Self-Resilient Reconfigurable Assembly Systems with In-process Quality Improvement

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: WMG


Globalization and ever-changing customer demands resulting in product customization, variety and time to market have intensified enormous competition in automotive and aerospace, manufacturing worldwide. Manufacturers are under tremendous pressures to meet changing customer needs quickly and cost effectively without sacrificing quality. Responding to these challenges manufacturers have offered flexible and reconfigurable assembly systems. However, a major challenge is how to obtain production volume flexibility for a product family with low investment and capability to yield high product quality and throughput while allowing quick production ramp-up.
Overcoming these challenges involves three requirements which are the focus of this proposal: (1) Model reconfigurable assembly system architecture. The system architecture should purposefully take into account future uncertainties triggered by product family mix and product demands. This will require minimizing system changeability while maximizing system reusability to keep cost down; (2) Develop novel methodologies that can predict process capability and manage product quality for given system changeability requirements; and (3) Take advantage of emerging technologies & rapidly integrate them into existing production system, for e.g., new joining processes (Remote Laser Welding) and new materials.
This project will address these factors by developing a self-resilient reconfigurable assembly system with in-process quality improvement that is able to self-recover from (i) 6-sigma quality faults; and (ii) changes in design and manufacturing. In doing so, it will go beyond state-of-the-art and practice in following ways: (1) Since current system architectures face significant challenges in responding to changing requirements, this initiative will incorporate cost, time and risks involving necessary changes by integrating uncertainty models; decision models for needed changes; and system change modelling; and (2) Current in-process quality monitoring systems use point-based measurements with limited 6-sigma failure root cause identification. They seldom correct operational defects quickly and do not provide in-depth information to understand and model manufacturing defects related to part and subassembly deformation. Usually, existing surface-based scanners are used for parts inspection not in-process quality control. This project will integrate in-line surface-based measurement with automatic Root Cause Analysis, feedforward/feedback process adjustment and control to enhance system response to fault or quality/productivity degradation. The research will be conducted for reconfigurable assembly system with multi-sector applications. It will involve system changeability/adaptation and in-process quality improvement for: (i) Automotive door assembly for implementing an emerging joining technology, e.g. Remote Laser Welding (RLW), for precise closed-loop surface quality control; and (ii) Airframe assembly for predicting process capability also for precise closed-loop surface quality control.
Results will yield significant benefits to the UK's high value manufacturing sector. It will further enhance the sector by accelerating introduction of new emerging eco-friendly processes, e.g., RLW. It will foster interdisciplinary collaboration across a range of disciplines such as data mining and process mining, advanced metrology, manufacturing, and complexity sciences, etc. The integration of reconfigurable assembly systems (RAS) with in-process quality improvement (IPQI) is an emerging field and this initiative will help to engender the development into an internationally important area of research. The results of the research will inform engineering curriculum components especially as these relate to training future engineers to lead the high value manufacturing sector and digital economy.

Planned Impact

The primary beneficiaries of approaches developed by this initiative are UK's automotive and aerospace industries. There is though potential for considerable spill-overs into other industries such as mobile phone, appliances, shipbuilding, jet engines, etc.
OEMs (and related supply chains) are interested in predicting process capability; best ways to create hybrid systems that will allow effective adoption/utilization of the emerging technologies; and how to achieve performance in a cost effective way with small batches/samples. The integration of reconfigurable assembly systems with in-process quality improvement using surface-based measurements can generate several benefits to UK manufacturers. First, in addition to reducing dimensional variation, it will create a much needed base to introduce new emerging joining processes into the automotive and other assembly systems, and efficient uptake of these innovations. Second, it will reduce expensive design changes/errors. Third, it will lead to reduction of ramp-up time. Finally, it will result in improvement of quality. There can also be substantial spill-overs and broader diffusion effects. For example, the developed approaches could be applied to manufacturing industries other than automotive and aerospace and also other assembly processes. Due to the general need for these types of analyses capabilities, it is expected that the approaches from this project can be applied to a wide range of industries. These approaches are termed "industrial analytics" in this initiative, and we believe this to be emerging interdisciplinary field. Also, through the use of the developed methodologies, end users will gain greater knowledge of their processes for more efficient operations. They may be able to develop new processes and products due to improved capabilities. The downstream consumers should enjoy higher quality at lower cost. This can potentially trigger a series of changes in design and manufacturing processes. In turn, this may trigger other players in the market to either upgrade their technology or develop new technologies to maintain competitive edge. The approaches could serve as catalyst for greater technological evolution in the manufacturing sector.
In addition, this initiative will allow faster introduction of emerging technologies such as Remote Laser Welding (RLW) which is known to have good "green" credentials. RLW based assembly systems occupy 50% less floor space; 80% fewer robots and less tooling stations thus reducing tooling requirements and carbon footprint. It will allow lower vehicle weights leading to better fuel efficiency, lower consumption of raw materials due to better design and use of advanced materials, lower emission and energy consumption due to energy efficient and faster production cycle time, & lower energy consumption during recycling phase. This will translate to enhanced eco-efficiency thereby further increasing competitiveness of the UK manufacturers.


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Description The key research findings have led to the development of unique portfolio of methodologies with capabilities for modeling, simulation and synthesis of reconfigurable assembly processes with in-line measurement systems. They include:

(1) Multi-physics and multi-scale 'digital twin' simulation methodology and software solution. The uniqueness of the methodology is the capability to optimize assembly process for a batch of non-ideal parts (instead of optimising one single ideal/CAD parts in a subassembly; as it is done today by using state-of-the-art approaches). The methodology provides the following main outputs: (i) analytical model of geometric variation of a single or batch of deformable parts and using the model for variation simulation analysis of assembly process; (ii) fixture layout optimisation for assembly of a single or batch of deformable parts; and (iii) joining process parameters selection and optimization which can also be interlinked with (i) & (ii) as iterative optimisation. The simulation software solutions can support virtual process development, installation and commissioning. The methodology was implemented as part of the Simulation Solution: "Fixture Optimizer for Compliant Assembly" (please see IMPACT section) and led to the first worldwide technology to fully optimize digital assembly of compliant/deformable parts. The methodology has been implemented and tested for the development and deployment of automotive aluminium door assembly process from concept readiness until production pilot at an automotive plant in UK. Results of the production pilot have shown a Right-First-Time rate more than 96%.

(2) In-process laser welding process monitoring and control. There are two main developments in this area: (I) the first in-line monitoring system for remote laser welding of steel parts for COMAU SmartLaser (both hardware and software). The developed process control tool which extends the state-of-art by developing the first worldwide software system that allow linking in-process monitoring signals with process joint performance for steel parts; (II) the first in-line monitoring system integrated with resilient control of remote laser welding process for lightweight aluminium parts which has capabilities for (II.1) automatic evaluation of process parameters for welding speed change/variation (adaptive process control to demand/production volume fluctuations - so addressing cycle time optimisation); (II.2) real time closed-loop control for part-to-part gap bridging (adaptive process control to incoming part variation fluctuations - so addressing process variation control); and (II.3) real time monitoring and closed-loop control of seam depth/keyhole depth (adaptive process control to seam quality fluctuations - so addressing product quality control).

(3) In-line dimensional inspection of free form surfaces by using robotic 3D optical or laser scanners. The methodology has shown capability to reduce detection and resolution time of free-form surface related defects, and thus emerges as a critical enabler for zero-defects manufacturing strategy. Core part of the methodology is a novel approach which hinges on the key idea of "Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Sampling for Effective Measurement Coverage". This approach allows to estimate whole part deviation based on incomplete measurement of a part. an innovative outcome of the methodology is its ability to minimize necessary part inspection coverage, thereby reducing inspection time needed for a given part produced using a specific manufacturing process.

(4) In-line dimensional quality control of free form surfaces by using robotic 3D optical or laser scanners. This methodology interlinks with the above method (3) and allows to develop functional control chart for high-dimensional data (cloud of points) captured by in-line robotic 3D optical or laser scanners. The proposed shape-monitoring methodology is based on a functional data analysis model which is then used to develop integrated bivariate T2-Q monitoring chart. This research finding can impact on the broader spectrum, outside of the automotive sheet metal parts. For instance, many industrial processes are capable of generating massive amounts of data (big data) increasingly captured by in-process sensor networks. At present, some of these data cannot be used for statistical process control, defect detection or prediction of end-of-line product quality. The proposed research has capability to extract actionable information from big datasets with multiple and coupled parameters and link it back for corrective and preventive actions. We are currently planning to develop industrial case studies to demonstrate the advantages of the developed methodology.

How might the findings be taken forward and by whom?

Key findings can be taken forward by: (a) CAE simulation software company to develop a commercial quality control software; (b) OEMs and tier-1 suppliers manufacturing parts or assemblies with free form surfaces to apply the developed quality control monitoring solution to their manufacturing processes; (c) production line builder/integrators to apply the software solution in designing assembly fixtures/jigs for automotive body production line.
The developed solution has also applicability to be used by non-automotive assembly processes with deformable (compliant) parts, for example aerospace and ship-building.
Exploitation Route Key findings can be taken forward by: (a) CAE simulation software company to develop a commercial quality control software; (b) OEMs and tier-1 suppliers manufacturing parts or assemblies with free form surfaces to apply the developed quality control monitoring solution to their manufacturing processes; and, (c) production line builder/integrators to apply the software solution in designing assembly fixtures/jigs for automotive body production line.
The developed solution has also applicability to be used by non-automotive assembly processes with deformable (compliant) parts, for example aerospace and ship-building.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine



including Industrial Biotechology

Description The research findings led to: (i) Development of unique portfolio of methodologies with capabilities for modelling, simulation and synthesis of reconfigurable assembly processes with in-line measurement system(s) (please see KEY FINDINGS Section); (ii) Implementation of the methodologies into three simulation solutions (technologies) and their application in industrial case studies: (1) Multi-physics and multi-scale 'digital twin' simulation methodology and software solution led to the first worldwide technology to fully optimize digital assembly of compliant/deformable parts (see item 3). The methodology has been implemented and tested for the development and deployment of automotive aluminium door assembly process from concept readiness until production pilot at an automotive plant in UK. Results of the production pilot have shown a Right-First-Time rate more than 96%. (2) Spatio-temporal adaptive sampling methodology for In-line dimensional inspection of free form surfaces by using robotic 3D optical or laser scanners - provide first time capability to estimate the whole part deformation error based on the partial measurements, i.e. 30-40% of the whole surface using the industrial case studies. This emerges as a critical enabler for in-line application of 3D scanners as the inspection time frequently exceeds the production Cycle Time (CT); limiting the application of in-line measurement systems for high production volume manufacturing processes such as used in automotive industry. (3) Application of the above developed methodologies and simulation solutions was instrumental as key enablers for rapid deployment of a new remote laser joining process at JLR. This is the first remote laser welding demonstration in JLR for steel door assembly. Moreover, the success with RLW for streel door, resulted in the further research and generalization of the simulation tools for aluminium door assembly process (currently, there is no methodology with capabilities for digital simulation of aluminium door assembly using RLW). The recent application of the developed tools for 'Laser Welded Lightweight Aluminium Door for SUV' won the Jaguar LandRover's (JLR) 2018 'Innovista' Award. The award was granted to the WMG-JLR collaborative project 'Laser Welded Lightweight Aluminium Door for SUV' as the Most Innovative Project in category of 'Piloted Technologies' (selected out of 75 entries). The application of the developed methodologies and simulation solutions was instrumental as key enablers for rapid deployment of a new remote laser welding (RLW) process at JLR. Currently, with he exception of the results from this research, there is no methodology available worldwide with capabilities for digital simulation of aluminium door assembly using RLW. RLW has received increased attention in the recent years due to its benefits in terms of processing speed, lower investment, cost per stitch, and process flexibility. However, its potential in automotive assembly remains under exploited, mainly due to challenges involving system, process and fixture design, and part variation challenges. The developed methodologies and simulations improve 'Right-First-Time' implementation of RLW in assembly systems. It enables closed-loop optimization of system layout, task assignment, fixture layout, process parameters, robot path planning and programming as an interlinked iterative approach. The award demonstrates impact of the methodology for industrial applications. The research findings are fed into a number of teaching initiatives. This involves teaching materials for undergraduate, postgraduate students as well as industrial engineers (product design, advanced manufacturing engineering and CAE). We are also in the process of developing a new module which links our data analytics tools developed for quality control and multi-physics manufacturing process simulations. For example, the "multi-physics and multi-scale 'digital twin' simulation methodology" has been implemented as part of the "Fixture Optimizer for Compliant Assembly" toolkit, which is core part of any research undertaken by research students in our team. This has led to a growing community of users and developers including, among others: University of Naples (ITALY); IIT Kharagpur (INDIA); RWTH-Aachen University (GERMANY); West University (SWEDEN); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (SPAIN). The overall research conducted in the project led to defining a novel direction in research with strong industrial applicability. It is based on the Closed-Loop In-Process (CLIP) quality improvement and we termed it as 'digital lifecycle management'. We are currently, invited by Springer to write an article defining the 'digital lifecycle management' as part of their Encyclopedia of Production Engineering.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Education,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Transport
Impact Types Societal


Description Debate on Joining technology challenges and solutions in response to the EV production needs by 2025
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact 1-day workshop organized by the Advanced Propulsion Centre and TWI - along with experts from Jaguar Land Rover, Ford Motor Company and researchers from academia - on the 4th December at TWI's headquarters in Cambridge for a packed agenda discussing the challenges and opportunities that are being created from the electrification of transport. (December 4, 2019). Workshop titled ""The Sticking Point - Can welding keep up with the pace of the EV revolution"" Our presentation on "Challenges facing joining. The Challenge of a Change in Production" Workshop Summary: Keeping up with the pace of change: It is no secret that electrification is just one solution to potentially helping us meet net-zero emissions by 2050. While there is a lot of focus on advancements to battery technologies - as well as power electronics, motors and drives - we must be able to keep up with the commercialisation levels and produce this technology on a mass scale. This in turn brings challenges around process innovation and not purely product innovation. On average, there are around 10,000 different welds needed to build an electric car as there is building an internal combustion-engine vehicle. Put simply - can welding keep up with the pace of the EV revolution? Or is it going to be the sticking point holding back the mass adoption of electric vehicles?
Description Invited article to 'Parliament Magazine' (magazine for MEP) m- article title "KETs can 'strengthen European industry'"
Geographic Reach Europe 
Policy Influence Type Contribution to a national consultation/review
Impact The article was published in the context of EU discussing the role of 'key enabling technologies' for sustainable manufacturing highlighted by Horizon 2020. The article was written in relation to my invited presentation for the EU LETS'2014 - Leading Enabling Technologies for Societal Challenges, Bolognia, 1/10/2014. The presentation was titled 'Eco and Resilient Factories: A New Paradigm for High Performance Production'. ABSTRACT: Today, manufactures must first test production of products & services across the lifecycle before actual production has even begun. This can be achieved through emerging enabling technologies such as "lifecycle analytics" that contribute to a new paradigm of closed-loop production systems. It is guided by the principles that products, processes & interlinked services are challenged by evolving external drivers such as new regulations, materials, technologies, cost and sustainability - all of which requires coordinated co-evolution of products, production systems & services.
Description "Remote Laser Welding (RLW)" Laboratory Development.
Amount £1,000,000 (GBP)
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2016 
End 03/2017
Description APC 15: Aluminium Intensive Vehicle Enclosures (ALIVE)
Amount £15,322,732 (GBP)
Funding ID 107122 
Organisation Constellium 
Sector Private
Country France
Start 06/2020 
End 02/2024
Description Aluminium Intensive Vehicle Enclosures (ALIVE)
Amount £9,591,106 (GBP)
Funding ID Grant number: 50267 
Organisation United Kingdom Research and Innovation 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 06/2020 
End 12/2023
Description Aluminium for Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (Al-ULEV)
Amount £1,928,203 (GBP)
Funding ID 104324 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2018 
End 08/2020
Description HVM Catapult "Remote Laser Welding (RLW) Process navigator for Ultralight Aluminium Body-In-White Sheet Metal Closure Parts".
Amount £874,000 (GBP)
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2018 
End 03/2020
Description Installation, Analysis, Verification and Validation of LWM 4.0 Sensor for In-process Monitoring during Laser Welding of Battery Systems
Amount £40,000 (GBP)
Funding ID RP4177 
Organisation Precitec 
Sector Private
Country Germany
Start 09/2020 
End 04/2022
Description Lightweight Innovative Battery Enclosures using Recycled Aluminium TEchnologies (LIBERATE)
Amount £2,036,753 (GBP)
Funding ID 105398 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2019 
End 08/2022
Description Remote laser welding of aluminium extrusions: in process monitoring of weldments
Amount £125,000 (GBP)
Funding ID RP3859 
Organisation Constellium 
Sector Private
Country France
Start 12/2019 
End 01/2021
Title Deep_Learning_for_Manufacturing 
Description Point Cloud Object Shape Error Datasets for Root Cause Analysis of Multi-Station Assembly Systems. The dataset consists of supervised shape error datasets (point clouds) and corresponding process parameters. It is generated using the Variation Response Method (VRM) kernel. The dataset can be used for training deep learning frameworks to test performance for Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of Multi-Station Assembly Systems. The python library for implementation of the work can be found at this link: 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The dataset can be used for training deep learning frameworks to test performance for Root Cause Analysis (RCA) of Multi-Station Assembly Systems. The python library for implementation of the work can be found at this link: 
Description Collaborative research with the Coherent 
Organisation Coherent
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The development of in-process monitoring of weld penetration depth (WPD) during remote laser welding of battery tab connectors using optical coherence tomography (OCT). The study was feasible by using the Coherent novel HighLight adjustable ring mode (ARM) FL10000 laser technology.
Collaborator Contribution Donation of Coherent novel HighLight adjustable ring mode (ARM) FL10000 laser technology with two beams: one targeting the bottom of the keyhole and another as a reference to the part surface (TwinTec technology).
Impact The output of this collaboration led to: (i) Publication: Sokolov, M., Franciosa, P., Sun, T., Ceglarek, D., Dimatteo, V., Ascari, A., Fortunato, A., Falk, N., 2021, "Applying Optical Coherence Tomography for Weld Depth Monitoring in Remote Laser Welding of Automotive Battery Tab Connectors," Journal of Laser Applications, Vol. 33(1), 012028, (ii) Invited presentation at: Coherent Amplify 'Battery Development from Concept to Scaled Production' seminar (10/3/2021). Presentation title: The presentation was titled "Laser welding in High Volume Manufacturing for E-mobility: metal Welding using Fibre Lasers with ARM" (iii) new projects funded by IDP15 (Liberate) and APC 15 (ALIVE).
Start Year 2019
Description Collaborative research with the Precitec GMBH 
Organisation Precitec Optronik GmbH
Country Germany 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution The development of in-process monitoring of weld penetration depth (WPD) during remote laser welding of battery tab connectors using optical coherence tomography (OCT) sensor from Precitec (In-process Depth Meter (IDM) with TwinTec technology).
Collaborator Contribution Donation of Precitec (In-process Depth Meter (IDM) sensor integrated with Coherent HighLight adjustable ring mode (ARM) FL10000 laser technology with two beams: one targeting the bottom of the keyhole and another as a reference to the part surface (TwinTec technology).
Impact (i) Publication: Sokolov, M., Franciosa, P., Sun, T., Ceglarek, D., Dimatteo, V., Ascari, A., Fortunato, A., Falk, N., 2021, "Applying Optical Coherence Tomography for Weld Depth Monitoring in Remote Laser Welding of Automotive Battery Tab Connectors," Journal of Laser Applications, Vol. 33(1), 012028, (ii) new projects funded by IDP15 (Liberate) and APC 15 (ALIVE). (ii) A joint Presentation - during a major Laser Applications event for industry - European Automotive Laser applications (EALA 2020) held on 11/12 February 2020, Bad Nauheim, Germany; A joint presentation with our industrial partner (Precitec) on "Closed-loop Control of Weld Penetration in Remote Laser Welding of Aluminium Components integrating OCT Sensor, Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence" ABSTRACT: Remote Laser Welding (RLW) combines the positive features of tactile laser welding with additional benefits such as increased processing speed, reduced operational cost and service as well as higher process flexibility. A leading challenge preventing the full uptake of RLW technology in industry is the lack of efficient Closed Loop In-Process (CLIP) monitoring and weld quality control solutions. This underpins the need to fuse multiple sensor technologies, data analytics and machine learning along with predictive engineering simulations. This presentation focuses on the monitoring and control of the Weld Penetration Depth Control (WPDC) using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) during RLW of aluminium components in fillet lap joint configuration with consideration of part-to-part gap variation
Start Year 2019
Description Collaborative research with the University of Central Lancashire 
Organisation University of Central Lancashire
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We provided an experimental reconfigurable assembly cell for remote laser welding (RLW) assembly cell for sheet metal components.
Collaborator Contribution Development of Low-cost multi-sensor in-process  surface measurement.
Impact Papers: Khan, M.F., Xiao, Y.G., Matuszewski, B., Hall, G., Ceglarek, D., Shark, L-K 2018, "Measurement Uncertainties in Calibrating a Robotic Vision System," Series: Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering, Ebook: Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXII, Vol. 8, pp. 157-162, IOS Press Ebooks., DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-902-7-157. Also, presented at the 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR 2018), September 11-13, 2018, University of Skövde, Sweden. Co-organized a special session for the SPIE Conference on Multimodal Sensing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications Invited Session on 'Multiwave Light Technology for Closed-loop In-process Monitoring and Quality Control of Assembly Systems' Internationales Congress Center, Munich, Germany, 24 - 27 June 2019.
Start Year 2013
Description Erasmus Programme with Unversity of Naples, Italy 
Organisation University of Naples
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our research team developed a proposal with the University of Naples for exchange of MSc students for duration of 6 months for each student. Our team develops plan and select research topics for each student, then participate in the recruitment of each candidate for the exchange. During Then, the student conduct their MSc research work at our laboratory.
Collaborator Contribution Our partner actively recruit the appropriate canddiates. They also participate in the conducted research work.
Impact The collaboration led to 13 MSc students exchanges who completed their MSc thesis at our lab. The collaboration led to 3 papers and 1 prize.
Start Year 2013
Description WMG/University of Bologna 
Organisation University of Bologna
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution (1) Publication of research outputs in high IF journals (2) Development of collaborative research grants, such as Horizon Europe.
Collaborator Contribution Staff/student exchange program
Impact Publications to International conferences and journals.
Start Year 2019
Description WMG/University of Naples 
Organisation University of Naples
Country Italy 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution (1 Publication of research outputs in high IF journals (2) Development of collaborative research grants, such as Horizon Europe
Collaborator Contribution Staff/student exchange program
Impact Publications for International conferences and journals.
Start Year 2014
Title Deep Leaning for Manufacturing 2.0 
Description The open source Bayesian Deep Learning for Manufacturing (dlmfg) Library is built using a TensorFlow, TensorFlow Probability and Keras back end to build: - Bayesian deep learning models such as Bayesian 3D Convolutional Neural Network and Bayesian 3D U-net to enable root cause analysis in Manufacturing Systems. - Deep reinforcement learning models such as Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients to enable control and correction in Manufacturing Systems. The library can be used across various domains such as assembly systems, stamping, additive manufacturing and milling where the key problem is Object Shape Error Detection and Estimation. The library is build using Object Oriented Programming to enable extension and contribution from other related disciplines within the artificial intelligence community as well as the manufacturing community. GitHub Project: Documentation: Datasets: 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2020 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The research aims to develop artificial intelligence based solutions by integrating multi-fidelity Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Bayesian Deep Learning and 3D point cloud data from optical scanners to enable process design, process monitoring, automated root cause analysis, automated correction in various phases of the manufacturing production cycle with the final aim of achieving Closed Loop In-Process Quality Control for Multi-Stage Manufacturing Systems. In doing so it proposes a new research niche Object Shape Error Response (OSER) that is aimed at solving root cause analysis (RCA) problems in the field of manufacturing. Inherently diagnosis of manufacturing processes such as assembly, stamping, additive manufacturing and machining translates into estimating the object error patterns in the final product and relating these patterns to abnormal variations in the process parameters. The library builds on the work done in 3D object detection done using 3D Convolution Neural Networks, 3D U-Nets to relate point cloud data to process parameter variations. The work is done keeping in mind the transferability and scalability to various manufacturing systems. The figure below represents the overall framework of the research in combining CAE simulation, deep learning and closed-loop sampling. 
Title Fixture Optimizer for Compliant Assembly 
Description The tool offers the possibility to evaluate and optimise product performances for given joint layout and to optimise clamp layout for given joint requirements (i.e., max gap per stitch). Tool's integration capabilities are: (i) optimised product design loop to generate a feasible assembly pro-cess; (ii) optimum locator/clamp layout; (iii) joining process parameters' loop; (iv) work-station optimisation loop with robot simulation and path planning. The Fixture Layout Analyser & Optimiser can be used as interactive/collaborative framework among process and product design engineers. The developed GUI offers interactive tools to facilitate user's data input and visualisation of results. The software is now used by the students (currently 1 UG and 5 PhD) I supervise or co-supervise to develop their own research topics. This has led to a community of users and developers including: University of Naples (ITALY); IIT Kharagpur (INDIA); RWTH-Aachen University (GERMANY); West University (SWEDEN); Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (SPAIN). 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2015 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact Multi-disciplinary Fixture Optimizer for Compliant Assembly (based on the multi-disciplinary variation simulation). The first worldwide technology to fully optimize digital assembly of compliant/deformable parts. The uniqueness of this technology is its capabilities to optimize assembly process for a batch of non-ideal parts (instead of optimization of process for a sample of one ideal/CAD parts in a subassembly). The conducted industrial case studies of the developed methodology of the developed methodology eliminated 25% of engineering changes, reducing equivalent development time from 6 weeks to 1 week for door assembly process design as compared to current industry best practice.. 
Title Laser Process Parameters Optimiser 
Description The tool allows to select and optimise the joining process parameters (i.e., laser power and welding speed). It links (through response surface method) the input process parameters to the output joint performances (i.e., joint cross section, penetration, interface width). The analytical relation is obtained by combining physical experimentation and computer simulation. Optimum parameter settings are then automatically calculated, depending on material stack-up combinations and performance constraints based on industry standards (i.e., joint strength, penetration or visual appearance). 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2016 
Impact The application of the tool has demonstrated the following benefits: (i) reduction in number of process parameters adjustments; (ii) maximum joint quality considering minimum cycle time, minimum power demand; (iii) identification of feasible process windows (i.e., feasible laser power and welding speed). 
Title Part Monitoring and Control 
Description The tool has been developed to detect dimensional and geometrical faults of manufactured parts or assemblies. Quality practitioners can perform statistical process control (SPC) utilising cloud of points data. It has the capability: (i) to develop monitoring chart using correlated and multidimensional parameters; (ii) for in-process quality improvement through closed-loop feedback. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact (i) Enable quality engineers to take decisions on the product quality and potential in-process adjustments? (ii) Facilitate use of non-contact scanners for quality monitoring and control of stamping and assembly process 
Title Part Variation modeler 
Description The tool generates virtual part or assembly based on CAD data (including GD&T specifications) and measurement data (i.e., cloud of points). It has capability for: (i) Variation Simulation Analysis for deformable sheet-metal parts; (ii) part error characterisation for single part and batch of parts. The Part Variation Modeller implements innovative methods to simulate "within batch" and "batch-to-batch" variation. Tool's integration capabilities are: (i) calculation of part fit-up to satisfy joint performance; (ii) definition and optimisation of locator/clamp layout; (iii) extract significant deformation patterns from high dense cloud of points. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact This is a stand-alone tool or is also integrarted as part of the 'Fixture Optimizer for Compliant Assembly' (please see impact listed in the 'Fixture Optimizer for Compliant Assembly' ). The tool adds value to the product/process simulation by: (i) interactive/collaborative framework between process and product design engineers; (ii) capability to emulate production error at design stage; (iii) capability to reduce number of engineering changes during installation and commission. 
Description (6) EU LETS'2014 - Leading Enabling Technologies for Societal Challenges, Bolognia, 1/10/2014. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact (6) EU LETS'2014 - Leading Enabling Technologies for Societal Challenges, Bolognia, 1/10/2014.
a. Invited presentation 'Eco and Resilient Factories: A New Paradigm for High Performance Production'. ABSTRACT: Today, manufactures must first test production of products & services across the lifecycle before actual production has even begun. This can be achieved through emerging enabling technologies such as "lifecycle analytics" that contribute to a new paradigm of closed-loop production systems. It is guided by the principles that products, processes & interlinked services are challenged by evolving external drivers such as new regulations, materials, technologies, cost and sustainability - all of which requires coordinated co-evolution of products, production systems & services.
b. Invited to write an article "KETs can 'strengthen European industry'" to 'Parliament Magazine' (attached)-
i. The article was published in the context of EU discussing the role of 'key enabling technologies' for sustainable manufacturing highlighted by Horizon 2020. (please see two attachments: (i) my article; as well as (ii) the whole Issue 397 of the magazine to provide you a bit of background about the 'Parliament Magazine' - ToC is on page 4-5; my article is on page 79).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description 14th Annual European Manufacturing Strategies Summit - Chair of INDUSTRY 4.0 Stream at the summit and hosting the Awards Dinner 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 14th Annual European Manufacturing Strategies Summit - I chaired the INDUSTRY 4.0 Stream at the summit and hosted the Awards Dinner
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description A major Laser Applications event for industry - European Automotive Laser applications (EALA 2020) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact A major Laser Applications event for industry - European Automotive Laser applications (EALA 2020) held on 11/12 February 2020, Bad Nauheim, Germany;

A joint presentation with our industrial partner (Precitec) on "Closed-loop Control of Weld Penetration in Remote Laser Welding of Aluminium Components integrating OCT Sensor, Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence"
ABSTRACT: Remote Laser Welding (RLW) combines the positive features of tactile laser welding with additional benefits such as increased processing speed, reduced operational cost and service as well as higher process flexibility. A leading challenge preventing the full uptake of RLW technology in industry is the lack of efficient Closed Loop In-Process (CLIP) monitoring and weld quality control solutions. This underpins the need to fuse multiple sensor technologies, data analytics and machine learning along with predictive engineering simulations.
This presentation focuses on the monitoring and control of the Weld Penetration Depth Control (WPDC) using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) during RLW of aluminium components in fillet lap joint configuration with consideration of part-to-part gap variation
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description A strategic Positioning workshop on 'Supply Chain Management for Industry 4.0" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Presentation on "Closed-Loop In-Process Quality Improvement: 'Right-first-time' Production Through Digital Technologies" given during - A strategic Positioning workshop on 'Supply Chain Management for Industry 4.0"
(March 11, 2020)
Summary: The new technological developments collectively labelled 'Industry 4.0' present considerable opportunities but also new challenges. In particular, the
emergence of dynamic market changes necessitated by changes in customer preferences timely adjustments is required in manufacturing to meet these
changing demands. Although the design of manufacturing systems in the context of I4.0 facilitates an efficient data flow between different machines it
does not yet deliver on the promise of I4.0 to seamlessly integrate supply chains, big data analytics applications or enterprise-level planning modules.
This workshop presents an opportunity for academics and practitioners to explore these opportunities and challenges, identify key research issues in
this area and a potential pathway forward, and to network.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description APC and TWI Workshop on "The Sticking Point - Can welding keep up with the pace of the EV revolution" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 1-day workshop organized by the Advanced Propulsion Centre and TWI - along with experts from Jaguar Land Rover, Ford Motor Company and many more - on the 4th December at TWI's headquarters in Cambridge for a packed agenda discussing the challenges and opportunities that are being created from the electrification of transport.
(December 4, 2019)

Presentation give on "Challenges facing joining. The Challenge of a Change in Production"

Workshop Summary:
Keeping up with the pace of change: It is no secret that electrification is just one solution to potentially helping us meet net-zero emissions by 2050. While there is a lot of focus on advancements to battery technologies - as well as power electronics, motors and drives - we must be able to keep up with the commercialisation levels and produce this technology on a mass scale. This in turn brings challenges around process innovation and not purely product innovation. On average, there are around 10,000 different welds needed to build an electric car as there is building an internal combustion-engine vehicle. Put simply - can welding keep up with the pace of the EV revolution? Or is it going to be the sticking point holding back the mass adoption of electric vehicles?
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Article in 'The Manufacturer' titled "Digital lifecycle management" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited article to 'The Manufacturer' which defines our research an industrial impact.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Article in the 'Automotive Manufacturing Solutions' titled "Remote control: Laser welding" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact This is article describing our simulation solutions as applied to the Remote laser welding processes in automotive industry.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Coherent Amplify Annual Event: Battery & Energy Storage -Battery Development from Concept to Scaled Production 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Technical Presentation to industry Business participants.
Summary: Batteries are the linchpin of the growing energy storage market. Learn about creating new battery manufacturing processes and scaling to meet the increasing demand at our next Coherent Amplify virtual event on Battery & Energy Storage. Listen to industry presentations, technology talks, user stories, and participate in live Q & A. This event will take you on a journey from "concept to scaled production".
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Digital Industry Breakfast Event at WMG: Data Driven Process Improvement 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact WMG organizes a breakfast workshop for industry with focused on Data Driven Process Improvement.

This is the first in a series of digital breakfast events and it will focus on individual machines and operations. It will show how collecting data can give greater insight into how to run these operations more effectively, plan maintenance and introduce new processes without sacrificing productivity. It will also show how new measurement techniques can give greater in-line data and how computer control has led to a wholly new way to make things.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description ESTECO Open Day - invited presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Invited presentation at the OPEN HOUSE at ESTECO (CAE software company)

We have presented at the ESTECO Open House event organized for their worldwide customers. ESTECO is an independent technology provider delivering first-class software solutions aimed at perfecting the simulation-driven design.

Our presentation addressed: Understanding real world variations to optimize new generation welding processes,
(1)Pasquale Franciosa, (1)Darek Ceglarek
(2)Luca Bolognese, (3)Charles Marine, (4)Anil Mistry, (5)David Moseley
(1) Digital Lifecycle Management (DLM), WMG, University of Warwick, UK, E-mail:,,
(2) COMAU SPA, Italy E-mail:
(3) STADCO Limited, UK E-mail:
(4) Jaguar Land Rover Limited, UK E-mail:
(5) ENGINSOFT , UK E-mail:
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Future Robotics 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact EXPO - and article on
Simulation-driven Rapid Development and Deployment of Robotic Remote Laser Welding System for Automotive Assembly
by Kayleigh Benham | Nov 13, 2018 | News
Dr. Emile Glorieux, Dr. Pasquale Franciosa and Professor Darek Ceglarek
Digital Lifecycle Management (DLM) Group, WMG, University of Warwick
Summary: This demonstration shows simulation-driven development and deployment of robotic assembly cell with remote laser welding (RLW) end effector.  It includes VR capabilities with embedded CAE simulations with consideration to manufacturing process uncertainty.
It includes a portfolio of novel software solutions to enable rapid deployment of robotic RLW technology for aluminium door structures, effectively taking it from new concept readiness to application readiness with intention to reach production implementation readiness.
The main barriers to adopting RLW for aluminium structures are lack of methodologies for precise and effective planning and simulation of its application, leading to time consuming, expensive trial-and-error procedures.  Some of the challenges include: (i) weldability of aluminium (hot cracking, porosity); (ii) adaptive control of process due to variation-induced errors (i.e., part and fixture errors); and, (iii) weld quality monitoring. The RLW Navigator solutions provide a range of new capabilities for closed-loop in-process (CLIP) control such as:
Controlled heat flow in and around melting pot to prevent hot cracking and porosity.
Control of seam tracking and part-to-part gap variation through automatic selection and adjustment of key process parameters to prevent weld quality defects.
Real-time monitoring of multiple key quality indicators.
Intelligent defect root cause diagnosis and automatic quality improvement for corrective and preventive actions.
These solutions are also integrated with results developed for RLW Navigator for steel structures: (i) jig and fixture design and optimisation for deformable parts; and (ii) Off-Line Programming (OLP) of remote welding robots.  The resulting simulation technology provides capability to create a precise digital twin of a RLW enabled aluminium door.  The digital twin is based on novel closed-loop in-process adaptive control.
The results from the RLW Navigator for aluminium structures led to the first digitally developed automotive aluminium door in the UK being piloted by JLR.
RLW for aluminium doors is shown to have numerous benefits, for example, accelerate adoption of new product design, reduce vehicle weight, propel productivity (up to 5x faster and with 50% less floor space than Self Pierce Riveting (SPR)), reduce production costs, produce multiple products on a single line, and increase driver visibility thereby, improving safety. The RLW approach is much more robust than incumbent laser welding methods - 50% less thermal distortion as compared to tactile laser welding; 10% stronger welds; and capability for in-process quality monitoring.
More information:
(1) Overview -
(2) Video -            In-line robotic optical scanner for in-line quality improvement
(3) Video -           In-line robotic remote laser welding
Dr. Emile Glorieux is a Research Fellow at WMG department of niversity of Warwick. His research interests are manufacturing engineering, robotics, motion planning, evolutionary computations, multidisciplinary modelling and simulation. He has authored several papers, published in international peer-reviewed journals and presented at international scientific conferences. He completed his PhD studies in 2017 at the Production Technology West (PTW) research centre of University West in Trollhättan, Sweden. The topic of his PhD thesis was "Multi-robot motion planning and end-effector design optimisation for handling compliant sheet metal parts". He received his Master's Degree in Mechatronics from KU Leuven Technology Campus Ostend, Belgium.
Dr Pasquale Franciosa is Senior Researcher at University of Warwick and CIRP research associate. His focus is process monitoring, closed loop control, machine learning, multi-disciplinary optimization, with specific attention for automotive assembly systems and robotics laser joining technology. He has published over 70 papers and received several best paper awards. He has been coordinating and managing the technical development of several academic and industrial-driven projects. Currently, he is responsible for the development and application of remote laser welding solutions to similar and dissimilar materials. He serves on the editorial board of the ASTM SSME journal, and committees of several international conferences.
Professor  Darek  Ceglarek  is  EPSRC  Star  Research Chair  at  University  of  Warwick and CIRP Fellow. Previously, he was Professor in Industrial & Systems Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.  His research focuses on digital manufacturing, in-process quality control and root cause analysis. He has published over 150 papers and received several Best Paper Awards. He served as Chair of the Quality, Statistics and Reliability Section  of  INFORMS;  Program  Chair  for  the  ASME Design-for-Manufacturing   Life   Cycle   Conferences, Associate  Editor  of  the  IEEE  Trans.  on  Automation Science  &  Engineering,  ASME  Trans,  Journal  of Manufacturing  Science  &  Engineering,  ASTM Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description House of Commons reception featuring innovative manufacturing research and technoology: Our prototype laser welded door was feratured during the event co-organized by Dods monitoring and Catapult 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact House of Commons reception featuring innovative manufacturing research and technology: Our prototype laser welded door was featured during the event co-organized by Dods Monitoring and Catapult.
The label on the prototype reads:

First ever fully digitally developed automotive door through novel emerging technology for rapid deployment of Remote Laser Welding (RLW)

The adoption of Remote Laser Welding (over the incumbent Resistance Spot Welding) is shown to propel productivity (up to 5x faster and with 60% less floor space), reduce production costs, produce multiple products on a single line, and increase driver visibility thereby improving safety.

The research programme, led by WMG developed a portfolio of novel software solutions, to enable rapid deployment of Remote Laser Welding technology into actual production stage. Seen as "a significant game change" by the industry, it will help UK manufacturers lead through innovation.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description ImagineFOF2020 - 1st European Conference Factories of the Future Joint Dissemination. Invited presentation for the Session B: Integrated Platform for the Smart Factories, Geneva 12-13-14 June 2013. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The main objective of the conference :
a. An innovative initiative for cross-disseminating our FOF projects objectives and results
b. An open Networking place for sharing ideas between FOF experts
c. A Forum to develop a common FOF vision, including concrete recommendations for Horizon 2020 innovation policy
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description Industry 4.0 Sumit 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact We have participated in:
(1) Expo: presenting our Demonstrator on 'Closed Loop In Process Quality Improvement' which includes: remote laser welded aluminium door; and VR presentation of our CAE simulation solutions
(2) Open Technology Forum Programme (Case study). We have presented one case study "Multi-wave Light Sensor Technology for Closed-loop In-process Quality Control to Enable Industry 4.0"

(3) Presented a paper during the Industry 4.0 Academia. Paper title: Closed-Loop In-Process Quality Improvement Architecture for Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Systems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018,2019
Description Industry 4.0 Summit at the University of Manchester 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited Keynote presentation on "Digital Twin and Deep learning: Realizing closed-loop in-process quality improvement of production systems for Industry 4.0. "

The Industry 4.0 Summit held in Manchester on March 31-April 1, 2020, intends to help manufacturers get a better understanding of the latest technologies, solutions & strategies for industry 4.0 with topics such as -

o Successful digital transformation in the manufacturing industry

o 5G in Manufacturing - Feedback on UK's first test pilot

o Essential Strategy to Get Started with Industry 4.0

o Deep Dive into Technology in Practice on Industry 4.0 Projects

o Insights into the automotive supply chain in an era of Industry 4.0

o Lean Manufacturing

o Standardization for Industry 4.0 Enablement

o Factory digitalisation step by step

o Manufacturing case studies of industry 4.0 implementation
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Invited presentation at the OPEN HOUSE at Precitec (laser optics manufacturer) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact We have presented at the PRECITEC Open House event organized for their wordide customers. Precitec is the specialist for laser material processing and optical measuring technology.

Our presenteation addressed: Closed-loop Quality Control System for Remote Laser Welding of Aluminium Door, Dr. Pasquale Franciosa and Prof. Darek Ceglarek
Digital Lifecycle Management, WMG, University of Warwick

Summary: To fully exploit the potential of Remote Laser Welding (RLW) and its applicability to aluminium automotive closures and hand-on parts, it is important to consider the whole NPI: from initial process design and prototyping through to full-scale production. This talk introduces a novel Closed-Loop In-Process (CLIP) quality control system for RLW process, which covers the key areas of the NPI: (1) concept phase - development of process model for automatic selection and adjustment of key process parameters to prevent weld quality defects (for example, automatic calculation of process parameters for adaptive gap bridging); (2) scale up phase - door trials and speed optimisation to comply with the demanding manufacturing requirements (for example, welding at 6 and 8m/min, both rolled AA5182 and extruded 6060 T4 aluminium alloys); (3) process control - in-process monitoring and role of analytics-driven defects identification, root-cause analysis, and provision for corrective and preventive actions; and (4) implementation phase - variation reduction. CLIP is based on a multi-scale and multi-physics "digital twin" kernel which has capabilities to model and simulate product and process variations and is integrated with closed-loop quality control strategies in order to ensure 'right first time' production. Current development and next steps of research and development are also highlighted throughout the talk.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description KOREA Eureka Day in Oslo, Norway 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact Invited presentation for a special session on "A Good Platform for Innovation". We were invited to give a talk on "Best practices in Korea & Europe collaboration".
The Korea Eureka Day 2014 focus on Linking Korea and Europe Toward Global Innovation and was held in Oslo, Norway, 2014 05/26-28; hosted by Ministry of trade, Industry and Energy / Norwegian Eureka Chairmanship
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description NAFEMS - Digital Engineering Workshop - OInvited Talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact DIGITAL ENGINEERING conference organized by NAFEM. NAFEMS is the International Association for the Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community. We focus on the practical application of numerical engineering simulation techniques such as the Finite Element Method for Structural Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, and Multibody Simulation

NAFEMS's activities are traditionally limited to the Numerical Simulation. However, we also agreed that it is time to inform our members on Digital Engineering activities and methodologies.. This event will be supported by several UK Government funding organisations ( e.g. Innovate UK ( Lynne McGregor) and HVMC( Prof Sam Turner) with link to D4I.. )
The aim is to have a Generic ( presentations on several subjects) workshop first which will be followed by workshops on specific areas. Here are the list of topics which we would like to cover in the first event;

• Industry 4.0 Initiative
• Sensors & Communications
• Data Driven Methodologies / Big Data
• Digital Twin
• Cloud / Edge / Cyber Security
• Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning / Pattern Recognition / Machine Learning
• Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
• Digital Manufacturing / Additive Manufacturing
• Simulation / Automation / Optimisation
• Social Aspects of Digital Engineering / impact on jobs =arning
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description OPEN DAY: Celebrating Impact and Innovation event at Warwick Univerity 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact This was Open day event at the University of Warwick celebrating Impact and Innovation of research conducted at the University. Our team demonstrated;
(1) prototype lightweight remote laser welded automotive door; Industry firsts:
> Fully digitally developed RLW vehicle door assembly process
> In-process monitoring for Comau Smart Laser RLW System;
> In-process weld quality monitoring (penetration and joint width)
(2) VR display of the process developed by our team.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2018
Description SPIE Conference - Invited Session on 'Multiwave Light Technology for Closed-loop In-process Monitoring and Quality Control of Assembly Systems' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited Session on 'Multiwave Light Technology for Closed-loop In-process Monitoring and Quality Control of Assembly Systems' as part of the SPIE Conference on
Multimodal Sensing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications
Internationales Congress Center, Munich, Germany, 24 - 27 June 2019

The session will include presentations from:
(1) Multi-wave Light Technology for Multi-scale Closed-loop In-process Quality Control with Application to Remote Laser Welding
By Pasquale Franciosaa (; Darek Ceglareka; Salvatore Gerbinob (; Antonio Lanzottic (

(2) Automated Visual Inspection of Friction Stir Welds: A Deep Learning Approach
By Hartl, Roman (; Johannes Landgraf (; Julian Spahl (; Michael F. Zaeh (

(3) Process Parameter Estimation for Closed Loop Quality Control of Sheet Metal Assemblies using Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks
By Sumit Sinha (; Emile Glorieux (; Pasquale Franciosa (; Dariusz Ceglarek (

(4) "Model-Based Interfacing of Large Scale Metrology Instruments"
By Benjamin Montavon (; Martin Peterek (; Robert H. Schmitt (

(5) "Concept, Functionality and Controller Integration of a Combined Geometry-Temperature Sensor Unit for the Improvement of Open Die Forging Processes"
By M. Riedela; Arvid Hellmicha; Steffen Ihlenfeldta,b (

(6) "Robust Principal Component Analysis of Ultrasonic Sectorial Scans for High Probability of Defect Detection and Low False Alarm Rate in Weld Inspection"
By B. Casselsa, L.-K. Sharka ( ), S.J. Meina, A. Nixonb, T. Barberb, and R. Turnerb

(7) "Scene Disparity Estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks"
By Essa Anas, Bogdan J. Matuszewski (
Computer Vision and Machine Learning (CVML) Research Group, School of Engineering,
University of Central Lancashire, UK
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Science and Technology Week at General Electric (GE) - INVITED Presentation 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact An Annual event organized by GE Power to celebrate innovation in Science and Technology
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description Video/podcast describing the research conducted in the project on In-process Quality Improvement 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This is a podcast/video describing the In-process Quality Improvement project.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description WindTwin Consortium Open Day - held on 28th January 2020, at TWI Ltd, Cambridge 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited presentation on "Digital Twin in Manufacturing and Assembly"
(January 28, 2020)
Open Day intended to share solution used for Digital Twin across sectors, including energy and manufacturing
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Workshop for industry - on the Simulation Software developed as part of our research work -> "Get Connected: When CAE simulation meets Artificial Intelligence. Deep learning to enable closed-loop in-process quality control" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact 1-day workshop for industry - focused on the Simulation Software developed as part of our research work
"Get Connected: When CAE simulation meets Artificial Intelligence. Deep learning to enable closed-loop in-process quality control"

The workshop was sponsored with our industrial partner Mathworks. Inc.

WMG are pleased to offer this unique workshop for industry and academia:
Summary: Use of CAE simulation and Artificial Intelligence is rapidly becoming essential for the manufacturing industry as well as academic research. This one-day event showcases a software toolkit developed by researchers at WMG, which enables right-first-time capability to reduce engineering changes during installation, commissioning and production.

Our agenda includes high-profile speakers from Mathworks, a case study from an automotive OEM, and a series of technical sessions providing a deep dive into the software toolkit and how it could be applied to your manufacturing challenges.
Key topics:
Digital twins in manufacturing
Multi-physics and multi-fidelity CAE simulation for 'real and deformable' components
Deep learning in manufacturing

Meet the researchers
Free-to-download software toolkit (this will be made available to delegates after the event)
Participate to the software exhibition and demonstration
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description XXXI CIRP Sponsored Conference on Supervising and Diagnostics of Machining Systems 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Invited keynote presentation on "Digital Twin for Closed-loop In-process Quality Improvement of Production Systems".
(March 09-11, 2020)
Participants from 10 countries - researchers and students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description the National Manufacturing Debate - our project featured at the event; presented by HVM Catapult CTO 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Our project was featured at the National Manufacturing Debate - presented by HVM Catapult CTO.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016