Thermostatting Open Systems in Non-Equilibrium Computer Simulations

Lead Research Organisation: King's College London
Department Name: Physics


Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, in which atoms move according to Newtonian's dynamics, have been extensively used to study various processes in matter in which materials are under considerable mechanical stress, subjected to a temperature gradient, irradiated upon by high-energy particles, etc. For instance, in tribology applications, two surfaces are sheared with respect to each other, and bonds are constantly formed and broken in the contact area leading to friction; this results in the contact area being much hotter than the bulk of the two materials leading to constant energy flow from the contact region outwards into the bulk. Correct treatment of the effects responsible for describing energy dissipation from the hot region into the bulk of the materials is crucial for a realistic description of friction. As another example, in irradiation processes high-energy particles impinged on a crystal surface (e.g. in coatings of nuclear reactors) go through the material forming canals. Locally along the canal large amounts of energy are released leading to considerable damage (deformation, defects formation, etc.); at the same time, a large portion of that energy is dissipated inside the material propagating the damage radially out of the canal. Correct treatment of such dissipation effects is vital for simulating the realistic damage to the material and hence finding new materials, which can sustain higher radiation doses.
In these and many other cases, due to considerable computational cost, only a small fragment of the material can actually be studied at the atomic level by practical MD simulations. At the same time, violent processes releasing considerable amounts of energy, which dissipates into the bulk of the material(s), require considering essentially infinite systems. Thermostatting is meant to solve this problem by providing mechanisms whereby a finite fragment of the real system is simulated, however, the environment is mimicked as a heat bath (kept at constant temperature), which can take or give energy in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics. Unfortunately, in very many cases, equilibrium MD simulations are still frequently used although this can hardly be justified! This still happens because there is no viable alternative. The well-known Generalised Langevin Equation (GLE) method is specifically designed to take care of the energy exchange with the environment (the heat bath), in spite of its long history, GLE has not yet been exploited sufficiently and implemented into a code to offer a practical solution. The know-how generated by this research project offers this solution. The methodology to be generated and the computer codes (both the full implementation of GLE and the approximate schemes) will be applicable to simulations of a wide class of non-equilibrium phenomena such as (but not limited to): tribology; thermal transport through bulk materials and layered systems, nanowires and molecular junctions; relaxation of point defects in the bulk and surfaces of crystals; irradiation problems; film and crystals growth on substrates at elevated temperatures (e.g. epitaxial), etc.

Planned Impact

This research is internationally leading and will be published in high impact journals (Nature Group Journals, Science, PRL, etc.). LK and CL have delivered over 40 invited talks at international conferences. This scientific exposure will ensure international impact and increase the profile of UK science.
Results of the research relevant to industries will be disseminated with the help of KCL Business and the Thomas Yong Centre (TYC). LK is on the TYC Executive Committee (TYC EC) and participates in its decision-making. Currently, TYC has close contacts with National Physics Laboratory, which has extensive industry contacts; recently, direct contacts were established with Samsung, UK Defence Industry and BP, and the work in finding more industry contacts is ongoing. LK and CL, as well as the PDRAs employed on the project, will scrutinise the outputs of the research for possible exploitation, aided by KCL Business.
A specific industrial interest in the results of our research is anticipated in the following areas: (i) growth of thin atomic and molecular layers on surfaces at elevated temperatures for applications in coatings, conducting layers, sensors, e.g. epitaxial growth of graphene on transition metal surfaces; (ii) shielding materials for nuclear reactors: finding new materials requires simulating their damage by high energy particles impinging on them; (iii) thermal conductivity of materials and structures, e.g. for nanotechnology applications: reducing thermal losses in thermoelectric materials for applications e.g. in electric power generation and solid-state cooling, is pivotal for increasing their performance (determined by the dimensionless thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) inversely proportional to the effective thermal conductivity); (iv) energy materials, e.g. fuel cells: understanding chemical processes involved requires realistic MD simulations to study reactions at the electrodes where energy is consumed/released; (v) mechanical resistivity of materials against deformation and rupture requires applying proper thermostatting to dissipate released energy; (vi) pharmaceutical applications of metallic nanoparticles, which can be heated with light to potentially release drugs from polymer capsules or destroy malignant cancer cells. The development of theoretical models and tools will transform the predictive power of MD simulations under realistic conditions, benefiting industry. In turn, cheaper products will be available with better properties and consuming less energy, and this should benefit the society at large by improving the quality of life.
Public Engagement and Outreach. Results of wider significance to technology and society will be disseminated with the help of a dedicated science media liaison person, employed recently by the School at KCL. She will communicate our outcomes to wider mainstream media greatly expanding the targeted audience. Also, the output of the research will be disseminated at weekly Maxwell lectures, hosted by KCL, which are free to attend for the general public. Physics Department has an active outreach committee, which will be constantly updated with new initiatives and lectures resulting from the results of our research, and activities involving several London based secondary schools, and the results of our research will be made available to the students of these schools to foster their interest in physics via seminars and invited lectures; at the same time, teachers would have an opportunity to learn more about the science we have been doing. The PI has already been invited by David Smith from Highgate School to give a presentation about his research. Other schools, especially from deprived areas, will be specifically targeted. These activities should serve to increase the public understanding and interest in science.


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Description We have developed an efficient numerical algorithm which allows considering dynamic processes in an open classical system (e.g. a surface under bombardment of high energy particles) which takes account of the interaction and heat exchange between the system and it environment (energy dissipation). The theory and implementation can be considered either for an open classical dissipative system or two of them connected with each other in the context of heat transport. We have implemented this theory in a classical force-field code LAMMPS. 3 papers have been published so far, one under review. The methodology we developed can find applications in simulations of friction, heat transport, radiation damage, etc.

We have also generalised this approach to quantum systems which is of relevance if the temperatures are small. In this case atoms in the open system may tunnel under the energy barriers. We have developed general theory of "quantum molecular dynamics" when "average" trajectories of atoms within an open system can be calculated using means of molecular dynamics, although both the system and the bath are treated fully quantum-mechanically. We showed that the equations of motion have the same form as in the classical case; however, the random forces are no longer Gaussian.

We also show the efficient GLE algorithm introduced in Phys. Rev. B 89, 134303 (2014) can be extended to include some crucial aspect of the quantum fluctuations. In particular, the expected isotopic effect is observed along with the convergence of the quantum and classical transition rates in the strong coupling limit. Saturation of the transition rates at low temperature is also retrieved, in qualitative, yet not quantitative, agreement with the analytic predictions. The discrepancies in the tunnelling regime are due to an incorrect sampling close to the barrier top.
Exploitation Route The technology and the code we have developed is currently available to other users: the theory part has been published in 3 papers, while the code has been implemented as a set of routines in a well-known and widely used LAMMPS package. Our patch is freely available via the LAMMPS website. We are contemplating on extending this proposal to a new EPSRC proposal to implement the technology we developed in a DFT code fro proper ab initio simulations and also for working out simpler models based on the exact benchmark provided currently by our theory developed during the project.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine







including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology


Description Imperial 
Organisation Imperial College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Prof. F. Bresme is interested in utilising our research tools (in particular, the computer code) which are being developed in the project in his research.
Collaborator Contribution Our discussions with Prof. Bresme, who has a long experience in conducting heat transport simulations, has helped us enormously on this project.
Impact No outcomes yet. It is not multi-disciplinary.
Start Year 2014
Description Lorenzo QUB 
Organisation Queen's University Belfast
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The theory and software we have been developing will be used by our partner.
Collaborator Contribution We are closely collaborating with this partner in developing theory and software related to this project.
Impact This collaboration resulted in one paper published and one submitted. The initial version of the routine to the LAMMPS code was also developed.
Start Year 2013
Title GLE code 
Description A package of routines were written for the LAMMPS code which implements the theory we developed during the project. This includes a single bath and a double baths, the latter can be used for heat transport simulations. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2017 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The software is freely available to researchers as a part of the LAMMPS package. We published several papers using this, but are not yet aware of anybody else using it. We hope that people will start using our method after it was disseminated at our workshop GLE-2017. 
Description Compmat2014-GLE 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Talk sparked questions and discussion.

Several participants expressed interest in using our code in their research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Tel Aviv Friction workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Presentation attracted questions and discussion.

There was an interest amongst some of the participants in using our code.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Tirbology-CASE 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Talk sparked questions and discussion.

Several people expressed interest in using our code.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description a talk by Prof. L. Kantorovich at a workshop GLE-2017 we organised 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A talk was given at a workshop organised by us as a specific dissemination activity planned by this grant. In this talk I reviewed all the essential methodological outcomes of the project activities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description a tutorial by Dr Ness at the GLE-2017 workshop we organised 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Dr Herve presented the methodology we developed in the project on simulations of open classical systems surrounded by 1 or 2 thermal baths. The method was implemented in the computer code LAMPPS. The tutorial was intended for future users of the code and contained both theory and implementation aspects.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description a workshop GLE-2017, 12-13 January 2017, King's College London, U.K. 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact In accordance with what we promised in the plan, we organised a workshop in theory and applications of GLE. We had 8 invited speakers (from Germany, Singapore, China, UK, France, Denmark, and Spain) and 53 participants altogether. The conference lasted 2 days and consisted of 8 invited and 6 contributed oral presentations, and 10 posters. This format allowed informal discussions during and after the sessions. We have received a very positive feedback from the participants.

Our main aim of this workshop was to make the community be aware of the developments of our EPSRC project. However, the themes of the workshop were much wider and included also quantum aspects of dynamics of open systems and this was very useful for us as gave additional ideas for further research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017