Optoelectronic Nanostructures via Polythiophene Block Copolymer Self-Assembly

Lead Research Organisation: University of Cambridge
Department Name: Physics


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Description Novel micellar structures synthesised at the University of Bristol have been studied in Cambridge. These contain well-organised short semiconductor polymer chains that form structures of several hundred nanometers. Our measurements of time-resolved luminescence reveal that photoexcitations are able to diffuse up to 200 nm - an exceptionally large range for any molecular semiconductor. These results were published in Science (2018).
Exploitation Route These structures are potentially useful as light-harvesting elements in novel photodetectors
Sectors Electronics


URL https://www.phy.cam.ac.uk/news/plastic-crystals-hold-key-to-record-breaking-energy-transport
Description This project resulted in a significant paper (Science, 2018) in which we report nano-platelet semiconductor structures that show important optoelectronic properties. Specifically, the energy from absorbed light (in the form of 'molecular excitons) can move a significant distance within these structures, and this is very attractive for light-harvesting applications in photodetectors or solar cells. This concept has been taken forward though further collaboration with the Manners group now in Canada, and has been explored with companies interested in novel photodetectors.
Sector Electronics,Energy
Impact Types Economic