Polaritonics for Quantum Technology Applications

Lead Research Organisation: University of Southampton
Department Name: Sch of Physics and Astronomy


This project is aimed at development of several revolutionary new device concepts within the new interdisciplinary research area of Polaritonics, which studies interaction of light with electronic excitations in crystals. PI of this project leads an international collaborative effort in Polaritonics since 2000 coordinating three subsequent European network projects which involve over 15 universities. This collaboration has already yielded a number of spectacular discoveries including the Bose-Einstein condensation of mixed light-matter quasiparticles, features of superfluidity in crystals, spin multistability, ultralow threshold polariton lasing. Development of Polaritonics is led by theory, which predicts new effects, designes new structures and proposes new experiments. This project proposes a program of theoretical research tightly linked with an international experimental effort and aimed at bridging the gap between fundamental discoveries and device applications in Polaritonics. We shall develop and realise and experimentally test several device concepts including the Aharonov-Bohm polariton interferometer and the vertical cavity coherent terahertz light source based on a polariton laser. Fabrication of these devices would manifest a technology breakthrough in opto-electronics with quantum coherent effects brought into everyday life. The new quantum light sources and logic gates are important for realisation of optical computers and enhancement of capacities of optical communication lines. Compact sources of coherent terahertz radiation have their applications in medicine (skin cancer cure), environment protection, industrial sensing, security. The Southampton university will coordinate a multinational research effort in Polaritonics, host leading experts in Polaritonics for short visits, organise a series of international workshops and closely collaborate with several industrial companies including Hitachi, Sharp, Toshiba.

Planned Impact

Academic Impact
We expect the academic impact of this project to be very high as it addresses both fundamental problems of physics and multiple device applications. Among the fundamental phenomena in the focus of this proposal are the coherent many-body effects in bosonic gases, bosonic spin and charge transport, physics of the condensates of bosonic quasiparticles, physics of non-classical light emitters. These phenomena will govern the functionality of new opto-electronic devices (polariton devices) we propose to develop and experimentally test. This research on the forefront of quantum optics, nanophysics and spintronics is expected to strongly move forward the frontieres of our knowledge in these areas of modern physics.
Economic and Societal impacts
This project is aimed at realisation of a new generation of opto-electronic devices based on quantum properties of exciton-polaritons. This would include the vertical cavity surface emitting terahertz lasers, which have multiple applications in medicine, environment protection, communication technologies and security. The second group of polariton devices incudes the optical switches, transistors and logic elements essential for optical computation and for the information communication technologies. Finally, the non-classical light sources based on exciton-polaritons are of high importance for the quantum technologies. Polaritonics brings the quantum coherent phenomena of Bose Einstein condensation, superfluidity, weak localization, quantum complementarity to the everyday life. Altogether, the polariton devices would improve the quality of life in UK and abroad, as they are expected to positively affect such vital areas as medicine, environment protection, security, communications, computing.


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Demirchyan S (2014) Qubits Based on Polariton Rabi Oscillators in Physical Review Letters

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Dominici L (2015) Real-space collapse of a polariton condensate. in Nature communications

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Kalevich V (2014) Ring-shaped polariton lasing in pillar microcavities in Journal of Applied Physics

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Kavokin A (2013) Ballistic spin transport in exciton gases in Physical Review B

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Kyriienko O (2013) Superradiant terahertz emission by dipolaritons. in Physical review letters

Description The concept of a bosonic cascade laser (BCL) has been formulated. Unlike conventional semiconductor lasers, BCL emit light in the terahertz frequency range which is crucial for multiple applications in medicine, information communication technologies and security. The quantum efficiency of BCL is expected to be about 700% that is two orders of magnitude higher than the typical quantum efficiency of a semiconductor laser diode. This is achieved due to the combination of bosonic stimulation effect and cascade action. We have also developed a quantum theory of exciton-polariton Rabi oscillations. This theory shows that stochastic exciton-photon transitions may be detected by two-color intensity-intensity correlation measurements. This conclusion sheds light on the internal structure of exciton-polaritons: composed bosonic quasiparticles. Besides this, we have predicted spontaneous superfluid polariton currents in lateral superlattices based on semiconductor microcavities. This effect would be a striking manifestation of the spontaneous symmetry breaking in a coupled light-matter system.
Exploitation Route Proof of concept experiments are under way to implement Bosonic Cascade Lasers and ultrafast optical switches based on exciton-polaritons. Interferometry experiments to evidence spontaneous polariton currents.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Security and Diplomacy

URL http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.047402
Description In the first three years of the fellowship we have come up with several new proposals for polariton quantum devices. This includes qubits based on polariton Rabi-oscillations, ring polariton lasers for generation of non-diffractive light beams, bosonic spin currents for the optical integrated circuits. We are collaborating with leading experimental laboratories in UK and overseas in order to realise experimentally these proposals. In particular, we collaborate with the Oxford Quantum technology hub (NQIT) on realisation of ultrafast optical switches presently. Together with Skoltech we develop a semiconductor based platform for quantum simulations with coupled bosonic condensates of exciton-polaritons. In 2020-2021, a new concept of a polariton qubit based on a split-ring shape bosonic condensate of exciton-polaritons has been formulated. Its implementation is a subject of our research collaboration with several laboratories in UK and abroad.
First Year Of Impact 2017
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Electronics
Impact Types Societal