Rank based spectral estimation

Lead Research Organisation: University of East Anglia
Department Name: Computing Sciences


The colours, or RGB pixels, recorded by a digital camera are the result of the interaction of the prevailing light in the scene striking and being reflected by objects and the characteristics of the camera itself. The complexity is such that different cameras see differently and no cameras see the world exactly as we do. You will have noticed this when looking at photos where sometimes the colours don't look right or the pictures captured by one camera look 'better' than another. Moreover, sometimes we see colours change dramatically. We have all probably observed that white clothes can look bluish under ultra violet light (say in a night club). But, in fact the colours we see change subtly, all the time, as we move from one light to another (which is why it is always a good idea to check the colour of your clothes outside the shop). Here, even small changes can lead to poor customer satisfaction or, potentially, in a medical imaging application the wrong diagnosis.

Good pictures, by which we might mean accurate 'colour measurement' are possible if we know the spectral colour characteristics of a camera and/or the spectrum of light in a scene. While we can, in principle, measure these quantities the measurement is not easy to do so and is expensive (not easy as it requires considerable (Physics) lab time and expensive because spectral measurement devices cost many thousands of pounds). When measurement is not feasible, there do in fact exist methods for estimating (say) the spectrum of light in a scene. Yet, these methods only tend work if the camera is accurately calibrated first (a sort of chicken and the egg situation). Our 'Rank Based Spectral Estimation' Project aims to make it much easier to calibrate a camera or measure the illuminant in situ (and as such also make it easier to measure reflectance too)

So, how does our method work. Well suppose we gave you 50 grey tiles all of which appeared to have a different brightness. It would be an easy task for you to rank them from darkest to brightest. But, now suppose we change the colour of the light. Depending on the spectral shape of the grey reflectances, the ranking order can change (sometimes considerably). No problem, it is a simple matter to reorder the tiles. Remarkably, for specially chosen reflectances, the rank order will strongly correlate with the spectral shape of the light. Thus a simple ranking experiment gives us a strong clue to the colour of the light. (And, if we knew the colour of the light we could, for example predict whether the colour of our clothes might change when we go outdoors.)

The Rank Based Spectral Estimation project aims to take this simple ranking idea and provide simple, and accurate, estimation tools for deriving the spectral shape of the prevailing light, the spectral characteristics of a camera and the spectral reflectances of surfaces. At the heart of our method is a specially designed reflectance target containing many reflectances (whose design is part of the proposed research). Ranking these reflectances will allow us to accurately estimate the light spectrum and the spectral attributes of a camera. Accurate spectral estimates are required in many applications from photography, through, visual inspection to forensic imaging and telepresence (e.g. remote diagnosis).

Remarkably, we believe the methods we develop will also prove useful in understanding how we see. Indeed, it is very likely that you see the world a little differently than I do. Yet estimating an individual's spectral response is notoriously difficult. To the extent it can be done at all, it requires many hours of (tedious) detailed visual experiments. Through ranking it will be possible to uncover an observers spectral response (technically called 'colour matching curves') quickly and simply. We simply ask the observer to carry out a simple ranking of the kind mentioned above.

Planned Impact

Rank-based Spectral Estimation is a new paradigm for estimating the spectrum of the light, the spectral characteristics of the camera and for making spectral reflectance estimation easier. RBSE will be developed directly with our project partners who have each identified an estimation problem they are interested in solving where the traditional (expensive and time consuming) measurement approaches are difficult to use. With Apple we will develop and evaluate RBSE for the spectral estimation of camera spectral sensitivities paying special attention to the problem of the 'batch to batch' variation' in the spectral response of cameras. Unilever has a long-standing interest in modelling the appearance of physical objects which, hitherto, has relied on lab-based measurements. Through RBSE we aim to help Unilever make in situ appearance measurements. The interest of Datacolor is color measurement. They are the leading manufacturer of colour measurement devices. Through our collaboration we will be able to assess how well RBSE can approximate physical measurement. Finally, with Buhler-Sortex we will investigate the color tolerances needed for stable accept/reject decisions in industrial inspection. RBSE will be used to help calibrate Sortex machines.

Of course through our extensive dissemination plans, we will also publish our developed algorithms and data. So, any industry that has a need for spectral estimation will be able to prototype our technology (including, in medical and forensic imaging). More generally, we will extend http://www.cvrl.org where Prof Stockman provides access to human colour vision datasets as well as making a dedicated project website. These resources will include tutorial articles to ensure that the general public can engage with our research.

Both PIs on this grant have an extensive track record of communicating their research to standards bodies. This includes CIE technical committees TC 8-02 and TC8-07 in Image Technology and TC 1-72 on measurement of appearance. Prof Stockman has also worked closely on the definition of a new standard on cone response functions (TC 1-36: Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiologically Significant Axes). Also, Teresa Goodman chairs TC 2-65: Methods of Characterizing Spectrophotometers. Prof Finlayson has also worked with ISO TC 42 (Photography) for which the Society of Imaging Science and Technology (for which Finlayson serves as a Vice President) has an oversight and administration role.

The project also provides unrivaled training opportunities for the PDRA (Dr Vazquez) and the UEA funded research student funded alongside this grant. It is our plan that both will be trained in optical radiation measurement and, under the supervision of Teresa Goodman at NPL. And both will will be trained in psychophysical experimentation under the primary supervision of Prof. Stockman at UCL. Dr Vazquez will also spend time working directly in the labs of Buhler Sortex and Unilever (see their letter of support). The whole project team will benefit from the large and varied integration with industry. The whole team will have the opportunity to see their research transferred and then exploited in an industrial context.

In 2013 the Quadrennial meeting of the International Colour Society meets in Newcastle. This is a forum for scientists, industrialists, practionners and the lay public to meet and discuss colour. We will make a coordinated series of presentations as well as a purpose built exhibit at this meeting. In 2008, NPL (leading from research with partners including Unliever) had a very successful exhibit at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition on the 'Physics of Perception'. We will submit a proposal to exhibit for summer 2014. More generally the team has a history of tutorial presentations to organisations such as 'The Colour Group of Great Britain' and 'The Institute of Electrical Engineers' and meetings of the RPS Imaging Science Group.


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Andersen CF (2016) Estimating individual cone fundamentals from their color-matching functions. in Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision

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Darrodi M (2016) Estimating human colour sensors from rankings in Journal of Vision

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Darrodi MM (2015) Reference data set for camera spectral sensitivity estimation. in Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision

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Finlayson G (2016) Rank-based camera spectral sensitivity estimation. in Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision

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Finlayson GD; Johnson G. (2016) Extended Linear Color Correction

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Gong H (2018) Rank-Based Radiometric Calibration in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology

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Mackiewicz M (2016) Method for hue plane preserving color correction. in Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision

Description Image formation in machine and humans is at the first stage linear. Yet, post the sensor level most processing is non-linear. In both man and machine often we have access to the non-linear outputs but would like to relate these to the linear physical quantities being measured.

In machine vision, and published, we have demonstrated ranking as a powerful method to infer the linear spectral sensitivities of a camera and the processing steps of colour correction and tone mapping. In human vision we have demonstrated - soon to be published - how ranking judgements can be used to provide plausible computational mechanisms for understanding early colour coding (how do we scale, redness, blueness, yellowness etc)

The research is on-going and we expect to provide tools for colour measurement (without calibration). To the extent we succeed here there may be opportunities to commercialize this work.
Exploitation Route At the university's request we discussed the commercial opportunities coming out of this research. We have, as a consequence, filed 2 patents. One patent was directed towards using the rank-based idea to uncover spectral measurements (e.g. camera spectral sensitivities [ a primary goal of the research project] and the other to use the rank-based algorithm to uncover individual parts of (non-spectral) camera processing pipelines. The latter patent in tandem with our journal paper (rank-based radiometric calibration in the journal of Imaging Science and technology) provides a powerful methodology for reverse engineering camera pipelines and this enables academic researchers both to understand and modify processing chains (which are generally not made available by the manufacturer).
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

URL https://spectralestimation.wordpress.com/phd-project/
Description We have two patents "Rank-based Sp[ectral Estimation" and "Rank-based Radiometric Calibration" After discussion with Spectral Edge Ltd (a UEA spinout from Finlayson's lab) both these patents were first licenced and then acquired by Spectral Edge on commercial terms. Spectral Edge - a spinout company based initially on EPSRC funded research ()O12248 and IO28455) - as part of it business needed both to spectrally calibrate its devices (Spectral Edge made new RGB + Near Infra Red cameras) and build new processing piplelines. The spectral and processing pipeline rank-based methodologies - the two patents - were both directly relevant to Spectral Edge's commercial work. In November 2019 Spectral Edge was acquired by an industry major. Commerical confidentiality does not allow me to name the company. In UEA's 56 year history (to 2020) there are only two companies that have successully 'exited' and in doing so made a significant commerical return to UEA. The second was Spectral Edge Ltd. The first was ImSense Ltd (another company which built upon EPSRC funded research). The Spectral Edge Story will be an Impact Case Study for the School of Computing Sciences at the University of East Anglia in the up coming Research Excellence Framework Assessment exercise.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)
Impact Types Economic

Description Future Colour Imaging EP/S028730/1 (grant announced but not yet listed)
Amount £1,000,000 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/S028730/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2019 
End 09/2024
Description Spectral Edge Ltd 
Organisation Spectral Edge Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The Radiometric Caibration is a technique we developed to reverse engineer camera processing pipelines
Collaborator Contribution Spectral Edge Ltd tested our pipeline in the context of the commercial cameras they work with and are exploring routes to commercialisation
Impact US Patent Application US20170272619A1 https://patents.google.com/patent/US7986830
Start Year 2015
Description A method and system for determining parameters of an image processing pipeline of a digital camera is disclosed. The image processing pipeline transforms captured image data on a scene into rendered image data. Rendered image data produced by the image processing pipeline of the camera is obtained from the captured image data on the scene. At least a subset of the captured image data on the scene is determined and a ranking order for pixels of the rendered image data is obtained. A set of constraints from the captured image data and the ranked rendered image data is determined, each constraint of the set being determined in dependence on selected pair combinations of pixel values when taken in said ranking order of the rendered image data and corresponding pair combinations of the captured image data. Parameters of the image processing pipeline are determined that satisfy the sets of constraints. 
IP Reference WO2016083796 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted 2016
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact This patent is licenced and has been commercialised.
Description A method, system and reference target for estimating spectral data on a selected one of three spectral information types is disclosed. Spectral information types comprise illumination of a scene, spectral sensitivity of an imager imaging the scene and reflectance of a surface in the scene. The method comprises obtaining a ranking order for plural sensor responses produced by the imager, each sensor responses being produced from a reference target in the scene, obtaining, from an alternate source, data on the other two spectral information types, determining a set of constraints, the set including, for each sequential pair combination of sensor responses when taken in said ranking order, a constraint determined in dependence on the ranking and on the other two spectral information types for the respective sensor responses and, in dependence on the ranking order and on the set of constraints, determining said spectral data that optimally satisfies said constraints. 
IP Reference US2014307104 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2014
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact This patent has been licenced on a commercial basis
Company Name Spectral Edge 
Description Spectral Edge has developed image processing technology that focuses on colour clarity. 
Year Established 2011 
Impact The company is in an early technological development stage and we expect commercialization to begin in 2016. However, the visual accessibility s/w - for colour deficient observers - has been validated in a large third party trial (run by i2media).
Website http://www.spectraledge.co.uk