring that the modelling, preforms, matrix and processing are truly optimised for the component in question and are not bound by current standard practice or the 'black metal' design philosophy. Development and implementation of this approach is seen as the future role for CIMComp over the next decade. Below is information for previous years imported from ROS: The second year of our operation has seen a major growth in the funding of new projects, recruitment of staff and launch of an Industrial Doctorate Centre; with leveraged funding totalling £10 million. At the same time, significant progress has been made in the Centre's core research themes. 13 new collaborating partners have joined CIMComp, bringing the total to 23 companies which are benefiting from the impact of applying world-class research in their industry sector. Significant progress has been realised within the CIMComp core research programmes, which has generated new intellectual property leading to multiple new research contracts being awarded, further enhancing the CIMComp portfolio. Additional programmes include Robustness-performance optimisation for automated composite manufacture (Dr Alex Skordos), and DefGen (Dr Stephen Hallet) working on understanding, predicting and mitigation of defect generation mechanisms. Through this activity, we have been able to draw in new academic and research talent to further strengthen CIMComp's national and international standing; included in this is the creation of two independent fellowship positions investigating 3D fibre reinforced composites (Dr Xuesen Zeng), and Next generation automated fibre placement processing (Dr Eric Kim). We have actively engaged with the wider composites manufacturing community through the funding of nine feasibility studies, each of six month duration, all of which complement our current activities and/or expand our remit into new areas of composites manufacturing technologies. The aim of this activity is to utilise CIMComp's resources to aid in the development of ideas which go forward into newly funded programmes. As well as supporting the core CIMComp partners, through feasibility study funding, we are supporting work at Exeter, Glasgow, Imperial College London, Queens Belfast and Sheffield universities. The research described above is supported by industry advisors and therefore has significant relevance to current industry challenges in composites manufacturing. Results from this work are still embryonic; however identified pathways to future exploitation are varied and include licensing and exploitation by the Centres Tier 1 partners, development through Catapults such as the National Composites Centre (NCC) or the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC). Funding has been obtained to allow secondment our fellowship researchers to other academic institutions or industry in order to disseminate the developed technology for avenues of further exploitation. The research conducted within the Centre is focused on fundamental understanding of composites manufacturing. The research has significant and direct impact on industry practices and therefore serves to allow greater adoption and exploitation of polymeric composites.
Exploitation Route The Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub, which started in January 2017, aims to build upon on the foundations of CIMComp, the previously funded EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites. This forms a key element in the UK's composites manufacturing R&D strategy and will drive the development of automated manufacturing technologies to deliver components and structures for demanding applications, having identified five research priority areas from the outcomes of CIMComp:
1. High rate deposition and rapid processing technologies
2. Design for manufacture via validated simulation
3. Manufacturing for multifunctional composites and integrated structures
4. Inspection and in-process evaluation
5. Recycling and re-use

Over the seven year period, the Hub will underpin the growth potential of the composites sector, developing the underlying processing science and technology to enhance manufacturing robustness.

The National Composites Centre has developed a Technology Pull-Through scheme to take successful research at TRL1-3 and evaluate to transfer suitably mature technologies from CIMComp into the National Composites Centre (NCC), an advanced composites research hub based in Bristol. The NCC use their capabilities to industrialise lab-based technologies and increase their palatability to potential commercial users. The programme runs on an open call process, issued annually; proposals are assessed and selected through the input of NCC technical experts, supported by the Knowledge Exchange Committee of the CIMComp Hub.
The following CIMComp projects have been piloted during the first round:

Braid winding - University of Manchester: A technology that combines braiding and filament winding combining beneficial properties from both capabilities
DiSenC - Cranfield University: linear and woven dielectric sensors that can be used for flow and cure monitoring respectively in liquid moulding processing carbon fibre thermosetting composites.
SimpleCure2 - University of Bristol: feasibility study of using a portable device that scans a material's fingerprint, defines a robust cure cycle and automatically programs the production equipment controller
Braiding Simulation - University of Bristol: Validated modelling capability for mapping local permeability in braided preforms

The next steps for the TPT programme includes the dissemination of completed projects and the kick-off of the 2019/20 projects.
The dissemination process may include the exploitation of technologies into trademarked brands, showcasing demonstrators and processes at engineering shows (i.e. JEC) and integrating the technology into industrial applications through CR&D / privately funded projects. As part of this dissemination process, the successful projects are advertised to the NCC's Tier 1&2 members at the monthly Research Committee meetings. This creates a seamless communication channel across the 'valley of death' between the academic innovators and the industrial users.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine




including Industrial Biotechology


URL http://www.cimcomp.ac.uk
Description The fabric forming simulation tool that was developed as part of the CIMComp Feasibility Study "Modelling Forming of Multi-Ply Preforms" was further developed as part of an Innovate UK project (ALPA - Affordable Lightweighting Through Pre-form Automation, #101879). The forming simulation tool was adopted by McLaren Automotive at the end of the project to support the development of the MP4-12C replacement platform. The forming simulation tool was used to assess the feasibility of producing complex preforms using automation, which has subsequently resulted in reshoring the manufacturing of the monocell in the UK. This has resulted in an investment of £50m and the creation of 200 new jobs in Sheffield. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/feb/08/mclaren-automotive-manufacturing-plant-sheffield-200-jobs The CIMComp funded Fellowship of Dr Eric Kim has led to a spin-out company. Dr Kim worked on "Advanced Continuous Tow Shearing for Next Generation Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) during his Fellowship and this had led to him starting iCOMAT. iCOMAT has created, through patented technology, two prototypes using continuous tow steering (CTS) heads and manufactured a range of components. With weight reductions of up to 30 per cent compared to traditional straight fibre composites, cost and productivity on the curved fibre components have been improved as less raw materials have been used. Novel sensor technology for capturing data during liquid resin process was initially researched and developed by Hub member; Dr Alex Skordos, Cranfield University on a project connected to this grant. This was further developed at the National Composites Centre through their Technology Pull-Through programme, and then applied in industry by Meggitt. The sensor system is a significant step toward the digitalisation of resin transfer moulding (RTM) by providing accurate data capture of resin infusion. This can be used to validate computer simulations of the process, enabling industry to reduce the number of initial experimental trials, facilitate a 'right first time' approach, crucially reducing the time and cost spent manufacturing components. Conducting trials of the sensors at typical aerospace material processing conditions of 7 Bar and 180°C, the NCC showed the sensors could precisely detect resin as it flowed inside the preform, as well as its cure progression - both properties invisible as the process happens. Furthermore, the sensors provided no adverse effects on either the process or part quality. Upon hearing of the successful use of the sensors in the NCC TPT programme, Meggitt approached the NCC to use the technology in an ATI-funded project they were conducting with the NCC's fellow High Value Manufacturing Catapult centre, the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), producing industrial scale aircraft components. The NCC team worked alongside the AMRC and Meggitt to successfully integrate the sensors into a closed RTM tool, with no modifications to the tool being required. In trials, the sensors successfully captured data on the resin flow progression and degree of cure, agreeing with results from previous reports and theoretical models. https://www.nccuk.com/news/sensor-technology-unlocking-digital-potential-in-composites-manufacturing/
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Creative Economy,Transport
Impact Types Economic

Description ATI - Breakthrough Aerospace Material
Amount £170,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 102368 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 02/2019
Description Advanced Nacelle Systems
Amount £248,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 113098 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Description Aerospace Research Institute (ATI) Concept Integration Project - 'Wings of the Future''
Amount £5,800,000 (GBP)
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2014 
End 06/2016
Description Affordable Composites for Lightweight Vehicles (ACLIV)
Amount £187,500 (GBP)
Funding ID 132231 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2016 
End 06/2017
Description Affordable Lightweighting Through Pre-form Automation (ALPA)
Amount £2,427,286 (GBP)
Funding ID 101879 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2014 
End 07/2015
Description Braided Composite Structures for Hydrogen Cars
Amount £125,000 (GBP)
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Description Breakthrough Advanced Materials
Amount £100,000 (GBP)
Organisation Aerospace Technology Institute 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Description Breakthrough Aerospace Material (BAM)
Amount £3,579,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 102368 
Organisation Innova UK 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 02/2019
Description Breakthrough Aerospace Materials
Amount £170,000 (GBP)
Funding ID Innovate UK 102368 
Organisation TSB Bank plc 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2017 
End 02/2019
Description Catapult Fellowship
Amount £50,201 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2014 
End 06/2017
Description DALV-GKN Project Century
Amount £250,025 (GBP)
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2016 
End 03/2019
Description Design & Commissioning of Nine-Axis Carbon-Fibre Winding Machine
Amount £235,000 (GBP)
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Description EPSRC - IDC Composite Manufacture
Amount £3,731,262 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/L015102/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2014 
End 09/2022
Description EPSRC - Robustness
Amount £777,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/K031430/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2013 
End 11/2016
Description HVM Catapult Fellowship Grant
Amount £75,902 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2015 
End 11/2018
Description IDC EngD
Amount £80,000 (GBP)
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2017 
End 08/2021
Description Impact Acceleration Account
Amount £19,830 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2016 
End 03/2017
Description Impact Acceleration Account 'Manufacturing Support Tools for the Composites Industry
Amount £140,186 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 03/2017
Description Life Cycle Simulation of Automotive Materials in Service: Impact of Ageing on Performance (SimuLife)
Amount £1,000,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/L025752/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2014 
End 05/2018
Description Manufacturing of High Performance Cellulose Fibres to Replace Glass Fibres & Carbon Fibre Precursors
Amount £2,060,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/L017679/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2014 
End 06/2019
Description Project Century, Innovate UK, GKN Land Systems
Amount £3,327,361 (GBP)
Funding ID 102632 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2016 
End 08/2019
Description The Future Composites Manufacturing Hub
Amount £10,296,792 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P006701/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2017 
End 12/2023
Description Thermoplastic Overmoulding for Structural Composite Automotive Applications
Amount £265,137 (GBP)
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2016 
End 03/2018
Title A numerical study of variability in the manufacturing process of thick composite parts 
Description This repository contains Matlab scripts for the study of variability in the consolidation process of thick composite parts. It was conducted at the Universities of Nottingham and Bristol under the EPSRC funded Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites research project "Defect Generation Mechanisms in Thick and Variable Thickness Composite Parts - Understanding, Predicting and Mitigation" (DefGen), grant reference no. EP/I033513/1. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2018 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description AL04 - Multi-scale Modelling to Predict Defect Formation During Resin Infusion 
Organisation Cranfield University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This project aims to develop and validate a multi-scale modelling approach to predict variability and defect formation during liquid moulding, capturing the combined effects of material, geometry and process variables. This will incorporate variations in
Start Year 2011
Description AL04 - Multi-scale Modelling to Predict Defect Formation During Resin Infusion 
Organisation ESI Group
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This project aims to develop and validate a multi-scale modelling approach to predict variability and defect formation during liquid moulding, capturing the combined effects of material, geometry and process variables. This will incorporate variations in
Start Year 2011
Description AL04 - Multi-scale Modelling to Predict Defect Formation During Resin Infusion 
Organisation LMAT Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This project aims to develop and validate a multi-scale modelling approach to predict variability and defect formation during liquid moulding, capturing the combined effects of material, geometry and process variables. This will incorporate variations in
Start Year 2012
Description AL04 - Multi-scale Modelling to Predict Defect Formation During Resin Infusion 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This project aims to develop and validate a multi-scale modelling approach to predict variability and defect formation during liquid moulding, capturing the combined effects of material, geometry and process variables. This will incorporate variations in
Start Year 2011
Description AL04 - Multi-scale Modelling to Predict Defect Formation During Resin Infusion 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This project aims to develop and validate a multi-scale modelling approach to predict variability and defect formation during liquid moulding, capturing the combined effects of material, geometry and process variables. This will incorporate variations in
Start Year 2011
Description AL04 - Multi-scale Modelling to Predict Defect Formation During Resin Infusion 
Organisation Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Country Denmark 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This project aims to develop and validate a multi-scale modelling approach to predict variability and defect formation during liquid moulding, capturing the combined effects of material, geometry and process variables. This will incorporate variations in
Start Year 2011
Description AL04 - Multi-scale modelling to predict defect formation during resin infusion 
Organisation ESI Group
Country France 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Rolls-Royce International Limited 65 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6AT
Start Year 2012
Description AL04 - Multi-scale modelling to predict defect formation during resin infusion 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution This project aims to develop and validate a multi-scale modelling approach to predict variability and defect formation during liquid moulding, capturing the combined effects of material, geometry and process variables. This will incorporate variations in materials and processing behaviour at the macro, meso and micro-scales.
Start Year 2012
Description AM02 - Structural Joints usign Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2011
Description AM02 - Structural Joints usign Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation Bentley Motors
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2011
Description AM02 - Structural Joints usign Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation GKN
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2011
Description AM02 - Structural Joints usign Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation McLaren Racing
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2011
Description AM02 - Structural Joints usign Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2011
Description AM02 - Structural Joints usign Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2011
Description AM02 - Structural Joints usign Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2011
Description AM02 - Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Collaborator Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2012
Description AM02 - Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for carbon future composite structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2012
Description AM02 - Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for carbon future composite structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2012
Description AM02 - Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Collaborator Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for future fibre carbon composites structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2012
Description AM02 - Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation Bentley Motors
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for carbon future composite structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2012
Description AM02 - Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation GKN
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for carbon future composite structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2012
Description AM02 - Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation McLaren Racing
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for carbon future composite structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2012
Description AM02 - Structural Joints using Novel Embedded Inserts 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Investigation and development of novel attachment fittings and moulding techniques for high strength, low weight mechanical joints for carbon future composite structures. Design, manufacture and test joints and demonstrator structure
Start Year 2012
Description Cardiff Feasibility Study 2 
Organisation Cardiff University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution CIMComp awarded a £50,000 feasibility study grant to Cardiff University 'Efficient Composite Curing by Intelligent Microwave Processing'.
Collaborator Contribution Cardiff's PI ultimate aim is to develop an intelligent and highly efficiency microwave curing process for composite materials that, enhanced by nanoscale fillers, will optimise the cure of polymer matrix composites, and allow the very rapid processing of potentially very large structures with dramatic reductions in consumed power.
Impact Feasibility study is still active
Start Year 2015
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation August Herzog Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Bombardier Inc.
Country Canada 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Carl Zeiss AG
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Cobham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Composites Research Network (CRN)
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Cordenka GmbH
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Festo
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Formtech Composites
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Hexcel Composites Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation LMAT Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Morgan Advanced Materials
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description Industrial Partners 
Organisation Sigmatex
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Development of new technologies as listed below: Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications. Development of a world first quadaxial braider
Collaborator Contribution In Kind contributions to the total sum of £260,000
Impact Development of novel geometric modelling software for textile composites (TexGen) has recently allowed for collaboration with Aachen Uni and Industry to program a weave tool for 3D woven profiles. More generally a range of companies and universities now use this software, which is available open source and has been downloaded over 15,000 times. Developed permeability measurement research and associated analysis techniques have been disseminated to Formax (UK textile preformer) and the HVM NCC. Novel multi architecture and directive carbon fibre preforming technologies are currently being trialled with automotive partners. Development of innovative automated fibre placement technology based on a novel approach to fibre steering, allowing a x10 improvement in achievable curvature. Supported by a CIMComp Fellowship . Development of a numerical solution for 3D fibre architecture optimisation. Working in partnership with a UK preform manufacturer (Sigmatex) and generating interest with Aerospace companies. Innovative design of Formula 1 car suspension struts with embedded titanium fittings to provide damage resistant attachment and the elimination of proof safety testing. Anticipated development by McLaren Racing into future year's cars. Innovative design of structural panel (boot floor) using embedded steel fittings with preformed carbon fibre fabric for resin transfer moulding to provide crash resistant attachment. Anticipated implementation by Bentley Motors. Multifunctional lay-up aid to assist operators to manufacture composite parts faster and more reliably. Low cost instruction projection and feedback tools to allow improved control of the manual lay-up process of composites manufacture, and assist in operator training. Supported by CIMComp FS award. First grant awarded to a young lecturer as a direct outcome from a CIMComp FS. Robotic automation of composites manufacture. The first demonstration of robotic lay-up of a complex composite panel known anywhere. Use of ICT, virtualisation and augmented reality approaches to a variety of manufacturing tasks. Through thickness reinforcement (TTR) of sandwich panels for automotive impact applications.
Start Year 2014
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to Manufacture of Complex Geometries 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Collaborator Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2012
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to Manufacture of Complex Geometries 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Collaborator Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2012
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to Manufacture of Complex Geometries 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Start Year 2012
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to Manufacture of Complex Geometries 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Collaborator Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2012
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to the Manufacture of Complex Geometires from Broadgoods 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Start Year 2011
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to the Manufacture of Complex Geometries 
Organisation GKN
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Collaborator Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2011
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to the Manufacture of Complex Geometries from Broadgoods 
Organisation Airbus Group
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Collaborator Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Impact No outputs reported
Start Year 2011
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to the Manufacture of Complex Geometries from Broadgoods 
Organisation Lotus Engineering Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Collaborator Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2011
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to the Manufacture of Complex Geometries from Broadgoods 
Organisation Luxfer Gas Cylinders
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Collaborator Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Impact No outputs reported
Start Year 2011
Description KP01 - Novel Approaches to the Manufacture of Complex Geometries from Broadgoods 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Collaborator Contribution Develop novel approaches to the manufacture of composite parts through an understanding of reinforcement manipulation, and the development of appropriate low-cost automation methods
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2011
Description KP01 - Novel approaches to manufacture of complex geometries 
Organisation GKN
Department GKN Aerospace
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Collaborator Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2012
Description KP01 - Novel approaches to manufacture of complex geometries 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Collaborator Contribution The project is aimed at addressing geometric limitations of ATL/AFP via development of materials & handling technologies for automated manufacture. Two approaches are under study, we can either develop complex handling and forming processes for simple reinforcements or develop more complex reinforcements to permit simple forming. Both approaches are grounded in an in-depth understanding of reinforcement deformation and how materials can be manipulated.
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2012
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, deicinng, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation Bentley Motors
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, deicinng, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation Cranfield University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, deicinng, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation Luxfer Gas Cylinders
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, deicinng, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, deicinng, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation University of Bristol
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Collaborator Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, deicinng, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Collaborator Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Collaborator Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2012
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation University of Manchester
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Collaborator Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smat elements
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative Multi-material and Multi-architecture Preforms 
Organisation University of Nottingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smart elements
Collaborator Contribution Composites with multi-functionary (sensing, actuation, heating, de-icing, radar stealth etc) requires innovation in manufacturing at several scales. This project aims at preforming stage of composites manufacture for incorporation of various smart elements
Impact No outputs reported.
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative multi-material and multi-architectural preforms 
Organisation BAE Systems
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The aims of this project are to develop manufacturing concepts for ?near-net? preforms requiring minimum post-processing and at the same time incorporating multi-materials This will include the exploitation of textile techniques such as 3D weaving, braiding, stitching/embroidery and discontinuous fibre processes which, crucially, offer a route for incorporating recycled fibres. Within these processes, the hybrid materials will be incorporated at several scales: intra-tow scale hybrids involving co-mingling of dissimilar fibres; intra-ply hybrids in which tows of the two or more constituent types of fibres are mixed in a regular or random manner and also inter-ply hybrids where alternate layers of the two (or more) materials are stacked in a regular manner. In addition, various non-fibrous inserts such as connectors and micro-electronic chips will be incorporated into the composite architecture.
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative multi-material and multi-architectural preforms 
Organisation Bentley Motors
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The aims of this project are to develop manufacturing concepts for ?near-net? preforms requiring minimum post-processing and at the same time incorporating multi-materials This will include the exploitation of textile techniques such as 3D weaving, braiding, stitching/embroidery and discontinuous fibre processes which, crucially, offer a route for incorporating recycled fibres. Within these processes, the hybrid materials will be incorporated at several scales: intra-tow scale hybrids involving co-mingling of dissimilar fibres; intra-ply hybrids in which tows of the two or more constituent types of fibres are mixed in a regular or random manner and also inter-ply hybrids where alternate layers of the two (or more) materials are stacked in a regular manner. In addition, various non-fibrous inserts such as connectors and micro-electronic chips will be incorporated into the composite architecture.
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative multi-material and multi-architectural preforms 
Organisation Luxfer Gas Cylinders
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The aims of this project are to develop manufacturing concepts for ?near-net? preforms requiring minimum post-processing and at the same time incorporating multi-materials This will include the exploitation of textile techniques such as 3D weaving, braiding, stitching/embroidery and discontinuous fibre processes which, crucially, offer a route for incorporating recycled fibres. Within these processes, the hybrid materials will be incorporated at several scales: intra-tow scale hybrids involving co-mingling of dissimilar fibres; intra-ply hybrids in which tows of the two or more constituent types of fibres are mixed in a regular or random manner and also inter-ply hybrids where alternate layers of the two (or more) materials are stacked in a regular manner. In addition, various non-fibrous inserts such as connectors and micro-electronic chips will be incorporated into the composite architecture.
Start Year 2011
Description PP03 - Innovative multi-material and multi-architectural preforms 
Organisation Rolls Royce Group Plc
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The aims of this project are to develop manufacturing concepts for ?near-net? preforms requiring minimum post-processing and at the same time incorporating multi-materials This will include the exploitation of textile techniques such as 3D weaving, braiding, stitching/embroidery and discontinuous fibre processes which, crucially, offer a route for incorporating recycled fibres. Within these processes, the hybrid materials will be incorporated at several scales: intra-tow scale hybrids involving co-mingling of dissimilar fibres; intra-ply hybrids in which tows of the two or more constituent types of fibres are mixed in a regular or random manner and also inter-ply hybrids where alternate layers of the two (or more) materials are stacked in a regular manner. In addition, various non-fibrous inserts such as connectors and micro-electronic chips will be incorporated into the composite architecture.
Start Year 2012
Company Name iCOMAT 
Description iCOMAT develops carbon fibre manufacturing machinery, aiming to create composite parts the are stronger, lighter and more cost effective. 
Year Established 2019 
Impact iCOMAT has created, through patented technology, two prototypes using continuous tow steering (CTS) heads and manufactured a range of components. With weight reductions of up to 30 per cent compared to traditional straight fibre composites, cost and productivity on the curved fibre components have been improved as less raw materials have been used.
Website http://www.icomat.co.uk
Description Brazil Mission 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact creation of new partnerships and setting up of funded projects (Newton Funding).

Hosted a mission of delegates from Brazil to the UK to create better understanding and relationships
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Composites Engineering Show 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Composites Engineering Show (NEC Birmingham) is the flagship exhibition for CIMComp and provides a one-stop-shop for all the composites companies and activity in the UK. The two-day event attracts 14,000 people and significant contacts were made during the exhibition which lead to new industrial CIMComp members. CIMComp delivered a one-hour forum session where five presentations were delivered providing an overview of the Centre's core activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015,2018
URL http://www.advancedengineeringuk.com/composites-engineering-show/
Description Composites-Hub YouTube channel 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Five ACCIS CDT students have developed a YouTube channel with the aim of explaining composites to children.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTAFI_TzB9Q
Description Engaging festival goers to talk about science and engineering sustainability. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Information sharing and knowledge transfer

Two festivals were involved - Latitude 2014/15 and Small 2014
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description ICMAC Conference 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact CIMComp supported the organisation of the ICMAC conference, provided financial support for the two-day event and had an exhibition stand throughout the event. Over 100 composites manufacturing engineers from around the world attended providing the perfect avenue to exchange knowledge and ideas.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Mission to Germany 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact creation of a new partnership

A second visit was made to Germany and we are working towards building a strong working relationship with Aachen
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Open Day 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact The Open Day enabled CIMComp to disseminate project results to the wider composites community showing progress against its aims and how they fit within the wider UK composites strategy. A series of technical presentations were delivered providing great insight into the UK's composite strategy as well as highlighting how areas of CIMComp research are already supporting fundamental technologies towards these future goals.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description RAeS Cool Aeronautics 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Demonstrations were given to groups of school children with composites materials and structures, hand layup and virtual reality in half-hour sessions which sparked questions and discussion afterwards.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Rolls-Royce Advanced Manufacturing Forum 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact A shared vision that Design for Manufacture in composites across all manufacturing methods is a key research area;
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
URL http://www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/news/2016/composite-layup.html
Description SAMPE Seminar and Exhibition 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact CIMComp exhibited at the SAMPE Seminar held at Warwick University
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015